Silent Whisper (11 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

BOOK: Silent Whisper
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He hadn’t stopped by my condo for the past three nights, which was unusual. Even if he didn’t always stay the night, we would usually have drinks or dinner together and then make love. My whole life revolved around Dominic and my career—which I suppose was better than when it revolved only around Dominic.

It was nearly five o’clock and I was getting everything shut down and locked up for the evening. Dominic was at my desk, putting figures into the calculator, and I could see by the long white paper tape curling around the top of my desk that he’d been at it for a while.

I watched as his brow furrowed, and a sigh escaped him as he re-checked the figures.

“Problems?” I asked, approaching him.

“Actually just the opposite which is why I’ve re-checked these expense figures several times. We’re under budget which means you can go ahead and hire someone to manage the boutique once it opens and spend your time here designing more money-making couture,” he said, giving me a rare smile.

I settled my ass on the edge of the desk, crossing my bare legs over each other and leaned in so that he got an ample view of my cleavage. I’d been dressing a bit more provocatively the last couple days to give him the hint.

“So Mr. Castellano, you seem to be all business these days,” I said in a throaty whisper. “Are you coming over so that we can play tonight?” I asked, throwing him a coquettish look.

He looked up at me from where he’d been going over the figures.

“I can’t sweetheart,” he said, “I’ve got some family business to attend to, I’m sorry.”

And that’s when I noticed how tired he looked, like he was stressed or sleep-deprived, or both.

“Has family business kept you away for the last three nights?” I asked, straightening up.

“It has as a matter of fact. Hopefully it will be resolved soon.”

That was it. That’s all I got. Did I want more?


Just a little.

“Dominic, why have Vinnie and Sal been around here so much?” I asked.

He didn’t miss a beat. It was if he had been expecting the question. “Because my sweets,
been around here so much. When I’m here, I’m not accessible to them, which they’ve pointed out to me numerous times. My father is making a trip in tomorrow. I’m not sure how long he’ll be here, but it may be difficult to get away. The family will be together during his visit.”

“Is your mother coming with him?” I’m not sure why I asked; it wasn’t as if I’d be introduced to either of them. I certainly had no inclination to ever lay eyes on Salvador Castellano again; but I was curious about Dominic’s mother for some strange reason.

“Unfortunately, no. This is all business-related. We’re involved in some very high-level reorganization of the business which requires my father’s input and intervention.”

That doesn’t tell me shit. Maybe Dominic wants out?

Yeah, right.

“Well, I miss you anyway,” I said, leaning over to brush my lips against his. “I love you.”

“And I love you,” he returned, his hands now framing my face pulling me in for a deeper kiss.

God, he fucking made me dizzy at times.

“But if I don’t leave now, I never will,” he growled, pulling back reluctantly. He gave me a few soft butterfly kisses before he stood up.

“Behave yourself, Karlie. Maybe I’ll slip over early in the morning. No promises.”


I’d gotten up an hour earlier than usual on the slim chance that Dominic might slip over before heading downtown to his offices.

As I left the bathroom, a towel wrapped around my still damp and freshly showered body, I saw him. He was sitting in a chair in the corner of my room, dressed in dark pinstriped trousers, with suspenders and a white dress shirt and tie. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to just beneath his elbows. His legs were sprawled out in front of him and his eyes immediately flickered over me in an almost possessive way.

“Hey,” I greeted him warmly. “Glad you could squeeze me in this morning, Mr. Castellano” I teased.

He cocked a brow. “Oh, I think you have that backwards, Ms. Masterson. I think you’ll be the one doing the squeezing.”

“Do tell?”

“Drop the towel and come over here,” he instructed in his authoritative, no-nonsense tone.

I’m not gonna lie, I kind of liked it when he got strict with me.

I did as he ordered, and walked over to stand in front of where he was sprawled out in the chair. His eyes never left mine though, and they were seriously intense at the moment.

“Do you realize how much is at stake here, Karlie?”


I was baffled to put it mildly. Where the hell did that come from? I wasn’t sure if he expected an answer or if it was a hypothetical question of some sort.


