Signing For Dummies

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Authors: Adan R. Penilla,Angela Lee Taylor

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Signing For Dummies

Table of Contents

Signing For Dummies

by Adan R. Penilla, II
and Angela Lee Taylor

Signing For Dummies®

Published by
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
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Copyright © 2003 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

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About the Authors

Adan R. Penilla, II:
Penilla is the President of the Colorado Registry of Interpreters: Pikes Peak Affiliate. He has his NAD IV interpreting certification and his legal qualification. In 1995, he was an interpreter at the World Federation of the Deaf in Vienna and is currently teaching ASL at Trinidad State Junior College. He has written an ASL Quick Study Bar Chart and WW II for the Deaf. He lectures on Sign language throughout the United States and is currently working on his PhD.

Angela Lee Taylor:
Taylor, born deaf, is a native of Dixon, Illinois. Taylor graduated from Illinois School for the Deaf in 1985 and later received her bachelor’s degree from Gallaudet University in 1997. During the past five years, Taylor has taught ASL for Pikes Peak Community College, Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind, and the community. Taylor has annually coordinated for the statewide Deaf and Hard of Hearing Symposium for four years running. She is a tutor for the Shared Reading Project (SRP) and is also involved with ASLTAC. Taylor resides in Pueblo, Colorado with her husband, Lindsey, and border collie/blue heeler mix, Chip.


(From lead author, Adan)
To my parents, Adan and Aurora Penilla — mom and dad. Thanks for your generosity in love, patience, and giving. You have helped me more than you know.

Author’s Acknowledgments

(From lead author, Adan)
I would like to thank Mark Mattarocci. Real friends are hard to find, great friends even harder. Thank you for telling me what I needed to hear, not what I wanted to hear. Lindsey Antle, thanks for the knowledge of ASL you brought to this book; you gave me great confidence. A special thanks to Ron Hammer — your example in excellence is always before me, whether I like it or not. A deep thank you goes to my four sisters whose constant encouragement kept me going. Linda Barr, without your talent and genius this book would not have been published — thank you. Dr. Weaver and Dr. Cabbage, your support has helped a great deal. Thank you very much. Thanks to Sue Ann VonFeldt for her help during the research of this book.

Lastly, thank you Wiley Publishing, Inc. and crew for the opportunity to write for your company. I have learned much from you.

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