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Authors: Jaci J

Sick Bastard (16 page)

BOOK: Sick Bastard
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“What would you like this evening,

“The usual for me. London?”

“I get to order?” I feign surprise. Lifting a brow at me, he purses those yummy lips and gives me a look that says he doesn’t find me funny in the least. Good thing I find myself hilarious.

“Of course,” he growls.

He’s only being accommodating because we have an audience. “The salad with bocconcini and green-olive tapenade is lovely this evening.” I stare with wide, incredulous eyes at our waiter. Is he offering me salad options for my dinner?

“The salad?” Dante asks me, looking a tad amused.

“Do I look like a rabbit?” I fire right back at him. Shaking his head mildly, he chuckles to himself.

“You most certainly do not.” I’m not eating a salad unless we’re going to swing through a burger place after this.

“I would like a giant heaping bowl of Orecchiette with a light cream sauce. I would also like bread. Lots of bread.”

Folding my menu up, I hand it back to the waiter who thinks I need to eat a damn salad. I’d eat it as an appetizer, but not for dinner, asshole. The waiter stands and stares at me like I’ve lost it. Does he think I’m joking? “Oh and parmesan on top,” I add just for fun.

The waiter looks over at Dante, waiting for the go ahead. He just shrugs and says, “She’s hungry.” Damn right I am.

Dante takes a hearty drink of wine while watching me over the rim of his wine glass. I’m more aware of myself when he’s watching me.

“I think you may have scared the waiter,” He says around another swallow of his red wine. Amusement dances in his eyes over the soft glow of the candlelit table.

“He wanted me to eat a fucking salad.” What the hell? I’m not skinny, but I’m not fat. I’m not sure what part of me screamed salad to him.

“Do you do that to drive me crazy?” He asks with mild irritation.

“Do what?” I’m sure I do a lot of things subconsciously to drive him crazy.

“Curse all the goddamn time. I love it in the bedroom, baby, but do you have to do it in places like this?”

“Why, does it bother you?” I don’t really care. I do and say whatever I want, wherever I want. I don’t need him telling me how I need to talk in public. Fuck that.

“It does. You’re a beautiful, smart woman and that foul language is distasteful.” I’m not sure I believe that’s why it bothers him so much. I think he just likes any reason to boss me around.

“Well get used to it. It’s what I do and I have no intentions of changing shit about myself for anyone. If it bothers you, we can get up and leave right now. You can drop me off and we can go our separate ways. It’s up to you.” He glares at me, but doesn’t say another word.

Our food arrives and it’s to die for. It’s very possible that I’ve slipped into a mild food coma. We’ve drank, we’ve eaten, and we’ve talked. Dante’s kept the conversation light and entertaining. Looking at him, you wouldn’t think he could be funny and charming, but tonight I’m seeing a whole different side to the man I’ve come to know as arrogant and cocky. He’s been very much the gentleman that he seems to hide so well from the world.

I hear someone behind me speaking loudly, and when I turn to be nosy, I see the man who was at Dante’s earlier, the one who looked like my goldfish, Shiny. “Are we being watched for any particular reason?” I ask. Setting down his fork, he looks around the restaurant and nods.

“We are.” Oh, okay, that sums it up for me. “Care to elaborate?”

“Geo over there,” he nods at goldfish guy, “is just watching my back. Pretend he’s not even here because there’s nothing for you to worry about.” Bullshit. You don’t have someone “Watching your back” if there’s nothing to worry about.

“That’s a lie. I don’t like being lied to, in case that’s something you need to know about me. So tell me, why’s he here?” Shrugging a shoulder, he pops a piece of steak into his mouth. I won’t let this go without some sort of explanation, “Well?”

“I don’t have many friends and there are people out there who’d love to see me…

“Oh.” Again, why not a doctor?

“So is this the part where you warn me away? You didn’t need to bring me to a nice dinner to do it.”

The look that falls across his face is almost comical. He looks disgusted and self-assured, all at the same time. Jerking on the lapels of his jacket, he straightens his back and stares me down. “Of course not.”


“Why would I go through all this trouble just to warn you off? I need you to see that I’m perfect for you, London.” Where the fuck did that come from, unless he’s talking about sex because yes, he’s perfect for fucking me.

“You are?”

“I sure the fuck am. I’m everything you need,
. I’ll take care of you the way you deserve.”

“Wow. You do know that you sound conceited and a little bit delusional, don’t you?” I tell him seriously, but I can’t help the crazy laugh that bubbles up from my lips. He is most certainly the strangest man I’ve ever met.

