Sky Cowboy (12 page)

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Authors: Kasey Millstead

BOOK: Sky Cowboy
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He takes another deep breath, and continues.   “
By the time I realized you hadn’t taken a vehicle, it was the next afternoon.  I drove straight over to your parents place and your dad was there.  I asked if you were home or if he’d seen you.  He looked at me like I’d grown a third head for not knowing where you were.  He explained it to me, and I immediately thought you were running again.  I drove straight home, packed Oscar up, dropped him off at my mum’s and caught the next flight here.”

“But, how did you know where I was?  Paris is a big place.”

“Your mother texted me the address that was on the back of an envelope you’d received from France.  I was out looking around, trying to find it when I got hungry and decided to come in here for a feed.”


“Look, honey,” he pauses to slide closer.  Our legs are touching and he grabs my hands and holds them between his.  “I’m sorry. 
, I’m so sorry,” his voice is almost pleading, “I’m gonna fuck up.  I’m gonna say shit I don’t mean in the heat of the moment, when I’m angry.  You gotta know, I don’t mean any of it, it’s just me being a prick, and when I’m being a prick, you’ve either got to ignore me or tell me to wake the fuck up.   Can you do that, Ava?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Good.  Because I love you, and I don’t want to ever fucking lose you.”

Oh my lord.

All the air leaves my lungs.  “You love me?” I manage to wheeze out the question.

“Are you seriously asking me that? I
gotta brain, don’t I? Eyes? Ears?  Of course I love you.  Aside from my son, you’re the most perfect being I’ve ever come across.”

How romantic.

“That’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard,” I gush like an idiot.

“Does that mean I’m forgiven?”  He gives me a cheeky, half grin.

“Yes.  I love you too, Jeremy.  So much.”

“Good.  ‘
Cause that might make you a little bit more receptive to my next question.”

“Okay?” I’m officially confused.

He backs out of the booth and I’m even more confused.  That is, until he drops to one knee.

My hands go to my mouth and tears fill my eyes.  I hear a hush go around the bistro, and I feel everyone’s eyes on us.

“Honey, I know this thing between us is moving fast, but I’ve know you my whole life and I love you.  I’ve never even considered the idea of spending my life with anyone but you and I can’t live another minute without knowing that you’ll agree to be my wife.  So, will you marry me?” 

Before I can answer, I notice Jeremy nod to someone over my shoulder.  I turn around in my seat.

“And will you marry Oscar and be Oscar’s mummy?  Did Oscar say it right, Daddy?” He loudly whispers the last part.

“Oh my god,” I sob.  I hold out my arms and Oscar jumps into them.
  “Daddy said you were back home.  You surprised me.”  I pull back and hold his beautiful face in my hands.  “I would
to be your mummy.”  I kiss his cheek and turn to Jeremy, “And I would love nothing more than to be your wife.  So my answer to both of you is a big, fat YES!”  Jeremy holds me tight and I feel Oscar hugging my back as the bistro erupts in cheers.  Jeremy looks into my eyes, and right before laying his signature kiss on me, he whispers the words, “I love you.” 
And here I was thinking that kiss couldn’t get any better…I was wrong.

Someone clears their voice, interrupting our kiss.  I look up into the shining eyes of Margaret.  “Congratulations,” she sobs before pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek. 

“Did Ava like the surprise?”  Oscar shouts.

“Yes, darling, I did.  Best surprise,

“Yay! We did it.  Can Oscar watch
now?”  We all laugh at his nonchalance at such an important time.

“Yeah, buddy.  Let’s go back to the motel and you can watch
,” his dad acquiesces.  Jeremy takes my hand and helps me out of the booth.  Burying his head in my neck, he whispers, “Sooner we get back to the motel the sooner can get down to business.  We need makeup sex followed by celebratory sex.  Although, I’m wiped so we might have to combine the two and just have celebratory makeup sex.”  A shiver runs through my body and Jeremy chuckles.  “Let’s go.”  He slaps me on the ass and gives me a wink.  Margaret shakes her head and holds her hand out to Oscar.

“No.  Oscar has a mummy-Ava now.  Oscar will hold mummy-Ava’s hand.”  He races up and takes my free hand (my other is snug in Jeremy’s) and the three of us walk out of the bistro.  I keep my head down for a little while so no one notices the tears that have been begging to be released since Oscar called me
.  I literally felt my heart swell when he said the words, and the most amazing thing about it is, he doesn’t even realize how much impact his words had; how much they meant to me. 

