Skin of a Goddess (Goddess Ascension Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Skin of a Goddess (Goddess Ascension Book 1)
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Wesley shakes his head at her. “I didn’t catch any names, but I can describe him for you. He was a big guy, with dark brown hair that was sort of curly. He has dark eyes.”

I can’t help but think that’s a pretty broad range of men.

“Any other unique features?” Peitho asks him kindly.

Wesley thinks for a moment, than says, “I know he was a werewolf, but he didn’t smell like one. Actually, I grew up on a farm, and he smelled like horse. He had boots on and such, like he worked with them.”

Peitho suddenly sits up with interest and turns to me. “We’ve met one werewolf who matches both his physical description and the scent. Remember when we went horseback riding? Austin was in charge of our group; he matches that description, and he works with horses, which accounts for the smell.”

“So he may actually have the manpower to pull something like this off,” Loren says, looking greatly annoyed. “Can you believe he would step so outside his place and disrespect me this way? After all I’ve done for him?”

Celeste daintily clears her throat and says, “He may believe he has the right to do something like this, if he believes he’s a vampire. In his mind, he’s not just a lowly human companion, but your confidant and close friend among the coven.”

Loren snorts with derision. “Not likely.”

“Just offering what Vincent could be thinking,” Celeste adds demurely.

“It’s possible, if he’s so far gone to think he’s actually one of us,” Loren says, though his face still looks disbelieving that a mere human could think so much of himself.

Peitho says, “If Vincent is behind this, as we suspect, where is he holding the shifters? Does he own any property near the hotel where he could hold auctions for supernaturals, or far enough away from other homes that he could keep prisoners?”

“I own extensive property. He could have used mine.”

“You don’t keep a close eye on who has access to your homes?” Peitho asks with a raised brow.

“He’s been my companion for decades, and welcome to all of them,” Loren tells her, slightly defensive.

“I see. If you wouldn’t mind looking up properties you have that he could be using, I would appreciate it very much. Hunter and I will be looking into this matter and hope to resolve it as quickly as possible, once you give us locations to check,” Peitho says.

Loren gives her a surprised look. “You don’t honestly think we’ll just hand Vincent over, do you? It’s up to us to see that this is stopped and he is sufficiently punished. He is my personal human, and as such, he’s my responsibility.”

“Vincent isn’t the only one involved,” Peitho points out.

Loren considers her words carefully. “I will allow you both to accompany us on our hunt, as long as you understand that we will be taking the lead on this matter.”

Peitho looks like she’s going to argue, but I give her a little jab to the side with my elbow. There’s no use in arguing with the big high-and-mighty vampire king of Europe. Or at least, he appears to think that. Besides, I don’t think there’s any reason to turn down their help. Having more backup isn’t a bad thing.

“Thank you. I’ll assume you don’t want me to contact the shifter law enforcers checking into this problem?” Peitho asks Loren.

“Now you have it! We’ll keep this between us and take care of it together. No need to tell all of the others when they’re of little use to us. They’ll only get in our way, don’t you think? Celeste will look into my real estate and form a list for us. She’ll set you up with a room for the night as well. If you’ll excuse me, I must get ready for my appointment,” Loren says dismissively, and before anyone can protest, he’s walked out of the room with his two flunkies.

I turn to Celeste with a raised brow. She gives us each slight smiles. “I know he seems abrupt, but Loren is very busy lately. I’d like to thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and being so discreet about it. Will you need two rooms or one?”

Peitho answers, surprising me with a simple, “One room.”

“Very good. In the meantime, I’ll investigate the properties he owns in the area,” Celeste says, leading us from his bedchamber. “Unfortunately, we’re not electronic with our records, and it will take some calls.”

“How long do you foresee this taking?” Peitho asks.

Celeste looks at her watch. “Hours at least, but hopefully no more than a day or two. It depends on who is there to give me answers, and how quickly Loren wants to deal with the matter. Have no fear, it is of our utmost priority. You know as well as we do that vampires don’t need more bad press right now. We’ll want to resolve this quickly and quietly.”

“Of course,” Peitho murmurs to her.

“Here we are. It’s a fully stocked guest room with a private bathroom, personal hygiene supplies, robes, and basic clothing that should fit you both. You may as well get some rest. I’ll be sure to get you as soon as I know anything,” Celeste tells us both with a cheerful smile.

Celeste walks away before Peitho even has a chance to open the door to our room. When she does, I see that it’s a basic setup with a small sitting room, bed, and dresser. There’s a door in the back, where I assume the bathroom is. Everything about it screams upscale hotel.

“Nice of them to provide us with a place to rest,” Peitho says, walking into the middle of the room. “Though I’m not particularly tired.”

“Neither am I.”

Peitho turns to me with her sizzling amber gaze, eyes snapping. “You’ve been rather silent since we saw Celeste, Vivien, and Fleur. Was something done that displeases you?”

I sigh, knowing that she’s unlikely to give the topic up, even if I ask really nicely. “You know that I’m not used to things like that. I guess I’m a bit embarrassed and mad at myself for letting things go there. I’m not that kind of person.”

“What kind of person?” Peitho asks.

“Someone so … promiscuous.”

Her gaze meets mine. “You mean, you’re not a whore to be looked at and watched while you have your pleasure?”

“I don’t mean a whore,” I protest a little, though I guess that is what I mean. I’ve been thinking all day about what kind of people do that sort of thing, and the answer I’ve come up with is a person of low morals.

“I imagine it bothers you greatly that I’ve done things like that before, and more. Of course, it doesn’t bother me at all. Pleasure is pleasure, and it hurts no one to share it with more than one other person. It’s natural, and enjoyable, and everything that’s good in the world when you can share it with other people. I’ve enjoyed such activities with men, women, shifters, mermen, and everything in between. I’ve had pleasure with one other person or groups of more. The one thing I haven’t done is come out of a situation like that and felt dirty, like I do now. You’ve made our joining a dirty thing that we should be ashamed of,” Peitho says to me, voice steadily becoming softer, yet angrier.

