Six Masters Island - The Cinderella Syndrome (22 page)

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Authors: Candace Smith

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Six Masters Island - The Cinderella Syndrome
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“Aye, the fae.
She’s got a presence about her.
As for Cynthia ignorin’ you… you was the one who kept her from getting back at the witch the first time.
I expect she wasn’t too keen on letting you stop her again,” Ethel chuckled.

Alexander waited until everyone was seated at the table.
“Cynthia, I have done you a gross injustice.”

Cynthia’s eyes narrowed.
did not
sell my Orchid and Passion.”

“Good god, no.
As a matter of fact, I’ll be giving them back to you in a few days.”

“Then there’s nothing else to worry about,” Cynthia decided.

“Yes, Cynthia, there is.
That woman has been left in a cage for over a week.
She has not been washed or collared.
Ethel has been feeding her, but other than that, she’s been left alone.”

Cynthia began to quiver, and everyone at the table looked at her nervously.
“You want me to decide who is to train her?” she asked quietly, resolved not to let her emotions run wild again.

“No, Cynthia.
I want you to do it.
We will only step in, if you want us to.
It’s the best I can do for taking away your chance to get back at Ava.
I’ll have her moved to an introduction room in the morning.”



Chapter XI


The next morning, while Cynthia and Alexander walked towards the hidden back rooms of the dungeon garden, Calla took a deep breath and descended the stairs.
Now that she was really going to work with Sloan, she was nervous.
She stood at the door, wondering if she should knock.

Daryl passed her in the hall on his way to train with Chameleon.
“Go on, he won’t bite,” he chuckled, and he reached over to turn the handle.

“Good,” Sloan said when he saw her standing there.
He was wondering if she had changed her mind.
Calla walked in and saw that he had both Cosmos and Jasmine in the cell.
“I thought it might be easier if we each worked with one,” he explained.

Cosmos listened carefully to Sloan and followed his instruction.
The week in the cell had been lonely and frightening, and she did not know what she had done that had caused them to ignore her.
She thought it was because the woman had chosen Jasmine, though she was glad that the handsome man was working with her because the ghost woman was scary.

Jasmine screamed the first time Calla touched her, and she rubbed her hand frantically over her skin as if she was wiping off any residual reminder.
Calla’s eyes narrowed.
It had been so long since she had anyone treat her with fearful disgust that this once-familiar reaction pissed her off.

Calla sneered.

Sloan leaned back against the table, crossing his ankles, as was his habit.
Cosmos was kneeling, wide-eyed and shaking by his boots.
He arched an eyebrow at Calla.

Calla realized that he was waiting to see if she had the strength and control to be effective.
Obviously, even training positions was not the calm routine she had experienced with Marigold.
This was the first real training the flowers received, and it would ingrain the message that the girl was now a possession that was required to follow the Masters’ and Mistress’ orders.
Calla thought of the different situations she had discussed with Cynthia that she had put Orchid through.
Alexander’s pyramid was the most painful, but not quite the lesson Calla wanted this flower to learn.
A smile formed on her pale lips.
“Sloan, I may need your help to encourage my little flower to overcome her reluctance to work with me.”

He looked down at Cosmos.

“Yes, Master Sloan,” the redhead whispered.
Oh man.
I am way glad I’m not Jasmine.

Calla lifted her shift and spread her legs.
“Kneel, Jasmine.”

Jasmine screamed, and Sloan snaked out a hand to grab her.
He locked her wrists together behind her back, wound her long hair in his fist and dragged her over to the wheel.
Jasmine kicked and cried the whole time, shrieking in terror.
Calla walked over and watched Sloan hook the back of the girl’s collar to the wheel.
They each took an ankle and secured them.

“Hold on,” Sloan said.
He walked to the cabinet and returned with a ring gag.
Calla watched how he forced it into her mouth.
“Cosmos, get over here and kneel.”
He looked up at Calla.
“Might as well let her get a good look at punishment.”

