Skylar’s Devotion (5 page)

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Authors: Marisa Chenery

BOOK: Skylar’s Devotion
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A low, almost silent growl rumbled out of his chest. His cock ached to have her tongue on it while Braelyn pleasured him with her mouth. Now fully engorged, he lifted a leg to hide his erection. He had to keep his arousal under control or he’d have to explain to a roomful of mortals why his eyes were glowing mutedly. Not something he wanted or needed to happen.

Her mouthful finished, Braelyn chose something from the other dish the server had brought. “Let’s see if you like this,” she said.

Her voice had taken on a sexy timbre that seemed to hit him in the gut. “Feed it to me then.”

She popped the piece of herb encrusted vegetable into his mouth. This time he nipped the very tip of her finger. Braelyn sucked in a breath as she worried her bottom lip with her teeth.

They continued to feed each other in that manner for an hour. With each new dish of food they were given, the sexual tension between them grew greater. Skylar didn’t know how much more he could take. He was coiled tighter than a spring, and he’d long since given up trying to hide the erection that caused a noticeable bulge in the front of his jeans. It didn’t help that the scent of Braelyn’s arousal had become strong enough to overshadow the smell of the food they ate. If he didn’t get to really touch her, kiss her, he’d go insane.

Hoping to push the game they played to the point where Braelyn would be more than ready to leave, Skylar put a bite of food between his lips, then leaned toward her. He pushed it into her mouth with his tongue, keeping it there long enough to stroke hers before he pulled back. She chewed and swallowed while her heavy-lidded gaze stayed focused on his mouth.

“I’ve had my fill of food,” he said. “How about you?”

“So have I.”

“Then let’s get out of here.”

At Braelyn’s nod, Skylar caught the eye of their server and motioned her over. Once he’d paid their bill, he ushered Braelyn outside and into his car. Now he just had to figure out where he could take her so they could be alone together. Someplace where he wouldn’t be tempted to make love to her and claim her as his without her knowing what he truly was, and what it meant to be a werewolf’s mate.




Chapter Five



Braelyn had become so turned-on inside the restaurant that now she had a hard time not squirming in her seat as Skylar got into the driver’s side and started the car. She’d never expected to become this aroused just by hand feeding him. Every time he’d sucked or nipped at her finger when she had it inside his mouth, the sensation had gone straight to her pussy, causing it to clench with need. And unable to miss the large bulge in his pants, wetness had pooled and leaked into her panties. When Skylar had suggested they leave, she’d been more than ready to do so.

She barely heard Skylar say, “Where to go?”

“Start driving and I’ll give you directions to a place where we won’t be disturbed. It’s partway to my parents’ house.”

A lot of years had gone by since the last time Braelyn had been there with a member of the opposite sex, but it was the first thing that had popped into her head. She felt desperate to get her hands on Skylar, to touch and taste him. The other men she’d dated hadn’t made her body feel this needy. She’d experienced arousal and had slept with more than a couple of men, but none of them had made her feel as if she’d not survive another minute if she didn’t have his hands and lips on her.

Once they hit the street, Braelyn gave the directions to the spot she had in mind. It wasn’t a long drive, but given the condition she was in, it felt as though it took twice as long to arrive at their destination.

When they reached the high school, Skylar pulled to a stop in front of it and turned his head to look at her. “A high school?” he asked with skepticism.

“It’s either here or a hotel room, and honestly, I’m not ready to go that far yet, if you know what I mean? Not on the first date.”

“Neither am I.”

Skylar had just scored another point in his favor. “Then here it is. Drive around to the parking lot at the back of the school. When I was a teenager, that’s where I used to go to make out with my boyfriends. A lot of us kids used it for that purpose.”

“I’ve been reduced to using a teenager make out spot.”

Undoing her seatbelt, Braelyn shifted as close as she could get to Skylar and gave him a quick, hard kiss. “The longer we sit here trying to figure out another place to go, the less time we’ll have to be together before you have to go to your job.”

That seemed to do the trick. Skylar hit the gas and drove around to the back of the school. Braelyn barely had a chance to notice they were the only ones there before the car came to a park and Skylar had her in his arms.

A breathy sigh escaped her lips as his mouth closed over hers. Unlike the other kisses they’d shared, this one was hot and demanding. He reached between them and undid his seatbelt. Once free of it, he hauled her onto his lap. Her short dress rode up as she straddled Skylar’s thighs. She then let out a small squeak of surprise when his seat suddenly went back and she wound up lying on top of him.

Braelyn moaned and sucked on Skylar’s tongue when her panty-clad pussy came in direct contact with his erection. He felt thick and long against her. More of the wetness that had pooled in her core leaked into her panties as she rubbed herself against his hard cock. Skylar ground against her, matching her movement.

