Single Husbands (28 page)

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Authors: HoneyB

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BOOK: Single Husbands
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Sixty-nine never felt so good.

Burying his face in Michelle’s creamy pussy, Brian circled his tongue over his wife’s pussy. Melt-in-his-mouth cotton-candy
sweetness seeped, layering her lips with the thickness of a vanilla shake. Sucking her shaft into his mouth, Brian eased his
middle finger into her hot, wet pussy, then gently fingered her G-spot. His eyelids closed when Michelle’s mouth sucked his
dickhead like it had been dipped in watermelon. Damn, that shit felt incredible. Brian exhaled. His wife’s energy and love
consumed him as he firmly suctioned her protruding clit. Michelle gripped his dick at the base, bobbing his shaft in and out
of her mouth. Removing his finger from her pussy, he penetrated her asshole. Bracing her clit between his teeth, he flicked
his tongue, making her come as he came in her mouth. Brian had Michelle’s mother to thank. What she believed would rip their
marriage apart had made them come… closer together.

Book Club Questions
  1. Do you love yourself? I ask this question first because most people either don’t know how to love themselves or they think
    they love themselves, yet they allow others to abuse them.
  2. Married, divorced, or single, have you had sex with (or dated) a married person? Before you answer, think, have you dated
    or sexed a person without inquiring about his or her marital status (i.e., a one-night stand, a short-term relationship, etc.)?
    Was the relationship fulfilling? Why?
  3. After reading
    Single Husbands
    , do you feel the characters in this novel violated their marriage license? Why or why not?
  4. Has reading
    Single Husbands
    changed your outlook on marriage? Why or why not?
  5. Would you have or have you had sexual intercourse with your friend’s spouse or mate? If so, would you ever tell your friend?
  6. Do you know any women or men who are married but live like they are single? Do you envy their relationships or lifestyle?
  7. If you knew for a fact that your friend’s spouse or mate was cheating, would you tell your friend? Why or why not? Have
    you ever lusted after your friend’s mate?
  8. Could you have an open marriage, knowing that both you and your spouse were permitted to have sex outside the marriage?
    If so, would you want to know your spouse’s sexual partner(s)? Why or why not?
  9. Is it possible for one person to satisfy all of your sexual needs and fantasies? Before you answer, what are your sexual
    needs and fantasies?
  10. Should the person who earns more money in the relationship or marriage be permitted to control the relationship? What
    emotional impact, if any, do finances bear on a relationship?
  11. After reading
    Single Husbands,
    how would you write or rewrite your marriage vows? Do you believe marriage vows are important? If the vows are broken, what
    can a person do to make them enforceable? What are the laws of marriage?
  12. Would you divorce your spouse for sexual and/or emotional infidelity if everything else in your marriage was perfect?
    Why or why not?
  13. Would you go to a sex club with your spouse or mate? Would you participate in sexual activities with other club members?
    Could you be comfortable watching someone else have sex with your spouse or mate?
  14. What’s the freakiest thing you’ve done sexually? Would you do it again? Are you try-sexual?
HoneyB Tips

If you’ve never been to a sex club or swingers club and are considering going after reading
Single Husbands,
here are my suggestions:

1. Know what pleasures you want to derive from going to a sex club before you get there. Don’t set your expectations high
on your first visit. In fact, I recommend being a voyeur on your first visit or joining in with a small group in a private
room. Most folk can sense the amateurs right away, so chill for a moment. Act like you’re a veteran.

2. Be safe. There are so many places to choose from. Do your online research ahead of time. Ladies, invite a friend to go
with you. I find that most people—men and women—want to experience a sex and/or swingers club at least once. So trust me,
don’t hesitate to ask that friend to go with you.

3. If you’re planning your first visit, don’t ask the person you’re dating, or the person you’re attracted to, to go with
you. Ten times out of ten, it’ll ruin your relationship beyond repair.

4. Be prepared. Read the acceptable attire and club rules online before going to the club. Almost all clubs require you to
bring your own alcohol. For the BYOBs, you can also premix your drinks to your liking, but you will probably be required to
let the bartenders on duty serve your alcohol to you.

