Six Naughty Nights: Love in Reverse, Book 2 (37 page)

BOOK: Six Naughty Nights: Love in Reverse, Book 2
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“I’m glad to see you’re going to be cooperative.” He walked slowly around her. “My superiors assure me you know the secret code. You are going to tell me that code.”

“I won’t tell you anything,” she said rebelliously.

He stopped walking and bent to whisper in her ear, “Oh, yes you will.”

Every single piece of her stood on end in heightened awareness of him. The Naughty Nights card had included an added instruction for the woman involved in this role-play. She had to think of a piece of information he didn’t know about her, and try to keep it from him as he tortured her. It hadn’t been difficult to come up with a secret. But she was determined not to tell him. Surely she could hold out against whatever he did to her?

He walked to his bag again and extracted something else—a silk scarf—then brought it over to her. “Temporarily,” he said, his eyes warm. He folded it into a narrow band and placed it around her eyes, tying it at the back of her head. “And so it begins,” he murmured in her ear.

“Toby…” She swallowed. Her mouth had gone dry. Her world was now dark, and all her other senses strained toward him.

“You can call me ‘sir’,” he instructed. His deep voice reverberated through her, while the scent of him—whisky, warm male and aftershave—filled her nostrils.

“Yes, sir,” she whispered.

Fingers brushed up her arms, arousing goose bumps on her skin. “Much as I adore this slinky dress,” he said, “it’s time to see that beautiful body of yours.” He moved behind her and unzipped the garment. “Raise your arms.”

She did so, aware of him grasping the hem. The cool material slid up her thighs, rustled over her hips and skated across her breasts as he lifted it over her head. It dropped to the floor in a sigh of satin, and her nipples tightened instinctively at the sensation of standing naked in front of him.

He walked around her, his feet almost silent on the carpet, and stopped. She waited, heart thumping. She wasn’t quite sure where he was, and automatically crossed her arms over her breasts.

“Now, now,” he said from just in front of her. “I told you to stand still. If you don’t cooperate, I will have to punish you.” He sounded amused.

She shivered and dropped her arms to her sides. He moved away and she heard him rummaging in his bag. There were various rustling noises, and at one point footsteps sounded behind her as he walked to the bed. She remained standing, vulnerable and exposed, but forced herself not to move. He was trying to unnerve her, and she was determined not to make it easy for him.

He came back to her, took her hand and, to her surprise, turned her in a circle a few times.

“Are we playing Blind Man’s Bluff?” she asked, puzzled.

He chuckled. “Just trying to disorient you.”

It worked—she had no idea which way she was facing. He led her forward a few steps, then turned her around again.

He was behind her now, and the bed squeaked as he sat.

“Move back,” he said. “Carefully.”

She did so until the mattress bumped against her legs.

“Sit,” he said. He placed his hands on her hips and guided her down.

She realised she was between his legs, and as she sat, her butt nestled between his thighs on the bed. The mattress met the back of her knees. He was still dressed—the buttons of his shirt touched her skin between her shoulder blades and his erection pressed against her through the fabric of his pants.

She felt slightly less vulnerable within the circle of his arms, however, safe and protected by his strong, broad frame. He placed a kiss on her shoulder. “You really are very beautiful,” he said, his voice husky.

“You’re going to have to work harder than that to get me to divulge information,” she replied, although inside she glowed at his compliment.

He chuckled. “I’m working on it.” He shifted, and then his arms came around her. Something slid beneath her right leg, soft and silky. Another scarf. What was he doing? His hands moved deftly, and the material tightened on her leg, although not uncomfortably. He did the same thing to her left leg, sliding a piece of material beneath it, tying it on the other side. The inside of his thighs pressed against the outside of hers, warm even through the material of his pants.

Next he took one of her wrists and looped yet another scarf around it, tying it securely. Her heart began to pound again. Now what?

“I hope you got a discount on all those scarves,” she said, nerves making her flippant.

He kissed her shoulder again, but didn’t answer her this time. He tied the other end of the scarf around her left wrist. She moved them—they were about eight inches apart.

“Lift your arms,” he said.

She raised them in front of her. He took her wrists and moved them up over her head and then over his hair until the scarf rested on the back of his neck. The position forced her to arch her back as she stretched out along him, and she gasped as he slid his arms around her waist and stroked up her ribcage. Her breasts lay exposed and open to his touch, and her nipples tightened again as he brushed around them with light fingers.

For a moment she thought she couldn’t have been more vulnerable. But she’d forgotten about the scarves tied around her thighs. Behind her, he opened his legs, and with shock she realised he’d tied their thighs together, so she had to widen her knees to follow him. She lay open to him, defenceless and stripped bare of her decency as well as her clothes.

“Toby!” Her breasts heaved, and she tried to calm her rapid breathing.

In answer, he ran his fingers up the inside of her thighs, stopping just before he reached her most sensitive parts. “What did I say you should call me?” he demanded.

“Sorry…sir.” She bit her lip. At least she was facing away from him. Yes, this was a little undignified and humiliating with everything on show, but there was something incredibly erotic about being in his control like this, too.

“Good.” He stroked up her sides, circled her breasts and continued to graze up her ribcage and under her arms. She squirmed against him, and he grunted when she pressed back against his erection. “Sit still.”

“I can’t. You’re tickling me.”

“I have to torture you. It’s in the rules. Mwahaha.”

She wriggled again as he stroked downward this time, his fingers so light on the sensitive skin of her upper arms that shivers ran all the way through her. “Ooh. Stop it.”

He brushed his palms more firmly back down to her waist. Then he brought his hands up to cup her breasts. “Is this better?”

