Signed and Sealed (5 page)

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Authors: B.A. Stretke

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: Signed and Sealed
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Eli listened, but made no comment on his statement. “Come,” he said as he took Will’s arm and guided him down the hallway.

He left him in one of the bedrooms and told Will he would collect him in about an hour for dinner. Will knew that he was trapped, for a while anyway. His discomfort over staying waned a little when he took in the splendor of the room he had been given. This bedroom, like everything else in this house, was stunning. The bed looked to be antique, large, and comfy. It had a down comforter and nearly a million pillows. The room also had its own private bathroom. There was a large enamel-inlay desk, a wardrobe, a sofa, a chair, and it just went on and on. Will took his one suitcase and arranged a few of his things. He wasn’t planning on staying long, if at all, so there was no need to unpack.

Chapter Two

washed up and changed into a pair of jeans and a white shirt with a cardigan. He wasn’t sure how they dressed for dinner here, but this would have to do. He hadn’t packed much because he hadn’t planned on staying long.
Two days, that’s all, long enough to either be successful or to fail miserably.
He never considered that he would be staying here at the Hunter ranch. Although Eli stated that he would strive to make Will’s stay a comfortable one, Will knew better. Elijah was keeping him for a reason, and it was likely that his stay would be anything but comfortable. He was here to pay a price for whatever Katrina had done, and she was gone, but here he was, left to clean up Katrina’s mess once again.

“I have only myself to blame,” he said out loud.
I didn’t have to come here. I could have ignored Katrina
. His gut had told him to stay home right up to the point of entering the property. He knew all along he was making a huge mistake, but he proceeded anyway. Will considered this a little further and then conceded that, although he would have had his home taken from him without the slightest warning, he did not doubt that Elijah would have taken it even if he hadn’t shown up here and so conveniently offered him a pound of flesh.

The thought of losing his home was the only thing that kept him here and kept him listening to that hateful, controlling man. He probably had enough money and influence to do what he claimed. Men like him never made empty threats.
If I ever get near Katrina, I will strangle her with my bare hands.
He punctuated his last thought by slamming his fist on the dresser top.

“Be careful, you’ll hurt yourself.” Elijah’s voice was deep and soft, but it still startled Will. He hadn’t heard Elijah enter. Will turned and saw that he, too, had changed and was now wearing black pants and an off-white pullover. “I knocked, but apparently you didn’t hear me,” he said, explaining why he entered Will’s room without permission. “If you’re ready,” he said, “I will escort you to dinner.”

Will nodded and said, “I’m ready.”
, he thought to himself.
I can’t even begin to imagine what awaits me there

Eli approached him, and with a hand on Will’s lower back, ushered him out of the room. “Is your room satisfactory?” he asked as they descended the staircase.

“Yes, it’s very nice.” Eli was being the perfect host, so attentive. This was something Will had not at all expected.
Here’s something you don’t see every day: a rough, powerful Western rancher leading another man to dinner. What am I, a debutante?
He kept his hand firmly placed on Will’s back as if he really cared about his comfort. His behavior was a little puzzling. “I would like to talk with you further about… my situation, when you have time?” Will asked.

“Of course,” he answered very politely. “After dinner.”

“Thank you.”

was surprised by Will’s sudden complacent attitude, but he wasn’t completely buying it, either. Will was a very handsome and astute young man. Eli looked forward to figuring him out.
Is he the cold, callous designer of Katrina’s plan? Or is he who he claims to be, just an innocent bystander? It will take time, but I will find out the truth.
There was a lot more to Will than met the eye or the ear. He was tough and guarded, but there was warmth and depth to him, which intrigued him. Will claimed to have had no communication with his sister in the last two years, yet he still came to help her when she called.

On a more carnal note, he also appreciated how good he smelled, how nicely Will’s upper body filled out the white, cotton shirt and navy blue sweater, and how his strong back muscles felt against Elijah’s hand. Katrina was a very tiny, delicate girl who gambled everything on looks and her figure. She was the type of girl that some men, including Martin, found attractive. Eli, on the other hand, never cared much for the female form; he preferred a well-proportioned, strong, healthy man who knew what he wanted out of life and was more than capable of getting it. He looked down at Will, walking so stiff and careful beside him, and wondered,
Who are you?

they entered the dining room, there sat a young man at the long dining table. He was drinking from a stemmed glass and reading. He quickly set the papers aside when he saw them. This man was tall, but not as tall as Elijah. His body was muscular and lean. His hair was light brown, slightly wavy, and a little longer than Elijah’s. Apart from those differences, the family resemblance was obvious. Overall, he was a very good-looking young man. He smiled and stood up when he saw Will.

“You must be William,” he said warmly. His voice lacked that deep, thunderous quality of his brother’s. He shook Will’s hand and asked about his trip. Will felt rather awkward standing there between them as if he were a welcome guest.

“This is my brother, Martin,” Elijah stated. He then seated Will to his right, he took the head, and Martin sat to his left directly across from Will. It was a fairly long table, could probably seat at least ten. At the moment, Will wished there
ten. Sitting there with the two of them was certainly not going to give him a good appetite. Tension knotted in his stomach once again.