Sloan saw the flushed excitement on Calla’s face, and felt himself getting rock hard with the whole situation.
“She’ll either do it, or smother,” he chuckled.
Calla straddled the girl’s mouth and lowered, but besides screaming, Jasmine did nothing.

“You can fuck her, if you want to,” Calla said bluntly.
The arousal in Sloan’s face was obvious, even if the outline in his jeans had not given him away.
She realized he would not use her flower without permission.
That was all it took for him to unzip and thrust into the tight pussy spread before him.

Cosmos gasped, and Jasmine shrieked and bucked her hips wildly.
Calla could tell that Sloan was definitely enjoying the ride.
He said, “Squeeze your thighs together.
She’ll get the idea that you won’t let her breathe until she gets busy.”

Oh… oh no.
Jasmine felt the huge cock pushing into her, and the frightening white woman had her disgusting pussy on her mouth.
Legs began to squeeze, and Jasmine could not breathe.
she tried to gulp air and inhale through her nose.
Everything was blocked and the man kept pounding into her.
Colors mixed with blackness, and she panicked and swept her tongue up.
Jasmine’s stomach buckled with empty retches, but the thighs released her cheeks and she was able to inhale through her nose.
After a few attempts at retreating her tongue, the lesson was clear.

Sloan had long since shot his load, but he let his cock stay inside the sticky tight channel while Jasmine took time to figure out how to get Calla to get off her face.
He watched Calla’s eyes begin to close slightly, and her hands gripped Jasmine’s breasts when she finally gasped.

Damn, the twins are lucky.
When Calla’s quivering stopped, he smiled at her, and in a slightly hoarse voice he said, “I think I’m going to enjoy working with you.”

They trained the girls through their positions, but they also had their time with Jasmine on the wheel.
By the end of the week, she did not dare to so much as flinch when Calla touched her.


* * * * *


While Cynthia walked with Alexander through the dungeon, she began to get nervous.
“I might…”

“You’ll do whatever you need to do, Cynthia.
The woman is not going to be able to be auctioned,” Alexander reminded her.
The Venetia’s would never sell something that looked like Jackie.

Cynthia had been intrigued when Alexander told her where the woman was being kept.
She remembered her thoughts of how she would have liked to have seen the dungeon when it was still lit by fire.
“It feels like a place of demons,” Cynthia said as she followed him through the dark tunnels.

Alexander squeezed her hand.
“Let’s hope it’s a place where yours can finally be released, Cynthia.”
He opened the cell, and when Cynthia walked in the girl began to sob.

Jackie was terrified that the green-eyed woman would get hysterical again.
“I’m not that woman,” she cried.
The old hag that had been bringing her meals had told her about Ava.
She also said that the green-eyed witch was blaming her for causing the kidnapper trouble.
“You’ll all go to prison for what you’re doing.”

The woman continued to stare at her, and the man by her side said nothing.
Jackie made the mistake of thinking that they were considering what she was saying.
“If you let me go, maybe I’ll forget any of this happened.
I mean, you obviously have money, and I’m sure that we can reach some kind of an agreement.”

“I was thinking about passing, Alexander,” Cynthia said.
“I thought maybe it would be better to just get her out of here.”
Cynthia looked up at him.
“She’s as greedy and despicable as Ava was.”

Alexander kissed her forehead.
“Do whatever you want with her, Cynthia.”

“I’d like to keep her here.”

“I’ll have Ethel check the sconces and have them filled, unless you would like wiring.”

“No… I want the torches,” Cynthia decided.

Daryl and Sloan insisted on checking the fires in the cell.
They told their mother it was prepared for her use after lunch.
Cynthia was practically trembling with excitement, and she asked Calla to join her.
On the way down the tunnel, she said, “Just in case I go batty again.”

“I don’t think you will, Cynthia.
The shock of it’s gone, so just enjoy your revenge,” Calla replied.
She thought of how good it had felt to torment Jasmine, in response to a lifetime of the cruelty people had shown her.

When they got to the cell, Calla walked around the equipment.
The fires made the shadows give an even eerier feeling to the place.
“Major creepy, Cynthia.
would pass on some of this stuff.”

