Signed, Sealed, Delivered (15 page)

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Chapter Eighteen

Connor looked out over the small crowd standing in the parking lot, not at all surprised to see so many people. Tracy Barrett was a woman who demanded attention—even back when she was class president—and most of the town had turned out to hear her announcement.

The entire Cloverleaf Chamber of Commerce was in the audience, front and center. No wonder. In a quick, private meeting that morning, they’d been told of what Barrett Foods had planned for their community. The three men and two women had been glued to Tracy’s side ever since, as if losing sight of her would make her disappear and take her new development along with her. They’d arranged for her to make her announcement at Douglas High School, even getting the principal to set up a podium and microphone for her to use.

The new factory would bump up Cloverleaf’s population by a good twenty-five percent. Those people would need houses, and Connor’s goal was for Kelley-Wilson Realty to sell as many of them as they could manage. Thankfully, Juliana worked every bit as hard as he did, which was a good thing for their relationship. He didn’t have to explain or make excuses for working eighteen-hour days.

He scanned the throng again, searching for red hair. Finding Juliana was easy, but he frowned when he recognized the man chatting her ear off.

Max Schumm.

No surprise. A guy like him hadn’t become successful without being informed about what was going on in and around his town, and he wasn’t going to simply roll over and play dead. Connor and Juliana’s instant success was surely a sore spot.

Max had to be seething at how easily they’d toppled him from his throne.

Question was—did he view Juliana as a worthy competitor, or was he trying to lure her into a trap? An image of a spider with Max’s face flashed in Connor’s mind, luring an innocent Juliana into the web that was Schumm Realty.

Damn if some of the anxiety running through him wasn’t based on jealousy that Max wanted something more from her than business.

“You ready?” Tracy took his hand. “I hate talking to crowds.”

“Bullshit.” Connor gave her a squeeze. “You can’t lie to me. You eat this stuff up.” A nod toward the reporters who’d arrived in vans complete with satellite dishes. “Chicago even has some stations here.”

“You’d think I was announcing a run for president.”

“It might not be
major, but I imagine your announcement will stir up the piranhas.”

“Yeah.” She snorted. “Hope they don’t eat me alive.”

“I’ve got your back.”

The mayor stepped up to the makeshift podium. His first words were lost because the microphone wasn’t working. A tech guy who didn’t appear old enough to shave fiddled around until he fixed the problem, then he gave the mayor a thumbs-up.

In a heartbeat, Tracy morphed from his sweet, supportive best friend into the “barracuda” who’d earned her reputation as a tough person to please and who demanded the best from everyone who worked for her. Dropping Connor’s hand, she fixed a determined expression on her face and strode to the mayor’s side.

The time had come to rock Cloverleaf’s world.

* * *

Max Schumm was the last person Juliana wanted to see, let alone talk to. He sidled up to her and offered his hand, but his greeting wasn’t at all what she’d expected.

“I’ve gotta admit it, I underestimated you,” he said as she shook his hand.

While she bristled inside, she kept the mask of calm firmly in place, the one Connor had taught her to use with clients.

“Never let them know how bad you want their listing.”

“So, Max… is that a compliment or an insult?” She kept her tone calm and even despite the urge to let disdain drip from every word.

“Never thought the two of you could take things as far as you have.”

“Ah, then it was an insult.”

“Not at all.”

She withdrew her hand since he didn’t seem at all inclined to let go. “Then what did you mean?”

“You’ve proven yourselves to me. It’s time to welcome you and Connor into my firm.”

His audacity accomplished a rare feat. It left Juliana speechless.

Max was oblivious to the fact he’d stupefied her. “I’m even thinking about letting you and Connor have a special place at Schumm Realty, just to add a little incentive for my other agents. You know, make them try harder to be more like you two.” His expression was so smug she had to clench her hands into tight fists to keep from smacking his face. “What do you think about green blazers? Something to set you two apart and go with your Irish theme?”

“Irish theme?”

“Yeah. You know, the shamrocks and stuff you use. It plays to stupid clients really well, so I might even let you keep them on your business cards. Hell, I might sweeten the pot by having some signs made special for you two.” He waggled his eyebrows.

Did he think what he offered was even remotely seductive?

He had another think coming.

“So what do you say? We can make our announcement right after the barracuda’s done.”

“I say thanks, but no, thanks, Max.”

His scoff hung in the air. “I’ll give you one chance to change your answer.”

“No, thanks,” she repeated.

“You can’t be serious.”