“It’s just basic steak and potatoes,” Elijah commented. “I hope you’re not a vegetarian.” He smiled. He seemed so approachable and warm when he smiled.
He’s keeping me prisoner here and threatening to take my home. All that’s left is to tie me to the railroad tracks, and yet I sit here admiring his smile. I must be deranged
, Will chided himself.

“I’m not a vegetarian,” he answered. “I would enjoy a cup of coffee, though,” he hinted in hopes that he might get one. He hadn’t had a cup since early morning and was desperately in need of one. He thought his present headache was due to the stress of the situation, but perhaps it was simply caffeine withdrawal.

When the housekeeper entered with the first course, Elijah said, “Mrs. Coleman, would you please bring a carafe of coffee for our guest?” He then turned his attention to Will.

“If you ever need or want anything, don’t hesitate to help yourself.” He reached over and took Will’s hand, holding it firmly in his. “We would like you to be as comfortable as possible.” Martin stopped with his fork midway between his plate and his mouth. Silently, he looked at Elijah and then at Will and then back to Elijah. He then broke into a huge smile.

“Thank you, I will,” Will lied. No way would he be so presumptuous as to help himself to anything that belonged to Elijah Hunter, but this wasn’t the place to say that.
Just say thank you and move on.

The coffee was excellent and it did relieve his headache, which was good considering he had that “talk” with Elijah waiting for him after dinner. Will would try again to convince Eli to let him stay at the bed and breakfast. He had to know he didn’t have anything to do with Katrina’s scheme, but still he seemed to need to blame him.
Five hundred thousand, that is a lot of money
, he was thinking.
There is no way Katrina will ever come up with that kind of money
. Was Eli keeping him here just to prove a point? Prove that you don’t mess with the Hunters and then just walk away?
What does he want from me?
These thoughts chased each other across his mind as he studied his dinner plate. Suddenly, he realized that both men were staring at him and he looked up to meet their gaze.

“I asked if this is your first visit to Montana?” Martin smiled as he repeated his question.

“Yes,” he answered and was about to elaborate when Elijah interjected.

“You’ll like Montana. The people who visit usually end up staying.” He gave Will a look that baffled him; it seemed almost inviting, or was he alluding to carrying out the forfeit of collateral that he mentioned earlier? He looked away, feeling oddly embarrassed, and the scarlet blush that overtook him was witnessed by all. Will fumbled for a response to defuse the moment and his discomfort.

“I’m sure I will be going home. Montana is very nice, but I have a life in Michigan, and I need to get back to it.” He went back to cutting his steak and attempted to eat while avoiding all eye contact.

“How long are you staying?” Martin asked. Will was thankful for the benign question.

“From what I understand, I am required to remain here until the thirty-first, at which time Katrina is supposed to return.” He spoke clearly and formally.

Martin shook his head. “I wouldn’t count on Katrina returning. I think she left you here without any thought of coming back.”

Will took a long sip of his coffee, enjoying its relaxing aroma. “Whether she returns or not, I can’t stay any longer than the thirty-first,” Will clarified. “I have to get back to work.”

“Katrina said that you work as a piano teacher,” Martin commented.

“I teach piano for extra money, but I’m actually an accountant for a local farmers’ cooperative.” He continued to drink his coffee and push his food around on the plate. Elijah immediately refilled his cup when he emptied it.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Elijah said. “You haven’t eaten very much,” he commented. “Is there anything special that I can get for you?”

“No, thank you. I’m just not very hungry.” Will was surprised by his attentiveness.

“You work hard,” Elijah stated offhandedly, yet very impressed by his ambition and self-reliance.

“I have to. I have student loans and exorbitant property taxes. But I like what I do,” Will added.

“Where did you go to school?” Martin asked.

“University of Michigan.”

“Your parents must have been very proud of you,” Elijah commented.

“I wouldn’t know.” Will’s response had a sadness to it that he didn’t hear, but Elijah did.

dinner, Martin excused himself, saying that he had business to attend to. He had read the look in Elijah’s eyes and knew he wanted to be alone with Will. Like Elijah, he, too, did not know what to make of him. He appeared to be so completely different from Katrina that it was hard to believe they were siblings. It was also hard for him to believe that Will could have had any part in what Katrina had tried to carry out.

He was shy and extremely careful with his words. He seemed fearful, yet also too proud to admit it. Will was nothing like Katrina. Katrina blew into this house like she owned it. The first time she talked down to Mrs. Coleman, treating her like a personal maid, was the last time she was allowed to speak to Mrs. Coleman. Elijah tore into her and made it clear she would show respect or she would be sleeping in the stable. Elijah never made idle threats, and she knew it. Katrina harbored very intense hatred for both Elijah and Mrs. Coleman after that episode.

Elijah and Will moved to the large living room to have their discussion. Elijah poured him a glass of brandy and, handing it to him, stated, “Just in case.” He was laughing when he seated himself next to Will on the sofa. He rested his arm on the back, directly behind Will’s head. He was much too close for Will’s comfort, but he wasn’t going to pull away. Elijah was baiting him and trying to put him off balance. Will was beginning to recognize some of his game.

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