“Hush,” he said, “Pleasure me so that I don’t have to think about anything else at the moment. Show your love to my cock like a good girl.”

I sank to my knees before him, leaned in and unzipped the fly on his dark trousers, noticing immediately his erection was straining against his boxers.

I freed his cock, and began the gentle stroking of it with my hands, then moved my face closer so that I could taste him. He smelled like Irish Spring soap; I’d come to recognize his brand.

The freestanding cheval mirror in my bedroom was right next to the chair, and I noticed that as I slid my tongue slowly around the head of his cock, I could see my reflection in the mirror.

It was a total turn-on watching me give Dominic head. I started getting a bit boisterous, feeling the damp heat between my legs. As I took his full length into my mouth, I allowed my right hand to drop down so that my fingers could stroke my swollen nub, bringing waves of pleasure to myself.

He was aware of what I was doing, and abruptly brought his hands up underneath my arms, and lifted me up.

“That’s my job, Karlie,” he said, his dark eyes locking with mine.

He lowered me slowly onto his rigid cock, and once I was settled on his lap and completely impaled, he leaned forward, moving the mirror into a position so that we could both watch our erotic fucking.

“Oh God,” I moaned as his forward movement had caused the head of his dick to hit that very sweet spot inside of me. “Like that,” I murmured softly, my hips now moving slowly in a circular motion, and then an up-and-down motion, grinding against him so that I could continue having him hit there, and with my clit rubbing directly against his pelvis I was looking at doubling my pleasure.

“Don’t come too quickly,” he cautioned, his hands now gently teasing and massaging the peaks of my breasts, his tongue running along his lower lip very sensually. “I want this to last,” he whispered as his mouth captured a breast and he suckled on it gently.

I placed my hands on each of his shoulders, and lowered my face to his, our lips and tongues mated together perfectly as I rode his cock up and down.

“Look at us, Karlie,” he growled, as his hands braced my hips and he lifted me up so that I could see his glistening cock as he backed out of me. “Look at how my cock loves your pussy,” he rasped, thrusting it in deeper as he lowered me back down onto it. I moaned in pleasure at the sweet fullness of it.

I watched in amazement as he rocked in and out of me, feeling my sex clench and tighten around him, pulling the release from him into me. He groaned against me, our breathing now coming harder and faster as we climbed toward the peak together.

“So fucking good, angel,” he whispered, pumping up against me harder and faster, his hands gripping my ass and squeezing it as his deep thrusting continued. I felt the familiar tingling start from my core and travel up my spine. It was the most exhilarating feeling I could ever imagine. I’d decided if there was a heaven, it was a totally orgasmic experience. I was whimpering; on the edge of total release and it had never been this intense before. Something was different. “I need to look into your eyes when you come,” he whispered breathlessly. “I need to take that memory with me.”

Had I not been totally engrossed in my physical, and yes, I’ll say it: my
pleasure at the moment, I might’ve found his words to be…strange? Disturbing? Possibly prophetic?

But I was consumed by the sheer magnitude of it and it took everything I had to focus on his eyes as instructed, and yes, we lost each other in that second as our orgasms enveloped us both. But I got to see Dominic’s eyes when I brought him to climax, and trust me when I say, it was no small thing. In the depths of those dark, chocolate brown pools, I saw his soul at that moment in time, and I was riveted by the feeling of pain and pleasure that I glimpsed there.

“That’s it angel, take it all,” he said softly as his cock throbbed his release right on top of mine.

As our mutual releases unraveled in a vortex of unparalleled pleasure, I felt warm tears escape from my eyes, and travel down my cheeks where they spilled onto Dominic’s chest. He shuddered the last of his climax into me, and then his body relaxed against me momentarily.

We were both damp from our exertion. He noticed the droplets of tears that had sprinkled his chest and pulled away from me a bit, his hand came up underneath my chin, tilting it upward to gaze at me.

“Why the tears baby?”

