Silent Cravings (23 page)

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Authors: E. Blix,Jess Haines

BOOK: Silent Cravings
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Christoph turned his back as Analie slowly shifted back and dashed to her room. Christ, she really wanted her old thrift store clothes handy. Being Were could be expensive.

As soon as she was dressed in her one pair of jeans and one of the ratty T-shirts Freddy had given her, she skipped back out to the living room and pointed at Christoph.

“Your task is over and you are hereby forgiven. Let this be a lesson learned and may you hold it close always.”

Christoph resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “Thank you. I have learned and will act accordingly in the future.”

Analie grinned at him and bounded out the door. She took the steps three at a time, eager to see how Ashi was getting on. He was probably back to his stony, unfeeling ways. Analie almost laughed at the idea of him not being able to do anything about her future insolence.

She heard the shouting on the second landing. Frowning, she leapt up the rest of the stairs and rushed down the hall. She didn’t need to remember where Wesley had told her to go. The shouting was indication enough. Ashi was

Analie thought about knocking but then thought better of it. A woman she didn’t know was already there and a shadow. Analie thought it might be Clarisse but didn’t want to risk accidentally greeting the wrong vampire.

“Uh, hi.” Analie tapped Jessica’s shoulder. “I’m wanted up here?”

You’re just as insane as the rest of them!”
Ashi screamed at her.

“Bite me.” Analie then turned to Jessica. ”Do you want me to hit him or something?”

Jessica rolled her eyes. “Can you get him to calm down and sit still so I can take his blood pressure? For God’s sake, you’d think I was asking him to hop in the sack with John.”

Clarisse cocked her head to one side, then looked over her shoulder. “I think ye all might want tae duck and cover. Sounds like Angus is awake.”

Jessica groaned.

Analie was glad the vampire there was Clarisse. She smiled at the shadow, then walked over to Ashi.

“Stay away from me!” Ashi shrieked.

“Okay, seriously, grow up,” Analie snapped, reaching for him. “You’re acting like a pup at—”

She didn’t even register the first three blows until the fourth one landed.

“I said
stay away!
” Ashi screamed.

Analie realized her nose was bleeding. And that her face hurt. Holy shit, Ashi was still
when he was pink. With a low growl she grabbed his arm, spun him around, and caught him in a lock, both arms immobile and his head in the crook of her arm.

“Okay, Jessica. Now is a good—
Stop biting! Ow! Whatever you’re going to do, do it now!”

Jessica might have taken that moment to explain that she couldn’t take Ashi’s blood pressure while he was so wound up, except that a very large, very hairy, very
bare-assed naked
man came stalking into the room just then, and she was a bit busy hiding her eyes and the blush that marred her cheeks. Clarisse didn’t seem nearly as put out by the sight as she should be, watching with a thin smile and one brow arched.

Every inch of skin on his chest not covered in hair was covered in scars. He had an unruly tangle of copper red hair that fell a bit past his shoulders, a beard long and thick enough to braid, and a darkly tanned, heavily muscled frame that was tall and wide enough to barely clear the door frame. His normally blue eyes were glittering crimson, and he might have been snarling and showing some fang, but it was hard to tell around the bushy beard bristling on his jaw.

“What,” the man roared in a deep, reverberating voice as he took up a wide stance and planted his hands on his hips, “in th’ name o’ th’ gods is all the good-God-damned racket? Och, a man cannae get any sleep around ʼere!”

“Angus,” Clarisse said, not bothering to hide her grin, “ye’ve forgotten yer plaid again, lad.”

He paused, looking down at himself. He raised one very red, very bushy eyebrow, and surveyed the responses of the ladies in the room. “Ye all need tae be bloody quiet ʼere I ferget these things,” he rumbled in a slightly less loud, but no less gravelly, voice. He folded his arms across his chest but otherwise seeming not in the least self-conscious about his current state of undress.

“Analie, Ashi, meet Angus MacLeod,” Clarisse said, gesturing dramatically at the still decidedly naked, very hairy vampire posing in the door. Jessica was trying desperately to contain hysterical giggles and her blushing but was failing miserably. Angus didn’t seem to notice.

“Och, which one o’ ye was makin’ all th’ bloody racket?”

Analie had jumped at the loud noise and large shadow but other than that held her composure. She couldn’t understand Jessica’s reaction. Hell, right now she was trying not to freak out. Angus sounded like Gavin when he was angry, except
gravelly and with a Scottish accent.

She squinted at the shadow. Christ, the lighting in here was
made for creating deep shadow. Which was ideal in a room but not ideal for her eyes.

What was Clarisse talking about when she mentioned plaid?

“He’s freaking out,” Analie squeaked, snuffling up some blood.
She looked down at Ashi, who had stopped biting her and was staring at Angus. “Um... he’s new and part of my pack so vampires are kinda scary... to us... so please, um, don’t... hurt... him....” She trailed off, glancing around. “Am I missing something?”

