Simply Voracious (14 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

BOOK: Simply Voracious
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“What do you want me to do?”

He pulled back a thick velvet curtain and ushered her into a room where two comfortable wing chairs faced a large, draped mirror. “When you hear a knock on the wall, pull back the curtain and just watch. You will be able to see us, but no one will see you, I promise.”

Lucky sank down into one of the gold brocade chairs and squeezed her trembling knees together. “You said ‘us.’ ”

He’d already turned toward the entrance. “Indeed I did. I told you that I was going to meet up with Christian, Elizabeth, and Marie-Claude.” He hesitated, his smile disappearing. “If you find what you see . . . distasteful, you can leave the way we came and seek out Ambrose in the kitchen. He will see you safely to your parents at the Lakeland ball.”

Paul closed the curtain over the exit and headed next door, where he assumed he would find his coconspirators. After a lot of thought, he’d decided it would be better to ask the people he trusted to fuck him rather than some random guest. One never knew quite what would happen with a new partner, and he didn’t want to scare Lucky away. When he first came to the pleasure house, he’d loved the unpredictability of a new lover, but now he craved something else. Something he’d thought he’d found with Constantine, a lover who actually seemed to care about him.

“Ah, there you are, Paul,” Christian Delornay said. “We were beginning to wonder whether you had changed your mind.”

Paul smiled at Helene’s son, the new owner of the pleasure house and a force to be reckoned with. He was blond like his mother, but had the hazel eyes and determined jawline of his father. He was also one of Paul’s favorite sexual partners.

Paul turned and bowed at the two women. “Good evening, Elizabeth, Marie-Claude, and thank you for helping me.”

Marie-Claude shrugged. “It is a pleasure.”

“And ours too.” Christian took Elizabeth’s hand and kissed it. “Have you thought about what you want us to do?”

Paul sighed. “I was hoping you’d have some ideas. The most important thing is that my lady sees me being fucked by a man.”

sees that you can successfully perform with a woman,” Elizabeth added, her hand still entwined with her husband’s. “Surely that, too?”

“You’re right, my love.”

Christian’s tender smile at his wife was as unexpected as it was beautiful. He had a reputation as a cold, unemotional man, but there was no evidence of that in his treatment of Elizabeth. Gossip said she had wrought a miracle and must be an angel, but Paul knew better. From personal experience, Paul knew that Christian’s lovemaking could become a little rough, something they obviously both enjoyed despite Elizabeth’s fragile appearance.

Paul moved to the center of the room where a large, low daybed, big enough to hold all of them, occupied most of the space. “Why don’t I stand here and you can start by undressing me?”

The other three nodded and came to stand around him. None of them had bothered to wear a mask, as it was unlikely that Lucky would see any of them at society events. Despite her rank, Elizabeth’s shocking behavior had resulted in the entire
’s disapproval. She didn’t seem to care, and Christian had always hated society anyway.

Marie-Claude went over and knocked on the large mirror that faced the room, and Paul listened intently for the small scraping sound of the curtain being opened on the other side. He wondered how Lucky was feeling and realized he was already hard at the mere thought of her watching him. His lust was tempered with fear that she’d be so shocked she’d end the engagement, but his cock didn’t seem to care.

He took a deep breath and allowed Marie-Claude and Elizabeth to slowly strip him out of his coat. They wore only their shifts and stockings. Christian, who was the only one still fully dressed, took a seat on the daybed and started to direct the women as to what to remove next. It was typical of Christian to have to be in charge, but Paul didn’t mind.

When Paul was completely naked, the women turned him fully to face the mirror. Elizabeth played with his nipples while Marie-Claude worked his cock until he was stiff and wet.

“Marie-Claude, kneel in front of him,” Christian ordered. Paul looked over his shoulder and found that Christian had already opened the placket of his breeches and was fondling his own cock. “Elizabeth, come and kneel in front of me.”

Paul waited until both the women were in position and then stared at Christian. “What next?”

“Isn’t it obvious? They’ll suck our cocks, but not quite enough to make us come.”

