Simply Carnal (13 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

BOOK: Simply Carnal
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He released her hands and moved down between her legs, his fingers stabbing into her as his tongue flicked and played with her clit. She reached down to his head again, desperate for something to hold on to.
“Touch your nipples. Pinch them hard.”
She obeyed him and moaned as he increased his efforts between her legs, her sex now wet both from his mouth and her excitement, his fingers sliding easily inside her.
Elizabeth moved her hands from her breasts as Christian reversed his position until his cock and balls hung temptingly over her mouth. “Suck my cock while I suck you.”
She willingly opened her mouth, and he slid deep and she started to suck him. He responded by diving back into her already-sensitive sex, his mouth everywhere, the rasp of his stubble an added torment on her suddenly sensitive bud. He pumped his hips harder, taking control of his cock, making her keep to his tempo, and she let him, her thoughts divided between the fullness of him in her mouth and what he was doing to her.
He groaned against her flesh and she shuddered as his cock kicked in her mouth, growing even bigger. He started to come, and she concentrated on relaxing and letting him spill his hot seed deep down her throat. But even as she responded to him, his teeth settled over her clit and he bit her, the pain-pleasure of it sending her into a climax of her own that went on and on until she was struggling to breathe.
He remained on top of her, his body heavy, his breathing as erratic as her own. It was only when she opened her eyes that she realized he’d only unbuttoned his breeches to release his cock and still wore his boots.
When he moved away, she watched him set himself to rights, his motions fluid and unhurried. Her sex throbbed now from his rough treatment but she didn’t mind. At least he made her feel
“I’ll send up some hot water for you,” Christian said. “And I’ll tell Ambrose to expect you in half an hour.”
“Yes, Mr. Delornay.”
He walked back over to the bed and kissed her on the mouth. “I’ll be watching in the room of desires, so don’t imagine that you are unprotected.”
“Thank you, sir.”
His gaze drifted down between her legs. “Are you sore?”
He nodded and bent his head, his tongue flicking over her clit until she gasped. She wanted him to keep touching her; she wanted him to give her that exquisitely painful sensation again.
He looked up at her. “I’m still going to fuck you later.”
His smile surprised her, but he turned to go before she could ask him what it meant. As she contemplated the closed door, she realized something else. Either Christian had bathed before coming to her, or his cock hadn’t come into contact with that other woman. He’d tasted only of himself.
She rolled onto her front and buried her face in the pillows. Or he’d worn a French letter to avoid the pox, or withdrawn, or cleaned up earlier ... She of all people knew there were many ways for a man to deceive a woman. And what did it matter anyway? She swallowed hard and tasted him all over again. And Christian wasn’t her husband—he was only her lover.
lizabeth found Ambrose on the back stairs, close to the door of the room of desires. He unlocked the door that led directly into the room from the stairs and beckoned her inside.
“The clients aren’t here yet, so we have time to prepare.”
“Clients?” Elizabeth looked around the lobby.
“A married couple, apparently,” Ambrose replied, and led the way into the smallest of the anterooms, which was decorated in rich red and gold.
“And where is Paul?”
“He was called away to attend to some family business. I will be standing in for him.”
“That will be pleasant,” Elizabeth said as Ambrose lit the fire and set light to several branches of candelabra illuminating all of the small space. “Do you have our instructions?”
“We are to put on masks and await their arrival here. After that, they will be issuing all the instructions we need.”
“But someone must have agreed to their desires?”
“I believe Christian did, so we have nothing much to worry about.”
Elizabeth raised her eyebrows. “Are you sure about that?”
To her surprise, Ambrose didn’t immediately reassure her and she tensed, her thoughts drifting to Christian’s earlier behavior and the rough way he’d taken her mouth and her sex... .
“Christian is very careful of the reputation of the pleasure house. He will allow nothing here that would offend his mother,” Ambrose finally said.
“But what about outside the pleasure house?” Elizabeth asked, and Ambrose looked away from her. “Does Mr. Delornay take his pleasure elsewhere?”
“You’ll have to ask him about that.” Ambrose moved over to the chest of drawers set against the wall. “Now come and choose a mask.”
Elizabeth followed him over, her thoughts in a whirl. Had the woman who’d marked Christian’s face been at the pleasure house? But Christian had said he was going out and had mentioned the Demon Club....
Ambrose helped Elizabeth tie on her mask, and they turned in unison as the door opened and a masked couple entered the intimate room. They didn’t seem particularly young, or drunk, or even excited.
The man bowed. “Good evening. I want you to fetch two chairs and place them back-to-back in the center of the room.”
Ambrose brought two chairs from the wall and placed them where the man had directed.
“Now I wish you to undress each other. And do it slowly so that my wife, Maude, and I can watch.”
