Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4 (24 page)

BOOK: Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4
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Lana didn’t
hesitate; she took off after him. Busting out the back door, she practically fell down the steps.

General! Wait!” Lana called out, running toward the field. She stopped, turning in a circle. “I know you’re out here, you son of a bitch. You want me? Here I am.” She clicked the safety on her gun, throwing it behind her. Knowing the chance she was taking, Lana didn’t care; this may be the only way to help Caroline. Her desperation far outweighed her fear and unease.

, aren’t you a brave one?” The man stepped out of the shadows. His slimy smile didn’t reach his eyes. “And persistent.”

“Release my sister
,” Lana demanded; her voice shook. Her thoughts went to Sid for a second, but she knew he would be fine. He would miss her for a minute, but would soon find someone to replace her. A cold knot formed in her throat at the thought, but she continued to fight for her sister’s life. “You wanted me. A life for a life. Let her go.”

“Do you know what two of you would bring me?”
he sighed, grinning down at her. “Twins at that.”

“You bastard.” Lana took a step toward him. “You said you’d release her.”

“Oh, I did. I did and I will,” he smirked. “But I never said that I would let her go. Of course, I would release her. No one wants a woman in her state.”

“You can’t do this
,” Lana growled, but knew she would do anything to get her sister released out of the hell she was in. She would figure the rest out later.

“I can
, Lana, and I will.” His eyes went from gold to red in a second flat.


Sid walked up to Jill who was now dressed. “You did good, kid.” He gave her a hug. “Real good.”

“Thanks.” Jill gave him a half smile. “Wish you guys would have gotten here a little sooner.”

“Damn, Jill, I’m sorry.” Adam walked up, his eyes barely meeting hers. “I still can’t believe you sold me out though.”

“Are you kidding me?” Jill stabb
ed him in the chest with her finger, pushing him back. “If I wouldn’t have, I’d have been sold tonight. Where the hell were you?”

“I know
,” Adam replied. His face was strained, his eyes weary. He didn’t look like the same Adam. “I fucked up and I’m sorry.”

“Well, you’re forgiven as soon as you clean the mats at the warehouse for the next month.” Jill hugged him before walking away. “Glad you’re back, asshole.”

Sid watched the exchange and grinned. “You back, or is your pussy-ass still quitting?”

“I’m back
if Sloan will have me,” Adam shrugged. “I think I’ve removed my head from my ass enough to think straight.”

, it’s about time.” Sid smacked him on the back of the head. Looking around, he did a mental head count and one was missing. His easy-going manner turned into full Warrior mode. “Where’s Lana?”

“I don’t know.” Adam looked around. “The last time I saw her
, she was heading down that hall.”

“Shit!” Sid took off
with Adam following. Sid flew out the back door and spotted Lana’s silhouette against the darkness of the field; a tall shadow towered over her. He carefully made his way to her.

, get away from him.” Sid’s voice was harsh. He had never felt fear like he felt at that moment. It clawed at his insides. The click of his gun echoed in the stillness of the night.

, please, no.” Lana turned her head and pleaded with her eyes. Even knowing that this bastard planned on keeping them after Caroline’s release, she still pleaded because her sister would at least be free from the hell she had been living in and could possibly fight back. Her conflict and confusion was clear in her eyes. “He’s going to release her.”

“He’s lying
, Lana.” Sid didn’t take his eyes off the man. “Step away from him, now.”

This time
, Lana turned around totally. “You’ve done enough, Sid,” Lana hissed at him. “I’m not moving.”

“I don’t care what you promised her
. You’re a dead man,” Sid’s tone was calm and cool, but his body was tense and ready to protect her at all costs. His eyes never wavered from his target.

“No!” Lana went to move toward Sid, but the man grabbed her by the hair
, pulling her back.

“Let her go
, you bastard.” Sid’s aim was strong and steady.

, Sid.” Lana begged. “My sister. Please don’t kill him. Let him take me.”

“I’m not going to watch you die
, Lana.” Sid’s eyes gave her an apology as he looked back up at her threat. “Plus, if I put a bullet in this bastard’s forehead, your sister may be released anyway.”

“That’s not a risk I’m willing to take
, Sid,” Lana hissed, confusion evident on her face.

“You cock that gun and I’ll tear her throat out
,” the General growled, baring his growing fangs, his eyes beaming red in the night.

“It’s already cocked
, motherfucker,” Sid smiled grimly. Before the General could make a move, a hole appeared in the center of his forehead as the echo of the shot flooded the field.

