Silversword (de Lohr Dynasty Book 7) (28 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Le Veque

Tags: #Romance, #Medieval, #Fiction

BOOK: Silversword (de Lohr Dynasty Book 7)
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Gallus wasn’t nearly as concerned about the news of Luc Summerlin’s appearance in Coventry as he was about Chad sneaking Alessandria out of Isenhall without an escort. Chad tried to explain himself but the truth was that there was nothing he could say to explain what he’d done. Finally, he simply gave up and let Gallus berate him. Not surprisingly, Alessandria was much more closely watched after that.

And so was Chad.


Isenhall Castle

Two Weeks Later

had could hardly
believe what he was reading.

The missive had been addressed to him, having been delivered to Isenhall by a messenger bearing Henry’s colors, which made the soldiers at the gatehouse rather edgy that a king’s messenger boy had delivered a missive addressed to Chad de Lohr.

Men whispered, rumors flew, and by the time Chad actually reached the gatehouse where the missive was waiting for him, nearly all of Isenhall knew of the missive, Gallus and Maximus and Tiberius included. Bad news traveled fast.

did the king have to say to Chad?

No one, of course, wondered that more than Chad did. The edginess from the men was settling heavy, making it a palpable thing, and he accepted the missive from the sergeant in charge of the gatehouse as if he really didn’t want it to begin with. Something about the weight in his hand made him want to drop it and run. The messenger had already retreated, not surprisingly, because no man loyal to Henry wanted to be within the confines of Isenhall, so Chad had no one to ask about the contents.

He would have to open it to find out.

Chad wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to do that and his denial had the better of him. It would have been very easy not to read this missive, to simply pretend he’d never seen it. It couldn’t be good, any of it, but curiosity soon overcame his shock and by the time he walked from the gatehouse, he’d broken the seal on the vellum and he was reading it intently. He had walked to the middle of the bailey when he finally came to a halt, still reading the missive or re-reading it; no one was quite sure. Whatever the contents were had his full attention.

Gallus and Maximus and Tiberius, having been informed of Henry’s messenger by a nervous servant, were already coming to find Chad, emerging from the keep to see him standing in the middle of the dusty bailey, focused on the yellowed piece of vellum. A gentle breeze blew about and chaff brushed by him from the stables, but he didn’t notice. He stood there reading. The de Shera brothers didn’t waste any time in finding out why Henry should be sending a missive to Isenhall.

“Chad?” Gallus called as he approached. “What is it?”

Chad heard the shout but wasn’t going to shout in return. He remained silent, still fixated on the missive, until the brothers were grouped around him. Tiberius was even looking over his shoulder, but Chad handed the missive over to Gallus before Tiberius could get a good look at the contents.

“It is from de Serreaux,” Chad said, his voice low. “Henry has ordered the de Winter army, led by Davyss, to march on Isenhall. They left London over a week ago.”

Gallus stared at him a moment, startled by the news, before looking to the vellum to read the information for himself. It was clear that he wasn’t sure how to react to the news but as he read, his features screwed up to reflect his astonishment. The carefully-scribed words impacted him.

“Henry is riding with Davyss,” he said, trying not to sound as if the very thought had him reeling. “De Serreaux says that Henry is coming to determine loyalties.”

The crux of the missive was revealed to those who hadn’t yet read it;
the king is coming to determine loyalties
. In disbelief, Maximus snatched the vellum from his brother, reading it intently as Gallus and Chad focused on one another. As Maximus read and Tiberius tried to read over his shoulder, Chad spoke in a low voice.

“So it has come to this,” Chad said, foreboding in his tone. “He is riding to see just how much support you have.”

Gallus was bewildered. “He already knows,” he said. “There has never been any secret about the fact that the House of de Lohr and the House of de Winter are both family and friends. More than that, de Moray’s daughter is married to my brother. Why should Henry come all the way with Davyss’ army to see for himself?”

Chad shook his head as if Gallus were missing the point. “Can you not see what de Serreaux is really saying?”

“Evidently not.”

Chad grunted his displeasure in the situation; he could see it as clear as day. Everything in the days from Evesham leading up to this very moment were coming to make sense to him and de Serreaux’s unexpected missive was the catalyst. He grasped Gallus by the arm.

“I told you that Henry’s mindset has been one of vengeance against anyone who supported de Montfort,” he said. “You know this. Now Henry’s madness has turned into paranoia; he is coming to test all of us, to see who is truly loyal to him. Of course he knows that de Lohr and de Winter are your friends and family, but his sense of vengeance against you is making him suspicious of us all. He knows that I took Alessandria from the convent to keep her from being his hostage and he further knows that my father not only sanctioned my actions, but did all he could to prevent the Six from carrying out Henry’s orders. Now the king believes the House of de Lohr to be against him. I would wager to say that he is expecting to see Canterbury troops here or, at the very least, Lioncross troops. He wants to see if we have all joined you in your rebellion.”

Gallus was shaking his head, still puzzled by the entire circumstance. “Based on the fact that you did not allow the Six to get their hands on Lady Alessandria?”

“That is only part of it, I am sure. Henry’s lust for vengeance started well before that.”

Gallus still wasn’t convinced. “But how can you be so sure of this?” he asked. “And what is puzzling me the most is why de Serreaux should send this missive?
did he know you were here?”

Chad lifted his big shoulders. “De Serreaux and I have known each other for many years,” he said simply. “We have fought side by side in many battles and in spite of what happened at Canterbury with Alessandria, I would hope that camaraderie is still strong between us. It must be. De Serreaux must be as disgusted with Henry’s quest for vengeance as we are, ’else he would not have risked himself to send me a missive on Henry’s intentions. He is one of Henry’s Six, for Christ’s sake – a man that Henry trusts above all else.”