Cynthia laughed, and said, “Well, I hope that you don’t get too disappointed with what I’ve planned.”

The women wrestled Jackie out of her cell and had her wedged into a stockade.
There was a scraping, raw sound to her screaming and threats that was giving both women a headache.
“Good grief.”
Calla rubbed her temples.

“Honestly, there has got to be some relationship.
Ava and her daughters had the same nasal whine when they yelled at me,” Cynthia noted.

Jackie’s wrists and neck were pinched between the rough wood that had splintered in places from years of no use.
“You’ll be caught, you bitches.
I’ll tell them everything, even how you have that man kidnapping women for you.”

Cynthia’s eyes narrowed, and Calla watched her, slightly nervous that when the woman threatened Sloan again Cynthia might lose control.
Instead, she took a gag out of her pocket and held Jackie’s jaw firmly while she taught Calla how to use it.

“I prefer to coax my blossoms to perfection,” Cynthia said calmly.
“However, I received great satisfaction with the years I worked on the Ava Puhi plants.
Grafting the ugliest plants I could find until I achieved the horrid flower was almost therapeutic, in a way.
I have plans for this flower that should produce an equally unappealing visual display.”

Calla realized Cynthia was in complete control of herself.
She also realized that she was sharing a part of herself she was not particularly proud of.
The dark corner of her mind that had never been able to forgive or forget Ava’s treatment would be expressed in the sanctity of these ancient dark walls.
Calla was proud that Cynthia had chosen her to be a witness to what was surely her only flaw.

Calla had never seen the orientation of the flowers, and she followed Cynthia’s instruction closely.
There was a bucket of soapy water, and Cynthia picked up the stiff bristled brush and began to scrape it across the bound woman’s body.

Jackie felt the sharp, thorny brush scrubbing the dirt off her.
I’ve got to get out of here.
I’m sure Val got a good look at the guy.
She probably saw him peel out of the parking lot with me.
She’s probably already got the police on the way here.
Her mind continued to ramble with unsubstantiated, hopeful thoughts, while she tried to ignore the feeling of being skinned alive.

Cynthia took some scissors out of her pocket and began cutting the layered, highlighted ropes of hair off the woman’s head.
When it was down to stubble, Calla and Cynthia applied the burning patches to both her pussy and her skull.
Cynthia even cut two small strips and laid them over Jackie’s eyebrows.

As a final measure, she spent an hour teaching Calla the proper use of the cane along the back of the woman’s thighs and her ass.
Cynthia swiped it across the sides of her breasts, occasionally hitting the nipples jutting down towards the floor.
By the time she was finished, Calla’s pussy was dripping and she was desperately looking forward to finding the twins.
Cynthia’s hair was in a seductive disarray from her workout, and Calla once again felt the power behind her force.

Just before they left the dark cell, Calla turned and smiled at the shocked woman.
“You never should have threatened one of Cynthia’s boys, stupid.”

The next day, Cynthia removed the patches.
Without her eyebrows, Jackie had an oddly surprised expression… though, the little beady eyes still gave her a rat-like appearance.
Cynthia placed the shoddiest, thick training cuffs and collar she could find on the girl, after having Sloan secure a flat ugly piece of gravel from the driveway in the center.

“Let me guess,” Calla said as she watched from her perch on the arm of a chair that had rusted nails jutting up from the seat.
“Ava Puhi.”

Cynthia sounded almost relieved to finally have a girl to name after the results of her hybrid efforts.

There was a groaning sound against a wall, and a large slab opened towards them, letting in the afternoon sun.
“My god, Cindy.
Such subterfuge.”

“Albert,” Calla said with delighted surprise.

“You know, I don’t think Alexander even knows about the outside door.
I found it years ago,” Cynthia laughed.

“You’re sure you don’t want just a little more payback?” Albert asked.

“No, Albert.
It would feed a feeling I don’t want to re-live.
Unfortunately, the hideous woman has made it clear that bribery will buy her, so she must be disposed of.”

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