Skin Deep (30 page)

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Authors: J.M. Stone

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #adult, #humor

BOOK: Skin Deep
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Luke’s hips bucking beneath me brought me out
of my thoughts and I gave in a little, sliding forward enough that
his mouth could reach me. I barely moved the toy out of the way
before his tongue swiped through my folds, laving me from top to
bottom and back up again before dancing around my clit. I moaned
and rode his mouth for a minute, but pulled back when I felt my
orgasm rushing forward. I didn’t want it to be over too

He growled at me and strained against his
bindings, trying to get his head close enough to put his mouth on
me again. I sat on his chest, rocking my hips against him while I
played the toy against my clit, bringing myself close to the edge
again and again while Luke begged me to touch him or to let him
touch me.

When my thighs were shaking with the effort
of holding my release at bay, I raised myself up and turned around,
carefully placing my knees on the outside of Luke’s shoulders,
lowering my hips over his face until I felt him bury his tongue
inside me. He moaned into my wet flesh as I leaned down and took
his hard length between my lips, sucking it deep and running my
tongue up the length of it as I pulled back.

I lightly nipped him with my teeth when he
stilled against me, telling him without words to get back to work.
He vigorously tongued me, flicking the tip of it over my clit
before thrusting it inside me, fucking me with it while he thrust
his hips up, fucking my mouth at the same time. I moaned with my
lips wrapped around him and his hips bucked involuntarily at the
feel of it. He began circling my clit again and didn’t stop until I
broke, screaming my release around his hardness still thrusting
between my lips.

As soon as I came, I pulled away from him,
turning to release his hands from the ties. As soon as the knots
loosened, he had me on my back, his length buried deep inside and
beginning a pounding rhythm that had me ready to explode again
within seconds. As I crested, raking my nails uncontrollably down
his back, he came, shouting and moaning and jerking inside me as he
spilled headlong into ecstasy.

We laid there, gasping for breath for a
minute before he pulled back to look at me, grinning down at

“What?” I asked him.

“Where the hell did that come from?” was his

I just shrugged my shoulders, gave him a
saucy grin, and kissed him.

Chapter 20

“Thanks, Floyd!” I exclaimed as I looked into
the brightly wrapped package he had left on my desk. He’d gotten me
a box of my favorite chocolates and given me a nice Christmas bonus
check. I jumped up out of my seat and hugged him, smiling as he
laughed at my exuberance.

Ever since I’d started working for him, we’d
gotten each other gifts for Christmas, and it was always the same
thing every year. Like clockwork, I knew that he’d give me my bonus
in a box of my favorite chocolates, and he knew that I’d give him
two boxes of his favorite chocolate covered cherries and a gift
card for him and his wife’s favorite restaurant. His wife always
called me after Christmas break to thank me and tell me what she
ordered. She’s working her way through the menu and I don’t think
she’s ordered the same thing twice yet.

It was Tuesday and I was getting ready to
close the office for Christmas break. I just had a couple things
left to do, but Floyd was leaving already so he could go finish
getting a couple presents for his grandkids. His wife usually does
all that kind of shopping, but she’d missed a couple things and he
had to pick them up. He’d already brought all his wife’s gifts into
the office for me to wrap, and had loaded them into his car to take
home. That was another tradition in the office that was started the
first year I worked for him. I didn’t mind though. Did I mention he
was a kick ass boss?

I finished cleaning up my desk and locked the
door, making sure I put the sign in the door that said when we’d be
back in the office before I headed out to my car. I’d driven myself
to work because there was no reason for Luke to drop me off since I
was only working for three hours.

I did go to the shop, though, instead of
going home, intending to spend the day with Luke and Brandon.
Jackson had a few meetings today, so he wouldn’t be around and the
only one at home was Doug. Not that I minded his company but
Brandon had fed him egg salad yesterday, so I was trying to avoid
him until the danger had passed. By that I mean that I wanted to be
able to walk through the house without a gas mask on.