“Oh, shit!” Jeremy curses and pulls us to a halt.

“What?” Margaret and I ask at the same time.

“Uh-oh.  Daddy said a naughty word. Oscar isn’t allowed to say
.  Shit is a naughty word.  Daddy, you shouldn’t say
.”  Oscar chastises. 

My lip twitches as I try to hold back my laughter. 
Cutest kid. Ever!

“Yes, that is a bad word and daddy shouldn’t say it.”

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“I forgot to give you this.”  He puts his hand into his pocket again and pulls it out.  Clenched between his thumb and forefinger is a ring.  Not just any ring, but a
beautiful ring.
  By far the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.  I hold my shaking hand out so my fingers are splayed, and he slides it onto my left ring finger.  I stare at in a trance.  Set on a white gold band, is a large round diamond with a smaller diamond on either side.

“It’s beautiful,”
I sigh.

“That’s not all,” Jeremy says, nodding his head at Oscar.

Oscar squeal, excitedly.  I look down and he’s thrusting a small square black box at my face.  Taking it off him, I open it up slowly. 
The box is too large to be another ring…

The box snaps open, and there inside sits a white gold chain. On the end of the chain, is a white gold locket.  Scribed across the front in fancy writing is the word
.  Two tiny diamonds decorate the top of the heart.  I open the locket carefully, and inside is a picture of Oscar.  He’s smiling huge.

“Turn it over, turn it over,” Oscar shouts at me, now jumping up and down.

I do as I’m told and turn the locket over.  Inscribed on the back is
Love Oscar.
  I cry.  I’m so overwhelmed with love and I don’t know how to express it, so I just cry.  I don’t make a sound as the tears stream freely down my face.

“What’s wrong, mummy-Ava?  You not be sad.  You can marry Oscar and daddy and be mummy-Ava.”  Oscar’s sweet words, and the way he says them as he strokes my face causes my tears to fall harder.

“I just love you so much,” I sob, pulling him into my arms.  “Thank you for my beautiful necklace.  I’ll keep it forever.”

“Now can we watch
?” Oscar asks.

I nod my head and smile through my tears.

“Thank you, babe.  For being here, for the sweetest proposal, for my beautiful ring, for this necklace, and most importantly for giving me not only you, but Oscar as well.”  I reach up on my tippy toes and press my lips to his.  Before pulling away, I trace my tongue along his lower lip, causing him to growl.

“Let’s get back.  Our boy needs to watch
and we need to make up and celebrate.”

Ironically, we’re both staying at the same motel.  Ma
rgaret offers to take my room with Oscar so Jeremy and I can have some private time.  Jeremy agrees immediately.

After swapping rooms, Jeremy and I are finally alone.  He wastes no time pulling me into his arms and burying his face in my neck.  His head shift
s and I feel his lips suck the flesh of my shoulder into his mouth. The feeling of him branding me causes goose bumps to break out over my body as a shiver runs from my head to my toes.  Chuckling at the effect he has on me, he releases my skin and licks the mark, soothing the sting.

“Jeremy,” I whisper.

“I know today has been full on, baby, but I need to know you’re okay – with everything.  The proposal, us being here and all that, but especially the fact that a little boy you loved and looked after passed away and you went to his funeral today.  I need to know you’re doing alright.”

“I’ll be okay.  I don’t think any of it has really set in.  I feel like I’m removed from the situation, like it is happening and I know it is happening but I just can’t convince myself to process it and all it means.”

“Self-preservation,” he murmurs.

“It will probably hit me hard when I go home but for now, I don’t want to be a blubbering mess.  I want to be strong for Mr. and Mrs. Rousseau and especially

“I know, honey, just don’t wear yourself out okay?”

“I won’t.  I plan on going to see how they’re doing tomorrow and if they need anything.  Maybe we could take Mathilde and Oscar sightseeing…well it won’t be sightseeing for Mathilde because she lives here, but you know what I mean.”

“Sounds like a great idea, baby.”


His lips lower to mine and he lifts me up and lays me on the bed.  Then he commences to blow my mind with the best celebratory makeup sex that ever existed.


Chapter Ten


“Oh, baby
,” my head flies back as I slide down on Jeremy.

“That’s it, honey
,” he coaxes as he draws one of my nipples into his mouth and laves it with his tongue.

