Skeletons in the Closet (4 page)

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Authors: Terry Towers

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Skeletons in the Closet
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Nikki wanted to bask in the glory of her orgasm, but his thrusting was unyielding. Her juices seeped from her cunt, down her thighs and ass and dripped onto the mattress. It was at that moment that she noticed the thumping of the headboard against the wall and prayed that no one was in the room next to them.

Grant's fucking her suddenly became harder, driving into her as far as possible, balls deep. She felt the throbbing of his cock inside of her and knew he was close, seconds away. Pulling his lips from hers, Grant gazed down at her, his grey eyes capturing her blue ones. The intense hunger and love within his eyes sent a chill through her, just as he thrust into her a final time and his shaft unloaded.

He broke eye contact with her and groaned as the pleasure of release overtook him. His first explosion of cum was followed by a couple of smaller yet equally as satisfying aftershocks. With his shaft still buried inside of her, Grant collapsed over her body, taking care not to crush her small frame with his weight.

Releasing an unsteady sigh, Nikki buried her face into his neck, savouring the deep musk scent of his cologne mingled with the faint smell of sweat. As they lay in each others embrace, the mixture of their orgasms seeped past his depleted cock embedded within her and to the bed. Pulling out, he flopped onto his back and urged her over to him.

She knew she'd said that they would discuss the matter tomorrow, but the worry about his wife was filtering back into her mind. Stretching out next to him, she slipped a leg over his, nestled her head in the crook of his arm and caressed the sharp lines of muscle in his chest and torso.

"What are we going to do?" she couldn't keep herself from inquiring. Sure she doubted that he'd have the answer now since he hadn't had one forty minutes ago, but it was more of a rhetorical question than anything else.

"I'll take care of it," he assured her, stroking her long dark hair.

Nikki sighed, loving the feel of his fingers massaging her scalp and the tug as they worked their way through her locks. Something in his tone though... There was something just a little too certain about the way that he said he'd
care of it
that had her jerking her head up to peer into his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Giving her a reassuring smile, Grant kissed the top of her head. "It means you'll be having that wedding this spring. I'll make sure of that."

Nikki nodded, but her face donned a frown as she placed her head back down onto his shoulder. There was something in his eyes that told her he had something up his sleeve. Diana seemed pretty determined to stay married to him, though it seemed baffling to Nikki as to why. Why would you want to remain married to someone who wanted to marry someone else? It made no sense. Nikki wasn't even sure she wanted to know what he had planned.


Grant looked over at the digital alarm clock on the night stand beside the bed; the clock glowed 1am in bright red numbers.
Time to get up and make things right,
Grant decided, taking a peek at Nikki sleeping soundly next to him, her body curled up against his.

Grant had stayed awake waiting until he was certain that she was sound asleep before slipping out from under her. As he got to his feet on the soft carpet of the hotel room floor, he found himself thankful she was a sound sleeper. He wasted no time getting himself dressed, writing her a quick note and leaving the room, closing the door softly behind him.

Walking down the hallway he reasoned that he could be back within an hour or two, long before she woke up and realized he was gone. He pulled his cell phone from his jacket pocket and dialled Diana's number. From his recollection she was an insomniac so he was expecting she'd be wide awake, even at 2am.

Sure enough, on the third ring she answered. She had wanted to speak with him privately, and even though he knew Nikki would be pissed that he'd been to see her on his own, if it meant getting those divorce papers signed then so be it. Twenty-five minutes later, Grant was knocking on Diana's door.

He tried to keep his eyes from wandering down the length of her lean body, but it was a next to impossible feat. She had decided to greet him in nothing but a short, sheer black teddy and matching black high heels. There was no doubt in his mind that she'd slipped into these for his benefit.

Stepping up to him, Diana pressed her palms to his chest and leaned into him. Her ample breasts pressed against his sweater-clad chest and her lips grazed the side of his neck.

Keeping Nikki's face in the forefront of his mind, he pushed her gently away and walked in. "You know why I'm here, Diana. You wanted to speak with me privately. So fine, say what you have to say and then sign the damned papers."

