Read Sin of Fury Online

Authors: Avery Duncan

Tags: #romance, #love, #paranormal, #myths, #abusive

Sin of Fury (17 page)

BOOK: Sin of Fury
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It might be small and crowded, it
might be messy and smelling of too much perfume, but it was home.
On the other side of the office, the gas station that they used as
a front was set up outside. The large Sinclair building had been
refurbished recently, earning much more work and money for

That’s what it was all

The money.

Money that they had
within two minutes.

Touch me again and I’ll
rip your left tit out.” The threat was not an empty one, and Devlin
knew it. She stepped back, crossing her arms over her large
breasts. Her lips pouted downward, but the trepidation in her eyes
went unnoticed to Lucian.

Neither of you answered my
question,” he lashed out, sitting on the edge of his desk. Devlin
became serious, dropping her eyes to her steel toed boots. Her
tight, sprayed on suit clung to her curves, material tight and
revealing. It wasn’t actually sprayed on, but it looked like it.
Her breasts were outlined clearly, her shapely legs muscular and

Once upon a time, they had been
together with much more than friendship in mind.. Of course, that
had been a long time ago and they both had changed.

Levi’s lifeless tone came from the
corner of his office. As always, he was hidden in the shadows,
droll and unmoving. When you got him going, though, he was a
monster and close to unstoppable. The Terminator had no shot
against Levi.

I heard jack

Same here,” Devlin pipped
in, flipping her red hair over her shoulder. She cocked her hip,
hands planted on them. “Jessi is out for the day — there was some
business about her mother in the ICU and I just couldn’t put up
with her crying.”

Lucian nodded, rubbing a hand over his
face. “So much is wrong with that family...” he sighed, looking at
Levi. “Where is your second? If it isn’t —”

His daughter has ammonia.
Wife is out of town for a campaign.”

Lucian growled, getting up
from the desk with a jerk. “The fuck is this all coming to? I need
to get one of you and a team of mine out there. I can’t believe
that no one saw this before — I mean —
, this is crap. Get Jared and get
out. I’ll email you a file on the two people and you sure as fuck
better get going.”

Tell us some BG right now,
babe, and take a chill pill. I have some Midol in my purse...”
Devlin said, raising her perfectly threaded eyebrows. She shifted
her weight, drawing his eyes look over her suggestive

Devlin,” he growled in
warning, hands fisting.

Trimmed nails gleamed in the light,
hands raising defensively.

He decided to ignore her and started
talking. The sooner they got the information, the sooner they could
get on with the mission and getting it over with.



I could kill

Jamie was held frozen in place with

So easily. Snap your neck,
tear your jugular, bruise you, hurt you...”

The cadence of his voice was
pleasurable, as if he were not only considering it, but wanting to
and getting ready for her. She couldn’t move — the tenseness of her
muscles wouldn’t let her.

What would be the point of
trying to leave,” he growled, “when they catch us and give us
enough pain to fuck with your body
mind? You think that I will help
you escape — why should I? I
what happens. I
what they will do. What kind of
sick woman are you to put your trust in a fucked up man who doesn’t
even have a soul anymore?”

Jamie flinched, dropping her eyes.
Pain licked at her heart, her mind.

Wouldn’t it
if I just left
Right now
Can you imagine the shit they would do to you?”

Tears started to build in her eyes.
Jamie shook her head, covering her ears. “I would...”

You would
Beg for your life?
Fuck them and hope they give you freedom?” His voice was nothing
but a whip against her already fraying mind. “Baby, I’ve been
there. Done that. Don’t think you would want the same
disappointment I felt.”

She stared at him, eyes wide. Horror
dawned on her as she realized the implications of his words. Before
she could get a word out, he was on his feet and striding around
the room, like a caged tiger looking for freedom.

Talon,” she whispered,
getting on her knees. Her heart broke at the haunted look in his
eyes that hadn’t left, even when anger had shrouded them. The
closer she looked, the harder she stared and tried to understand,
the more it dawned on her that he was right. About everything,
about her.

Chris had been her second misjudgment,
her father the first. Talon, it seemed, was to be the next. Yet she
still stuck with the plan that they needed to escape, and they
needed to do it soon. If she had to, she would find a way to force
him to listen to her.

You want to be their bitch
in heat?” he snarled, rounding on her. “Fine by me. But
drag me down with
you. I would kill you in a heartbeat if it meant leaving this hell
of a place. Don’t doubt that, princess.”

She jerked back, staring at

What happened next was done so
quickly, she barely knew what happened.

In only a second, his arms were around
her waist, crushing her to his body. His lips, so hard and
demanding, almost punishing, came down on hers.

Jamie fought, she kicked, she
hit...but when his tongue licked along her lower lip, she went
limp. Moaned. Curled her fingers in his hair with a strength that
surprised her. And began to kiss him back.

The anger and hate turned into
something so much more. Fire curled in her stomach, the icy fear
turning to liquid heat as he pushed her down into the bed. His body
covered hers like a blanket, his hips settling into the cradle of
hers as he slowed their kiss.

She shivered, arms wrapped around his
neck. The slow, languorous motions of his lips against hers was
going to kill her. It was everything she could do not to rip that
towel from his hips and settle him against her.

His lips opened her mouth, gentle and
coaxing. Jamie was weak to deny, and gave into him. She wrapped her
legs around his hips and, as her body seemed to turn even hotter at
the feel of him, she began to moan.

