Read Sins of September Online

Authors: Graysen Blue

Sins of September (11 page)

BOOK: Sins of September
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His fullness presses deeper, and a flash of white pain suffuses my core causing me to cry out against his mouth that is claiming me at the moment.

What the fuck?

He releases a masculine groan as he pushes himself in deeper. I hear a muffled curse and then he speaks more clearly. “Fuck if you have,” he rasps. “Seems like you’ve lied to me. Maybe you need a lesson in the truth.”

And he gives it to me full force, backing out, and then slamming his cock back into me, causing me to cry out again, and then mewl with the aftershocks of it.

The pain lasts for a couple of more thrusts and then my sex does what it’s supposed to do: it welcomes Jesse. I’m so wet for him now, and I’m not sure how much of the wetness is blood, and how much is pussy lubrication, but I wrap my legs around his hips tightly. My feet are planted firmly in his muscular ass, and my toes are digging in to grip and rock him into me deeper. I need him in all the way.

My body is begging for him to be fully encased within me. He moans, softly, licking my ear, his warm breath caressing my neck as he moans again, thrusting a bit deeper. He’s no longer feeling pissed about my virginity. I’ve no clue how to explain to him that I
believed that detail had been taken care of by Austin.

“Have you learned your lesson?” he asks.

I moan in response. My mind reverts back to the total pleasure he’s inflicting within my core with each and every thrust.

“God baby, this pussy is mine, do you get that? I fucking want my dick buried inside of you all night long.”

And his words make me wetter still as I feel myself clenching his shaft, adjusting to his girth. “I want that too.”

He moves deeper yet inside of me and I move my legs higher to his lower back, drawing him in deeper. “That’s it baby,” he croons as he starts moving rhythmically within me, slowly and sensually, filling my core with his manhood. “So fucking tight. You doing okay?”

“Yes, Jessie,” I reply softly moving against him.

“Okay, cause I’m gonna start fucking you a little faster. You let me know if it hurts and I’ll stop.”


And his thrusting becomes a bit faster and deeper, his hips moving deliciously so that the head of his cock is hitting that special spot deep inside of me that his fingers have just recently brought to a pulsating orgasm. My first ever—that way.

He backs out and slams in again, faster, harder deeper and I moan his name over and over again. His mouth has lowered to mine and his tongue mates with my tongue as his cock is pleasuring my pussy in ways I never dreamed possible.

“That’s it baby,” he croons as my hips buck up against him and my moans become feral as every primal instinct in me responds to his mating.

This is my cock—my Jesse. He belongs to me—not Casey and not Mama—only me. I love him and I love how he makes me feel. No other man could ever make me feel the way that he’s making me feel at this moment.

I arch my back and deep within my core the slow, deliberate warmth is starting and spreading through every nerve ending and muscle in my body. I feel my heat gripping him, pulling him and he groans loudly as he joins me in the same spiraling vortex of pleasure that our joined bodies have created.

“God, September, I’m coming,” he groans, pounding into me with lustful force, my moans now getting louder and words can’t form on my lips as our orgasms wash over each of us. I’m aware of the sounds and the scents: skin slapping skin; our wet juices mingling together and it’s potent to every sense we possess.

Jesse stills and I can feel the throbbing of his cock inside of me as he empties his seed into my fertile womb, over and over until with one final shudder, he’s finished.

Our breathing is slowing down and our senses slowly return with a peaceful calm in the afterglow of our climactic coupling.

Jesse leans over again, and brushes soft kisses on my cheeks, nose and chin; his tongue traces my lower lip slowly as his sapphire eyes gaze into mine with a dark depth that is new to me. He lowers his eyelids and his dark eyelashes look like sooty fringe against his skin.

“Fuck,” he growls, backing out of me. “What the fuck did we just do?”

I’m still in a foggy haze trying to figure out if he’s just now clued in to what we’ve been doing for the better part of an hour, or if he’s simply racked with shame or worse yet, guilt.

That would be totally fucked-up.

He’s pulling his jeans up not looking at me. I hear him zip up the fly and with a soft curse he exits the kitchen.

I’m leaning up on my elbows now, completely mortified by his post-sex behavior.

I slide from the table, and grab my jeans, pulling them on and as I glance around the kitchen for any other pieces of clothing that might belong to me, and I catch a movement outside. Someone was at the kitchen window that’s on the side of the house. The same side of the house as the driveway; the same side that faces Casey’s house.


I hurry back into the living room and grab my top from the floor and shrug it on over my head.

Jesse’s on the sofa, rubbing his thick hair with both hands and finally looks up at me. “God, September—I fucking don’t know what the hell got into me,” he says, his tone thick with guilt. “I-I had no right.
had no right lying to me about that shit either.”

“Stop,” I nearly shout. “Don’t you dare act as if that shouldn’t have happened! Don’t you make it seem like some . . .

a mistake,” he replies, now rubbing his forehead with his fingers as if he’s trying to clear his mind. “I had no right to do that—you’re a teenager for Chrissake—and a fuckin’ virgin to boot. What does this make me, huh? Some fucking
for Chrissake?”

“I’m a legal adult for all intents and purposes, Jesse. I’m eighteen. No law has been broken. We aren’t blood kin, so what’s the problem?” I now have a calmness in my voice because I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let him guilt his way into a funk. “I love you, Jesse. It’s as simple as that.”

