Sinners On Tour 01 Backstage Pass (10 page)

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“He’s eating,” Myrna yel ed. “Don’t bother him.”

There was a smattering of laughter from beyond the dining room. Brian stood up and smiled down at her crookedly. His lips were wet and swol en. She rose up to kiss him. The taste of her fluids on his lips made her bel y quiver. She grabbed his cock and guided it inside her body, shifting forward to force him deeper. He thrust into her gently but not deeply enough to do anything but drive her mad with anticipation. He kissed her deeply though, his tongue mingling with hers.

He pul ed away and looked down at her, his eyes glazed with passion.

“Brian,” she whispered. “Wil you do something for me?”


“Fuck me in the ass.”

“You like anal? I’m not very good at—”

She covered his lips with her fingertips. “I’ve never tried it. I want to try different things with you. Is that okay?”

He made a sound of amusement against her fingertips. “I’m game for anything, sweetheart.”

Her mind began to flip through al the dirty fantasies she had, but had never been able to fulfil . “Anything?”


“Just this for now. Wil it hurt?”

“It might. I’m not real y built for it, you know?”

“You are huge.” She trailed her fingers over his bare chest. She’d been craving pleasurable pain from him al day. Why hesitate?

“But I don’t want you to be gentle. I want you to hurt me.”

His eyes widened in surprise. “Seriously?”

“Yes.” She pushed him away, her heart pounding with excitement and a little fear. She turned around and bent over the table, using her hands to spread her ass cheeks. He lowered his head and licked her hole, wetting it with as much saliva as he could. When he stopped, she looked at him over her shoulder. He tore open a condom from his pants pocket, applied it and stood behind her.

She forced herself to relax, waiting in anticipation for his huge cock to fil her forbidden hole. He rubbed the head of his cock over the puckered flesh and gently pressed forward. She bit her lip to stop herself from crying out. Surely his penis had enlarged three times its normal size. She grunted as he pressed deeper. She released her ass cheeks and reached her arms in front of her, her fingertips digging into the hard smooth table surface.

“Ow,” she gasped.

“I’l stop,” he said.

“No, don’t stop. We just need—”

A tube slid across the table toward her and she caught it. “Lubrication,” she said grateful y.

“Dude, so not cool. Lube is always needed for backdoor entry.” Trey stuck his sucker back in his mouth and left the room.

“Thank you, Trey,” Myrna cal ed.

She handed the tube to Brian and waited while he applied it to his cock and used his fingers to spread it inside her. “Does it bother you that they’re out there listening to everything we’re doing?” Brian asked.

Them being there made her feel that much dirtier. She didn’t want to pretend to be pure. Jeremy had always expected that of her and she hated everything about that man. “If it bothered me, I’d have taken you into a room with a door.”

He chuckled. “I do think I’m in love with you.”

She tensed.
No, don’t say that.
He pressed deeper. “Ah, God,” she gasped, squeezing her eyes tightly closed. She couldn’t take any more. It burned. Deeper. She bit her lip, tears streaming down her face, the pressure inside her painful and thril ing at the same time.

“Are you sure about this?” Brian asked.

She wasn’t. It hurt pretty badly, even with the lube, but she nodded, several tears splashing down onto the table in front of her. He started to withdraw and the pain was instantly replaced by blinding pleasure. “Mmmmm,” she purred.

He pressed forward again. Even deeper this time. The pain receded to a heavy ful ness. Not pleasurable exactly. Strange. He backed away. A feeling of relief. Definitely pleasurable.

“It feels so good when you pul out,” she gasped. But to pul out, he had to slide in.

He pressed forward again. The pain of his penetration blended with the pleasure of his withdraw. She gasped and shifted her legs further apart to give him better access.

“That’s it, baby.” He took her slowly for a few more strokes, al owing her body to adjust to his size, and when she was able to take him completely without whimpering, he leaned over her and rested his fists on the table. His strokes increased in speed and her pussy ached for its neglect as his bal s bounced against her throbbing labia and clit. He fucked her harder now, the pain intense, but the pleasure ten times sweeter. She sobbed from the excitement of it.

“Are you crying?” He paused and leaned over her shoulder to look at her.