“Somebody hit ye, lass?” he boomed out, not sounding particularly concerned. Though he did cock his head at the sight of Ashi being held down by a little girl. Either the boy was into those submissive games some weirdos enjoyed, or there was something more to those two than was readily apparent. He took a second to consider what she said, then thought about the mention of a pack.

A pack.

Weres were the only humanoids he knew of that packed up.

A slight sniff confirmed it.

in th’ name o’ th’ gods is another Were doing in th’ ʼouse?” he roared, startling everyone.

“No need to shout about it,” Clarisse scolded, shaking a finger at him.

Jessica was having a very difficult time muffling her laughter.

“It’s not like I invited them!” Analie squeaked, wincing.

“I think we’re going to get our asses kicked by the Highlander. That’s a vampire?” Ashi mumbled, still staring.

“Can you
be an asshole for three seconds?” Analie hissed. “Seriously, shut up!”

couldn’t see the vampire. Damn it, her pack’s little “quirk” was downright aggravating. She squinted. Nope.

Angus was rather nonplussed that Analie was staring at him like a bug under a microscope. He ran his hands raggedly through his hair, not helping the tangles much, and wandered over to sit on the bed, which sagged under his weight.

“What’s all yer pissin’ an’ moanin’ fer, lad? Ye woke me up, seems I should be the one upset



“Angus, for God’s sake, will you at least put the blanket over your lap or something?” Jessica finally asked, remembering belatedly that Analie was just a teenager.

He turned a startled look on her, looked down at himself, shrugged, and yanked one of the pillows over to lean his elbows on and cover the most glaringly obvious part of him.

Analie ducked her head, her cheeks and ears turning beet-red as she realized what everyone had been avoiding staring at.

“Ye take the fun out of everything,” Clarisse said with a low chuckle.

“Don’t see why yer so cheerful, missy,” Angus growled. “Bit past yer bedtime, too, methinks.”

She shrugged, leaning against the wall and watching Ashi get manhandled by Analie with interest. “New blood in the house, ye ken.”

“Aye?” he said, suddenly interested in Ashi again.

“Here we go,” Jessica muttered.

Ashi was trying to worm his way out of Analie’s grasp. She shook him. “Cut it out, or I’ll convince Mr. MacLeod to claim you.”

“Wouldn’t you rather he lay claim to
” Ashi sneered.

“I’m going to break your neck!” Analie growled, going even redder. As soon as this was over, she was going to her room and hiding there for the rest of the year.

“She’s going to shift! Someone knock her out!” Ashi yelled. Analie wrapped the arm he’d bitten around his throat and choked him off.

“For Seeker’s sake, just shut up.”

Angus gave a bristly grin, unmistakable even with the beard. “Sorry lad, ye don’t look like yer much me type. Bit of a weak thing, lettin’ a wee lass like that haul ye ʼround.”

Clarisse’s look turned sly, and she sidled over to give Ashi’s collar a little tug. “Alec had one o’ them magi come by yesterday. He cannae fight her because he’s got this.”

“Och, aye?”


Angus stroked his beard speculatively, causing it to gnarl up around his fingers and bristle even more.

“Angus, don’t be gross.”

He just smiled at Jessica.

“Sick. Really sick.”

The smile widened.

“Okay, ew. No. I don’t even want to know.”

“What? What?” Analie demanded, glancing between Jessica and the two shadows. Ashi was struggling, but it wasn’t doing him much good. It made her feel warm and fuzzy inside that she could hold him down.

“Let me
” Ashi yelped, staring worriedly at Angus.
What’d they mean, Don’t be gross? What was sick? Oh, God, what was going on?
“Analie! I outrank you!”

“No,” Analie replied cheerfully.

“Angus is being gross,” Jessica said. “That’s all.”

“It’s an inside joke, lass,” Clarisse said. “He made a crack a couple months ago about his hair being that red from all the—”

“Haud yer wheesht!

Ave ye no sense?” Angus cut her off.

“What? I have!”

“She’s just a wee bit of a lass. Watch yer tongue, woman.”

Clarisse threw her hands up. “No fun at all!”

“That reminds me. Thad’s in for fifty on two and a half,” Jessica said.

That was enough to throw Clarisse out of her huff. “Fifty now? I’ll have to check the odds on that.”

“What’s the bet?”

“How long the other new gent holds out before letting Mouse have a taste.”

Angus perked with interest. “Och, aye?”

“Meet the lad first.”

“Ooh! I want to put five dollars on four weeks!” Analie said excitedly.

Ashi had stopped struggling by now and was staying silent and sullen. Being bested by a fifteen-year-old low-rank and trapped in a room with a bookie, the most cheerful person in the world, and a bloodsucking Scot was disheartening and mind-breaking.

“Four weeks? Low odds,” Clarisse said, clucking her tongue.