The sounds of pleasure were new for
her. Chris had never been this good, even in the early part of
their relationship. And Chris had also never made her feel as if
she would orgasm just from their kiss. Jamie arched into his chest,
drawing him closer. His hands, which had been near the top of her
head, slid down to hold onto her waist.

She whimpered. He bit her lip and
began to slid his hands under her Columbia, then her shirt. Jamie
could only help him as fire ran along her body, the small tingling
sensation causing her to gasp. At the sound, he jerked back and
stared at her.

Jamie stared back, breath coming in
short jerks. His eyes were so dark...if it was possible, they were
blacker than black. Passion and desire rode high in them,
animalistic almost. She bit her lip, feeling lust flash through

His hands slid under her, to her back.
The clasp of her bra came undone quickly, and then, with the shirt
and jacket still on, he brought one hand around her body with
agonizing slowness. Jamie made a small sound in the back of her
throat before grabbing his wrist and dragging his hand to her

The contact had a gasp of
surprise springing from her lips. It was amazing. It was heavenly.
It was fucking
. Talon made a rough sound in the back of his throat, eyes

Jamie tangled her hands in
his hair and dragged his lips down to hers, but before the hungry
kiss was met, he pulled down and began nuzzling her neck. His hot
breath fanned over her skin, drawing a shocked moan from her. Never
had anything in her life felt so amazing, so...

He took a long breath.

And then bit her.

Jamie cried out, rocking
her hips against him as desire, intense and real, flared inside of
her. Not only in her body, her mind, but her very
. It felt so right,
like this had happened before and was meant to happen more. It was
as if the feel of his lips made it so much more real, made them

And he hadn’t even entered her

The thought had her
desperately grabbing for his towel. She wanted to see him. She
wanted to see him hard, ready, hot. All for her. She

Yet as her hands latched
onto the edge of the towel, his bite turned harder, rougher.
Jamie’s hand fell limp as pleasure coursed through her, the towel
forgotten. All she could think about was the feel of him against
her, covering her, taking her as

His tongue flicked out, tasting the
small droplets of blood. Talon almost got lost in her taste, almost
gave into taking her as he wanted to. Except that something was
wrong. Dangerously, horribly, blindingly wrong. Light flashed
before his eyes, his body turning aggressive as he continued to
hold her, to touch her. Her breast was a heavyweight in his hand,
the full mounds delightfully his and peaked with a pink, hard
nipple. Talon jerked his mouth away from her neck, mutely realizing
that his teeth had lengthened.

Jamie undulated against

He forgot about everything else except
her. He took his hand away from her breast, listening with relish
as her soft sounds of pleasure reached his ears. Talon took her
jacket and threw it to the floor. Her shirt was next, and then her
already unclasped bra.

Talon froze as he stared down at her,
bare from the waist up.

Her breasts were large, enough that
they filled his hands and then some, yet not large enough to seem
like it was too much. Her waist was small, trim with a stomach that
was flat and strong. Desire pounded through him, and he felt
himself get impossibly harder. Talon might not remember much of his
life, or any at all, but he knew how to pleasure a woman. And as
much as he wanted to hate Jamie, watching her in the theros of
passion was something that he thought was a once in a lifetime
moment. Tenderness ran through him, his eyes softening. Soon after
that, though, was possessiveness.

Slowly, watching her eyes, forgetting
about Auro and their deal, he leaned down and realized that this
was about her. Not him, not their situation, but them. In just a
night she had won him over — or at least for a moment. God, he
could get lost in her eyes, in her body...

His mouth covered her nipple, the cry
she emitted as sweet as an angels voice to his ears. He wrapped his
hands around her waist, drawing her flush against him. At the way
her body shuddered, he could tell that she was pleased by

Talon growled.

It was like a chain-reaction. Jamie
heard him growl, he felt her body clench underneath his, and then
her soul-shattering cry echoed through the room. Her arousal
permeated the air, her need just as high as his. As her scream of
release died down, Talon pulled back and licked his

So responsive, he thought. So
deliciously his... Talon stared at her face, running his eyes down
her body. Her cheeks were flushed, full lips parted, eyes hooded
and dazed as if she couldn’t believe what was happening, but wanted
more of it. Her body was arched, convulsing as the remnants of her
release sifted through her. Talon felt fierce, damning male pride
course through him.

Talon... take her... You
will be free... Do it now...

All he would have to do is
tear down her pants, rip off the panties, and he could be inside
her...he could be free...
He could watch
her die

He stared down at her,
growling with rough pleasure as he worked over her. Her body was
willing, in as much of a fever as his was. Her lips, swollen from
his kisses, begged for him to go harder, giving praises of love in
between. The soft canopy above them covered them from the light of
the window that was beside their bed.

He pushed deeper,
grimacing as she clenched impossibly tight around him. His lips met
with her shoulder, power surging through him as his wife’s body
turned pliant against his, rocking with the motions of his hands on
her hips.

The field outside of their
window was full of men, working and clearing the land. He licked
along her neck, hearing her sweet moans of pleasure. Her core was
hot, slick, desperately grasping him as he moved quicker, the fire
around them building, the light that was engulfing him making his
hips move faster as pure male aggression took over.

God, she was so hot. On
fire. Demanding and begging, all in one. Just as they themselves
were one. He reached down, smirking against her neck with absolute
male pleasure as his thumb found the most sensitive part of

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