“I’m dead serious,” she replied. “We’re doing fine, and we’re not looking to change things.” Afraid she sounded too harsh, she added, “Thanks so much for thinking of us, though. I’ll be sure and tell Connor everything you said.” And then they’d probably have a good, long laugh.

Max’s façade of friendliness fell away, leaving behind a fierce scowl. “Do you have any idea what you’re passing up? For Christ’s sake, you’re nothing but a—a fly-by-night firm in a pissant town. I could crush you both like bugs.” He clamped his hand into a fist as if doing exactly what he’d said he could do.

Underneath the trappings of success, he was nothing but a schoolyard bully.

As if she’d ever allow a bully to get the best of her. “You could try,” Juliana shot back.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I will. Oh, I will.”

As he marched away, she smiled, picturing a cartoon character with steam literally pouring from his ears.

Oh yes. She was definitely going to tell Connor all about this.

The mayor’s voice screeched through the speakers, drawing winces from the crowd.

Her gaze shifted to the stage, quickly settling on Connor. The way her heart jumped at the sight of him told her she was already a goner. This man had a grip on her that she’d never be able to break.

I love Connor Wilson.


He was at Tracy’s side. Juliana caught their joined hands, which made her stomach plummet to her feet.

The day just kept on giving.

Tracy took the mayor’s place at the microphone. Juliana paid little attention, instead watching Connor. As if knowing she’d focused on him, his gaze caught hers. He smiled and motioned for her to come to the stage.

Her first and entirely immature response was to flip him the bird for holding hands with another woman. But she refrained, not wanting to end up on the front page of the
Cloverleaf Gazette
. It would be great publicity for the firm to have one partner giving the middle finger to the other at the ceremony announcing the new Barrett Foods factory.

Besides, she was angrier at herself than him. It was her own ridiculous jealousy that tainted her thoughts. What she needed to do was sit the man down and ask him what was going on between him and Tracy. Then she could brush the wariness aside and focus on all the wonderful things Tracy and her company were going to do for the town—and for Kelley-Wilson Realty.

Although the whole speech took only ten minutes, Juliana couldn’t help but be impressed. Tracy gave the most influential people in Cloverleaf a passionate, stern talk, leaving Juliana in awe of the woman. Tracy reminded her of the only female principal she’d worked for, a woman who had no fear of saying exactly what needed to be said, and damn people’s feelings.

Tracy had explained that the new factory would bring many current Barrett Foods employees to Cloverleaf, but then she’d smoothed over the rather shocked crowd by letting them know at least half of the employees would be new to her company, hired from the town’s workforce.

“Nice speech.” Juliana resisted the urge to cuff her on the shoulder like one of the Ladies. “You really got the town buzzing. They’ll think you’re their savior.”

“Thanks.” Tracy looked to Connor. “Ready to head out to the site?”

“Sure,” he replied.

“Wanna come with?” Tracy asked Juliana. “We’re going to see the overpriced farmland I now own.”

“You’re going to the factory site?”

“Yeah,” he replied. “But you don’t have to go, Red. You’ve got plenty to do, I’m sure.”

It chafed that he was revoking the invitation, and she wasn’t about to appear the fool by begging to go.

“It’s just a field,” Tracy offered, throwing Juliana a glance full of pity. “No big thing. Then we’re heading out to see the house Robert’s building in Buffalo Springs. I imagine you’ve seen it already.”

“We need to get going,” Connor said to Tracy before he stared at Juliana. “We won’t be long. I’ll catch you back at the office.”

Which translated into
I want to be alone with Tracy

God, she needed to get a grip on this irrational jealousy.
Or she was going to turn into a raving shrew.

She tried to save face. “I imagine the phone’s ringing off the hook now that Barrett people have the green light to start searching for homes.” Just to chastise Connor, she added, “It’s very nice of you to invite me to come along, Tracy.” She scowled at him.

He was too oblivious to get the hint. “I’ll take Tracy, then I’ll be in later to help you.”

“You do that.” Juliana strode away before she poured a bucket of angry over his head.

* * *

“You’re in the doghouse now, mister.” Tracy poked Connor’s chest. Hard.

“I am?” Sure, Juliana looked like something was bugging her. But why would she be mad at him? He’d just figured her encounter with Max had soured her mood. “What did I do?”

“You should have asked her to come along.”

“Why? You did.”

“Oh, Connor”—she shook her head—“you really aren’t much of a ladies’ man, are you?”

“It would help if women made a lick of sense.”

Especially Juliana.

