Show-Jumping Dreams

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Authors: Sue Bentley

BOOK: Show-Jumping Dreams
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Show-Jumping Dreams

To Beauty, who helped me gain confidence—SB


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Text copyright © 2009 by Sue Bentley. Illustrations copyright © 2009 by Angela Swan. Cover illustration © 2009 by Andrew Farley. First printed in Great Britain in 2009 by Penguin Books Ltd. First published in the United States in 2013 by Grosset & Dunlap, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group, 345 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014. GROSSET & DUNLAP is a trademark of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

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ISBN: 978-0-698-15937-2

Show-Jumping Dreams


illustrated by Angela Swan

Table of Contents


Chapter ONE

Chapter TWO

Chapter THREE

Chapter FOUR

Chapter FIVE

Chapter SIX

Chapter SEVEN

Chapter EIGHT

Special Excerpt from
Magic Ponies: A Twinkle of Hooves

About the AUTHOR

Comet folded his gorgeous golden wings as his shining hooves touched down on the grassy plain. The magic pony gave a whinny of excitement. It felt good to be home on Rainbow Mist Island.

But his happiness lasted only a moment as he thought about his twin sister. Destiny had been lost for so long. Surely she must have returned safely by now.

The scent of the sweet grass reminded Comet that he was very hungry, so he lowered his head and began eating. Sunbeams slanted through the swirling multicolored mist that gave the island its name. They gleamed on his cream coat and gold mane and tail.

Chewing, Comet looked up, scanning the landscape for signs of any of the other horses that belonged to the Lightning Herd. His large deep-violet eyes widened as he caught a movement.

Comet could see a shadow stretching across the grass. His coat twitched with nerves as he stiffened. Was it a magic pony or one of the dark horses who wanted to steal the Lightning Herd’s magic?

Comet hesitated, weighing the danger. “Destiny?”

The magic pony’s lonely heart quickened with longing as he thought of his twin sister who he missed so much. He snorted, deciding to take a risk, and cantered toward the trees.

Just as Comet reached them, the low branches parted and an older horse with a wise expression and calm gold eyes stepped out.

“Blaze!” Swallowing his sadness, Comet bowed his head before the leader of the Lightning Herd.

“I am glad to see you again, my young friend,” Blaze said in a deep neigh. “But I am afraid that Destiny has not returned to us.”

Comet sighed deeply. “She must still think she is in trouble for losing the stone.”

The Stone of Power protected the Lightning Herd from the dark horses. Destiny had accidentally lost it when she and Comet were cloud-racing. Comet recovered the stone, but Destiny had already fled.

Blaze nodded gravely. “I do not think she will come back, unless you find her and explain all is now well.”

Comet’s beautiful violet eyes flashed with purpose. “I will go to the other world and search for her!”

“We must ask for the stone’s help to find where she is hiding.” Blaze stamped his foot and pawed at the grass. A fiery opal appeared, which swirled with flashes of multicolored light.

The magic pony looked down and peered deeply into the rainbow. The
stone grew larger and rays of dazzling light spread outward.

An image formed in the glowing center. Comet gasped as he saw Destiny standing beneath a tree in a world far away.

“I will leave at once!” he whinnied.

There was a bright flash of dazzling violet light, and rainbow mist surrounded Comet. The pale cream pony, with his flowing golden mane and tail and gleaming gold-feathered wings, disappeared. In his place stood a handsome palomino pony with a warm caramel-colored coat, a sandy mane and tail, and glowing deep-violet eyes.

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