“No! No!” Lana
stumbled with the dead man. She turned, grabbing his shirt and trying to shake him back to life. “Please, don’t be dead.”

Sid put the gun back in his waistband
, walking toward Lana. He reached down to grab her.

Lana rolled off
him and stood, avoiding his touch. “Why? Why did you do that?” Her eyes filled with angry, lost tears. When he went to touch her again, she smacked his hand away. “Oh God, what if she’s lost forever?”

Slade, Jill, Susan, Adam and Jared stood behind Sid. Lana looked at them all for answers, but no answers came.

“Do you know?” She stumbled to Slade, her face frozen in fear. “Is she lost forever?”

“I don’t know
,” Slade replied, looking down at her. “I’m sorry.”

She turned to Susan. “I have to get to the hospital.”

“I’ll take you.” Sid took her arm again. This time, she didn’t smack it way, but turned her livid face up to his.

“I think
it’s best you stay away from me, because if you just killed any chance to get my sister back, I will kill you myself.” Tears fell with each word spoken.

“I couldn’t watch you die
, Lana,” Sid repeated, letting go of her arm. Dammit, he just wanted to take her into his arms and tell her that everything would be okay, but he didn’t know that for sure. He had no way of knowing if he had just doomed her sister to a life of living in a nightmare, but he absolutely could not watch Lana die in front of his eyes.

“If you killed the only chance my sister had
, you are going to watch me die anyway.” Lana turned away. “So you being the hero was all for nothing.”

“I’m going with her
,” Jill touched Sid on the arm. “I’ll let you know.”

He nodded
, tossing her his keys. His eyes never left Lana, who ran toward their cars.

“You made the right choice
, brother.” Jared patted him on the back.

Everyone walked away leaving
, Sid alone in the field. “Did I?” He looked back at the man lying dead on the ground with a silver bullet in his head. “Did I?” He repeated before looking up at the sky.

Chapter 24

Lana ran into the hospital with Jill and Susan following behind her. Instead of waiting for the elevator
, she flew through the stairway door, running up the eight flights of steps. Her heart beat hard in fear. She prayed each and every step she took.

Throwing open the door
, she skidded to a stop at her sister’s door. The room was crowded with people. She looked toward her dad who stood at the head of the bed, his eyes red with tears.

“Oh God.” Lana felt her legs give, but Jill and Susan held her up. “No!” Lana wiped her tears away.

“I’m so sorry,” Susan whispered, squeezing her tight.

“No!” Lana repeated pulling away. The sound of laughter had Lana rushing to the bed. Her sister sat against the head of the bed, her eyes shining with light, with life.

“Caroline?” Lana put her hand over her mouth in shock.

“Where have you been?” Caroline frowned at her as tears filled her eyes.

Lana couldn’t say anything; she stood staring at her sister. “How?”

Shaking her head
, Caroline looked around at everyone. “Can I have a few minutes with my shocked sister?”

overjoyed parents kissed them each before following everyone out. “How did this happen?” Lana still had tears flowing.

“I don’t know.” Caroline wiped a few tears away herself.

Lana reached out, grabbing her sister in a tight embrace. “I’m so sorry. I should have never asked you to do that.” Lana squeezed her tightly. “It should have been me.”

“No, it happened the way it was meant to happen.” Caroline pulled away. “I
saw and heard everything that was going on around me. I just couldn’t communicate. I tried to warn you so many times about the man. He was after us both, but he wanted you, and you were always too strong for him to break. You have to be careful, Lana. Even though I’ve been let go, he’s going to keep coming.”

“No, he’s not
,” Lana frowned, her eyes widening. “Sid killed him. That has to be why you were released. When did you come out of it?”

“About an hour ago
,” Caroline grinned. “Scared the crap out of the nurse who ran screaming to call the doctor.”

Lana laughed
, wiping tears off her cheeks. “Wish I could have seen that.”

“Is he really dead?” Caroline asked, her eyes still haunted with fear.

Nodding, Lana felt sick. Sid had actually saved her sister.

“What’s wrong?” Caroline grabbed her hand.

“Nothing.” Lana plastered a fake smile on her face. “I’m just still in a state of shock, I think. I was so afraid when Sid killed him that you would be lost forever.”

, I need to thank him,” Caroline laughed. “Is he one of the cuties that was here? The one that came on our birthday or the doctor?”