“You’ll see, beautiful girl. I’ll take good care of you.” Awe, he’s a little sweet, but a lot of crazy.

“You’re nuts. I can see why Goldfish has to watch your back for you.”

“Goldfish?” He bursts out with his own laugh. “Why do you call him that?”

“He looks at me like my old goldfish used to look, with his mouth opening and closing like that.” Throwing his head back, Dante laughs boisterously. Damn, I didn’t know he could laugh like that. He’s really letting himself out of his cage tonight.

Giving a discreet chin lift, Goldfish hustles over to us. “Boss?” He nods back at Dante and smiles at me.

“Make yourself a little less noticeable, and stop fucking staring at London.”

“Sorry, boss. It’s just that I don’t usually get to enjoy looking at such a beautiful woman.”

God, I’m such an asshole. “Thanks, Goldfish.” I mutter into my glass.

“Goldfish?” He looks between a chuckling Dante and me, his brows drawn in confusion.

“I understand, but make yourself scarce and stop staring. I don’t pay you to eye fuck my girlfriend.”


I almost spit my wine all over the table. Whoa, someone needs to back the fuck up. “Tell me you did not just call me your girlfriend. We’ve had sex once … well, three times, and that was just today. That doesn’t make me your girlfriend. People work their way up to that, and we are nowhere close, nor do I want that.”

“Technicalities, London.” He answers coolly, waving Goldfish away. Technicalities? I don’t know why this pisses me off. I don’t like to be told what to do or who I’m going to be. I see I’ve made a mistake giving into this man, and now it’s time to end it.


The word slipped before I registered what the hell I was saying. I was to goddamn busy laying claim to the woman Geo admitted to checking out, which was ballsy on his part, but I marked my territory with a word that neither one of us expected. Now she’s sitting in front of me downing wine like a fucking alcoholic. As if stalking wasn’t enough, I threw in the girlfriend bit. I’m sure if she wasn’t already scared and ready to run for the hills, she sure the hell is now.

“Relax, London. You’re going to drink the place dry at the pace you’re going. You need to relax, baby. It’s just a word.”

I know such a simple word holds a lot of power and meaning behind it for a woman, but I said it, and now I need make it sound less than what it should be, even though in my mind, it’s more also.

“Are you not a girl? And are we not friends?” She snorts a humorless laugh at that. She’s not buying it. Hell, even I don’t buy the shit I’m selling.

“Friends?” She shakes her head no and rolls her eyes. “Stalker”, she points to me, “Stalkee”, she says, pointing to herself. Women, something I will never fully understand. No amount of Ivy League education will bring me closer to cracking that code.

“Dramatic”, I point right back at her, “Amused”, I point back at myself. She’s fun to rile up. She’s so goddamn adorable when she’s pissed that it’s sickening.

I let her stew for a while. She might hate me at times, but she hasn’t gotten up and left, either.

Watching her across from me at the table, I’m still a little shocked she agreed to have dinner with me so easily in the first place. I was prepared for kidnapping, lying, extortion, blackmail, whatever I had to do to get her here, and I did it.

“Come on, let’s go home.” Standing up, I hold my hand out to her, but little Miss Difficult bats it away. This woman is not easily broken because she’s so goddamn stubborn.

“I’m not going home with
,” she growls.

“I bought you dinner. Isn’t that how it works? You repay me with hot, sweaty sex in my apartment?” I joke. Okay, I half joke. Who am I kidding? I’m not joking at all.

I know I’m pushing my luck, but that’s what I do―I push until I get what I want, and what I want is to fuck her ‘til her legs give out.

“I’m not going home with you, and I’m not having sex with you again.” She hisses. Can’t blame a guy for trying. I got it once and I’ll get it again, that’s a fucking promise.

London lets me escort her out to the sidewalk towards the car, but she makes sure to stay two paces ahead of me, swishing her ass from side to side like a tease. She’s good. Keeping right out of arms length with just enough distance to give the vying eyes question as to whether or not she’s with me. If it weren’t for the law and all that bullshit, I’d consider fucking her right here at the hostess’s station, bent over with her ass in the air and her mouth stuffed full of those cute little panties she’s wearing. But alas, it’s just a fantasy, but the car is still a possibility.

Leaning into the car, I follow behind her. Like the perfect lady, she slides in gracefully at my silent encouragement and lucky for me, it’s without argument.

