Sinful Deceit (33 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #sexual exploration, #kinky erotic games, #sexual enslavement

BOOK: Sinful Deceit
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"Hey!" Nicky
cried as he walked into the bathroom. "What the hell you

"Help me!" I
screamed. "For God's sake, help me!"

Christine to her feet, he helped me up as the girl fled the
apartment. As Maria clambered to her feet and ran, he sat me on the
edge of the bath and brushed my wet hair away from my face. A wave
of relief rolling through me as I realized that he wasn't involved
with the vile duo, I hung my head and sobbed uncontrollably.

"What they do
to you?" he asked.

"They... I
want to go home," I wailed as he put his arm around my shoulders
and comforted me. "I just want to go home." Lifting my head, I
looked at him as he gazed longingly at my erect nipples. Was he
going to take advantage of me? That's what my naked body was for,
wasn't it? As he lowered his head and stared at the hairless lips
of my vagina, I parted my thighs.

"Here," he
said, grabbing the shorts and T-shirt from the floor. "You dress

"Dress?" I
echoed disbelievingly. "Aren't you going to fuck me?"

"Fuck you?" he
repeated, shock registering in his expression. "Why you think I
fuck you?"

"All men fuck
me," I sighed.

"I like fuck
you but... You dress now."

Leaving the
bathroom, he smiled as he closed the door. I sat motionless for
several seconds, unable to comprehend the situation. I was naked,
the swollen lips of my vagina devoid of hair, the crack of my pussy
gaping, inviting a solid penis to enter my well juiced cunt and
fuck me. Was Nicky abnormal? I found myself wondering in my
confusion. Didn't he want my body? Why didn't he want to push his
hard cock into my cunt and spunk me? Perhaps he was gay.

Grabbing a
towel, I dried myself and slipped into the shorts and T-shirt.
Finding Nicky in the kitchen, I started to explain about the tarts,
what they were doing in his apartment, but he didn't want to know.
His only concern was that I was all right. Telling me to relax in
the lounge while he prepared the meal, he passed me a bottle of
wine and two glasses.

"You no worry
any more," he said. I felt guilty for thinking that he was involved
with Reece and the tarts. Pouring the wine, I wondered whether
there'd be another attack. Reece was sure to realize that I'd be
going to the embassy at some stage. Perhaps he was planning to grab
me in the street or... My mind spinning, I couldn't think about it
any more. What if this, what if that... I had to relax my aching

"OK," Nicky
said as he brought in the food. "We eat and then I take you to
embassy." He was a lovely man. Warm, friendly, and a gentleman,
he'd make an ideal partner. But I wanted Sharon. I thought about
her as I ate. Where was she? What was she doing? As for David... If
he wanted to hear the patter of tiny feet, then he'd have to fuck
someone else. There was no way I wanted him anywhere near me.


The people at
the embassy were extremely helpful. Flying me back to Gatwick and
even arranging for a taxi to take me home, I couldn't have asked
for more. Nicky had bought me a pair of tight-fitting jeans, a
lovely T-shit and a pair of shoes. He'd given me his phone number
and asked me to come back and stay with him one day. But I knew
that I'd never return to Greece. I swore to stay several thousand
miles away from the islands. Perhaps I'd invite him to England.
Would Sharon like him? I hoped not.

It seemed
strange standing outside my mother's house. It was cold and
raining, as I'd expected. Wintry England, summery Greece. Safe
England, I hoped. When my mother opened the front door she just
smiled and asked whether I'd had a good time. Making tea and
opening a packet of biscuits, she knew nothing of what I'd been
through, and I wasn't going to tell her about it. She didn't think
it odd that I hadn't contacted her. To the contrary, she said she'd
thought me to be having such a good time that she hadn't expected
to hear from me. A good time?

"But you
should have called Sharon," she said as she hovered in the kitchen.
"She's phoned a hundred times asking whether I've heard from

"I lost my
phone," I said, feeling comfortable in the familiar surroundings of
the kitchen. "None of the pay phones seem to work in Greece." I
paused, wondering whether to ask about the whore-slag. "Has David
been in touch?" I finally asked as disinterestedly as possible.
He'd been up my arse.

"He's been in
hospital," she replied. "Didn't you know?"

"No, I... Is
he all right?"

"The day you
left, he broke his ankle playing football. He was in hospital for
two days and the poor boy's been stuck in his flat ever since."

As my mother
rambled on, a thousand thoughts ran through my head. David's alibi
was perfect, he was innocent. But, if it wasn't David who'd fucked
my arse it must have been one of the so-called guests, I mused. But
how did Reece know so much about me? How did he know that I'd
mentioned Shirley Valentine to David?

"Have you seen
David?" I interrupted my mother as she talked about making a cake.
He might have lied to her. "Have you seen his ankle?"

"I went to see
him the other day," she replied. "His ankle's in plaster. He's in a
lot of pain, I can tell you. Sharon was with him."

"Sharon?" I
echoed, jealousy gripping me. Had she sucked him off? "Sharon was
at his flat?"

"Yes. She said
that she was passing and had called in to see whether he wanted

Had he wanted
a blowjob? "Did she mention me?"

"Only to
complain about you not phoning her. David said that he'd spoken to
Julie so we knew that you were OK."

"Julie? Who's

"The friend
you made in Greece. David called and she answered your mobile.
Apparently, you'd gone into the town."

"Oh, right," I
smiled. "That was just before I lost my phone. What did Julie

"Just that you
were having a nice time and the weather was good. David chatted to
her for a long time. He said that she sounded really nice."