Elizabeth faced Ambrose and waited until he shrugged out of his coat before unbuttoning his waistcoat and unpinning his simply tied cravat. His face was impassive, his eyes difficult to read through the mask. The thought that Christian was watching made Elizabeth’s clit throb in time to her heartbeat.
Ambrose touched her shoulder, and she presented him with her back and stood quietly while he unhooked the bodice of her gown and unlaced her stays.
“Wait,” Maude said. Elizabeth grabbed hold of the front of her gown to stop everything falling down and glanced across at her. She remained still as Maude reached forward and tugged at Elizabeth’s bodice, baring her down to her thin shift.
She cupped Elizabeth’s breasts with both hands and then bent her head. Elizabeth shivered as she felt the flick of a tongue over her already-sensitized nipples.
“Very nice. You will enjoy touching her, St. John.”
“I’m sure I will.”
When Maude stepped back, Elizabeth undid Ambrose’s breeches and untucked his shirt, and he allowed her to pull it over his head. He was already aroused, his thick cock pushing against the linen of his underthings.
“Take off his boots,” St. John instructed her.
Elizabeth turned around, straddled Ambrose’s leg, and pulled his boot off and then did the same for his other foot. The buckskin of his breeches abraded her already-wet sex, and the hand he placed on her buttock to help her ease the second boot off didn’t help matters at all. Silently she cursed Christian’s earlier intervention. She couldn’t seem to summon her usual detachment, and that was unacceptable.
Eventually they were both naked and faced each other again, the other couple circling them and making admiring comments as to the size of Ambrose’s cock and the fullness of Elizabeth’s breasts. Elizabeth felt rather like how she imagined a slave might feel and wondered how Ambrose was taking it. He seemed unperturbed, his breathing relaxed and his hands hanging by his sides.
Maude touched Elizabeth’s shoulder. “Sit in the chair facing the wall, and you, sir, sit in the other chair with your back to her. Then hold hands.”
Elizabeth sat down and waited for Ambrose to do the same. She had a good view of Maude rummaging in the drawers of the chest. She turned, brandishing a set of long red silk scarves and Elizabeth tensed.
St. John took one end of each scarf and helped his wife wrap the long lengths of fabric around both the chairs and Elizabeth’s and Ambrose’s upper torsos. Ambrose gripped her hand and squeezed hard in a reassuring manner.
“Now we must blindfold you both.”
Elizabeth almost protested, but she managed to stop herself. She had never liked losing her sight. It made it impossible to judge the mood of her opponent. She submitted to the blindfold and forced herself to breathe evenly.
A hand insinuated itself between her knees and she relaxed her thighs.
“Thank you,” Maude murmured. “I’m going to tie your ankles to the chair as well, so don’t be afraid.”
Elizabeth felt the silk against her skin and then the press of the carved chair leg as her ankle was immobilized. From what she could hear, Ambrose was receiving the same treatment from St. John.
Silence fell and then she heard Maude and St. John whispering together. A moment later someone kissed her and she realized it was St. John. Her nerves were steadier now. She knew how to do this. She didn’t stop him opening her mouth and delving deep with his tongue. He smelled faintly of peppercorns and smoking fires, not scents she needed to be afraid of at all.
He kissed her throat and then her breasts, his lips fastening around her nipple and sucking hard. She heard Ambrose groan and wondered if he was being suckled too. A waft of air and St. John was gone and his companion replaced him, the pull of her mouth on Elizabeth’s breast far gentler.
Ambrose’s grip on her hand tightened, and she knew he was experiencing the more masculine touch of St. John. This time she definitely heard him cry out.
Another shift and St. John was in front of her now, his mouth on her inner thigh, working its way toward her wet core. His tongue flicked out over her clit and she bit back a moan. He did it again, circling her swollen bud and delving deep inside her. Sucking sounds indicated that Maude was working Ambrose’s cock with equal vigor.
Elizabeth realized that she was panting and that Ambrose’s grip was almost painful on her hand. Maude touched her now, her tongue quicker and her fingers adding to Elizabeth’s excitement level. She was almost ready to climax, almost there, almost. . .
Maude’s mouth left her and Elizabeth gasped and Ambrose did too. The sounds and smells of fucking filled the room as Maude and St. John fell on each other, leaving Elizabeth feeling bereft and slightly indignant.
After a while, the noise diminished into softer sighs and moans. The next thing Elizabeth heard was the sound of the door closing swiftly followed by Ambrose cursing in an unknown language.
“Did they leave us?” she whispered.
“They did,” Ambrose answered.
“Tied up?”
“Yes.” Ambrose tried to extract his hand from Elizabeth’s grasp but with no success. “Christian!”
