Read Six Sagas of Adventure Online
Authors: Ben Waggoner (trans)
Turville-Petre, Gabriel.
Myth and Religion of the North: The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia.
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964.
—. “Dreams in Icelandic Tradition.”
Nine Norse Studies.
London: Viking Society for Northern Research, 1972. pp. 30-51.
Vésteinn Ólason. “The Marvellous North and Authorial Presence in the Icelandic Fornaldarsaga.”
Contexts of Pre-Novel Narrative: The European Tradition.
Roy Eriksen, ed. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1994. pp. 101-134.
Viðar Hreinsson, ed.
Complete Sagas of the Icelanders.
5 vols. Reykjavík: Leifur Eiriksson Publishing, 1997.
Waggoner, Ben.
The Sagas of Fridthjof the Bold.
Troth Publications, 2009.
Webster, Kenneth G. T.
Guinevere: A Study of her Abductions.
Milton, Mass.: The Turtle Press, 1951.
Whitelock, Dorothy, ed.
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: A Revised Translation.
New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1961.
Wikander, Stig. “Från Indisk Djurfabel till Isländsk Saga.”
Vetenskaps-Societeten i Lund, Årsbok
(1964), pp. 87-114.
Wittkower, Rudolf. “Marvels of the East: A Study in the History of Monsters.”
Journal of the Wartburg and Courtauld Institutes
, vol. 5 (1942), pp. 159-197.
Wolf, Kirsten. “
Alexanders saga
Medieval Scandinavia
. Ed. Phillip Pulsiano and Kirsten Wolf. London: Routledge, 1993. pp. 7-8.
Zitzelberger, Otto J.
The Two Versions of
Sturlaugs saga starfsama:
A Decipherment, Edition, and Translation of a Fourteenth-Century Icelandic Mythical-Heroic Saga.
Düsseldorf: Michael Triltsch Verlag, 1969.
—. “
Sturlaugs saga starfsama
Medieval Scandinavia
. Ed. Phillip Pulsiano and Kirsten Wolf. London: Routledge, 1993. pp. 614-615.
Þórir Óskarson. “Rhetoric and Style.”
A Companion to Old Norse-Icelandic Literature and Culture
. Rory McTurk, ed. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2005. pp. 354-371.