I walk over to stand before him, and he looks up at me, uncertainty and indecision is apparent as he struggles with what I’ve just told him. “Oh no. No you don’t. September—I . . .”

I hold my hand out to him, and in a moment he puts his large hand around mine.

“This can’t happen. This is fucking wrong.”

His words say one thing, but the rest of him is totally opposed, I can tell by his body language.

“Let’s go to bed,” I suggest. “We can talk about it later.”

He looks at me for a long moment and I can tell that he’s weighing it back and forth in his mind. He’s got that angel/devil on my shoulder thing goin’ on in his mind. I already know that the horned one is gonna rule.

Finally he stands up, and taking the lead, he pulls
behind him down the hallway and into his room, slamming the door shut behind

We undress and crawl beneath the covers of his bed. Jesse pulls me against him, wrapping his strong arms around me and tucks me in against his chest. I can feel his warm breath against the back of my neck and it’s comforting and natural.

We fall asleep entwined in one another.

Much later, I awake feeling his work-calloused hands caressing me gently, his lips tracing a soft trail of kisses along the back of my neck and shoulders.

I turn to him and we kiss long and deeply. Jesse makes love to me softly and slowly, guiding me along the way, and teaching me the ways that he likes to be pleasured, how he likes to be ridden.

And it totally rocks.

Chapter 16

It’s been several weeks since Jesse and I consummated my love for him.

Yeah. That’s right.

I tell him that I love him but he’s never really said it back to me.

Which is fine.

Except that it . . . sucks.

Jesse had a sit-down, serious discussion with me the following Saturday afternoon, before I left to go and pick up Scout.

Here’s how it went down:

“September—you and me, what we’ve had or what we continue to have, well . . . uh, it’s very
—you get that, right?”

,” I reply. “Who am I gonna tell?”

“It’s not something I want you sharing with your girlfriends, first of all.”

“I get it.”

“And we can’t—we
will not
carry on like this when Scout’s in the house, is that understood?” His voice is firm and this is definitely not up for negotiation.

“Of course,” I reply. “I understand totally.”

Except that I don’t.

Yeah, it’s complicated—I get that, but it’s not incest, it’s not against the law. There’s an eleven year age difference give or take a few months, so what’s the freakin’ big deal?

I respect Jesse’s rules because if I don’t, he’ll cut me off and I can’t have that. He is like a narcotic to me and I’m wondering if it’s all one-sided, though I’m not prepared to put it to the test to find it. I’ll bide my time.

“Oh, and another thing,” he continued while we were on the subject. “We
gonna use condoms cause I’ve caught glimpses of that sneaky streak you’ve got going on at times, and I’m not about to fall victim to it.”

I try my best to appear offended but the truth is, I do have a sneaky streak and I’m not going to argue that point with him either.

“But what if we want to have a baby together someday, Jesse?” I ask him softly.

“Don’t go there, girl.”

So I don’t.

I’ve got dinner on the stove and I’m checking Scout’s homework with her when Jesse comes through the door carrying his hard hat.

I’ve had to take dinner out to him once or twice at the job site when he’s working later than expected. When he comes up to the car wearing his hard-hat, I seriously get moist and feel myself clenching my pussy muscles in response.

“Hey ladies,” he greets, taking his jacket off and hanging it up. “What’s for dinner?”

I give him a smile. “Shepherd’s pie.”

It’s one of his favorites and I’m rewarded with a smile and a wink. “Umm-umm,” he says, grabbing a beer from the fridge. “I’m gonna grab a shower,” he replies, mussing Scout’s hair and tugging playfully on my ponytail on his way out of the kitchen. “Be back in twenty.”

I sigh. I’ll never tire of admiring his body—his muscles, his face, his ass, his walk . . .

Scout frowns.

“What’s the matter?” I ask.

“Catherine’s having a Halloween party and I’m not invited.”

“She is? Well how’d you find out then if you’re not invited?”

“Amber told me. She got an invitation and I didn’t.”

I think back and realize that Catherine and Scout haven’t hung out for weeks now. I’ve attributed that to the fact that they go to different schools and the fall weather has gotten chilly, but now I’m thinking it may be something else altogether.

“Did you ask Catherine about it?”

“I tried today after the bus dropped me off. I knocked on their door, but Casey said Catherine wasn’t allowed to come out and I wasn’t allowed to come in.”

“Well,” I reply, “Jesse made those rules.”

“I know,” she says with a sigh, “But Casey acted different. Kind of mean.”

“You know what?” I say, “Maybe she’s just having a bad day. Why don’t you try again tomorrow and see what happens?”

“Okay,” she replies still looking a bit sad. “Are we done?”

“Yep. You did awesome on your sums,” I praise her, and that finally gets a smile out of her. “Why don’t you take your books and papers and get them packed up in your back pack before dinner?”

“Okay,” she says, gathering everything up.

My cell rings. It’s Shayla.

“Guess what?” she asks as soon as I answer.


“Big party this Saturday night at Randy Mercer’s house. No parents. It’s a Halloween party so we need to dress up.”

“Seems to be a lot of those going on,” I reply absently.

“Huh? Did you get invited to another one?” she asks.

“Uh . . . no. So anyway, how do you know I’m invited to Randy’s?”

“Because everyone is! It’s an open party, but it’s BYOB.”

“Yeah,” I smirk, “That’ll happen.”

“Oh come on,” she snips, “Your step-dad has some beer or booze around there I’m sure.”

BOOK: Sins of September
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