She said nothing, automatically holding her breath. His hands were warm as he squeezed and lifted her breasts, weighing them in his palms. He ran his thumbs over her nipples, and she shuddered. Uh-oh.

“Uh-oh what?”

She hadn’t realised she’d said it out loud. “N-nothing.”

“Come now, Miss Tyler. You know you want to tell me your secret.” He flicked her nipples with his thumbs.

“I won’t,” she whispered. “You can’t make me talk.”

“We’ll see.”

He took her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and pulled them gently, stretching them until she gave a shocked “Oh!” and arched her back with a groan.

“What?” His voice was all innocence. “Sorry, Miss Tyler. Do you not like that?”

She was in serious trouble. He’d only just started and she was so turned on, she was close to telling him every secret she’d ever known in her entire life. How embarrassing—she had to last ten minutes at least, or she’d never hear the end of it.

Besides which, she didn’t want to tell him her secret. She’d have to make something up if she came close to giving in, because she couldn’t possibly divulge the piece of information she’d been thinking of.

He plucked her nipples again. “Talk to me, Miss Tyler.”

“Oh…what…what do you want me to say?”

“Tell me your secret.”


He kissed her neck, then fastened his mouth where it joined her shoulder and sucked, hard.

“Ouch! Oh jeez, another hickey.”

He licked the place where he’d bitten, his tongue warm and wet. “Tell me.”

“No. God, please.”

He chuckled. “He’s not coming to help you.” He pulled and stretched her nipples again, almost to the point of pain, and she was just about to cry out when he released them.

“Oh…oh no…”

Something brushed her lips—his thumb. She shook her head, keeping her mouth shut tight. In reply, he pinched her nipple and she gasped, and he slid his thumb between her lips.

She moaned as he swept the digit across her tongue, unable to stop herself sucking it, and he gave an answering growl before taking it out. He slid his other thumb between her lips. This time she didn’t try to stop him but welcomed the invasion, sucking fiercely and moaning again as she clenched deep inside.

He removed it and brushed both of them across her nipples, deploying the wetness there. She caught her breath, knowing how sensitive it was going to make the delicate skin. Sure enough, this time when he rolled them with his fingers, the answering shockwave rippled right through her, and she arched her back again, pushing her breasts into his hands.

“Ready to talk yet?” he murmured, stretching and plucking at her nipples.

“No…oh, stop…”

He didn’t, though, continuing his relentless torture until she writhed against him, aching inside.

Then he lifted his hands. She almost sobbed, partly from relief, partly from disappointment. But this time, his fingers brushed down her body to her knees. Then, slowly, they travelled back up her inner thighs.

“Look at you,” he said softly, drawing light circles on her skin. “All open and swollen, ready for me.”

Fingers brushed her pubic hair and she jumped.

“Sit still,” he demanded.

“Sorry, sir.” She was nearly panting now.

He brushed her hair again. Then his warm fingers slid down into the heart of her. They moved easily, so she knew she was slick with desire, and he groaned as he slipped them deep inside her.

“You’re so wet,” he said, kissing her neck, nibbling her ear. “Who’d have thought being tortured would turn you on so much?”

“Don’t embarrass me,” she said, cheeks burning. “You’re so rude.”

He chuckled. “Tell me the secret and I’ll stop.”


“Fair enough.” He slid his fingers out of her and his arm moved. Then there was the distinct sound of him sucking.

“Toby!” She squirmed against him, clenching her fingers in his hair. “God, you’re so wicked.”

“Not half as wicked as I’m going to be.” He slid his fingers back inside her, then brought them up again. “If you’re not going to call me sir, I’m going to punish you. Open your mouth.”

She pressed back against him, away from his hand. “No…”

But he was already slipping his fingers between her lips and when she opened them, he brushed them inside, filling her mouth with the salty, musky taste of her own arousal. Everything inside her clenched, and she moaned, growing desperate for release.

He removed his fingers and lifted his hands to the back of her head. “Time for this to come off, I think.” He untied the scarf around her head and let it fall to the bed.

Chapter Forty-Four

She opened her eyes and blinked, then stared, shocked. They were sitting on the side of the bed, facing the built-in closets. What she hadn’t realised was that the doors were mirrors, and they were only six feet away. Where she sat stretched out against him, she was totally exposed to his gaze, her breasts full and high with the rosy nipples wet and puckered, the area between her legs glistening with her moisture. Her nakedness seemed all the more evident because he was fully clothed, having removed only his shoes and tie. He still wore the hat, and his eyes glittered in the shadows cast by the peak.

She stared with horror, her face growing scarlet. “You’ve been watching me all this time.”

He met her eyes in the mirror. “Oh yes. And I’m so turned on now that when we’re done here, I’m going to fuck you five ways till Friday, so you’d better be prepared.”

She shivered, her nipples tightening again, and tried to close her legs, but it was like trying to move two tree trunks. He chuckled. “Not a chance, sweetheart. I’m enjoying the view. And now I have something else to try on you.”

He reached behind him and brought an item back. It was an electric toothbrush.

She blinked. “Are you going to give me a dental hygiene lesson now?”

He grinned. “Not quite, no. I don’t have a vibrator, so I’m improvising.” He held the toothbrush up and pressed the button, and it started buzzing. He met her gaze, his eyes gleaming.

“No,” she said firmly.

He raised an eyebrow. “Going to tell me your secret?”

“Um, no.”

“Well then.” He lowered the body of the toothbrush onto her nipple.

She squealed and wriggled against him, but he tightened his other arm around her, and eventually she gave in. She obviously wasn’t going anywhere. Closing her eyes, she bit her lip and tried to think about something else, but it was no good, the sensations were too intense. She dug her fingers into his hair and moaned as he transferred the toothbrush to the other nipple for a while, then back again.

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