Sinners and Saints (17 page)

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Authors: Ambear Shellea

BOOK: Sinners and Saints
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Chapter 29


Dorrian, recovering from being knocked out, came to in time to see his world erupt in rage and take on the entire house with her team in tow. Smoke from gunfire and bombs, filled the room making it hard to see clearly. He grabbed a pistol and after rousing his own team, took off after Vylette.

With his own men behind him taking down the guards that flooded in from every direction, they made slow progress through the house
, but he never lost sight of Vylette until her entire team disappeared behind a sheet of bullets. He bolted forgetting his training and only following his heart, which broke when he heard her cry out and her team shouting out her name. Mike's voice was the loudest when he yelled.


All th
at followed were more bullets from so many guns, Dorrian couldn’t tell who they belonged to or if they were winning. He was almost to the hallway Vylette and her team vanished into when half naked men, women and children filled the space in panic. He turned to instruct his men. “Leon, Don, come with me, the rest of you get them all out of here.”

He rushed head long into the hallway, looking for Vylette and her team. Blood covered everything, the walls the floor. His knees just about
gave out and the need to find Vylette was the only thing keeping him upright when he spotted her bloody hand print on the door next to him. His hopes rose at the thought that she might not be dead.

Dear God, please don't let her be dead.

He kicked open the door and in a rage he hadn't known since his sister's death, took over and everything went black.

Chapter 30


Dorrian sat in a chair his eyes closed crying, in the all to
o bright room. Vylette's limp hand in his. People had been in and out all morning, giving him reports, checking on Vylette and assuring him all would be okay.

He glanced around at the mess he had created, not only the hospital room that he had trashed
, but the at the battle worn body laying in the bed. He had lost his composure three times in the short while he had been there. Once when the doctors came in and couldn't promise a recovery. Once when Lewis and Travine tried to ease his pain by saying it would be alright and just moments ago, when he was notified that even though they had rescued all of Wyndmire's captives and killed most of his men, he was still at large and in hiding.

Oh God, Vylette, please wake up. I can't bear this. Please, I love you.”

She was non
responsive to his touch and his pleas. He could take no more, if she was going to lay down and die, so was he. Pulling back the blankets, careful to not budge her much, he crawled into bed next to her and held her as tight as he could. He didn't care if anyone found out about his love for her, and he didn’t care who saw him this distraught and out of commission. In that moment all he cared for was her and that her life was fading away with every tick of the clock.

Unable to, and no longer wanting to, he completely broke down and cried, overwhelmed by grief, he lost control o
f himself and just let go.

In the midst of his grief he heard the footsteps of someone enter the room. He didn
’t look, he didn’t care, he just yelled, “I don't give a damn. Get the hell out.”

He nuzzled closer to her and buried his face in her neck and h
air, falling asleep hoping that when her breath was gone she would take his too.

Chapter 31


How long has he been like this?”

A while. We tried to talk to him after it happened, but he trashed the room in response to our comfort, so we left him for a bit. A couple of hours later, we came back and he yelled for us to get the hell out. We haven't been back to check on him until now.”

Well, he is pretty devastated.”

We all are. We have notified the families of the fallen agents and contacted Mr. Blackstone.”

Howe did that go?”

He is on his way here...Correction he is here.”

Before anyone could blink, shoving people put of the way, he burst through the hospital room, he had been crying too.


People moved away from the bed, giving him room and
a clear view of Vylette, who was laying on her back, Dorrian in her arms, smiling at him.

Hi, Master Fisherman.”

She found herself in his tight grip and pain shot through her and she whimpered.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I am so glad you made it. When I got the call, they made it sound as if you were gone.”

Well they tell me, it was touch and go for most of the night.”

What happened? I know about the mission, I want to know what went wrong.”

For some reason when we were negotiating with Baxter, things went haywire and bullets started flying. Jazmin, I don't know what she was thinking, jumped up and got shot in the chest. She died in my arms and I kind of just went all Rambo and shit. I grabbed my team and we laid into the guards and Baxter. We had them pinned in a room when bullets came through the window and I was hit in the arm and leg. Mike picked me up and carried me for a while, but then we were hit again and I took one in the shoulder and inner thigh and started gushing blood. I’m told that Dorrian and his men showed after that. Dorrian got us out of there and brought me here.”

She was engulfed in another hug.

“I am glad you are safe.”

Vylette slid her attention to Lewis and Jared, who sat in the corner, that she had been
having a conversion with he entered.

Thank them and all these men you see here. This is what is left of my team and Dorrian's. I don't know who all Dorrian lost, but I lost Mike and Jazmin. Somehow, they managed in all that was going on to rescue all the captives, here and overseas...”

Haiden made his way through the door.

“It was quite chaotic for a long time. We weren't sure if any of them were going to make it home. Somehow, Wyndmire caught wind of the mission and tried to get his ladies moved, but we were already too far into his locations for him to succeed. We lost him, but all of his men we found didn’t.”

What about Dorrian, was he injured?”

No one spoke for a mo
ment, everyone was scared of Mr. Blackstone. The room began to thin out and lose its energy. Vylette and her team were all that remained by the time, her uncle asked again and she replied.

Yes uncle, Dorrian was injured, badly, but in a different way...”

When she moved to explain to her uncle, Dorrian stirred in her arms, coming awake. She
looked down at him and when her eyes met his, he kissed her. She had never felt so much passion in his kiss before, he put all he had into it and she gave it right back just as fiercely. He cried while he held her ever closer, deepening his kiss. When she finally got free, she licked his tears from her lips. She once again, found herself trapped between his hands, his thumbs caressing her cheeks.

Never again. From now on, if you stay in this game, you will be by my side and
will have a team not your team and my team. I will not allow what happened yesterday to ever happen again. If I weren’t so glad you are alive, I would kick your ass for going off protocol...”

She said nothing, she only smiled at him, knowing that she would never have it any other
way. Her uncle forgotten, she got her reminder when he spoke.

I think I see what 'injury' you are talking about, Vylette.”

She expect
ed Dorrian to jump and sputter, trying to explain, but he didn't. But what he did do floored her and sent her into a bliss she could never see herself coming down from. Dorrian pulled her closer, looked at her uncle and made a declaration.

I’m sorry I hid my feelings for your niece from you. But I’m going to tell you this. I’m marrying her as soon as she is well enough to limp down the aisle.”

er head in the clouds, she gazed at her uncle to see his reaction.

Well, I don’t have to ask how you feel, I can see it before me. All I ask is this, give me time to get her family here. Her father will hunt us all down if he doesn't get to walk or carry her down the aisle and her mother will be twice as brutal if she doesn't get to be here...That is if Vylette accepts, of course.”

Vylette looked around the room at the people who were there for her and for Dorrian. Lewis
, who had been there for her long before she knew it, Jared, who she only really knew through class and trusted her with his life, and in return helped to save hers. Travine, her first best friend in this place and partner in weird, her uncle who all her life never lost faith in her and finally, the man she loved more than she could explain, had just asked her to marry her, after he had trashed a hospital room, given up on his cause and himself at the mere thought of her death. What else could she say?


Dorrian's face was the one that hurt the most so she quickly explained.

“No, I will not marry you here, in this place. Uncle can gather my family, but you promised to show me around Germany and take me to that little dive you love so much. So, no not here, but marry you, I will.”

She blushed slightly at his tone and comment due to the fact her uncle was inches way.

“Vylette, I will take you around the world and marry you in every country, in every little dive, everyday for as long as you will keep saying yes when I ask. I will spend my days showing you sights and sounds you have only dreamed of and spend my nights showing you how much more I can offer.”



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