5. If it’s a club you’ve never visited, I highly recommend that you call ahead (there should always be a phone number listed
online) with your questions. Drive by the club during the day. Ask to tour the club, preferably during the day, but definitely
before you pay. I’ve found some clubs unsanitary. Just like a restaurant, always check the restrooms for cleanliness and hygiene
supplies. Also, check the showers. Most people don’t use the showers at the club, but you want to make certain they’re clean.
This signals the standards for the club.

6. Bring your own condoms—ladies especially. Your body is your responsibility. Trust me, some guys will try to hit it raw,
especially in the private rooms. Don’t let them. Most clubs provide condoms but they may not supply quality brands. Also,
if you’re doing a ménage à trois, and the guy is double-dippin’, make sure he changes the condom between penetrating others.
Trust me, he won’t care, but if you don’t know the other person (and even if you do), you don’t know what, if any, STDs they
may have.

7. Ladies, do not go to sex clubs with your man just to appease him. Neither of you will be happy. I observed a threesome
at a sex club where the man anxiously wanted to fuck both his woman and their invited partner, another female. His woman clearly
did not allow him to perform oral copulation or vaginal penetration with the other woman the entire time. However, in the
dressing room, I observed this same man begging to taste the woman’s pussy before his woman came in. And, yes, the woman did
allow the guy to do so. A man is going to get his; so, ladies, you should too.

8. Get your sexy on! Your body type or size only matters if it matters to you. There is somebody for everybody at the sex
club, and a lot of men are curious about plus-sized women. They specifically want to have sexual experiences with all types
of women.

9. Beauty starts on the inside. Don’t go to a sex club if your self-esteem is low that day. Go when you’re ready for the
overall experience. Don’t worry about how others will judge you if you tell them you went to a sex club. It’s your life. Tell
them what HoneyB would say, “Don’t waste your life trying to live mine.”

10. Be great to yourself and live in the moment.

Honey Bits

Ladies, do you wanna look better… just a little bit? Do you want to get sexy… just a little bit? Test a small area
of your body to avoid allergic reactions. Well, here are a few of my Honey Bits:

  1. Put your best face forward. Smile often, it’s free. If your face is bland like mine, I do recommend permanent makeup. Nothing
    drastic. Start off slow. I jumped in and had my eyebrows, eyeliner, and lips done the same day. That was way too much. Focus
    on one area at a time. And do get referrals and recommendations from previous clients before having any services done. Ask
    your girlfriends. Some of them may have permanent makeup and you don’t know it.
  2. Exfoliate your face and body twice a week. If you can’t afford facials and body scrubs, there are do-it-yourself products
    you can buy. The grocery store has the best natural products. Fresh lemon juice and sugar mixed is the best hand scrub. Rubbing
    the inside of fresh peaches in circular motions on your face and body works wonders. One cup of plain yogurt mixed with a
    tablespoon of turmeric, located in the spice section of your grocery store, tightens your skin. Leave it on for ten minutes,
    shower off, and you’ll notice a tighter and smoother feel immediately.
  3. Take care of your hair. Licensed stylists don’t always know what’s best for your hair. Don’t be reluctant to ask what products
    are best for you. Shampoos that are alcohol-based will dry out your hair. Use a silk shampoo. And make certain your conditioner
    has protein in it. If you have locks like I do, and you’re experiencing hair loss or damage, I highly recommend you e-mail
    Davette Mobry of Beverly Hills in San Antonio, Texas, at
    [email protected]
HoneyB Safe: Don’t Get Stung

I can’t say that every woman wants to fuck a professional athlete, so I’ll speak for myself. This particular person is definitely
high-profile, so I won’t disclose his identity. Based upon this novel,
Single Husbands,
trust me: the obvious is not so obvious. Don’t waste your time trying to decode names, places, or characters in this or any
of my novels, trying to figure out my sexual partners. Actually, his name is insignificant; the situation I found myself in
was jaw-dropping.

