Sidechick Chronicles

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Authors: Shadress Denise

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Women's Fiction, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: Sidechick Chronicles
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VOL. 1:






















I choose to love you in silence, for in silence there was no rejection, no hurt, no right or wrong.  I choose to love you in my dreams, for in my dreams no one owns you but me…....














© 2015 King Publishing Group

© 2015 Shadress Denise


All rights reserved. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without express writer permission from the author/publisher.


This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to the real locals are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and












  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4



  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4



  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4



  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4



  • Chapter 5


  • Chapter 5


  • Chapter 5



  • Chapter 5


  • Chapter 6


  • Chapter 6


  • Chapter 6






watched you grow up. I've been waiting for you to be prepared for me. No matter what; you can trust me. I will always be here for you.  I love you and no one will ever love you like I do.  I prayed about you, and God told me you we're going to be my wife..."


Call me naive if you want, I don't care. As God as my witness, I believed him then and I believe him now. He is everything to me.  He is powerful, well-respected and has God's favor on his life. I sit and reflect on how wonderful these past two years have been with him. I look at him and I am in awe.


His voice is so inspiring.


I grew up in this place and it will always be home to me. I feel honored that out of every woman here, he chose me. We are soulmates and once he gets his divorce; we're going to be together forever. He's told me time and time again… God has confirmed we will be together.


So why wouldn't I believe him?


At 23 years old, I am just beginning to form my relationship with God. He's been mentoring me in that area. I know God speaks to everyone because he is God. Though, just listening to him shows me how he gives him a special message. Last night, we spent the evening at the hotel together. We have such a


His eyes are like the windows to heaven.

His smiles could heal a multitude of souls.


He was so experienced and he guided me through everything as we made love. I remember the night I gave him my virginity. It was a magical night I would never forget. Now I feel I am more experienced, more in tuned with my spirit. At first, I thought we were doing wrong. After a few times, he assured me we were okay. He told me since he was going to be my husband; I could give my body to him.


I can feel him inside of me even when we are apart. Our souls are forever intertwined. I know that it is my destiny to become the 1st Lady of Mount Temple Missionary Baptist Church. I can't wait to be married to the one and only Reverend Laurence Bishop.


These past two years were simply the foundation to the adventure I know we will soon embark on.



































"No matter who I'm with, you will always be number one. We share a child and no other woman will ever take your place. She and I are having trouble right now. I realize I don't want to be with her anymore, so I'm leaving. I've decided I'm ready to be with you. We are meant to be and all of these ups and downs are proof of that..."


I had him first. His heart belongs to me and for reasons no one will ever understand; he will always belong to me. We have a family and despite the fact the fact he married her, our child will always be what binds us. I have always loved him and these past 20 years have been a roller coaster ride for us.  Some of the drama has been my fault and some his. No matter what, we are soul mates.


I broke his heart because he broke mine.


All of the in between, back and forth moments have led us to this point. Yes, he married her. Yes, he turned his back on me, on us and this family. In an ordinary situation that would be a deal breaker, but all of that doesn't matter. This is his real home.  Home is where the heart is. His heart is here with me. I have his child and whether she realizes it, I will always be number one.


She's spoken her piece.

I've spoken mine.


In the end she knows the truth.


The nights he spends here gives me hope. It constantly reminds me we are truly meant to be. In the beginning, he wouldn't stay for days, only a few hours. He would up and leave in the middle of the night, and I wasn't having that. Now we hold each other at night like a couple should. Marrying her was an act of spite to piss me off.


I hurt him to the core and he wanted to top that hurt.


So here we are, living in a world of in between and maybe one day. I should end it and walk away. My sisters have screamed it; my friends have damn near beat me over the head about it. The truth is, we have 20 years of love and history. I have his child and forever don't last always if there is no real substance within it.  When he's tired of running, it will eventually be my turn again.


Until then he has my heart, but I will keep a little something on the side.















































"We're all saints who sin. No one is perfect. We are all born with imperfections. Forgiveness is a gift to ourselves versus someone else.  I know that two wrongs don't make a right, but I'm fed up with his antics.  I don't believe in divorce and I have a public image to uphold.  I figure since I'm stuck here, I might as well enjoy being pleasured as well..."


I sit here and stare at him while everyone stares at me. We have 13 years together and you would never know I am disguising a broken heart. I love him. I despise him. Over time there has been so much damage causing this separation between us. I don't know if it was the affair that started our downward spiral or the countless church events I grow tired of attending. I just want to be a regular married couple. I miss what we used to be. I ponder on if we can ever be those people again.


I know everyone at the church watches our nonverbal communication. So I have to pretend to be head over heels for the sake of who we are to the congregation.


I turn in the other direction to look at him.

I smile.


He is my lover. I know what we're doing is not right. I know it is a sin. Somehow, he has managed to heal my broken heart. Lately, he has ignited a passion so real I forget I’m a married woman. I have prayed over and over again, trying to be freed from this drug I call pleasure.


Part of me knows I should stop. The other part needs this to remain sane. My husband has no idea of my affair. I'm not sure why when I think about it. There is a possibility he could have another mistress again. On the other hand, he's so consumed with his newfound fame he figures I am just playing the role of the supportive wife. Regardless of which he may be involved with there's no way I can leave.


I am the 1st Lady of Mount Temple Missionary Baptist Church.

I took vows and although I am violating them, my husband has my heart.



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