While redheads were notorious for having tempers, hers could fire as hot as the sun in a matter of moments—easily forgivable since her passion ran every bit as deep. He’d have to smooth over whatever he’d said or done when he got home tonight.


After such a short time, he probably shouldn’t be thinking of his temporary residence at Juliana’s as home. Yet he did, and not because that was where the office was and his clothes now hung.

Home was wherever Juliana was.

“She’s mad at you and you’re
?” Tracy asked. “Uh-oh. She’s coming back.”

Juliana fished a piece of paper out of her purse as she hurried back to them. “I forgot to give you this.” She handed the paper to Tracy. “My friends are having a barbeque this weekend. They wanted to invite you. I mean, you don’t know too many people here, and we figured if Connor and I were going, you might like to go, too.”

“That would be great.” Tracy glanced at the paper before shoving it in her pocket. “With you being Connor’s partner, I can finally get to know you better.”

“Good.” Without a word to him, she turned on her heel and left.

“You are in
much trouble.” Tracy snickered.

“It would help if you’d explain why.”

“Oh no, Casanova. You dug the hole. You find your own way out.”

He rubbed the back of his neck, straining to figure out why his girlfriend was in a huff. Nothing came to mind. “Women are too confusing.”

“No, we’re not. How hard is it to tell us we’re pretty and smart while you give us roses and chocolates?”

Connor tweaked her nose, treating her like the sister he’d always wished he’d had. “C’mon, Trace. Let’s go take a look at where you’ll be spending all your time from now on.”

Chapter Nineteen

Connor yawned, not even bothering to hide it behind his hand. A glance at the clock revealed why.


And here they were, still working.

He was exhausted—too tired to do another thing. Not fill out a single piece of paperwork or answer another e-mail. There was nothing else he could do.

Except make love to Juliana.

Despite how much he’d wanted her, they’d both been so tense the last few nights, he hadn’t pushed her. Or himself, knowing there were sometimes bad repercussions to his self-control when he got too overwhelmed. That, and her mood had been… odd.

Something was bothering her. He’d waited patiently for her to tell him what was wrong, but she hadn’t opened up to him, which stung until he thought about how he hadn’t opened up to her about his past.


Perhaps she would tell him what weighed on her mind if he could get her to relax, and he knew the perfect way to accomplish that feat.

“Hey, Red.” He was up and moving, needing to touch her.

Easing back her chair, he slid his hands over her shoulders and nibbled on her earlobe.

Juliana let out a sigh and dropped her head to the side. Her hum signaled her surrender. “Connor… that feels wonderful.”

He brushed his lips over her neck as he eased his palms down until they covered her breasts. “I want you,” he whispered, teasing her ear with his tongue. “God, I want to be inside you.”

“Not too tired this time?”

They should talk, especially about that acerbic comment, but he was too lost in the desire to feel her soft skin beneath his fingertips.

Her clothes were in his way, so he helped her stand and started unbuttoning her blouse. “Definitely not too tired.”

After he eased the garment from her shoulder, he walked her backward toward the conference table. The idea of making love to her—right there on the table—had his cock hard as granite. That one act would forever remove any barrier between their professional and personal lives, and he imagined they could share sly, flirty glances at meetings, remembering the interlude.

Connor popped the clasp on her bra and eased her down, pressing her back against the table.

Juliana shivered. “C-cold.”

“It’s ninety-five out.”

Her sensual smile made him grin. “It’s August. Of course it’s ninety-five.
The table’s cold.”

“Then I’ll just have to warm you up.”

He drew a nipple between his lips, suckling as it hardened into a tight nub. With a rather loud moan, she tunneled her fingers through his hair and drew up her knees. Taking that as an invitation, he tugged her skirt up until he bared her blue panties, which matched the bra he’d cast aside.

Damn but the woman wore the sexiest undergarments.

Dragging them down her shapely legs, Connor inhaled, loving the mixture of her perfume and feminine arousal.

“Connor…” Juliana tried to sit up, but he pressed her shoulders back to the table.

“I’ll please you. I promise. Just relax and let me have control this time.”


He kissed her to stop her protest, a bit worried at why the woman who’d always been so free sexually was suddenly hesitant. That would definitely be one of the things they’d talk about.

But not now.
Right now he wanted her too much to spit out a coherent sentence.

Tearing his mouth away from hers, he reverently kissed each breast, teasing the nipples with his tongue, before licking and nipping at her stomach. Then he eased his fingers against her core, spreading the folds as he stabbed his tongue into her.