The car jerks and pulls into the late evening traffic. I stare out the window and shove my hands in my pockets to keep them to myself, but all I can see is London in my peripheral vision and it’s killing me.

My will lasts only a moment. Looking from the window to London, she shifts the moment my eyes land on her. Throwing a smooth leg over the other, I watch as her dress hikes up on the side and I’m done for. I have no control left so fuck it, I’m going for it.


She doesn’t even put up a fight. She can give me all the shit she wants, but she wants me, and this proves it. I have both of her hands strung above her head, fastened around the headrest of the seat with my tie. Never before have I given my tie much thought. If it matched and was picked for the suit, it worked. Now the blacks and whites stand out starkly against her beautiful tanned skin and I think I like this tie a lot fucking more than I did fifteen minutes ago.

“So what are your plans for me, Dante?

“I’m collecting on that dinner debt, London, and you’ll see soon enough.” I tell her calmly, admiring my handy work. I’ve even impressed myself.

“Fuck you.” She says with a sweet, sweet smile. She loves to hate me a little and that’s alright, I might hate her a little too. I hate how much she ties
up in knots. I hate how much control this little monster has over me. I hate how much I want her when I shouldn’t want her at all. But wanting her far outweighs my hate for what she makes me feel. I’m not willing to give her up, especially not now. I need her to see and understand this. I’ll get my shit under control, eventually, but she’s a force that will always have a hold on me. This wasn’t meant to happen, but happen it did. She’s mine, whether she likes it or not. This goes well beyond what I plan to take from her, and she may hate me for it, but my agenda is the same, she’s just become a part of that agenda.

Reaching a hand behind me, I press a small button. “Drive until I tell you to stop, Branson.” I love that look of surprise in those green eyes. She’d better be dripping wet for me.

“Dante?” She says, tugging against the tie holding her hands in place. Nothing is going to save her now.

“I suggest you shut up, unless you’d like me to stuff those pretty little panties of yours into your mouth. If that’s what you want, say something … anything.” Normally I wouldn’t be so mean to her, but I’ve already seen first-hand that she likes it, even though she bitches about it. It turns her on as much as it does me when she curses while I fuck her.

She keeps her mouth shut like a good girl. I begin running my hands up and down her legs as she starts to squirm under my touch, then I spread her legs and bend down to run my tongue up the inside of her thigh, making her whole body shiver.

“Shit,” She pants. She doesn’t beg. She’s too fucking proud for that.

“That’s all I get?”

I undo the zipper to my pants and pull out my dick, fisting myself up and down, watching her eyes go wide with lust. “I’d much rather it be your hand, but I like you just the way you are right now―completely at my mercy.”

“Dante,” she whines softly. I continue to stroke myself and all she can do is watch. I want some effort from her. I want her to tell me what she wants and how bad she wants it.

“Do something now!” she demands. That’s not what I’m looking for, but realistically, I’m not sure how much longer I can play this game. I want to taste her and sink my dick into that warm, wet pussy that now belongs to me.

“Try again, baby.” She grumbles and glares, but I see that tough resolve melting away. I win.

. Please touch me. Please fuck me. Do whatever it is you want to do to me, just don’t stop. Please fuck me, Dante.” That’s all I fucking needed.

I don’t waste any time as I bury my face between her thighs. Pulling those alluring panties to the side with the hand that’s not holding my dick, I shove my tongue deep into her wet pussy. There’s a fine art to eating pussy, and I consider myself the motherfucking Picasso. I’m going to make her toes curl, her back bow, and her eyes roll. I plan on fucking her with my tongue, drowning in her.

“Fuck, don’t stop.” Digging her heels into my back, she starts to shake.

Tearing her panties off, I don’t give her soft. I don’t do sweet. Sinking into that exquisite tight body, I can’t fight the groan as I shudder when she tightens around my dick. I hold off for a moment and marvel in the tightness of the best pussy I’ve ever fucked.

Running my hands up her body, I begin moving, slamming in and out of her as I wrap my hands around her neck. “Is this what you want? Tell me what the fuck you want, London.”

“More. I want you rough, I want it hard, and I want you to fuck me like you hate me, you motherfucker.” I squeeze tighter. I love that excited fear and lust in her eyes.

I give her what she wants. With her hands bound and my hand around her neck, I’m violent in the way I fuck her. I’m ruthless and determined, squeezing her tit so hard she almost screams and it makes me want to hurt her more. I’ll stop at nothing to make sure that no one will ever fuck her like this, and she’ll come to realize that no one can give her this pleasure, or this pain, like I can. She’ll crave me. God, I’ve wanted to do this to her for so long.