Paul groaned as Marie-Claude licked the tip of his cock and then drew him into the warm cavern of her extremely talented mouth. His hips started to rock in time to the pull of her mouth, and he rested one shaking hand in her dark hair. Behind him, he heard the slick sounds of Elizabeth working Christian’s cock. What would Lucky make of it? Would she ever think of taking him like this? The thought made him want to come. Marie-Claude slid her fingers around the base of his shaft and squeezed hard, making him gulp for air.

“Not yet, Lieutenant.”

Christian’s voice again, this time slightly hoarser. “Change places and lift your skirt, Marie-Claude; let him lick you to a climax.”

Paul tried to ignore the insistent throb of his cock and did as he was told. He eagerly lapped at the intriguing swollen folds of his partner, dragging his tongue over her most sensitive bud, drawing her deep into his mouth and then stabbing his tongue deep within her.

She clutched at his hair, and he increased his pace until she was grinding her sex against his mouth, practically drowning him in her wet, wanting flesh. Pain shot through him as she pulled hard on his hair and came against his waiting mouth. He took it all, gentling her down with his tongue and his kisses, imagining it was Lucky and that she was begging him to plunge his cock deep inside her.

When Marie-Claude finally released her grip on his hair, he was panting and covered in her juices. Elizabeth had collapsed on to the divan, and Christian was kissing her still open thighs. Paul’s gaze was inexorably drawn back to the mirror. Was Lucky enthralled or horrified by what she’d seen so far? He wished to God he knew, but in his present state, he could hardly pop in there and ask her. And if she was aroused by what she’d seen, he might find it difficult to leave without inviting her to join them.

He realized Christian was speaking and turned to listen.


Lucky gripped the armrests of her chair until her fingernails protested. She hadn’t expected to see two couples in the room beyond the mirror. She hadn’t expected to feel so
and find it so difficult to sit still without squirming. Since Paul was the only completely naked person in the room, her gaze naturally fell on him the most. Had he liked that woman’s mouth on him? He’d looked as if he were in paradise.

The aristocratic blond man seemed to be directing the events. He reminded her of someone. It took her a moment to work out that he must be the infamous Christian Delornay, the son of Madame Helene. She could only assume that the petite, dark-haired woman was his equally scandalous wife, a disgraced French noblewoman.

Lucky pressed her hand to her heart as Paul nodded and climbed up onto the divan next to the other man. They both turned sideways, and Lucky shivered as Christian wrapped his hand around Paul’s cock and slid his fingers up and down. Paul’s eyes started to close and his hands fisted by his sides. Lucky found herself licking her own lips as Christian leaned in and kissed Paul’s mouth.

Another command from Christian, and Paul rolled over on to his hands and knees. Lucky held her breath as Marie-Claude brought over a glass jar and gave it to Christian. He dipped his fingers in the pot and then gently caressed Paul’s buttocks, his fingers disappearing between them in a regular rocking motion.

Lucky craned forward, trying to see exactly what he was doing, but it was too difficult. For a moment she considered leaving the safety of her viewing chamber, marching into the other room, and demanding a closer look. She was on her feet before she realized that if she wanted to see Paul like this again, he would probably let her at another, more private date.

She sat back down and watched as Christian slowly removed his clothes and slathered the oily substance over his thick cock. He lay full-length on the divan, one hand on his cock, holding it away from his belly, and beckoned to Paul.

Lucky crept as close to the mirror as she could. Paul faced Christian’s feet, straddled the man, and gently lowered himself down on to Christian’s thick cock. Both men gasped, and Paul dropped his head to stare at where he was impaled, his own cock still stiff and thrusting upward.

Christian snapped his fingers and Marie-Claude carefully straddled his legs. She moved closer to Paul until he was able to support her enough so that she could take his cock inside her. Lucky let out a gasp, which misted up the mirror so much that she had to rub frantically at the glass. By the time she could see again, the second woman, whom she assumed was Christian’s wife, lowered her sex over Christian’s face.