I nodded my head back and forth. “I don’t know. That was just so…intense,” I said, wiping my cheeks. “I felt so…

He brought his hands up, cupping my face, and kissed me hard on my lips. “You are always with me, Karlie. And hopefully, I will always be with you.”

As we disengaged from our coital position, I couldn’t help but feel the wetness of our joint orgasms running down my bare legs. I knew that the crotch of his trousers had to be soaked.

As I walked towards the bathroom to get into the shower once again, I asked Dominic if he’d like to join me.

“No time,” he said, zipping up his fly.

“Well, at least change into clean boxers and trousers. You have some here in the closet.


“Uh…well maybe so you don’t smell like sex while you’re involved in whatever top secret family meetings have been taking you away from me?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he barked, straightening his tie. “There’s no way I’m washing the scent of your pussy off of me today.”

And with a few quick strides he stood before me, once again, wrapping his arms around me, drawing me close.

“I’ll let you know when I’ll be able to see you again Karlie. In the meantime, please don’t talk to anyone about anything concerning the family or me. Is that understood?”

“What could I tell them?” I asked, puzzled. I mean I knew
and was happy to remain ignorant.

“I mean if anyone calls West End asking if I’m there, simply tell them I’ve stepped out, and take a message. If they call again, tell them the very same thing. Got it?”

“Yes, Dominic,” I said, a chill now running up my spine. “I’ve got it.”

And after he kissed me several times and departed, for whatever reason, a feeling of dread enveloped me and I was frightened for him…and for me.


The feeling of dread and uneasiness continued to plague me throughout the week. I couldn’t shake it no matter how busy I kept myself, and trust me, with the grand opening coming up the following week, there were a multitude of loose ends to be tied.

I’d decided to move Sherry to the boutique as the acting manager for now. There were two good reasons for that: she was extremely proficient in everything she handled; and hopefully that would minimize Vinnie’s presence at West End Storage. Regardless of Dominic’s assertion that Sal and Vinnie were visiting the establishment in order to access him, I saw Vinnie a lot more than Sal, and so I knew his motivation was a bit more than just that.

And speaking of Dominic, I hadn’t heard a thing from him since that early morning rendezvous we had nearly a week ago. Of course, Vinnie and Sal hadn’t been around either, so I guess it was true that every cloud has a silver lining. But Christ Almighty, what could be so fucking intense that he couldn’t at least phone me. I didn’t have the nerve to ask Sherry if she’d heard from Vinnie. We weren’t tight like that and both of us preferred to keep it that way.

Lana had called Sunday afternoon and we’d spent more than an hour on the phone, continuing to catch up. I filled her in on the latest with my designs, and mentioned that I’d sent some complimentary DBK lingerie garments to Belle for the girls the week before. I told her I’d be happy to send her some if she wanted, mentioning I had designed some in her favorite color for silk: red.

“I’m not a whore anymore, Karlie,” she said, clearly irritated. “I don’t wear trashy underwear like that any longer.”

Okay—that stung for sure.

“Umm, hold on there a sec, Lana. First off, I don’t design trash. If you’d see my work, I think you’d agree that it’s both tasteful and stylish. High end shit, you know? Secondly, just because you’ve settled down and gotten married to Walter, well that doesn’t mean he expects you to trade in satin for flannel, now does it?”

That had brought a giggle from her.


“I’m sorry, Kar,” she said, using the nickname she used to call me for the first time since we’d been talking again. “I guess I am a bit testy about my past life. No, the truth is that Walter still loves to see me in skimpy lingerie, but it doesn’t do much good these days, I’m afraid.”

I didn’t want to be nosey, but knowing Lana, I needed to open the door just a little.

“Can’t get it up?” I asked.

“It’s the strangest thing,” she said, “He never ever had an issue with getting hard until…well, until after we got married,” she finished.

“Well, honey, have you changed the way…you know, the way you come at him?”

“What?” she asked; the amusement evident in her voice.

“Well, I remember you telling me that he enjoyed a little ‘rough play’ before you two got down to business. Didn’t he like you to paddle him or something?”

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