Strolling into the living room he sat himself in one of the armchairs and pulled the divorce papers from the inner pocket of his jacket.

"How did you manage to get away from your
?" The distaste with which she said the word fiancée was not lost on him.

"I managed."

Diana chuckled, perching herself on the arm of the chair he was sitting in and leaning over him. "You snuck out?"

"Why didn't you sign and return those papers to the agency years ago, Diana?"

"Why didn't you verify with the agency before proposing to your niece?" she countered. "Which I might add is a little... odd." She ran a finger across his jaw, urging his eyes to meet hers.

"I'm not here to explain my relationship with Nikki to you." Grant attempted to squirm away from her, but the chair he was in only allowed for the shifting of a couple of inches, not enough to keep him from the sweet smell of her perfume or her unwelcome caresses. "I'm here to get you to sign these, something you were supposed to have already done."

"We had some good times together, Grant. Don't you remember?" She leaned further into him, her lips grazing his neck.

Squirming out from under her, he re-seated himself over on the sofa, feeling like a schoolboy trying to fend off a girl he didn't like. Years ago - before Nikki - maybe he would have enjoyed her advances, but that felt like a lifetime ago now.

Apparently giving up on her pursuit of him, she seated herself in the chair opposite the sofa, and crossed one long slender leg over the other. Again, he forced himself to keep his eyes on hers, and not allow them to stray to places they shouldn't be.

"I didn't sign the papers because I didn't think you'd thought it through. We shared some good times, the sex was amazing and we worked well together. I figured that you'd change your mind and come back."

Grant heaved a loud sigh and raked a hand through his hair. "The marriage was just for show - for the mission. That's
it ever was to me, Diana." He was feeling like the biggest prick at that moment. Sure he'd cared for her, maybe he'd even allowed her to believe that he had stronger feelings than he really had, but he'd sent her the papers... Shouldn't that have been enough reassurance to her that he didn't want to be married?

"You're lying," her eyes gleamed with determination.

Pulling a pen out of the inner pocket of his jacket, he plunked the divorce papers on the coffee table and set the pen on top of them. "Yes, I cared for you Diana…" she opened her mouth to interrupt but he held a hand up to silence
I never loved you. Not in the way you wanted. Not as a husband. You were my partner and it was a job - nothing more."

Her eyes narrowed at him, and her normally cool exterior became instantly stormy.

Oh, fuck!

"So what happens when the wrong people find out who you really are and come after you, after
to get to
What then, Grant?"

Grant met her stare. "That won't happen," he countered through clenched teeth. He didn't like what she was implying. He'd keep Nikki safe; he'd give his life for her if necessary.

"What if it does?" she pressed, her tone angry and coming close to sounding sinister.

He leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. Interlacing his fingers, he continued to meet her gaze. "I wouldn't hesitate in putting a bullet in the head of anyone who poses a threat to her.
. You of all people should know that." He pushed the papers another inch towards her. "Now sign the fucking papers, Diana, so I can get back to my fiancée."


Chapter 4

As Nikki began to waken, she reached across to Grant's side of the bed, but came up empty. "Grant?" she murmured as a frown formed on her face, and her eyes fluttered open. Looking over at the clock on the nightstand, she noticed it flashed 2am.

Where in the hell is he?
Pushing the blankets aside, she slipped her naked body from the bed and padded across the room to the bathroom. A wave of nausea was hitting her, which was the reason she'd awoken to begin with. However, by the time she’d made it to the bathroom, the feeling had passed and her mind was occupied with the question of his whereabouts.

Flipping on the light to the room, she made her way back to the bed and that's when she noticed the note sitting on the nightstand.

Sorry, had to go out for a bit, I'll be back in an hour or two.

An hour or two? It would have been nice if he'd written a time on the note. Anger mixed with worry crept to the forefront of her mind. Where would he have gone without telling her? The idea of him creeping out in the middle of the night, without even extending the courtesy of letting her know where he was going, annoyed her, fuelling the anger which was already simmering.