They all started to move, Paul providing most of the motion, while the others reacted to him. Lucky couldn’t look away, and couldn’t help but wonder which of the four she would like to be. This wasn’t at all like the horrible encounter she had experienced with Jeremy. Yes, it was brash and crude, but not in a way that humiliated anyone. In truth, they all seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely.

Lucky imagined being the center of such concentrated attention and felt a pulse begin between her legs. She wanted to press her fingers against the ache to ease it, to cup and stroke her breast as Paul was doing to Marie-Claude. Even if her body hadn’t enjoyed what Jeremy did to her, it still remembered the primitive rough thrust and withdrawal she was witnessing.

Paul started to move faster, his back arching and his hips rolling. Lucky bit her lip as Marie-Claude bucked once more against him and then they suddenly both froze and clutched each other hard. Marie-Claude’s scream was loud enough to penetrate the wall.

Lucky drew the curtain and stumbled backward until she fell into the chair, her breathing unsteady, her whole body shaking. She cast one wild glance at the door. Could she run back to the safety of the life she’d had before? Her sweet, pleasant existence with her parents and her unrequited love for Paul? Did she want
with him? This raw, physical union? Her mind still hesitated even as her body trembled with arousal.

Could she have such a physical union with Jeremy? She tried to imagine being naked with him in the same bed and shuddered. Instinct told her no. She leaned back against the solid frame of the chair. Then what should she do? She took a moment to calm her agitated breathing and then slowly stood up and headed for the door.


Marie-Claude kissed Paul on the cheek and then bent to retie her stocking. Christian and Elizabeth had already departed in some haste, no doubt to finish their evening in private. “I know you prefer men,
mon cher,
but you are an excellent lover.”

“Perhaps you could tell my lady that,” Paul said, his gaze anxiously focused on the mirror. “I hope she hasn’t run away.”

Marie-Claude chuckled. “I don’t believe she has.”

Something in her voice made Paul turn to find Lucky framed in the doorway. Marie-Claude patted his arm.

“I will see you tomorrow,
Now good night.”

Paul nodded as she slipped away, his attention all on Lucky, who had remained just inside the door, her gaze wandering all around the room. He didn’t try and hide either his nakedness or the marks on his body where Christian and Marie-Claude had held him. She’d demanded his honesty, and he would give it to her whatever the cost.

He walked over to where a basin of water, soap, and a drying cloth awaited him and busied himself cleaning off. When he turned back, Lucky was still in the same spot, although now she was staring at him. He held her gaze and walked slowly toward her. She didn’t back away, which gave him some hope.


She bit down on her lip. “It was terrifying.”

He felt as if she’d punched him in the stomach. He tried to think of what to say, but she continued before he had a chance.

She wrapped her arms around herself as if to keep him out. “I kept thinking about how primitive we all are at our cores. We try and cover it up with good manners and clothes and
but when you strip them away, we’re still animals.”

He looked around for his shirt and pantaloons, suddenly wanting, needing, something between them. It was obvious that he’d gone too far and reminded her too vividly of her rape. Ambrose had warned him, and he’d decided not to listen. Now it was time to pay the price.

He finally spied his clothes stacked neatly on a chair by the door. Marie-Claude was nothing if not practical. He pulled his shirt over his head and stepped into his satin pantaloons.

“I’ll take you to your parents, or would you prefer to go with someone else?”


He went to move past her, but she grabbed his arm, her fingernails digging deep.

“You don’t understand.”

He fixed his gaze on her restraining hand. “It’s all right, Lucky. I’ll take you home.”


Startled, he looked up into her eyes. “Whatever you want from me, just tell me,” he whispered. “I’ll do anything.”

Tears filled her eyes. “I wanted to be on that bed with you. I wanted to be touched!”

“You did?”

She brought her hand up to her cheek and dashed away the tears. “I was scared of what I saw, but something inside me still wanted it.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that,” Paul said gently. “As you said, it is the most natural thing in the world.”

“But it is raw and messy, and undignified and . . .”

Paul put his fingers over her mouth. “I’ve fought in battles where my entire focus was on staying alive. I didn’t care who or what I killed as long as I survived.”

She jerked away from his hand. “What does that have to do with anything?”

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