“Oh shit. I’m about to come, Dante, all over you’re…” And she does. Her walls tighten and I find myself losing my mind.

It only takes a few more thrusts before I yell out her name. I pull out and I watch her as she immediately grabs my dick and pumps it up and down ferociously while I come, and keeps pumping ‘til every last drop leaves my body. I never once take my eyes off of her as she pumps my dick in her hand, licking those fuckable lips of hers as she watches me cum everywhere. She wants to taste me too, and I intend to make that happen very soon. There’s nothing I would deny this woman.


Work is a stress inducing task toward the afternoon. Leaning back in my chair, I reach a hand up to my chest and touch the small piece of soft lace safely tucked away inside my breast pocket, and I can’t stop the deranged smile it brings to my lips. A beautiful memory slips into my mind but is marred by the bunch of assholes that surround me. I can’t stop myself from reminiscing just a little. It’s twisted, but I’ve never pretended to be anything but.

Sliding into my car this morning, I found that sweet little surprise lying on the floor. The virginal white lace of her panties reminded me of how I moved them to the side to taste her, or how I tore them in half just to get the access to her that I needed. She was perfection. She let me fuck her just the way I wanted to and enjoyed it.

After fucking her tied up, I let her loose and she went wild. She rode my dick like a pro, taking what she needed from me with no apologies. There were teeth and tongues everywhere as our sweaty bodies fucked until we couldn’t take anymore. The car ride alone took three hours. She was like a version of me. She was so goddamn greedy with what she wanted and how she wanted it. She was screaming my name and begging me for more, and I gave it to her. I did all the dirty things she wanted me to do to her, but next time, I’m taking charge. I wanted to see how far she would go, and now I know. I thought our first time was intense, but if it keeps going this way, I may just fuck her to death, or we’ll end up killing each other. I’ve never met a woman who could match her, nor be a match for me in bed.

I’m sitting here trying to hatch a multi-million dollar deal, but I can’t concentrate because I’m being ignored by the little monster. If she thinks ignoring me will stop me, then she’s sorely mistaken.

“Pete. Geo.” They both hustle into the room with Geo shoving the food Betty brought in into his mouth. “Have you swung by London’s place?” I’ve been reduced to sending the goons her way. I hope she understands she’s left me little choice. There’s no way in hell I can get shit done not knowing what the fuck is going on with her.

“Yes.” Pete answers, chewing on a chicken wing. If he drops that on my sixteenth century rug, I’m cleaning it up with his face. Fucking degenerates.

“And?” I wave them on.

“And I knocked, but she screamed through the door, “Go the hell away, Goldfish!” So we know she’s alive.” Well that’s something. I can’t help but to laugh. Goldfish.

A fifteen million dollar payout at closing in three hundred and sixty-five days for fifty-one percent holding interests for one year or until they see a fifty percent earnings increase, whatever comes first. That’s the deal we’ve hammered out. I have other plans, but those are unimportant at the moment.

I’ll receive seventy percent of all earnings for the next year in exchange for fifteen million invested up front to bring in new business, update old business, and various other ventures to reestablish better financial standings within the company. I stopped listening once my side was done. Everything else is just the small print on the legal documents to me.

It’s starting to get late. We’ve been at it for hours and things are finally winding down. I get the spiel of processes and procedures as documents and contracts are passed around the table, but now it’s time to find out what wild hair London has up her ass today.

To: London

What the fuck is wrong with you today?

From: D

To: D

How the fuck did you get my number? Oh, never mind.

From: London

By now there should be no question as to my abilities to find out what I want. Her phone number was cake work. Does she honestly think I wouldn’t be able to find it? She’s so goddamn naive at times.

To: London

Never underestimate my ability to find shit out. If I want it, I’ll find it. I’m on my way. See you soon.

From: D

To: D

I’ve been busy studying for finals, so I’ll call you soon.

From: London

Hell no. That doesn’t work for me at all.


My car idles at the curb. That very small part of my conscience that still fires at a normal level tells me this is probably a bad idea, but here I am anyways. I can’t back out now.

I’m about to go up there and pick her locks and walk right on in. If I knock, she’s not gonna let me in. If I call, she’ll ignore it like she has my last ten calls since her last text. Really, if you look at it from my point of view, this is her fault. She drove me to this. I told her I don’t give up. Well this is me not giving up on something I want. There’s no extreme I won’t go to. She better get fucking used to it.

BOOK: Sick Bastard
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