* * *

Juliana gasped, digging her fingers back into his hair since there wasn’t anything else to hold on to—just a bare, slick table.

Sweet Lord, they were having sex in the office. Thankfully, it was late. She’d locked the door and the shades had been pulled down. What would a client think if he walked in on them right now to see Connor’s face between her thighs?

The man was talented, quickly finding and torturing the bundle of nerves that set her on fire. Although she felt far too vulnerable lying there exposed when he was fully dressed, he’d distracted her. Now the whole episode became erotic in a way that sent her desire higher and higher and…

He thrust his finger inside her at the same time he sucked hard on her sensitive nub, sending Juliana tumbling into a strong release. She squeezed his head between her thighs and moaned as a burst of heat spread from her core to her limbs. She rode the wave until he redoubled his efforts, making her rise to the summit again before a second climax seized her. Her body bucked as spasm after spasm shook her. A squeal slipped out, and she tugged hard enough on his hair that she probably jerked out a few strands.

“Enough. Please.” She whimpered before panting like a marathoner at the twenty-sixth mile. “I—I need a minute.”

He granted her quarter by easing away, but with a sly look in his eye he hummed a racy tune and started to strip for her. Not wanting to miss a moment, she sat up on her elbows to watch as she tried to catch her breath.

Slowly, enticingly, he unfastened his buttons, still humming before breaking out into song—“Sexual Healing,” no less. His voice was passably pleasant. As if she gave a shit. Right now, she wanted to see that rock-hard body, every single inch of it.

Connor tossed his shirt at her and then went to work on his belt, unfastening it before whipping it through the loops and spinning it in the air like a lasso.

Juliana put two fingers to her lips and whistled. “Take it off! Take it all off!”

With a wink, he kept singing, adding some hip thrusts and undulations, clearly enjoying himself. Dancing closer to the table, he slipped the belt behind her shoulders and pulled her closer. His lips were on hers, his tongue sliding between her lips to rub hers. One deeply arousing kiss before he stepped back and tossed the belt aside. Then he opened the front of his pants and freed his erection from his briefs. It bobbed at her as he swiveled his hips.

She couldn’t help but laugh when his sexy dance suddenly turned comical. Evidently he hadn’t thought about how difficult it would be to kick off his pants when his shoes were still on.

While he hopped around, trying to get his shoes and pants off, Juliana kicked off her own shoes and wriggled out of her skirt. The thing had to look ridiculous bunched up around her waist. By the time she was entirely naked, so was he.

They stared at each other for a long time, the sexual excitement building. She should have felt absurd. After all, the two partners of Kelley-Wilson stood arm’s length from each other. Naked. Aroused. Instead, she felt sexy and powerful and more turned on than she thought possible.

Juliana couldn’t wait a moment longer. Two orgasms and she still wanted him with an intensity that left her breathless. She kissed him as she wrapped her fingers around his cock, loving the feel of his heated, silky skin and the way he trembled at her touch.

Connor gently rocked his hips toward her, making her hand move from crown to root, over and over. Their kiss was openly carnal, a chase of tongues followed by gentle sucks.

“Now,” he said. The word trailed off into a growl as he backed her up to the table again. He laid her against the surface, fitting himself between her thighs and rubbing his erection between her folds. His mouth claimed hers, his tongue pushing into her mouth the same time his cock filled her.

She gave up the last shred of control, letting herself go and raising her hips to meet each of his thrusts. Any concerns she’d nurtured that he didn’t want her disappeared in the strength of his passion. Each stroke of his body spoke of raw desire, and she answered by raking her nails across his back and wrapping her legs around his hips.

Snatching breaths between heated kisses, Juliana let Connor lead her straight to ecstasy, her muscles tightening almost unbearably, clenching him tightly inside her. Lights popped behind her closed eyelids, and she moaned against his mouth when the fire raced through her.

He growled, rising to hold tightly to her hips as he slammed into her a few more times, and then shuddered as he came. Unaccustomed to feeling a man spend himself inside her, she gasped at the responding aftershocks rocking her body.

She traced her fingers up and down his spine because he seemed unable to do anything except lie on top of her and try to regain his lost breath. Since she still wanted to keep the pregnancy a secret, she figured she should mention what they’d forgotten. “No condom?”

“Don’t care,” he said again. “It was wonderful.”

“It was, wasn’t it?”

Should I tell him?

But a tiny voice rose from deep inside her heart, telling her the time wasn’t right. Not yet. Not until she was past the dangerous twelve-week mark. She didn’t want to get his hopes up. Worse, she didn’t want to get her own hopes up.