I wanted to sex one of the players on this team for years, so when I had the opportunity, I did, but I didn’t necessarily
fuck the one I fantasized about the most. The man I had sex with, on about a half-dozen occasions or so, was wonderful, from
oral copulation to deep penetration. He had a great personality, sense of humor, and commitment to his family. I never wanted
to be his woman or his wife. I was in control and very clear about our friendship with benefits.

Now, I’m not the kind of woman to bring drama to any man’s front door. Never have. Never will. It’s not productive or necessary,
because there is a plethora of dicks hanging around longing for a pussy to get into. But when this man—whom I considered a
friend—called himself, putting me, HoneyB—a single and uncommitted woman—in check, he’d basically fucked up, and fucked with
the wrong woman. I’m about as nice as women come (and cum), but nonsense and bullshit from men (irrespective of their status)
with double standards, I can’t digest or comprehend.

I’m going to paddle doggie-style into this situation. This piece is not written with malicious intent; which is why I will
not mention his name, but he’s smart. He’s never confronted me again. Did he not remember that I am from New Orleans, Louisiana?
Southern women are the most loyal group of women, until you cross us. Once a man screws up, I will pull out the pushpins,
the voodoo dolls, his baby picture, call the two-headed lady, and whip out the grigri bag on his ass if I have to. Just ask
my ex-husband if you see him. I treat men the way they treat me. No better. No worse. I’m a Virgo and I don’t believe women
should be submissive to men. Partners, yes. Submissive, hell no! What for? Don’t get me started.

Anywhoo, my flight landed and I headed to my favorite rental car agency, National. I love being an Emerald Club member at
National Car Rental because I get to select the car of my choice. It’s with the same discerning discretion that I choose my
lovers. After signing my car contract, I saw a familiar face walk in. This woman, I don’t label her as a friend, but we’d
seen one another on several occasions. Retrieving our cars, we headed to our hotel on the waterfront, checked in, and later
met at the bar for drinks.

I’m not shy, and for anyone who knows or has hung out with me, they realize that I play hard and work harder. Anyway, we were
joined in the bar area by a gentleman whom we both knew and everyone was having a funtastic time. I gave them a glance at
a photo of my Brazilian wax. Anyway, judging by the expression on the gentleman’s face, I said, “Oh, you’ve seen this picture
before? Your boy showed you, huh?”

Without getting a verbal response from him, the woman said, “Oh, my gosh. That’s why he was so persistent in having me send
him a picture. You started this.” She was referring to my at-that-time lover.

We laughed and continued drinking. But knowing that the guy sitting at the table with us was a personal, way-back friend of
my lover, the woman looked at me kinda intrigued. The short of it was obvious. We’d fucked the same guy. The difference between
us was she was white and had been married for almost three decades.

Over the next three days, we hung out together and she probed for information about my interactions with him. She told me
about how he fucked this fat woman (by the way, a different personal friend of mine told me plus-sized sistahs got it going
on, so I’m just reiterating what I was told) but couldn’t get to her pussy, so he fucked her in the crevice of her thigh,
and I told her about how he’d fucked this eighty-year-old woman who practiced Tantra. The old lady had sucked his dick and
had made him come instantly. So while he couldn’t disclose this story to a lot of folks, he told me he went back to the older
woman to see if she could do it again… and she made him come again.

The white woman had mentioned that she overheard him call her a “pink toe,” aka white girl, to one of his friends shortly
after he’d finished fucking her, and I briefly mentioned my ménage à trois with him. Our stories went back and forth and she
begged me not to tell him, because she wouldn’t want anything to get back to her husband.

“Not a problem,” I said, and meant it.

Well, after being back home in the Bay Area for a few days, I received a phone call from him that kinda went something like

“I’m calling to say I’m disappointed in you. What right did you have to discuss our business with anyone else? You don’t know
who she knows or if she knows my wife. That’s why I was skeptical about getting with you in the first place. You’re not the
media, but you do have the ability to put things out in public with your books.”

I listened until he was finished talking, then told him, “You need to be disappointed in your damn self. I am sick and tired
of married men fucking around, then trying to control the situation and everyone involved in it. Once you fuck somebody, the
situation is out of your control.” He should’ve learned that from the mistake of another professional athlete on his team.

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