I gulp in a breath and say, “I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. Hell, I didn’t mean to make myself feel that way!”

“Why did you ever want me? Why did you force us together? We clearly aren’t compatible. You’ll always see me as a filthy slut you’re lowering yourself to be with. Don’t expect me to sit around pretending that’s fine with me. I’m a good person, and just because I’m carnal doesn’t mean I don’t have value. It’s one thing for other people to think that about me, but you’ve actually spent time with me. I thought you could see beyond just what I am,” Peitho says, and the look of betrayal in her eyes is something that will forever haunt me.

think that I’m lowering myself by being with you. I know how amazing and special you are. I’ve never met anyone as open, honest, and completely insane as you. You’re the realest person I’ve ever met, which is clearly why other people have a hard time understanding you. Peitho, you’re never pretending to be something you’re not, despite the consequences. I know that I’ll never be what you need. That doesn’t mean I’m able to keep myself away,” I burst out, shocked that she could think that I find her unworthy.

“What do you mean, you’ll never be what I need?”

I sigh. “I’m never going to be as outgoing or carefree as you are. I’m never going to be as open when it comes to my sexuality. I want you and me alone, together, our moments private and special. I want to savor them and know that everything that happens between us is because we’re lost in each other. I never want to share you.”

“I’ve never asked you to share me. Just because I’m adventurous doesn’t mean I can’t be satisfied by one person,” Peitho say. “One person who truly cares for me is more important than a thousand empty encounters.”

I begin to feel a small glimmer of hope. “I want to make you happy. I want to continue to get to know you.”

Peitho smiles a little hesitantly. “You were having such a good time when you weren’t thinking about it.”

“I did, I really did!” I nod, trying desperately to convince her not to give up on me yet.

“Maybe we should make you not think. Maybe we should make you remember why whatever happens between us is always lovely and never something to think back on with anything other than fondness,” Peitho says, starting to walk up to me where I am near the door.

“Um,” I say hesitantly, moving a little away from her, my back bumping into the door, the knob biting into my back. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”

Peitho nods at me with determination. “I say it’s a great idea. Come to me, or this ends here and now. I won’t be made to feel like a cheap and dirty thing. Prove to me that I’m not. Show me that you’re all I need.”

With an invitation like that, who am I to resist?

“The bed,” I tell her hoarsely, taking her hand and pulling her over to the large bed covered in plush blankets and pillows.

“Yes,” she says simply, lying by my side.

In that moment, I know it means something.

Peitho tugs at my shirt with annoyance, as it’s tucked into my pants and preventing her from touching my skin. I get irritated with it myself, quickly pulling the two fabrics apart. I take off my shirt quickly, baring my chest. Peitho quickly undoes my pants, pulling them off along with my boxers, suddenly leaving me completely naked. Her eyes trail over me, and I shiver at her obvious admiration. Her eyes finally stop on Little Hunter, currently standing at attention, and she licks her lips, making me groan.

“You’re making me feel overdressed,” she tells me with a smile, “but I like it.”

“I don’t,” I complain hoarsely, moving as if to tug on the top of her dress, hoping the slippery blue fabric will be easy to pull off.

She gives a little giggle as she steps out of my reach. “No, not yet. I need to see if we can still do anything we want together and it not be turned into something wrong. You just saw Loren get pleasured. I want to pleasure you in the same way.”

I suddenly remember the vampire kneeling in front of Loren, and shake my head. “I don’t think I’m really in the mood for that.”

“I’ll make you in the mood for that,” she says, and it’s a promise I know she’s very capable of keeping.

Peitho keeps watching me, waiting for me to say it’s all right. That’s probably what prompts me to say, “All right.”

She grins as if she’s won a great victory when it’s me who’s getting the prize. I sit up on the pillows, and she works her way down my body until she’s in front of the very part of me that’s straining for her touch, in any way that it comes. Her hands move to touch my stomach, following my happy trail down lower and lower. I strain to press myself more firmly in her grasp, but she ignores me, stroking up and down my thighs, getting ever closer to my hardest muscle.

Finally, she tilts her head down to flick her tongue just over the very tip of me, closing her eyes as if she enjoys the taste. I groan and buck up, trying to get her to take me. Peitho meets my eyes with a little smile as she grasps me with one hand, opens her mouth, and swallows me whole. It’s the most intimate thing that I’ve ever done with another, watching her watch me as she takes me into her body. I want to lose myself to her warmth. I want to thrust my hips and forget everything but the feel of her mouth wrapped around me. Nothing has ever felt so good.

Peitho’s hand reaches down to rub my sensitive balls, making me groan as she pumps me in and out of her mouth. Her hands don’t stop working the rest of me, straying to touch my thighs, balls, and ass. She flicks her tongue over me as she takes me in and out of her mouth quickly. Other times she sucks me leisurely while pumping me with her hand.

The expertise of her movements combined with my lack of release earlier has my eyes rolling in the back of my head and my hips bucking for more. It seems all too soon when I give into the feelings and allow myself release, exploding into that tight, warm mouth that knows just how to hold me. I thrust my hips hard against her as I let myself spill into her mouth. Peitho swallows all I have to give her before flicking her sweet little tongue over my tip for any stray fluid.

How could I ever let her think I was ashamed of being with her? If anything, she shouldn’t be wasting her time on me. I can’t imagine anyone else putting up with me, let alone giving me chance after chance to prove myself. Peitho is everything.

“What’s that?” Peitho sits up in alarm.

I look around for any possible threat, but see nothing.

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