Simply Sinful (33 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

BOOK: Simply Sinful
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“You will fetch me a glass of wine from the buffet in the far room. If anyone wants to touch you, you must let them. I’ll be watching you.”

James bowed and went to turn away. He stiffened as a man dressed in black and red, as if to match the room, blocked his path.

“Mr. Howard. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at one of our little gatherings before.”

Peter bowed. “Good evening, Lord Minshom. You’re correct. This isn’t really what I crave.” He deliberately drew James back against his body and fingered his nipple clamp. “But my slave wished to come.”

Lord Minshom’s blue eyes glittered as he stroked James’s chest and flank. He was about Peter’s age, his fortune enormous, his sexual tastes allegedly as deep and bottomless as his purse. “What a prime piece of flesh. Where did you find him?”

“Alas, he is only visiting our fair country. You may of course enjoy him tonight, but he will be off on his travels again tomorrow.”

Lord Minshom nodded, his hand creeping under the thin silk loincloth that covered James’s groin. His eyes widened as he grasped James’s cock and then slid his fingers around his balls and arse.

“My, you have him trussed up as tightly as a virgin in a chastity belt.”

“He is still learning. He insists he needs the discipline.”

James shivered as Lord Minshom finished his deliberately crude exploration. Peter patted his arm.

“Go and fetch my wine. Bring some for Lord Minshom as well.”

James set off. He didn’t get far before two other men accosted him, their hands on his body and their avid faces close to his. He stood patiently, allowing himself to be touched. His skin gleamed with oil and his muscles rippled and responded to each improper caress.

Lord Minshom cleared his throat. “I’d like to see my slave suck him off. Would you allow it?”

Peter turned back to Lord Minshom, who was also staring at James.

“I’m sure that could be arranged. That’s why I brought him here, to learn, after all.”

“But not to be fucked. I notice he was already stuffed with a dildo.”

“That’s correct. I’m the only person who gets to fuck him and that’s only if he performs well here tonight.”

Lord Minshom’s sneer became more pronounced. “You say you don’t enjoy this type of sexual excess, but you certainly know how to handle a slave.”

Peter gave him his most charming smile. “Perhaps I have an advantage, having been one myself.”

“Of course. I’d forgotten about that.” Lord Minshom sighed. “Damnation. Do I need to apologize?”

“No, it happened a long time ago. Perhaps I should be the one apologizing for bringing it up simply to make a cheap point over you.”

Lord Minshom cleared his throat and directed his gaze back across the salon. “I’ll call my slave over as soon as yours gets back with our wine. He’s being fondled on the bed. Would you care to watch?”

Peter followed Lord Minshom over to the vast silk-covered bed. A blond young man lay sprawled on his back in the center, naked except for a silver collar and matching arm bands. Two men bent over him, playing with his pierced nipples and his erect cock. Although he groaned and writhed under their touch, Peter could tell he wasn’t enjoying himself. For one moment he caught the man’s bored gaze, imagined himself there and had to look away.

Lord Minshom cleared his throat. “Your slave is back.” James had indeed returned, his color high, two glasses of wine held carefully in his hands. Peter took the glasses and handed one to Lord Minshom. He touched James’s arm.

“Go and stand over there.”

James obediently moved away and positioned himself against the black painted wall. Peter grasped his wrists and chained them above his head. Lord Minshom came over and studied James before sipping his wine.

“Adonis, come here.” Minshom spoke softly, but the blond man on the bed came instantly to kneel at his feet.

“Yes, master?”

“Suck his cock.” Minshom pointed at James. He waited impatiently, tapping his foot until the blond took up his position in front of James. “Is it acceptable if he makes him come or do you wish him to wait?”

Peter studied James impassively. “Make him come. The leather will stiffen up around his shaft.”

“Absolutely, and if you desire, one of the other slaves can make him hard again.”

Peter nodded, his attention on the blond man who was already licking his lips as he stared at James’s cock. Lord Minshom nudged Adonis with his booted foot.

“Suck him and make it fast.”