She hid her face in her hands. “Don’t stop now,” she pleaded, her voice hitching.

“You are crying.”

“I like it, Brian. Don’t stop. Do it hard. Please. Hurt me. I’m so dirty. I’m so fucking dirty. Punish me.”

He dropped a tender kiss on her shoulder. “You’re not dirty, sweetheart. You’re beautiful. Tel me when you’ve had enough.”

He slowed his strokes, not backing off on how deep he took her, just how quickly. Her thighs quivered. Slow was better. She could take this languid pain without sobbing.

“This feels nice, Myr, but I don’t hear music.” He reached around her and stroked her clit until she sputtered with an orgasm that left her entirely disoriented. He pul ed out. “I know you crave pain because I made you feel like a whore.”

How did he know that? She lifted her body from the table and turned to look at him. She opened her mouth to protest. He covered her lips with his fingers.

“That voyeuristic stuff was hot, Myrna, but I’d rather treasure you. I don’t think you understand how beautiful you are. How amazing your lack of inhibition is. How wonderful…” He seemed to realize he’d said too much.

Her heart twanged. Sweet sex god. “Thank you,” she whispered.

He kissed her cheek, and stripped himself of the condom before forcing his hard cock back into his pants. He handed her the towel he’d worn out of the bathroom.

“And it might not bother you to run around naked in front of my band mates, but I don’t like it.”

She nodded and wrapped the towel around her body.

“Let’s go find a room with a door. And we’l try something different, if you like.”

“I would like that, if you’re wil ing to indulge me.”

“I’m the one who’s being indulged here.” He grinned, took her hand and led her from the dining room toward one of the two bedrooms in the suite.

Sed glanced up from the TV to watch them pass. “You two done so soon?”

“Just getting started,” Brian said.

Chapter 6

Brian led Myrna to the bedroom and closed the door. She looked up at him expectantly in the limited light spil ing between the heavy drapes. He smiled, cupping her cheek and running his thumb over her cheekbone. This woman. This beautiful, intel igent, witty, fun, sexy woman. How could he not fal for her? He knew she’d crush his heart like a bug and didn’t care. He wondered if she had marathon sex with every lover she’d taken. She was certainly eager and skil ed. He didn’t dare ask her. He didn’t want to know that he wasn’t special. Wanted to believe that he was the first, the only man with whom she’d experienced this level of passion. He could pretend. And he could indulge. If new experiences were what she wanted, he’d do his damnedest to give them to her.

She laid a gentle hand on his bare bel y and he tensed. He was stil rock hard, but he wanted to go slow with her this time, not lose himself in mindless fucking. Not that mindless fucking was bad. It was spectacular, and she was so open to it. It blew his mind.

She deserved to be treasured though and he would take the time to make her feel beautiful, as he’d promised.

He should have never let Eric watch. He knew that’s why she was feeling dirty. When that solo had come to him, he hadn’t been thinking about how his total disregard for her feelings would affect her.

He bent his head to kiss her eyelids. Her cheeks. The tip of her nose. Even though she offered her beguiling mouth, he refused her lips. Not yet. But her jaw, yes, he kissed her there, and her neck just beneath her ear. Her pulse drummed just beneath his lips.

She sighed and buried her fingers in his hair, tilting her head to the side to al ow him easy access. Her skin was damp and cool.

He used his mouth to warm a trail down the side of her neck.

She shuddered.

“Are you cold?” he whispered, drawing her toward the bed and warm covers.

“I’m on fire.”

He grinned. She was always on fire. And he wil ingly dove in, knowing he’d get burned. Perhaps that was part of the attraction.

He lifted her and laid her down on the bed, leaving her most beguiling parts covered with the towel. He’d get to those parts eventual y, but he wanted to start where she wouldn’t expect it. He knelt on the end of the bed, lifted her leg, and took her dainty foot in his hands, massaging the instep with his thumbs. He rested her heel against his shoulder and kissed her ankle, her calf, and the back of her knee. She sighed. His tongue darted over the sensitive skin there, tracing chaotic patterns behind her knee.