“I can’t believe you
saw and heard everything,” Lana rolled her eyes. “I bet you wanted to smack me a few times and tell me to shut up.”

No, I didn’t, but I’m sorry about the way Rod treated you, Lana,” Caroline frowned. “He’s not the man I thought he was.”

“It’s okay
,” Lana shrugged. “He was just worried about you.”

Caroline eyed her. “Is that how you really feel
, Lana?”

“No, it’s not.” Lana knew better than to lie to her sister. “He’s an asshole and you can do way better.”

Miles walked in, breaking up their laughter. “You have a few people who would like to meet you, Caroline.”

Lana leaned down
, kissing Caroline on the cheek. “I’ll talk to you in a minute.” Lana smiled, turning to leave. Sid and Slade stood in the doorway. Sid’s eyes searched her for a split second before going to her sister.

“You mu
st be Sid and Dr. Buchanan.” Caroline smiled, reaching out to take their hands. “Thank you so much for everything.”

“Call me Slade
, and we didn’t do much.” He smiled down at her.

“Oh, but you did.” She looked at Sid. “You killed the man holding me which released me
. I can never thank you enough.”

Sid looked really uncomfortable
and that bothered Lana. She had done that to him and she hated herself for it. He had done the right thing. It was she who had let her emotions for her sister get in the way. Looking away from him, her eyes searched the ground, not able to meet his gaze.

“But it could have gone the other way. I took a chance that may not have be
en a chance I should have taken,” Sid replied, glancing only once more at Lana, who was staring at the ground.

“But you did
, son.” Miles held on to Lana when she tried to break free to leave the room. “And by doing that you saved both my girls. Susan explained everything to me. I can never repay you for what you have given me tonight.”

Sid nodded
and then looked at Caroline. “I’m glad Lana has her sister back. She’s missed you very much.” Without a glance to anyone, he turned and walked out of the room.

Slade also bid farewell and followed
, his disappointed gaze landing on Lana for a brief second.

“What was that about?” Caroline frowned
, looking at Lana.

“I think I made a big mistake.”
Lana glanced out the door. “No, I know I made a big mistake.” A terrified look shadowed her eyes.

“Then make it right.” Her father gave her a squeeze.

“Make it right, Lana,” Caroline grinned. “Especially if making it right is with that handsome man who looked like he could gobble you up in one bite.”

“Okay, let’s not get carried away
,” Miles frowned at his daughters. “You’re still my little girls and I don’t want to hear about handsome men gobbling you up. I still have my guns, you know.”

Lana reached up
, kissing her dad on the cheek. She then rushed to Caroline, giving her another tight hug. “I will talk to you soon.”

“Just go get that man
,” Caroline laughed.

Lana raced out of the room
, searching. Slade smiled. “He went down,” he nodded toward the elevator.

“Thanks.” Lana pushed the button, but didn’t wait. She headed for the steps.
Going down was by far easier than going up, especially when you fell down most of them.

Slamming the door open
, she ran out searching.

Why the hell didn’t you call me right away?” Rod stepped in front of her, blocking her path.

“I don’t have time
, Rod.” Lana tried to step around him, but he blocked her again.

“Just because she’s awake
, don’t think you’re going to be running your mouth about everything,” Rod hissed. “She will believe me over you.”

Lana grinned at that. “Whatever you say.” This time
, Lana pushed him out of the way. “Why don’t you go on up? She’s real anxious to see you.”

“Soon you’re going to be out of the picture
, Lana.” Rod called after her. “She was already turning away from you, but since this happened, I’m going to make sure she wants nothing to do with you.”

That stopped her cold. Lana turned
and walked right up to his face. When his brother took a step forward, Lana pointed at him. “I will shoot you,” Lana warned his brother before she reached back and punched Rod square in the face. “Don’t ever try to come between me and my sister again.”

“You bitch.” Rod held his nose
as blood ran freely down his hand.

“When it comes to my sister
, you better believe your ugly ass I’m a bitch.” Lana took a step forward, making him back up a step. “I have a gun and a badge, you bastard. Don’t try me. I’m done with your threats,” she whispered for only him to hear.

Lana turned away
, ran outside, and searched the parking lot. A sick feeling hit the pit of her stomach. She was too late. He was gone. “Dammit!” Lana felt defeated. Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned around. Looking up, Sid stood behind her.

“I knew you had it in you.” Sid gave her a
lopsided grin. “I saw him in the lobby and didn’t want to leave if he started trouble.”

