Shotgun Bride

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Authors: Lauri Robinson

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Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]

by Lauri Robinson

The Wild Rose Press

Copyright ©2008 by Lauri Robinson

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Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]

by Lauri Robinson


Reviews for Lauri Robinson's other stories...

Shotgun Bride


Southwestern Kansas

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

A word about the author...

Thank you for purchasing

* * * *


Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]

by Lauri Robinson

"Jesus! Did you catch yourself on fire? Are you burnt?" Heart pounding, he leaped forward, landing on his knees. Without thought to impropriety, he lifted her dress to check her legs for burns.

"Should I get the balm?" Flipping the material over his shoulder, his hands moved over the white, smooth skin, searching for red blisters or welts.

The back door flew open, hitting the wall with a smack.

"Hey boss, we gotta talk about this new fella you brought home."

Kid turned to the sound, one hand fought to push frayed material out of his eyes. Flour dust puffed from the fabric as he batted it aside. When it settled, draping his head and shoulders, he stared up at Joe.

"Oh, uh, sorry!" Joe turned beet red and shot back out the door.

Blood rushed to his cheeks, burning and tingling. Had he just been caught with his head under her skirt? Something under his fingers trembled, making him realize one hand was still wrapped around her leg. All of a sudden his fingers felt like they were on fire.

Blowing out a gust of air, Kid pulled his fingers from her shin and backed out from beneath her skirt. "You, um." He paused, cleared his throat. "You didn't get burnt?" It hadn't helped, he sounded like a croaking frog.

"No, no, I didn't."

Frozen—like a petrified rock—he stayed there, on his hands and knees, staring at the varnished wood floor. After 4

Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]

by Lauri Robinson

the universe had tick-tocked what felt like an hour, but most likely was less than a minute, he stood and taking the chance his weather-beaten face wouldn't show his embarrassment, looked at her.

"What happened?"


Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]

by Lauri Robinson

Reviews for Lauri Robinson's other stories...

"...a gripping story about true love..."

~The Romance Studio review of A Wife for Big John.

"Lauri Robinson has turned the tables on mail order forever."

~Two Lips Reviews on Mail Order Husband.

"Ms. Robinson has written a delightful and witty tale with an eastern-born hero any cowgirl is going to love. I look forward to more from Lauri Robinson."

~Carol Aloisi, on Mail Order Husband

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Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]

by Lauri Robinson

Shotgun Bride


Lauri Robinson

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Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]

by Lauri Robinson

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

Shotgun Bride


2008 by Lauri Robinson

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Contact Information: [email protected] Cover Art by
Nicola Martinez

The Wild Rose Press

PO Box 708

Adams Basin, NY 14410-0706

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Publishing History

First Cactus Rose Edition, 2008

Print ISBN 1-60154-368-9

Published in the United States of America

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Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]

by Lauri Robinson


To my half dozen brothers,

I know none of you would have traded me

for a horse ... Right?

Love to all,


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Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]

by Lauri Robinson

Southwestern Kansas


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Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]

by Lauri Robinson

Chapter One

Jessie Johnson stared down the barrel of a shotgun. Her mouth felt stuffed with cotton, so dry there was nothing to swallow. Light from the oil lamp on the table glistened off the metal of the double barrels. She tried to swallow again. Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth.

The lopsided door creaked, coming to rest against the wall. The night sky, as black as coal, filled the doorway while her arms rose to fold over her chest in meager protection. She squinted into the darkness.

Vaguely, a sinister silhouette, holding the stock firm and steady, took shape. Trembles pulled on her bottom jaw. A thousand thoughts jumbled together. Not a one formed into words.

"You Jessie Johnson?" a raspy voice broke the heavy silence.

Nodding, she unstuck her tongue and answered, "Y-yes." Why hadn't she peeked out the side window before opening the thick door of the sod shanty? She knew better. But in the three months they'd lived on the Kansas prairie, there hadn't been a single visitor. Caution had slipped away with the everflowing wind.

"Good, you're the one I want," the voice said. Jessie frowned. "Excuse me?"

The gun came forward. The chill of cold metal penetrated the material of her dress as the tip of the barrel touched her left shoulder. A tingle zipped up her back. 11

Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]

by Lauri Robinson

The harsh voice said, "You're the one I came for. Let's go!" Jessie snuck two fingers over, slipping them between cold metal and worn cotton and said, "I'm sorry, I can't go anywhere with you. I'm the only one here. My brother will be home soon. He—"

"Ya need some help there, Ma?" a deep voice, definitely male, asked from somewhere in the darkness.