A whimper escapes my throat as I r
aise up and sink down again, grinding my pelvis into his.

“Jeremy,” I breathe.

“That’s it baby,” he repeats on a grunt.  His hands grab my hips and slam me down.

Oh god, Jeremy.”
  My voice is a high pitched moan as I come apart at the seams.  Red hot bolts of pleasure tear through my body as I ride him through my orgasm. 

He continues to slam me down harder and faster until he pauses on a
downward glide and grunts as he releases deep inside me.

My tongue snake
s out to lick a salty bead of sweat off his forehead.  We’re both covered in a fine sheen of damp; evidence of our strenuous activity.

I slide off him and walk into the bathroom for a shower.  I’m going to visit Enzo’s family today
.  As much as I want to see them, the circumstances are causing me to have second thoughts.  I just don’t know what to say to them.  There
I can say to them that will take their pain away or bring their son back.  And how many
I’m sorry’s
are they going to hear before the words lose their effect?  I guess just being there will give them comfort, and they will know I’m there if they need anything. Plus, I’m sure they’ll appreciate our offer to take Mathilde out for the day.  Being surrounded by sad adults wouldn’t be a good place for her and I’m sure she’d love to get out of the house and just be a kid.  Maybe it will take her mind off everything.

“What are you
thinkin’ about, honey?”  Jeremy’s big hands wrap around my middle as he enters the shower behind me.

“Nothing much,” I sigh.

“It’ll all work out.  Don’t overthink it.”  He kisses my shoulder and squeezes me tight.

“I know.”

I wash my hair as Jeremy grabs the sponge and washes my body, paying particular attention to my breasts, bum and between my legs. 
Typical male.

After we’re both dressed, we meet up with Oscar and Margaret and head off to the Rousseau family home.  On the way, we stop for breakfast at a little café and Oscar fills us in on the
movies that he and his Ma watched last night.  Margaret rolls her eyes as he tells the story time and again, but he’s so happy to be telling it that we let him go and nod enthusiastically when he looks to us for our approval.  Apparently
The Fat Controller
was not very happy with
because he was trying to get his work done too quickly. 

“It is important to take your time and get the job done properly,” Oscar tells us in his best
Fat Controller
voice, making us all laugh.

“Ava, bon jour, it’s so good to see you again.  We were hoping you’d stop by today.  Yesterday was so hectic, I didn’t get to chat with you.” 
Marjette greets us.

“That’s okay, and completely understandable.”  I reassure her.  She pulls my for a quick hug and kisses both my cheeks.  “How is everyone today?”

“They are so-so.  I think Pierre and Celine were relieved once the funeral was over.  Now they can concentrate on trying to heal and rebuild their lives as much as they can.”

“Yes, of course. 
Marjette, I’d like to introduce you to my boyfriend Jeremy, our little Oscar, and Jeremy’s mum Margaret.”  I know that
Jeremy is my fiancée, but I don’t want to be seen as rubbing my happiness in anyone face at such a sad time for them. It’s just not the right thing to do.

“Bon jour,”
Marjette hugs and kisses Jeremy and the Margaret.  Then she bends down to become level with Oscar’s height. 

“Well, aren’t you just a handsome little man.  It’s very nice to meet you Oscar.  I’m

“Oscar likes
.”  Is Oscar’s reply.  Marjette stands up laughing and tells Oscar that she likes
Thomas the Tank Engine
as well. 

leads us through, stopping on the way so I can make introductions to the people I know, and so we can be introduced by Marjette to the people I don’t know.  Finally I excuse myself and walk into the kitchen to find Celine.  She’s chatting quietly with another woman.  Judging by the striking resemblance, I’d guess it is her mother.

“Mrs. Rousseau, sorry to interrupt.” I say as I walk up to them.

“No, that’s fine, Ava.”

“Uh, I was wondering if you would mind if I took
Mathilde for the day.  My boyfriend has a son who is five and half and they’re both here. I thought it might take Mathilde’s mind off things…” I trail off and look at her nervously.  I don’t want to overstep the mark, but I do want to help and I can only imagine how fragile her feelings are. 

What if she wants her daughter close by her side, in her sights at all times?

What if she thinks I’m trying to butt in?

“Of course, Ava.  I’m sure
Mathilde would love the fresh air.  Thank you so much for offering, and thank you for being here.  We’ve certainly missed you since you left.”