Even after everything I said to you, you still wanted to make sure I was okay? Still watching out for me?” Lana wiped a tear away.

“You were right. I took a chance with your
sister’s life, and I shouldn’t have done that, but I couldn’t watch you die.” Sid frowned at her tears. “I will always watch out for you, Lana.”

Lana squeezed her eyes shut at his words
; more tears flowed down her cheeks. “I don’t get emotional much, Sid.” Lana opened her eyes. She reached out, touching his arm. “But when it comes to those I love, I get overly emotional. If I would have really thought about it, her chances of coming back were greater with you killing the bastard. I should have thanked you instead of blaming you for something I didn’t know even happened.”

Sid looked down at her. “Lana
, it’s fine.” He pulled his arm away. “I’m just glad she’s okay and you have her back. That’s all that matters.” He stepped around her and started to walk away.

“No, that’s not all that matters
, you asshole. Didn’t you hear me? I get overly emotional when it comes to people I love. I get mad. I cry and call people names like asshole, you asshole!” Lana cried and yelled all at the same time.

Sid stopped without turning around. “Are you saying you love me?”

“If you want me to go totally berserk, I will, dammit.” Lana was sobbing now in front of the hospital with people looking at her like she had lost her mind. “Yes, I love you. I have fallen so in love with you that I’m an emotional mess, and it’s your fault. How can you leave me like this, you asshole?”

Sid was in front of her in a flash. “Will you stop calling me an asshole?”
he glared down at her before his lips smashed down on hers. “And I wasn’t leaving you. I was going to my car to wait for you to come out so I could kidnap you, take you back to my place, and have my way with you, so you never wanted to leave.”

, you were not.” Lana pinched his stomach. “You were leaving and I don’t blame you. I treated you terribly. I’m so sorry, Sid.”

“You said it yourself
; you did it out of love for your sister.” Sid leaned down and kissed her softly. “I have never known a love like that. It was pretty awesome.”

His lips were soft and tender. He was so beautiful as he looked down at her with a mixture of pride and respect. She could never tire
of looking at him. Lana reached both arms around his neck, holding him tightly. “Well, stick with me, because that’s the way I love.”

“I love you
, Lana.” Sid pulled her back so he could look at her as he said it. “I’ve never spoken those words to anyone in my life.”

She felt her womb constrict at his declaration. Since meeting this vampire, she had been nothing but a soggy hormonal mess. What this man did to her was nothing short of amazing. He’d managed to turn her into a whimpering girl.
Lana’s lip quivered. “Never?”

, and I do love you very much.” Sid searched her eyes. “And I don’t say that lightly.”

“I will cherish
those words, Sid.” Lana cried some more. Okay, seriously, as soon as this night was over, she swore she would never cry again. Okay, maybe not ever again, but at least not in public with a whole lot of onlookers witnessing her melt down and their declarations of love. But for the time being, she was more than happy to be in his arms. “I will cherish that I’m the only person you’ve ever said those words to.”

Sid leaned down to kiss her, but a commotion
nearby had him pulling her behind him.

Slade, Jill and Adam were escorting Rod and his brother out of the hospital
. “Don’t ever let us hear of you coming within a few feet of this family again. Do you hear me?” Slade pushed Rod out the door with his brother following close by.

came storming out the door pulling out a gun from his jacket. “I warned you I’d stick my 45 up your ass.”

“Dad!” Lana raced toward her dad
, grabbing his arm. “Put that away.”

“You’re all crazy.” Rod shouted
and then turned, running into Sid.

“Kicked y
ou to the curb, did she?” Sid laughed, and then glared when Rod took a step forward. “Go on. Get the fuck out of here.”

Lana looked on with lust and love as she observed Sid’s fierce protection of her family.
When Rod looked like he wanted to say something, Sid made a move toward him, which sent Rod and his brother busting ass into the parking lot.

“Isn’t that his car?” Lana asked
, watching them running directly past it.

“Sure is
,” Miles grinned, all of them laughing. “I like this new family we got here. You all need a new VC Warrior? I might just come out of retirement.”

Lana rolled her eyes at her dad. “And
Mom will kick your ass.” She led him inside while holding tightly onto Sid’s hand. “Come on, badass. Let’s not tell Mom about the gun. I have plans and don’t need you camping out at the house again because you made Mom mad.”

BOOK: Sid (The Protectors Series) Book #4
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