Even through the gag, Peter heard James’s groan as Adonis drew his leather-clad cock into his mouth. His hips jerked forward and invited Adonis deeper, thrusting his cock down his throat in hard, rough strokes. While Adonis sucked, Lord Minshom used the toe of his boot to delve between the blond’s buttocks, urging him on.

The scent of sex filled the air, and several of the other men gathered around to watch. Peter wanted to look away, caught between arousal and distaste. He forced himself to stare at James who, from the sounds issuing from behind his gag, loved every erotic minute of the experience.

James jerked forward one last time and his whole body arched like a bow. Adonis’s throat muscles worked hard, swallowing down James’s cum, so much he almost gagged. When he drew back, he stayed on his knees, his head lowered, chest heaving.

Lord Minshom caressed his blond hair. “Very nice.” He looked up at Peter. “I think your slave enjoyed it too. Perhaps he would reciprocate?”

Peter bowed. “I’m sure he would be delighted.”

“Let’s get him erect again then and put them both on the bed.”


Several hours later, Peter sat and smoked a cigarillo and watched James being fondled by Lord Minshom. He’d seen his lover satisfied in every possible way and was keen to leave. He yawned discreetly behind his hand and a slight movement in the farthest corner of the room caught his eye. In the deepest shadows, the glint of a metal collar and the pale skin of a naked man made him uneasy. He nudged Lord Minshom.

“Who is that in the corner?”

“The punishment corner?”

“If that is what it’s called, then yes.”

Lord Minshom smiled as he raked his fingernails down the narrow leather straps surrounding James’s cock.

“Sometimes a man is put there as a punishment by his master. At other times, a man will put himself there, if you know what I mean.”

“Because he wants to be punished.”

“Yes, and at the end of the evening, everyone who wants to have him gets the opportunity, for as often and as long as they want. No exceptions.”

Peter peered closer into the gloom. For some reason, the man’s body posture reminded him of Valentin at his most vulnerable. He blinked as the man turned his head, caught a glimpse of dark blue eyes and a face so familiar his blood chilled.

Not Valentin. Anthony. What the hell was he doing offering himself like this? Peter started to rise and then sat down again. Anthony was a grown man and it was none of Peter’s business. He had as much right to choose his own sexual highs as Peter did. God, did Valentin know?

“Are you intending to stay after all?”

Peter reclaimed James’s leash from Minshom and smiled. “Unfortunately not. I have to get my slave home to Amsterdam in one piece by tomorrow or his wife will be suspicious.”

Lord Minshom sighed and took his hand off James’s cock. “If you really must go. Thank you for an enjoyable evening and bring this one back with you again one night.”

“I’ll certainly consider it.”

Peter bowed and headed straight for the nearest door, James behind him. He had no intention of accidentally catching Anthony Sokorvsky’s attention on the way out. He took James back to their original room, stripped off the leather harness and the nipple rings and removed the ball gag. James coughed and cleared his throat.

Peter gave him a glass of wine, waited until he finished it.

“Did you enjoy that?” James stared warily at him. Peter waved a hand. “You may speak as much as you like now.”

“Couldn’t you tell?”

“From your moans and the way your cock was constantly erect and dripping cum, then yes.” Peter held James’s stare. “I love you, but I can’t do that for you.”

James swallowed hard. “I know. I love you too and I don’t expect you to.”

“Tonight was about showing you my limits and how different they are to yours. It’s yet another reason why I can’t stay with you and Abigail.”

“Abby doesn’t want that from you.”

“Abigail wants what most women want. A man who loves her and the possibility of a child.”

“And just as you can’t give me what I want, I really can’t give her that.”

“Yes, you can.”

James smiled. “But you do it so much better and she knows it.”

Peter sighed and leaned up against the bedpost as James slowly put on his clothes.

“So where does that leave us? You want something from me that I can’t give you. Abigail wants something from you that you insist you can’t give her, and I…”

“Could give her everything.”

“James…” Peter looked away; anguish tightened his throat, making words impossible. James stepped closer.

“Listen to me. Abby loves you. We both know she would be far happier married to you. I can’t change that without creating the kind of scandal we all want to avoid, but I can make it easier for you to be together.”

“I don’t understand.”