“Yet he sends you a missive informing you of the king’s plans.”

Chad nodded. “He would not have done it had he not believed Henry’s intentions go beyond de Shera submission,” he said, thinking on Torran and feeling guilty for having tricked the man they way they had back at Canterbury. “Think on it, Gallus; Henry is forcing Davyss to march to Isenhall. Clearly, the intention is a threat against you but it also shows a lack in faith towards de Moray. He does not believe the man will be able to convince you to swear fealty to him. So he orders Davyss and his army to march on Isenhall, presumably to destroy you. If Davyss refuses, Henry will see that de Winter’s loyalties are more to you than to the crown. If he sees de Lohr troops here, what will he think? That the House of de Lohr has chosen to side with their family. And de Moray… you know that Henry loves and depends on him. What will happen when Henry forces Bose to choose between his daughter’s husband and the crown? Don’t you see, Gallus? Henry is testing
of us.”

Gallus rubbed at his chin, deep in thought. By this time, Maximus had finished reading the missive and had handed it off to Tiberius.

“Chad is right,” he said grimly. “There is no other reason for Henry to ride with de Winter. This has nothing to do with our swearing fealty to the king, Gallus. Henry is coming to see the situation for himself and to see if blood and friendship is stronger than fealty to the crown. His appearance will be about de Lohr and de Winter and de Moray loyalties and little else. At this point, the House of de Shera is secondary.”

Gallus listened seriously to his middle brother. Maximus was usually the doom-and-gloom member of the group but he was also, more often than not, correct in assessing a situation. He had that grasp. The more Gallus thought on the situation, the more he was coming to dislike it.

“Have we pulled these houses down with us already?” he asked softly. “Is that what this amounts to? We destroy our friends and family because of our loyalties?”

Chad shook his head. “Nay,” he replied. “I believe it is Henry’s paranoia more than anything. He sees everyone as suspect these days, regardless of who they are or how long they have served him.”

“Mayhap,” Gallus said. Then, he cocked his head thoughtfully. “But it is also possible that de Serreaux is misleading us with this missive. It would not be like one of Henry’s personal guards to betray him like that.”

Chad shook his head. “For what purpose?” he asked. “It would serve no purpose for Torran to mislead us. Moreover, he is a man of honor. He knows right from wrong. If he senses that Henry is about to do something underhanded or immoral, I feel confident that he would warn us as he is doing now. I do not see trickery in this.”

“But it still does not explain how he knew you were at Isenhall.”

Chad threw up his hands. “It would not take a genius to determine where I had taken a member of the House of de Shera,” he said. “He knew that I had taken Alessandria somewhere, and Isenhall is the logical choice. She would find protection here.”

“You do not believe your father told him?”


That was good enough for Gallus. “If you believe it, then I believe it,” he said. Then, his manner sobered further. “You know that I have sent word to Curtis de Lohr, asking for reinforcements against any aggression from Henry. When I asked for the assistance, however, it never occurred to me that Henry would be sending de Winter troops to attack us. I assumed it would be crown troops only.”

Maximus grunted, unhappy. “That means allies will be squaring off against each other,” he said. “
de Lohr even sends troops, that is. Gallus sent the missive some time ago but we’ve not heard back.”

“He will respond,” Gallus said steadily. “Even if it is to decline our request, Curtis will respond.”

Chad was thinking on the situation. He believed implicitly that what Maximus said was true; this had ceased to be about the House of de Shera and was more about the loyalty of Henry’s supporters. Would they support their family in the House of de Shera? Or would they support the crown, to whom they were all sworn? It was a difficult situation, confusing at best.

But one thing was for certain; Chad’s loyalty was to his friends and family. If he had to make a choice, that was what it would be. He was certain his father would feel the same way.

“Should I send word to my father?” he asked Gallus. “He cannot arrive before Henry and Davyss do, but I can at least send him word.”

Gallus nodded. “He should know,” he said. “Especially if you intend to lift a sword against Henry.”

He stated the fact like there was no question to it, which there wasn’t. Chad may have saved Henry’s life at Evesham but that didn’t mean he would support the man in every circumstance, and especially in a circumstance involving his aggression against family. Thinking on the situation they would soon be facing, Chad shook his head in disbelief.

“Against Henry,” he muttered as if he had to hear it with his own voice to believe it. “Against Davyss. I cannot believe Davyss would lift a sword against you, Gallus. You are his best friend.”

Gallus’ features took on a serious cast as he thought of a man who was as close to him as a brother. “And he is mine,” he said quietly. “He will not fight against me. He will turn on Henry if he has not already and if Henry is coming to Isenhall without any troops of his own, we could find ourselves in an interesting position. Henry could become our hostage again, for clearly, if Davyss turns against him, Henry will have no military support behind him.”

The thought never occurred to Chad. It could be a curious as well as potentially devastating situation for the monarchy, as Henry had spent a year in captivity with de Montfort. For the king to end up a prisoner again was definitely a potential but not one that Chad would be inclined to support.

“Prince Edward would take up Henry’s cause again,” Chad said. “We do not want that situation. Edward is as competent a military commander as any of us. More so, in fact. He would bring crown troops to raze Isenhall if you take his father hostage again and we are trying to avoid the destruction of your home and the displacement of your wives and children.”

Now that the information of Henry’s movements was settling, the subject drifted to the families Chad had just mentioned.
Women and children
. No one wanted their wives or children involved in a battle. Gallus and Maximus looked at each other, silently dealing with that very fact. It was Tiberius who finally shook his head.

“De Moray wants to take my wife with him to Ravendark,” he said. “I told him that she is heavy with child and cannot travel, but given this missive from de Serreaux, I may have to re-think that decision. I do not want her giving birth in a castle under siege.”

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