It didn't take long for her to realize exactly where he’d gone. Diana Williams!

That little bugger!

She stormed over to their suitcases and lugged one over to the bed, tossed it on top of it and began unzipping it, with the full intention of getting dressed and going after him. Just as she flipped open the case the sound of a card being inserted in the door and the beep of the door unlocking had her stop what she was doing, and spin around, hands planted on her hips and glaring at the still-closed door.

Sure enough, Grant attempted to quietly sneak into the room, but had only taken a few steps before realizing the light was on. He turned in Nikki's direction and his eyes landed on her standing by the bed glaring at him.

"Why are you up, honey?" he gave her the sweet, sexy smile that normally turned her to a pile of jell-o for him, but not this time. "Are you feeling alright?" He shed his jacket and tossed it to the chair beside the door.

Ignoring his question she asked, "Where were you?" As if she didn't already know, but she wanted to hear it from his mouth.

"I can explain,
." He reached into his jacket and pulled out the papers she knew to be the divorce papers. If he was pulling them from his jacket she knew he must have somehow convinced Diana to sign them, which was a huge relief, but didn't change the fact he'd lied to her and snuck out.

He always kept her out of the loop and did what he thought was best for both of them, regardless of her opinions and that had to change. Crossing her arms over her bare chest she cocked her head to the side and raised a cynical brow at him. "I was under the impression that we were going to deal with the divorce another way."

"I know, I know." Walking over to her, with the papers still in his hand, he flipped them open and showed her what she'd already guessed: Diana Williams had signed them off. "It's over; we can have that wedding we wanted, when we wanted. There is nothing left stopping us." Folding them back up, he walked back over to his jacket and returned them to the inner pocket. "We can send these off in the morning and then it's over,

Nikki's resolve faltered slightly and she sighed. She walked over to him, slipped her arms around his waist, and hugged him tightly.

He brushed a strand of hair from her face, tucked it behind her ear and smiled down at her.

As she pulled back, she caught his gaze, "You need to start realizing that we're in this together. You can't continue making the decisions for us both. We're a team, but you
act on your own and take care of things the way
feel fit."

"But Nikki I…"

"I see why you did it, I do," she interrupted, stretching up on her tiptoes to brush her lips across his. "Do you get what I'm saying?"

"Yes, and I'm sorry. You're right."

Nikki smiled and began to tug the hem of his t-shirt up. "Good, because once I get you stripped down and in bed, I have something else we need to discuss."

Backing her towards the bed, Grant pulled the shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor as Nikki started to work on his pants.

"Discuss? Hmmm. Well, maybe we should save the discussions for tomorrow." He stepped out of his pants and stripped off the remainder of his clothing. Grabbing the handle of the suitcase he threw it to the floor then picked her up and tossed her to the bed.

With a half-yelp, half-giggle, Nikki propped herself up onto her elbows and watched him stalking towards her, his dick as hard as granite, anxious to plunge deep into her. Her heart fluttered rapidly in her chest, and her pussy was beginning throb in anticipation of him. She was tempted to wait and discuss the other 'thing' in the morning, but she couldn't keep it to herself any longer.

Kneeling at the side of the bed, Grant grasped her legs and pulled her to the edge placing her legs over his shoulders. Nikki looked on, aroused and anxious, as he was seconds away from burying his face into her pussy and if that happened, she would end up waiting to tell him the news.

Quickly, she squirmed out of his grasp and crab walked backwards on the bed a foot or two. A bewildered Grant with hunger-filled grey eyes caught her gaze, but he said nothing.

Nikki took in a deep breath and decided to just blurt it out. "Grant, I'm pregnant."

Grant's expression became unreadable and the room became deathly quiet as they looked into each other’s eyes. Nikki crawled black to the edge of the bed and sat up on her knees in front of him, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder. She traced the line of his jaw with her index finger and patiently waited for the information to digest, despite the rapid beating of her heart.

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