"Hold your horses, Skeeter! Give me a minute here," the gun holder shouted before giving the barrel another nudge, which pinned Jessie's shaky fingers against her collarbone. "I know your brother ain't here. He's at my place." The pulse in her neck increased. "He is?" Both temples pounded. "R-Russell's at your place?" A thick, solid lump formed in her throat. "W-Who are you?"

"I'm Stephanie Quinter. And yeah, Russell's over at our place. And that's where you're going too."

"Why? Is he hurt?" she asked, a flicker of hope tickling her chest.

Stephanie Quinter jabbed the gun forward again. "Not yet, but he's gonna be if'n you don't get over to my place right quick."

The flicker of hope snuffed out. Wishing she could run, but with nowhere to go in the one room shanty, she stepped backwards. "Why? What has he done?" A deep, sinking feeling hit the pit of her stomach like a rock. She'd checked with the land office, and knew they weren't squatting on the Quinter's land. But that was of little consequence, when it came to Russell, there's very little that would surprise her. She took another step backwards.


Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]

by Lauri Robinson

The woman and the gun followed, stepping into the light from the tiny flame of the lantern on the table. Between a brimmed bonnet, tied with a large bow beneath a double chin and the wide, wooden stock of the gun tucked tightly against a dark, knitted shawl, most of Stephanie Quinter's face remained hidden. Pointed leather toes curled up at an odd angle below the hem of a paisley print dress. Short, round, and past middle age, the woman clomped forward on men's work boots.

Sick to her stomach, Jessie sighed. "Mrs. Quinter," she began while moving closer to the rickety table. "I'm sorry for whatever my brother may have done, but I assure you, I had nothing to do with it."

Stephanie Quinter lifted her chin. Huge, grey-green eyes looked Jessie up and down before they narrowed and dark brows furrowed. "You know how to read?" Somewhat confused by the change of subject, Jessie nodded.

"And write?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"What about numbers? You know 'bout them?"

"Yes," Jessie answered. Stephanie Quinter wasn't nearly as frightening in the full light of the lamp. Her eyes looked tired and her face haggard. A stab of regret for whatever Russell may have done to the older woman pierced Jessie's chest.
Dang him!
She really wanted to stay here. The constant running of the past few years had long ago grown tiresome.

"Good, I think you'll do right nicely for my Kid." Stephanie Quinter waved the barrel of the gun. "Let's go." 13

Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]

by Lauri Robinson

"Your kid?" Jessie grabbed the back of the only chair in the room. If Russell had hired her out as a school marm again, she'd kill him. There was too much to do before winter set in. The little sod house needed so much work. She refused to go into the long, cold months without adequate food this year.

"Yeah, at first I's thinkin' it'd be Skeeter, but now I'm thinkin' it'll be Kid." Stephanie Quinter nodded toward the table. "Blow out the light. We gotta go. There's gonna be a storm 'afore long."

"Mrs. Quinter, I wish I could help you, but I can't. I have too much to do here. Perhaps next spring we could work something out, but right now, it's just not possible." Quicker than a snake striking, the woman's hand reached out and grabbed. Firm fingers wrapped around her upper arm and tugged. "You ain't too bright is ya?" Jessie stumbled forward then caught her footing and dug worn heels into the dirt floor to make the woman stop.

"Excuse me?"

"What's takin' so long?" A tall, gangly man stepped through the open door. Unruly hair stuck out in all directions under the rim of a floppy hat.

Stephanie shot the man a nasty look. "I told ya to hold your horses!"

"There's a storm brewing, lightning's bouncing all over out there. What's takin' so long, anyhow?" He leaned one arm against the doorframe. The thinness of his face made each line look sharp and pointed. Deep-set eyes started at Jessie's toes and a wide, wicked smile formed on narrow lips as the stony gaze ended on her face. "Is this the sister?" 14

Shotgun Bride [The Quinter Brides Book One]

by Lauri Robinson

"Ya, but I changed my mind, she ain't for you. She's for Kid," the woman said.

"Aw, Ma, come on." The smile on his face turned upside down and tattered boots scuffled as he whined, "Kid don't need her none."

"Um, Mrs. Quinter—" Jessie started.

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