He pushed himself up. “I’m probably too heavy for you.”

“Nah. You’re fine.”

He chuckled as he eased out of her. “Liar. I must weigh a ton.” He offered a hand and helped her off the table.

That horrible vulnerable feeling captured her again. Scrambling around, she found her blouse and held it over her breasts while she picked up her skirt, bra, and panties. “I’m sweaty and… um… sticky. I’m going to take a shower.”

“Me, too. We can share.” Without even fetching his clothes, he strode to the door and walked into the kitchen. “You coming?” The man didn’t have an ounce of modesty.

“Already came. Three times, actually.”

He was still chuckling when she led him to the master bath.

* * *

Connor wiped the foggy mirror with the hand towel so he could watch Juliana dry herself while he combed his hair.

He’d never get tired of looking at her. The woman was a work of art. If he had a choice, he’d have her walk around nude all the time.

On second thought, he’d have her wear some of her lacy panties and a bra, or those thigh-high stockings that always made his cock twitch. She liked her underwear skimpy, and they enhanced her beauty rather than covered it up.

No granny panties for his woman.

Her gaze caught his in the mirror. “You’re staring.”


“It’s embarrassing.” Her checks flamed.

“You weren’t embarrassed when I stared at you back in the office.”

“Yes, I was,” she admitted.

“You were?”

She nodded.

what was bugging you. Glad you got over it. That had to be the best sex I’ve ever had.”


“Oh yeah.”

After she wrapped the big blue towel around her body, she tucked the end between her breasts. She stood in front of the second sink and fished a brush out of the drawer.

They hadn’t used a condom, but he honestly didn’t care. An odd reaction since this would be the worst time in the world to have a baby. The business would suffer. The stress could be enough to send him plummeting back down into the hole he’d worked so hard to crawl out of.

But he wanted a child anyway—with Juliana.

Because he loved her.

Connor could almost see them pushing a stroller through the park, showing their kid the flowers and the birds, doing all those family things he’d sworn he never wanted to do. He’d never been one for the syrupy sweet family dynamic. Never. There had been a few munchkins accompanying their parents as they searched for houses. They’d often turned into brats from hell. After any of those showings, he’d always sworn to have a vasectomy.

Maybe the change in attitude was because of his age. He’d heard guys in their late thirties were anxious to settle down. Perhaps his desire to have a child with Juliana was simply evolution having its say.

Whatever the reason, he wanted this. With her.

“Would it be so terrible?” He hadn’t meant to say it aloud.

Juliana cocked her head. “Would what be terrible?”

“Having a baby.”

Her hand trembled as she laid her brush on the marble vanity top. “You want us to have a baby together?”

Afraid he was coming on too strong, he shrugged. He couldn’t force her into this or it might one day blow up in his face. He knew how awful it was to feel trapped, and there was no way he’d do this unless she wanted a child as badly as he did.

“Connor, I mean, we’re only living together until your house is done and—”

“Never mind,” he snapped. “Ben’s making great progress. I’ll be out of your hair in a few weeks.”

Despite how he felt about her, he had to admit things were moving quickly and maybe a permanent living arrangement was happening too soon. Besides, if he admitted how much he wanted to move in and how badly he wanted them to have a family, he’d have to open up and tell her exactly how he felt about her. The only thing keeping him silent was her hesitation.

Whenever their discussions got too intense, she pulled back, like a doe scenting danger. Her ex must’ve been a major asshole to leave her so scared of falling in love again, and Connor was pretty sure Juliana loved him. No woman could fake the kind of passion she gave him every time he made love to her. Besides, most women didn’t let go that way if their hearts weren’t involved.

“Someday,” Juliana announced. “Maybe.” She picked up her hair dryer and flipped it on, drowning out any response he might have made.

Connor brushed his teeth, still watching her in the mirror. Now he understood why couples always wanted a double vanity in the master bath. Without that second sink and enormous mirror, the two of them would be tripping over each other to get ready for bed.

He was already between the sheets and drowsy when she finally came out of the bathroom. Lifting the sheet, he waited for her to lie down. Then he covered her and hauled her up against his side.

He needed to hold her. The afterglow of what happened in the office still lingered, and he’d missed the way she usually slept in his arms after they’d made love. How totally she’d captured him was confusing, but he stopped questioning good luck.


A small shudder raced over him as he was again reminded of how fragile this new life he’d created for himself truly was. All it would take for the house of cards to come tumbling down was one stupid mistake.

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