James met his gaze, his brown eyes steady. “I want to go back to Jamaica. I want to see if I can find Mr. Hodges.”

“Did you make this decision because of what I put you through tonight?”

“Not completely. I’d already decided to go and search for Robert. This evening merely convinced me I was right.” James hesitated. “You didn’t enjoy yourself tonight, did you?”

Peter shrugged. “It was interesting but it isn’t really my preferred way to express myself sexually. I did it for you.”

“I understand. Making love to Abby isn’t my preferred way to express myself either.”

Peter gathered his courage. “It is mine.”

James smiled. “I know, and I think you should stay and enjoy each other.”

“You are prepared to live like that?”

“Like what?”

“In a marriage when you know your wife loves another man?”

“Why not? Abby has to live with the knowledge that I love other men too.”

Peter took James’s shoulder in a punishing grip, his voice hoarse. “I will be good to her. You will never have to worry ever again.”

“I hope so, and I still expect a place in your bed whenever I want it.”

Peter held out his hand. “Done.”

James shook it, his smile crooked. “Now all we have to do is convince Abby.”


bby paced the floor of her bedchamber, hugging her favorite woolen shawl to her chest. It was three o’clock in the morning and James still hadn’t returned. She imagined him stretched out naked in bed with Peter, both of them laughing about her childish feminine demands for love and security and…damn them both to hell! She stopped in the middle of the hearth rug and glared at the clock.

James had obviously failed to achieve his aim or he would be home now. He was either too busy enjoying his last night with Peter to think about her or drinking to drown his sorrows. She almost hoped it was the latter. His stupid scheme to use sex to fool a man who had a mastery of the sexual arts was beyond absurd.

She set her jaw. Did she have to do everything herself? She hurried into her closet, located the male attire she’d worn during her madcap adventures with Peter and James and got dressed. Peter’s house was only a few blocks away. She would find her way there and simply check where her husband was.

Of course, she could do more than that. If Peter was there, she was prepared to offer him anything if he’d stay. She tied a knot in the cravat and shoved her feet into the boots. Perhaps she was a fool but she’d risked everything once on this man and she was more than willing to do it again.

For her, love obviously wasn’t meant to be simple and straightforward. If she wanted that, she should have let things with James remain the same. But she’d wanted more, hadn’t she? And “more” meant experiencing a series of emotions she’d never believed possible. Was she willing to give all that up simply because Society said she should settle for less?

Abby tiptoed down the servants’ stairs, paused in the deserted kitchen to catch her breath and headed out the back door. Above her, the sky was an inky black patchwork of stars and purple clouds. The full moon was bright enough to guide her footsteps.

Not that she could ever return to her unawakened state. It was too late for that. The only way was forward. James should know her well enough to understand she refused to settle for half measures. She ran up the basement steps and out into the street. Even if James was with Peter, at least they could sort this out together.


“I’ll come back to your house,” James announced. “We’ll go and talk to Abby tomorrow together.”

“Coward.” Peter murmured as he fumbled for his front door key. A single candle burned in the hallway, its light flickered as James carefully shut the door.

“Agreed.” James grinned at him. “I also need a bath. I stink of sex.”

“And you think I’m going to wake my servants and ask them to start carrying up boiling cans of water, do you?”

“Not at all. I’ll simply share your bath in the morning if I may.”

“I’m sure it won’t come to that. Now come along. I need some sleep if we are to deal with Abigail in the morning.”

James followed him upstairs. Peter led him into the room next to his and lit the bedside candle from the one he carried.

“I think you have everything you need.”

James touched his cheek. “What about you? Can’t I have you?”

“I would’ve thought you had enough cock this evening.”

James stroked down the front of Peter’s breeches. “But you haven’t. You didn’t fuck anybody. Let me touch you.” He looked serious. “It might be for the last time.”

“Liar. You’ll be back.”

James kissed him, the thrust of his tongue surprisingly sweet. “Let me.”

Peter closed his eyes, allowed James to slide his hand inside his breeches and work on his already overstimulated cock. He moved with him, unbuttoned James’s breeches so that he could feel the slick weight of James’s erection rubbing against his own.

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