Within seconds, she became aware that the door had opened again and that someone else had entered the room.
“Well, well, well, we are in a pickle, aren’t we?” Christian asked.
“Mr. Delornay, sir, just get us out of here.”
Ambrose sounded as desperate as Elizabeth felt.
“I’m not sure I want to.”
Elizabeth tensed as her nipple was pinched hard.
“Mr. Delornay.” Ambrose sighed. “Don’t ...” His sigh turned into a gasp, and Elizabeth recognized the sound of a man’s cock being worked. “Oh, God ...”
Ambrose’s whole body jerked and she smelled the scent of his seed being pumped from his cock.
“Now sit quietly while I attend to Mrs. Smith.”
Elizabeth tensed as Christian moved around to stand in front of her. He brushed his thumb against her lower lip and she tasted Ambrose’s come.
“Do you want to climax, too, Elizabeth?”
She didn’t say anything to him, and he pinched her nipple hard enough to make her jump.
“I asked you a question. Do you want to come?”
She licked her lips. “I will do whatever you want me to do, Mr. Delornay.”
His fingers closed on her other nipple, and he pulled on both until she thought she would have to lean forward to relieve the pressure or beg him to stop.
“That’s not a good enough answer. What do you want, Elizabeth ?”
Even though she still wore the blindfold, she closed her eyes very tightly. “Whatever you want, sir.”
One of his hands dropped to her sex and he touched her clit. “Elizabeth ...”
There was a clear warning in his voice. She felt Ambrose stir behind her.
“Mr. Delornay, perhaps you might release me. I’d be more than happy to take care of Elizabeth’s needs—whatever they may be.”
“Are you afraid I’ll hurt her, Ambrose?” Christian laughed. “Trust me, she is made of sterner stuff than that.” He backed away from her. “But I’ll release you both from your bonds.”
Elizabeth waited as Christian used some kind of blade to saw through the scarves. As soon as her arms were free, she ripped off her blindfold and rubbed at her eyes. Ambrose drew her into his arms and bent his head.
“If you want me to assist you, I will,” he whispered. “I don’t like the mood Mr. Delornay is in.”
Before Elizabeth could reply, Christian was there, his arms around both of them. “Ambrose, go to bed.” He stared at Elizabeth. “Tell him he may leave.”
For a moment Elizabeth debated telling Christian that she wanted to go with Ambrose, but it wouldn’t be the truth. Ambrose deserved better than being used in her and Christian’s sexual games.
She touched Ambrose’s cheek. “I’ll be fine. Thank you for offering, but Mr. Delornay is right. You should go to bed.”
Ambrose ignored Christian and concentrated his gaze on Elizabeth’s face. “Are you certain?”
“Yes, I am,” Elizabeth answered.
“Then I’ll leave you two alone.” Ambrose gathered his clothes and stepped into his breeches. “Good night.”
“Good night,” Elizabeth echoed softly as he turned and left, although not all the worry was erased from his face.
Christian watched Ambrose leave and then gave his full attention back to Elizabeth. Watching her being touched by Maude and St. John had aroused Christian to the point of pain, and he intended to enjoy every moment of it. Elizabeth’s nipples were already hard, elongated points and her cunt was wet and ready to be fucked. He wanted nothing more than to bring her down to the floor and just fuck her as hard as he could until she was screaming and begging and ...
His attention was caught by her moving away from him and gathering up her clothes.
“I didn’t tell you to get dressed.”
She went still and her expression formed into that smiling, compliant mask he’d begun to hate.
“Of course, Mr. Delornay. What can I do for you?”
“Put those things on the chair and take your hair down.”
She reached for the pins and began to do as he had told her. He waited as her glorious hair cascaded down her back, his cock throbbing, his breathing ragged.
“Come here.”
She walked back toward him, her gaze lowered to his booted feet, her breasts swaying as she moved. He put his hand under her chin so that she had to look up at him.
“Did you like that woman touching you?”
She shrugged. “I’ve been touched by a woman before—it is no different from being touched by a man.”
“Yet you almost came and I thought you said you couldn’t usually do that.”
“Yes, but you ...”
Something flashed across her face and he tightened his grip on her chin. “I did what?”
“You touched me earlier.”
“So it was my fault.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You wouldn’t, would you, because that would imply you had an opinion about something or that you were angry about my treatment of you and that would never do, would it?”
She tried to avoid his gaze. “I’m not sure what you want me to say.”
“Dammit, I want you to tell me the truth!” He wasn’t sure why he was so insistent. He knew that women couldn’t be trusted. It wasn’t like him, but something about her made him quite irrational. “It makes you angry, doesn’t it? Being forced to have sex with people. Why not admit it?”

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