“I don’t know. She probably knows the guy better than we do. Can I change my bet?”

“I’ll put fifty on three weeks, six days,” Angus said.

“Oh, I want to start a pool on when someone puts down a claim!” Jessica said, gesturing at Ashi.

Clarisse made a face. “Ye can run that one, darling.”

Ashi glared at Angus, then at Jessica. Analie shifted her stance slightly.

“I really don’t want to touch Ashi for any longer than I have to, so could you please do whatever it is you were going to do?” she asked Jessica, looking pleadingly at her. “I kind of hate him.”

“Thanks,” Ashi grumbled.

“Like you expected otherwise?” Analie snapped.

“Oh, whoops. Sure.” Jessica started poring through her kit, pulling out a stethoscope. She pulled up Ashi’s shirt to put the cold bit of metal against his chest, making a face as she did so. “Stop squirming. Is he always such a baby about this stuff?”

“Feisty bit. I bet Lisa might want him. Or Ken,” Angus mused.

Clarisse wrinkled her nose. “Ken would ʼave his feelings hurt if it wasn’t all in play.”

Jessica made a gagging sound, rolling her eyes. “Can’t say I’m surprised, but your heartbeat is faster than it should be. You might need a little transfusion. I want you to drink more fluids, and then I’ll check again in half an hour. If it hasn’t come down, I’ll check your blood pressure next and see how much you need. What’s your type?”

“Bet his type isn’t Lisa,” Clarisse said.

“Och, ye cannae say tha’


e’s met the bonnie lass.”

“Ye only think she’s bonnie

cause she’ll sleep with ye.”

“Do not!”

“Do so!”

“I have no idea what my blood type is,” Ashi snapped.

“I think our hearts beat faster than normal,” Analie put in. “I mean, everything kind of goes fast for us. We metabolize stuff fast, we heal fast, we regener—uh....”

Ashi had gone stock still. He swallowed, but didn’t say anything.

At Jessica’s raised eyebrow, Analie mumbled, “We regenerate tissue and stuff fast. Which is the same as healing—so—yeah. Dunno how much of that holds true for him right now with the collar.”

She didn’t see the vampires here as bogeymen anymore, but letting them all know that Weres regenerated blood faster than usual didn’t seem like a good idea. Sure, she wasn’t going to get chomped, but all the same…

Jessica pursed her lips. In the background, Angus and Clarisse were still arguing rather loudly over whether or not Lisa would find Ashi suitable. Jessica must have been used to it since she was doing a great job of ignoring them.

“That may be, but I’m still concerned. You—” she said, tapping Ashi lightly on the chest with the stethoscope, “—need to drink more water, stat. I’ll give you some supplements to take with that. Even a Were has to get the stuff to fuel their healing from somewhere. Oh, and you can let him go.”

Analie released Ashi. He promptly went to the closet and shut the door.

“All things considered, he’s not actually being a weenie,” Analie said, slightly distracted by Angus and Clarisse. “Goliaths like to sleep in small, dark spaces, and it’s kinda natural that he’d feel safer there.”

She rubbed her arm where he’d chomped her. “You’re probably the first doctor he’s seen since he was bitten. I mean, bitten by a Were. Hell, I’ve only been to a doctor once and that was when I broke my leg and scraped my face up.” She was rambling. “Uh, I’m glad Ashi’s assholery didn’t totally ruin your day. You held up better than most of his packmates.”

“I learned from the best,” she said dryly.

“Blazes and tarnation, woman!” Angus howled, abruptly dragging Jessica’s attention away.

“Take it back!” Clarisse growled, tugging hard on his ear until he was practically laid out on the bed.


“Take it



“For th’ love of St. Pete! FINE!”

“There,” she said, finally releasing him, looking smug as she folded her arms and flounced back onto the bed, making it bounce. Angus slowly sat up, rubbing his ear and giving her a baleful glare.

“Wasn’t necessary, ye ruddy harlot.”

“Piss off,” she told him, turning back to Jessica and Analie, then looking around in surprise. “What happened tae the wee lad?”

“He went back in the closet.” Analie paused a moment, then said, “Man, I wish you two were in my pack. You’d totally be high-ranks in no time.”

The two vampires smiled at that. Clarisse then prodded Angus in the side.

“I think ye should take the lad.”

“Ye’re daft, woman.”

“He needs someone who won’t really use him. Might break his mind.”

“Ruddy daft.”

“Ye donnae feed from men so much,” she said defensively.

“Bugger all if I’ll take a useless donor.”

“Ye have a better suggestion, ye great oaf?”

In the closet, Ashi covered his ears with his hands. He didn’t want to hear about anyone encouraging anyone else to take him on as a never-ending juice box. He was starting to admit to himself that he’d made a pretty terrible decision. Hell, he’d be lucky if anyone in the pack even
at him when he got back.

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