Sigma (6 page)

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Authors: Annie Nicholas

BOOK: Sigma
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“He didn’t have a choice. I’m the only one he could really trust in the company who nobody would expect to betray them.”

Sam ground his teeth and grunted, since he couldn’t trust his mouth. They’d been lovers, he knew it.

“I owe him. He’d saved me. More than once. I couldn’t let him down. I only wish I could have gotten away clean, but I always refused training.” She slumped in her seat as if defeated.

“Hey.” He groped with his hand until it found hers and squeezed. “You did better than most. You got him the information. I think you did great.”

She contemplated their hands in her lap. “Sam?” She met his gaze. “I never slept with him. He’s too dominating for my taste.”

He barked out a laugh. “And I’m not?”

To his surprise, she laughed too. “You should be, but it’s different with you.” She shrugged and looked back out the window.

“Now, wait a second, you can’t say that to me and not elaborate. You don’t want me trying to read your mind. I’ll get it wrong every time.” He tried to make it a joke, but he was dead serious.

She gave him a shy peek, a blush on her cheeks. “His personality dominates everything around him, but yours doesn’t drown me out. You seem more laid back and easy going than an alpha-jerk.” She slapped her hand over her mouth. “I didn’t mean that.”

“About your master? Yes, you did.” He parked the car in front of a familiar building and leaned toward her until she was pressed against her door. “And I’m glad you like me better, because I don’t share.” He couldn’t resist brushing a curl from her forehead. “Come on, let’s go inside before you get a sunburn.”

He stepped out of the car and stared at the apartment building. Shaking his head, he led Clementine inside. The dead silence that greeted them set him on edge. He pressed his ear to the nearest door, only to have it swing open to an empty apartment. Had Daedalus bought the whole building?

They climbed to the third floor. Memories of carrying an empty coffin up this staircase flashed inside his head. He took a deep breath and shook off his ghosts.

A light touch on his arm almost sent him into the ceiling.

“What’s wrong?” She pressed against him while trying to look in three directions at the same time.

He paused in front of the only locked door they’d come across, and unlocked it. “Welcome to Sugar’s old apartment.”

* * * *

Clementine kept from rolling her eyes at Sam’s announcement. Ever since they’d entered the building, it seemed like he’d been lost in his thoughts. Now she knew that it was ghosts from his past plaguing him. She’d heard of the Omegas and their story awhile ago when Daedalus left Pal Robi for Sugar. How her master had saved the small pack by teaching their alpha to fight. They’d all been living in this building.

Stepping into the apartment, she blinked at the over-stuffed comfy furniture in the living room, then gazed at the French doors leading out to a balcony.

“There used to be a garden out there.” Sam closed and locked the door behind them. “We had a lot of good times here. Let me check out the other rooms.”

She sighed and meandered around the area. Besides the furniture and rugs, there was little else in the room. No television or radio, not even any books. What would they do to fill the time? She smiled to herself while listening to Sam’s movements. There were a few things she’d still like to do with him. Her lower abdomen grew warm and fuzzy. The longer she stayed around the shifter, the longer her list grew.

He stalked back into the room, his brow low and a frown on his lush lips. “I found some spare clothes in the bedroom, but there’s only one bed.”

The warmth vanished at his annoyed tone. “You don’t want to share my bed?” The nerve of him making her feel wanted and then–

“Sure I do.” He shot her a cocky grin. “But Sugar and Spice are supposed to arrive soon. We’ll have to sleep in shifts.”

“Oh.” She did her best to hide her chagrin by inspecting the empty shelves. The way he said Sugar’s name, as if in reverence, made her want to bite something. Hard. Maybe she’d finally find out what the human held over her master and this shifter. “You’re her sigma, right?”

He nodded.

“So you must be close.” God, where was she going with this? She knew Sam wouldn’t sleep with her master’s fiance, but something was there. All her instincts cried out each time he spoke about her.

“She’s my best friend.” He stepped closer and sniffed.

“What are you doing?” She shoved him away.

“I swear I could smell…” His grin grew wider. “You’re jealous?”


“Now you’re lying.” He laughed.

“Stop it.” She pushed him aside. “For someone who claims to be bad at reading minds, you seem pretty sure of yourself.”

He tapped his nose. “Certain emotions have a scent.”