I walked into the shop and said hi to Brandon
who was helping someone at the counter before heading back to
Luke’s studio. The door was open and he was sitting on his stool
talking to Jadalee who was standing across the room looking at a
picture of a tattoo that Luke had just done. I ignored her and went
to Luke, who jumped up and pulled me into his arms, kissing me

I pulled back and shot a glance under my
lashes toward Jadalee who was standing with her fists clenched. I
couldn’t help it; it made me smile. And when I say smile, I mean
actually that I grinned from ear to ear while I turned my head and
actually looked at her. There ain’t no shame in my game! Boo-ya,

“So, you’re officially on Christmas
vacation!” Luke said, grinning right along with me. “Does this mean
that I get you all day every day until you go back?” He looked so
hopeful and happy, but I couldn’t resist teasing him.

“Well, Allie asked me to stay at her house
for a few days, so I told her that I would. And then its tradition
to spend at least four nights with my mom and dad right after
Christmas, so…” I let my words trail off, giving him what I hoped
was a rueful expression.

His face fell but then he tried so valiantly
to hide it and put on a happy front that I couldn’t keep it up
anymore. I broke down and laughed, yelling, “I’m kidding, geez!
Yes, you have me for all the time you want me until I go back to

“You little witch…” he growled, stalking
toward me.

I squealed and turned to flee but started
laughing when he snagged me around my waist and lifted me up
against his chest, burying his face in my neck. I laughed even
harder when Jadalee rolled her eyes and stomped out of the room,
muttering to herself.

I pushed against Luke and he released me.
“Listen, I was thinking.”

Luke interrupted me, saying, “Oh, Lord,
that’s bad. Does your head hurt?”

I glared at him and smacked his shoulder as
he laughed at me. “Seriously, focus. I think I want you to tattoo
me again.”

He quit laughing, his eyes growing wide with
excitement. “Really? What do you want? Where do you want it?”

“Well, I don’t want it right now and I’m not
sure. That’s why I was thinking that I would let you just draw
something for me and give me your ideas of where it should go. What
do you think?”

“I think that you trust me an awful lot,
sugar, and that turns me on. Want me to close the door and you can
ride me while I go ahead and give you a new tattoo on your titty?”
He waggled his eyebrows at me, grinning like a loon.

I rolled my eyes. “Very funny, ha ha.

He turned serious, wrapping his arms around
me and kissing my forehead before saying, “I was being serious when
I said you trust me an awful lot. And it does turn me on…just fyi.
But, yeah, I can do that. I’d love to do that for you, sugar. And I
just plain love you.”

I smiled and kissed him gently, whispering,
“I just plain love you, too. Now go draw me a tattoo, bitch!” I
smacked his ass and turned to sashay out the door, but that didn’t
work. His eyes gleamed and I gulped.

I squealed and took off out the door to the
lobby as Luke lunged for me, hiding behind Brandon who started
laughing, along with the people waiting for tattoos or piercing or
whatever. Luke chased me and we looked like two little kids playing
around. I was using poor Brandon as a shield, my fingers twisted in
the sides of his shirt, moving him every which way to counter
Luke’s grabs. Brandon was laughing uncontrollably, especially when
Luke’s hands would miss me and grab his sides, inadvertently
tickling him.

Of course, since I’d just found out how
ticklish Brandon was, I couldn’t resist pulling my fingers out of
his shirt and tickling him mercilessly until Luke got a hold of me
and pulled me away, lifting me in his arms and throwing me over his
shoulder. I hung there, upside down and grinning, while he called
his next client back. The woman followed him, laughing as I propped
myself up a bit on his back and introduced myself to her as he
strode down the hall to his studio.

I stayed at the shop until they closed and
then Jackson met us at Griff’s for dinner, a little karaoke, and
maybe a few drinks. Karaoke night was usually Monday night at
Griff’s but the band that he had booked as a special before
Christmas act cancelled at the last minute because they broke up,
so Jeremy had come in to cover and do karaoke/dance party night
instead. Weird for a Tuesday night, but hey. Who am I to

We were finishing up our dinner (I’d ordered
the pizza rolls, as usual…yum!), when Jadalee came through the
door, walking over to Jeremy with an exaggerated sway of her hips.
I snorted as I watched her lean over and thrust her boobs out,
trying to seduce poor Jeremy, I suppose. Too bad she’s barking up
the wrong tree…he’s been happily married to his high school
sweetheart for fourteen years and they have six kids.