“Thank you,” I whisper.  “I’ve missed you all as well, so much.  I’ll go and find
Mathilde.  We’ll find you before we leave.”  I give her what I hope looks like a kind smile, and then I give the same to her the other lady before I walk back out.

I find
Mathilde sitting on her bed by herself, looking sad.

I tap lightly on the open door before walking in.  “Hey, sweetie.  Is everything okay?”  I ask softly.

“Hi Ava,” her voice sounds as sad as she looks, “I just miss my brother.”

My heart cracks at her words.  “Oh, sweetheart.” I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly.  “It’s going to be okay.”  She begins to cry, so I comfort her until the tears ease.

“I brought some friends along with me today and we wondered whether you’d like to come out with us for the day,” I offer.

“Okay,” she agrees, readily.  She still sounds and looks broken, but at least she wants to get out of the house.

We end up taking Mathilde and Oscar to Disneyland for the entire day.  By the time we drop her back home, it’s already dark and both her and Oscar are beat.

Oscar falls asleep in the cab on the drive back to the motel and
doesn’t even stir when Jeremy carries him in to his bed.  I guess you could say the day was a success!

The next few days pass quickly as we do the touristy thing.  We visit the Louvre and Madame
Tussauds museum.  We take silly pictures of ourselves pretending to hold up the Eiffel Tower and we even manage to stumble across a small steam train exhibition, which is the highlight of the trip for Oscar. 

Before we know it, we’re back on home ground at Darwin Airport.  My dad is there to greet us and he gives Jeremy a funny look.  Jeremy nods in reply to his voiceless question and I shake my head, having no clue what they’re silently communicating.  That is, until my dad pulls me in for a hug.

“Congratulations, darlin’.  I’m real happy for you and Jeremy.”  He smack a kiss on my cheek before turning to Oscar.  “Plus, it means now my little Champ is my grandson.”  Dad grins huge and it’s the happiest I think I have ever seen him in my life.  He takes Oscar’s hand and walks away saying “So, Champ, what do you want to call me now?  You can call me Pop, Gramps, Poppy Mick…”

I shake my head and smile as Jeremy swings an arm around my shoulder and
we follow my father to the vehicle.

“I asked your dad.”  Jeremy’s lips against my temple and I can feel them moving as he speaks.

“Asked my dad what?” I frown.

“For permission to marry you.” I can hear the smile in his voice.  It’s like he’s smiling because he thinks I’m so clueless it’s cute. 
Well, whatever.
  “So did Oscar.”

I stop and turn my head to look at him.  “Oscar asked my father for permission to marry me?” I ask, dumbfounded.

“No.  He came with me when
asked your father for your hand.  At the end we shook hands and Oscar piped up and asked Mick if he could have permission to call you mum.”

Oh my god!
How sweet is
?!  “You’ve got the cutest kid,
.” I tell him.

got the cutest kid ever.” He agrees with a slight modification.

I smile so big my cheeks hurt and then we continue walking to the car.

Since Margaret lives in Darwin, we drop her off first.  After a quick hug and kiss goodbye, we’re on our way back to Pine Creek.  The drive takes about an hour and a half and I think I end up sleeping most of it.  I’m exhausted from the week I’ve had, not to mention the flights.  I just want to curl up and sleep for a week or two.

I wake up when Dad comes to a halt out the front of Jeremy’s house.  Oscar tears out of the vehicle and runs around.  I guess he’s excited to be home.  So am I.

“Coming, babe?” Jeremy asks as he leans over the seat to look at me.

“Uh, I was just going to go home.”

He gets a funny expression on his face for about a second and then it’s gone.  Then he says, “Nah, stay here the night.”

I can’t be bothered arguing with him, so I get out and go around to the driver’s side window and kiss my dad on the forehead.  “Thanks for picking us up dad.”

“Anytime, darlin’.”

scar comes running over at full speed.  “Seeya, Gramps,” he shouts.

“Gramps?” A burst of laughter escapes my throat along with the word.

“What’s wrong with
?” My dad asks, indignantly.

“Dad, you’re too youn
g to be a Gramps.”  I explain with a giggle.

“Oscar chose it, so I wou
ldn’t care if I was only twenty-two.  He wants to call me gramps, then gramps it is.”

“Aye-Aye,” I salute him and poke my tongue out.

“Cheeky bitch,” he mutters as he drives off, grinning.

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