She spun to enter the bedroom, intent on slamming the door on him, but his arms snaked around her and held her tight. “You don’t have any reason to be jealous. Sugar belongs to Daedalus and I don’t belong to anyone.”

Until now. Jerking in his arms, she glanced at him over her shoulder almost afraid he could smell that thought. She swallowed as their gazes met and a surge of attraction snapped in the air. Nothing would have pleased her more than to peel him out of those jeans, but dawn was drawing closer and her body grew heavy.

He guided her to the large bed, taking most of the space in the bedroom, and tucked her under the covers. The window was already covered in thick, black plastic to prevent sunlight from entering the room. Was that what he’d been doing in here?

She brushed her fingertips along his jaw. “Thank you.”

He jerked from her touch. “For what?”

“Taking care of me.” She tilted her head at the glimpse of pain she’d just witness hidden behind his cocky attitude. It tugged at her heart. Didn’t anyone in the pack appreciate him?

“That’s my job.”

“You’re not my sigma, Sam.” But it would be nice if he were. Her eyelids slid closed and she sank into the pillows.

He bent and kissed her. It wasn’t heated and passionate like before, but gentle and caressing. He took his time to explore her lips before nipping her bottom one. “You’re welcome,” he whispered.



Chapter 7


Clementine woke and peered at the strange ceiling fan spinning above her. She wasn’t in her coffin. Groaning, she rolled over to come nose to nose with a handsome male. Her stomach clenched.


Hunger rose, but not for blood. She scowled at him, trying to raise her internal defenses as they crumbled between her mental fingers. Falling for a shifter was a mistake. Her master wouldn’t let her take him back to Pal Robi.

“Morning–uh well, night, I mean.” He grinned and it shattered all her control.

She grabbed his messy hair and pulled him into her embrace, pressing her lips against his. The thin torn t-shirt she wore was the only barrier between them. When it came to Sam she didn’t have any natural resistance. It was like she was trying to screw up her life on purpose.

He flowed over her, pressing her body into the mattress, his mouth opening to let her in. Heat radiated from his body and seeped into her cold, dead one.

She broke the kiss and shoved him off. When she woke, her self-control was at its weakest. Hunger burned her insides. She needed blood to quench this fire, but she’d already ravaged Sam yesterday. What kind of person would he think she was if she did the same thing again? Yesterday, she had an excuse, but not this morning. Damn, only one day and she’d let him under her skin. Her master had to send her somewhere else
She wouldn’t last against Sam’s charm.

“Whoa, did I catch you mid-dream or something?” He raised his hands away from her, genuine confusion on his face.

“Or something.” She sat on the edge of the bed and hugged herself. “I ache. I have to hunt.”

Someone knocked on the bedroom door, sending her onto her feet ready to flee. “We have to share those sheets, so no funny business in there, Sam.” A sharp female voice traveled into their room.

She glanced at Sam and raised her eyebrow.

“My alpha female, Spice. She’s here to help guard Sugar, her twin, and you. I’m the night shift.” He rose to his feet and rummaged through the closet, tossing her some clothes. “Those should fit.” He grabbed some for himself. “Come out when you’re dressed and I’ll introduce you.” Closing the door behind him, he left her alone.

She blew a curl off her forehead. Closing her eyes, she tried to centralize her thoughts, like her master had taught her ages ago, but to no avail. What was she doing? Sam had shaken her. She picked up the clothes. He’d chosen a dress for her to wear–she gave it a weary smile. He liked her. Was that really a bad thing?

After pulling the dress over her head, she went out to meet his alpha female and her twin. She’d sort of met Sugar on the field of battle yesterday. Nothing like making a good first impression, but according to Sam it had been Sugar’s idea to help. She needed to cut the human some slack, especially since Sam accused her of jealousy. No need to prove him right.

The scent of fried meat greeted her entrance. A slim blonde cooked at the stove while Sam hovered around her. She swatted him with the spatula. “It’s not done.”

“I’ll eat it raw.” He pleaded with an empty plate in his hands. “I’m starving.”

“You’re always hungry.” She shooed him away again. “I’ll serve you when it’s all cooked. It won’t be long.” The female regarded her. “Go play host to the vamp.”

“Spice, be nice.” Sam gave Clementine an apologetic grimace.