She apparently picked out a song to sing, and
since no one else had put a name in after the last guy who’d been
up there, she went ahead and took the stage with the microphone. I
shook my head when the notes for Avril Lavigne’s
started and Jadalee began to sing. She sucked. I mean, don’t get me
wrong, she wasn’t horrible, but she definitely shouldn’t quit her
day job. She bounced around the stage, but her eyes were for Luke,
who, bless his heart, was shaking with laughter.

I nudged him to let me out of the booth and
went up to talk to Jeremy. I shook my head when he asked if I
wanted my usual start off song, and whispered in his ear what I
wanted. He didn’t have it, but thank God he’s one of them hi-tech
kinda karaoke guys, so he was able to tap into the bar’s wi-fi and
get what I wanted.

I smirked as Jadalee sashayed off the stage,
a little embarrassed for her since only a couple people clapped for
her. And because I was about to blow her out of the water. I didn’t
even have an ounce of stage fright tonight, because this was gonna
be good.

The beat started, giving me my starting notes
and I belted out the lyrics to Halestorm’s
It’s Not You
, and
I was singing it directly to Jadalee. Of course I played with the
lyrics a little bit, but I was making a point.

Instead of singing I’m or Me during the
chorus, I was singing, ‘
He’s in love with somebody, Found
someone who completes him, Oh-he’s in love with somebody, oh yeah,
and it’s not you!
’, and I was singing it directly to Jadalee.
Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I was rocking it, too. I
got a standing ovation from everyone in the bar, with the exception
of Jadalee, who stormed out of the bar like her ass was on

Christmas Eve day was spent just hanging out
with the guys and Allie, who had come over to do our Christmas
together since she would be spending the day with her family
tomorrow, on Christmas Day. We watched movies and played outside in
the snow that had started falling in the middle of the night,
sticking and coating everything with sparkling white. I was so
happy that we were going to have a white Christmas!

Before she left, we exchanged gifts. She
loved everything I gave her and I was ecstatic with what she’d
gotten me. It was a killer pair of black suede peep-toe stilettos,
with a tapering stacked, patent leather four and a half inch heel.
I loved them and couldn’t wait to wear them! She’d also given me a
gift card to buy more books for my Kindle, because she knows how
much I love to read.

She also exchanged gifts with the guys and
even bought Doug a new chew toy. It was in the shape of a rubber
chicken but it was stuffed and had its stretchy wings clasped
together and long chicken legs. She showed us how you put your
finger in the clasped wings and pull back on the legs before
letting go and the thing took off like a slingshot,
cock-a-doodle-dooing all the way.

Luke and I laughed and nudged each other
speculatively when Brandon and Jackson both cornered Allie under
the mistletoe, kissing her breathless before they let her leave.
She stumbled to her car, looking dazed, sitting there for a minute
shaking her head before shrugging, waving goodbye to me, and
pulling away.

We woke up Christmas morning early because
Brandon was pounding on our door like a five year old, hollering,
“Wake up! Its Christmas! Open presents! Now!”

Luke rolled over me, kissing me gently and
whispering, “Merry Christmas, baby. Our very first Christmas
together…I love you.”

“Mmmm…Merry Christmas to you, too, my love. I
love you so much…” I whispered back.

We kissed softly for a few minutes before the
pounding started at the door again. “If you guys aren’t out of that
bed and downstairs in five minutes, I’m coming in and it wont be
pretty!” Brandon hollered.

We laughed and got out of bed, stumbling
bleary eyed down the stairs to sit on the couch by a blinking,
sleepy-eyed Jackson who was glaring at Brandon between blinks.
Brandon was practically hopping with excitement as he started
doling out presents to everyone, making a pile for himself by the
coffee table. Doug even had a growing pile on the floor in front of
him, between his outstretched paws.

Once all the presents were handed out that
needed to be, we started opening. Even Doug got into the spirit,
selecting one of his gifts before holding it between his paws and
tearing the paper off with his teeth. The one he picked turned out
to be a huge rawhide bone that I had gotten him, so I assume he’d
been able to smell it through the wrap and that’s why he picked it.
I helped him with the rest of his before I opened any more of

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