He could almost see the sweet wel between her thighs. The shadow of the towel was the only thing keeping her secrets from view. His cock throbbed with need. His bal s ached. He’d already exploded several times today. How could his body crave more already? He wasn’t usual y this randy. Why her?

Why not?

He brushed the towel aside. He just wanted a peek. A mistake. He didn’t want to start rutting on her like a horny teen, but the lovely vision of her slightly parted pink lips, opening to parts that begged to be fil ed, had him reaching for the fly of his jeans. He released the buttons and freed The Beast from his pants, grabbing it firmly with one hand to try to keep it under control.

She chuckled and he glanced up at her, his tongue stil darting over the skin behind her knee. She was watching him. He lifted his head. “What’s funny?”

“Nothing. I know what you’re thinking, is al .”

“What am I thinking?”

“That there’s a silky hole in your line of sight that needs fil ing, but you promised to make me feel beautiful, so you’re going to hold off as long as possible.”

He smiled and released his cock to slide a finger inside her. Her slick flesh swal owed his finger in liquid heat. “This silky hole?”

He loved the look of his finger buried inside her and was unwil ing to remove it.

“That’s the hole I was thinking of. Is that the one you were thinking of?”

He moved his other hand from her foot,and probed her ass with another finger. “There’s this one, too.”

She squirmed. “Do you prefer that one?”

“I greatly prefer the former, actual y.”

“So do I. And now I know for sure, thanks to you.”

He removed the tip of his finger from her ass and slid a second finger into her pussy. Yeah, that looked even better. His thumb rubbed over the hood of her clit. Her body jerked.

“I’m sorry to be so predictable,” he murmured. “I real y did bring you in here to smother you with affection.”

“I’d rather you submit to what you real y want to do.”

Withdrawing his fingers slightly, he pressed them inside her again, absorbed by the appeal of watching. Deciding he’d much rather watch his cock ramming into her, he glanced around the wel -decorated room. The long dresser was about hip high. He slid from the end of the bed, stood up, and applied the last condom from his pocket. Waiting was no longer an option. He leaned over the bed, gripped her soft ass and dragged her toward him.

She gasped in surprise when he picked her up and turned to sit her on top of the dresser.

“Here?” she asked.

“I want to watch,” he murmured. “Have you ever done it like this?”

She shook her head, kissed his forehead and perched on the edge of the dresser, spreading her legs wide to give him an unfettered view. He had to possess her. Right then. No more waiting.

He grabbed his cock and inserted it into her beckoning warmth. He sighed as he slid deep, his eyes focused on the action between their bodies. The vision of his cock buried inside her, matched with the feel of her warmth gripping him, caused his stomach to clench with need. Her forehead rested on his shoulder so she could watch, too.

He let the urgency carry his rhythm, sliding in and out of her faster and faster. Watching the ebb and flow of her flesh as it accepted his so perfectly. He rocked on the bal s of his feet so he could take her hard. Ground his cock deep so she’d make that pleading, mewing sound in the back of her throat. He didn’t know if she even realized she made it, but it drove him crazy.

And then, he heard it again.

The music.

He tried to ignore it, only wanting to concentrate on the sight of his cock disappearing into Myrna’s tight body. Feel her warmth around him and the slightly painful dig of her fingertips into his upper arms. Smel her skin, her sweat, her sex. Hear nothing but those maddening little sounds she made. Taste her lips. He placed a finger under her chin and claimed her mouth, plunging his tongue into her mouth. So sweet.

The series of chords repeated in his head.

He tore his mouth from hers and looked down into her eyes. “Say my name,” he whispered.


He could stil hear the music. “Louder.”


Not loud enough. He’d make her scream it. Her cries would drown out the music.

He picked her up off the dresser, stil impaled by his cock, and carried her to the bed. He tumbled onto the bed with her, driving himself deep. Her back arched and she made that sound that grabbed him by the bal s. He pounded into her, ground against her clit, and then withdrew completely. She cried out in protest.

“What do you want, baby?” he whispered into her ear. “Tel me.”

“Your cock. Take me hard, Brian. Please.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t hear you. What do you want me to do?”

“Hard! Fuck me hard, Brian!”

Yeah, that’s it. He could barely hear the riff now. He slid into her body slowly. “Like this?”

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