"Yes, yes she

"You'd better
ring Sharon."

"Yes, I

Calling from
the phone in the hall, I realized David must have mentioned Shirley
Valentine to whoever had answered my phone. It would have been
Maria, I mused. She'd probably got David chatting and he'd
mentioned one or two things about me. But why had Reece gone to all
the trouble of conning me? Why did he want me to think that David
had been to the villa and... It didn't matter why.

"It's me," I
said softly as Sharon answered the phone.

"Hi," she
trilled. "I couldn't get a flight and..."

"Are you

"I'm fine. You
are naughty, Kirsty. You should have called me."

"I lost my
phone and..."

"I hear that
you made a new friend. Julie, isn't it?"

"Yes, that's

"Just a
friend? How old is she?"

"Yes, Sharon;
just a friend. She's... she's about fifty."

"Oh, right.
Shall I come round? We've so much to talk about."

"Yes, I'd like

"OK, give me
ten minutes. By the way, David broke his ankle."

"Yes, I know.
I'll see you soon."

No one knew
anything of my plight. As far as they were concerned, I'd simply
enjoyed a holiday abroad. I'd returned somewhat later than I'd
intended, but no one seemed to notice. Perhaps they were all too
busy with their own lives. David and his ankle, my mother and her
cakes and her incessant hovering, Sharon and... I wanted her. The
soft wet folds of her cunt, her lubricious juices of lust, her ripe
clitoris, her elongated nipples... I desperately wanted and needed
her naked body.

My mother
decided that she needed to go into town, which was fortuitous.
Perhaps she knew that I needed to be alone in the house with
Sharon. Perhaps she knew that I was in love, in lust. Changing into
a miniskirt and loose-fitting blouse, I said goodbye to my mother
and paced the lounge. Waiting is a terrible thing. Waiting,
needing, longing... When the doorbell rang, my stomach
somersaulted. Hesitating, I looked at my reflection in the hall
mirror. I'd caught the sun. My hair seemed blonder. Perhaps the
sperm and urine had lightened the colour. Slipping my hand up my
short skirt, I felt the wetness between my outer lips. No knickers.
My cunt was free, available, yearning.

"Hi," Sharon
smiled as I opened the door. She didn't know that I'd been spermed
over, arse fucked, whipped, tongued, fingers... "You look

"I've missed
you," I said huskily as she followed me upstairs to my bedroom, to
my lair, my lesbian sex den. Perching on the end of the bed, she
smiled at me with her diamond-sparkling eyes. Had she fucked David?
"I want you, Sharon," I murmured.

"Kirsty," she
began. "Kirsty, I..."

"I want to
lick your cunt."

"I've been
thinking while you've been away."

"And?" I asked

"You and
David... He seems to think that you're getting married. If we're
going to... Well, you know."

"David might
be getting married but I'm not. I want you, Sharon. I want you like
I've never wanted anyone."

"I'm all
yours," she grinned, tugging her skirt down her long naked

As we tossed
our clothes to the floor and slipped beneath the quilt, I ran my
finger up and down the warm gully between her rounded buttocks. Her
fingers seeking the wet entrance to my yearning cunt as my fingers
penetrated the tight sheath of her rectum, we both gasped and
shuddered. I'd found my soul-mate, I knew.

Reece and the
others... They didn't matter any more. I decided to make an
anonymous call to the police at some stage. But I felt that Reece
would already have cleared the evidence from his villa. Donna
wasn't in danger, I reflected. Part of the scam. But why bother
with such a complex scam in the first place? Why go to all the
trouble of... Sharon's tongue delving into the wet valley of my
pussy, it didn't matter why.

"David wanted
me to suck his cock," she breathed as she licked my pulsating

"And did you?"
I asked.

"No. I told
him to go to hell. Fancy saying that he's marrying you and then
asking me to..."

"He's a man,
Sharon," I giggled. "A perfectly normal man."

"I don't want

"And neither
do I."

Her tongue
entering the drenched sheath of my cunt, Sharon's gentle lovemaking
aroused me no end. But it was crude lesbian sex that I wanted, that
I had become used to. I'd have to initiate her, I mused as she
tentatively teased the brown eye of my anus with her fingertip. I
wanted her pink tongue up my arse, her clenched fist forced deep
into my beautifully wet cunt. Handcuffs, speculums, whips,
chains... Chains of bondage had replaced chains of daisies.

When I was
young I'd frolic in the garden. Now I wasn't so young. I'd have to
initiate Sharon. Changes around me had changed things within me. I
had found my domain.




Enjoy more
leading erotic fiction by
best-selling author Ray Gordon, also exclusively published as an
eBook by us and available to download from many online bookstores





Taking the girl's slender hand and leading her into the
corridor, Honeycunny made for the stairs leading down to the
basement. Almost dragging her down the steps, she pushed a heavy,
metal door open and pulled her into a small room with a naked bulb
hanging above a double bed. She'd never escape, Honeycunny knew as
she closed and locked the door and ordered her prisoner to lie on
the bed..


In this erotic
adventure by Ray Gordon the one and only Haynes Blond of MI6 takes
on the infamous Eva Titsky, head of the all-powerful P.I.A., in her
impenetrable Russian lair.


Flying in over
the Oral Mountains, Blond parachutes into Penisburg only to be
swiftly captured by Eva. Bound hand and foot he is dragged away to
be tortured by his nemesis and her nubile female helpers. Blond
struggles to escape, but it seems the girl torturers are really
starting to warm up to their work...




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