“What? This is me being nice. I didn’t call her a bloodsucker or a zombie breeder.”

“Spice!” Another female voice, almost the same as the cook’s, shouted from the living room. “Ignore her. She’s not a people person.”

Clementine let Spice’s backhanded insults slide off and followed the other voice. Sam remained in the kitchen waiting for food. She gave him a small smile. He’d been so busy taking care of her yesterday and she hadn’t given his needs a single thought. She was a jerk.

Sugar sat on the couch, her legs propped with pillows, and a book on her lap. “I brought some reading material. Feel free to borrow some.” She pointed to a stack of books on the floor.

“Thanks.” Clementine sat across from her. Sugar appeared frail, where her twin was vibrant. The left side of her face drooped a little and she spoke with a lisp. Sugar was broken. Her master had left his small empire for a mortal on the verge of dying. Was this love?

“Don’t let Spice get to you. She’s hormonal.” With her right hand, she mimicked a big lump over her belly.

Clementine furrowed her eyebrows, not sure what Sugar meant.

“She’s going to have puppies.” Sam entered the living room and settled on the floor by Clementine’s feet. He shoveled eggs and steak into his mouth like he’d never seen food before.

Spice collected Sugar, setting the book aside and assisting her to stand.

“I’m not ready for bed, yet. Clementine just woke. I wanted to talk a little longer.” Sugar frowned at her sister, then gave Clementine a weak smile.

Spice braced her shoulder under Sugar’s arm. They fit well together. “It’s been a long day and I’m tired from the move. The stress from worrying about Eric is just about killing me. Please, can’t we just go to bed?”

“Eric will be fine. Daedalus will watch over him.”

Spice snorted. Apparently, she shared Sam’s opinion of her master.

Clementine shot them both a look. “Where did they go?”

“To do some surveillance on Pal Robi.” Spice helped Sugar walk to the bedroom. “They all went, except us. I don’t like this hiding stuff.”

“You have to keep the babies safe.” Sugar rubbed her sister’s stomach with a possessive hand.

“I know. I know.” She kissed her twin’s cheek. “I’m just grumpy.”


“Whatever.” Spice closed the bedroom door, leaving Clementine alone with Sam.

“Don’t worry. They always squabble like that.” Sam rested his head on her lap and patted his stomach. “That was good.”

Her concern wasn’t with the twins, but with those surveying Pal Robi. She hoped the information she’d given her master was correct. Things were moving so fast and she’d made a habit of existing at a slower pace than mortals. In the last two days she’d experienced more emotion and action than in the last two decades.

Sam rubbed his face on her knee. “I’m going to shower. Want to join me?” He rose and set his dirty dishes in the sink.

She rubbed her sweaty palms on her knees. Did she want to continue existing, or did she want to try living?

Sam hesitated by the bathroom door and glanced at her.

“I’m coming.” She raced into his arms.

* * * *

Ushering Clementine into the bathroom, Sam locked the door and pegged her with a glare. “About hunting, as long as I’m around, I’d rather you feed from just me.”

“I can’t feed from you every day. You’ll grow weak and die.” She rubbed his biceps and gave them a little squeeze.

Her small hands on his flesh instantly sent the go signal for a hard-on. The flimsy dress he’d chosen for her clung in all the right places, just like he’d hoped. “I’m not mortal. Shifters heal fast.” He considered her. “You have to feed every day? Daedalus doesn’t.”

“He’s a lot older than I am.” Her smile eased the sting of her sharp words.

“I know I’m breaking all kinds of rules by asking, but how old are you?”

Her smile faded a little. “It shouldn’t matter.”

“But it does. You seem a bit naive, but a word or phrase slips out that gives me a different impression. I just don’t want you playing me. If all you want is a good romp, that’s fine, but be straight about it.” Deep down, he discovered he really didn’t want a fling. His beast edged closer to the surface, listening intently to their conversation as if hanging onto their every word.

She stepped away and clutched her hands together. “I’m not playing games. I’m not that type of vampire.”

Sam swept her back into his arms. “Good.” And he meant it. He felt a little short of breath and giddy. Somewhere between a gunfight and eggs, he’d crossed the line into wanting more with this vampire female. Was he really ready to risk his heart again?

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