Shoving a hand down the front of her dress, Skylar fondled her breast. “You aren’t wearing a bra,” he said against her lips.

“The straps would have shown,” she said in reply. “And I can get away without one.”

He made a sound that sounded between a groan and a very animalistic growl. “If I had known that during dinner, it would have driven me crazy.”

She sat up a little and worked to undo the buttons on his shirt. “Enough talking and more touching.”

Once she reached the top of his pants, she pulled the shirt out from the waistband and continued to undo the buttons until she’d opened the last one. Braelyn parted the material and sucked in a breath. She’d known Skylar was built, but the sight of his well-defined chest and abs made her want to lick and kiss every inch of them. She ran her fingertips across his hairless chest and down his six-pack abs. He was a work of art. She’d never touched a man as heavily built as Skylar before. The male models she’d gone out with had muscle tone, but were more on the skinny side, without Skylar’s mass. Braelyn found Skylar’s body more to her taste.

Bending, she kissed a trail across his upper chest. She ran her hands up his smooth skin and held onto the tops of his shoulders. The thought of exploring every inch of him while naked had her heart beating faster. Braelyn promised herself she’d do just that the next time they were together. This was neither the place nor the time to act out that particular fantasy.

It was her turn to let out a loud groan when Skylar lifted her higher on his body and pushed his face between her breasts. He found the hidden zipper concealed in the side of her dress and pulled it down. Once the material loosened, he yanked down the front enough to bare her breasts. He made that strange half groan/half growl sound again as he circled a nipple with the tip of his tongue before he sucked it between his lips.

Braelyn pushed herself closer and let the pleasurable sensations coursing through her body take over. She ground against Skylar’s jean-covered cock, wanting the release that slowly built inside her pussy. It had been a while since she’d last been with a man, and it wouldn’t take much to send her into an orgasm.

Skylar switched to give her other breast equal attention. His hands ran up the top of her thighs, pushing her dress up to her waist. Urging her lower body off his, he traced the top of her panties with his fingers before he shoved a hand down the front.

At the first brush of a finger against the slick opening of her body, Braelyn gasped as it circled her clit. She shifted her hips, trying to show Skylar where she wanted him to touch her next.

He released her nipple and said, “You’re so wet, Braelyn. You make me ache to have you, but I’ll settle for making you come.”

She looked down at Skylar and saw in the dim light he had his eyes partially closed. “Do it,” she said, breathless. “Then it will be your turn.”

A whimpered moan escaped her when he pushed a finger inside her pussy. He pumped it in and out a few times before a second joined the first. Braelyn panted, squeezing her inner walls to increase her pleasure. It wasn’t until Skylar used a stroking motion inside her, caressing a spot that made her cry out, that her climax took her over. Closing her eyes, riding the fingers that continued to pleasure her, Braelyn moaned.

After the last wave hit her, Skylar pulled his fingers out of her pussy. The sight of him bringing them to his mouth and licking her juices from each one caused an aftershock deep inside her core.

“Next time,” he said in a voice rough with arousal, “I’m going to make you come with my mouth. You taste just as good as you smell.”

Braelyn knew there would be a next time. And it wouldn’t be inside Skylar’s car. Shifting off his lap to the passenger seat, she righted her dress and did up the zipper. “Now I get to see what you have hidden inside those jeans of yours.”

When Skylar would have reached to bring his seat up, she stopped him. “You stay just where you are.”

Once he settled back down, she undid the button on his pants and slowly tugged down the zipper. Skylar’s cock sprang free when she parted the material. She took her bottom lip between her teeth. He was as large and thick as she’d thought he’d be. Her pussy clenched at the thought of how good it would be to have his cock buried deep inside her. And given the way he’d just made her come, there was no question about him not knowing how to use it.

Gently, she trailed her fingers along his shaft from base to tip. It jerked, and a bead of pre-cum appeared. Braelyn collected the bit of moisture on a fingertip and rubbed it into the satiny skin. Skylar moaned.

Normally she didn’t give blowjobs until she felt more comfortable around a man, but with Skylar, she wanted to feel his cock inside her mouth while she sucked on him. She needed to hear the sounds of pleasure he’d make while she brought him to completion.

Taking hold of the bottom of his shaft, she lifted it off Skylar’s stomach. Leaning over him, she licked the same trail her fingers had taken. At the flared head, she circled it with her tongue, flicking the very tip across the slit. The sound of his harsh breathing filled her ears as she opened her mouth and sucked him inside.

Skylar’s hips lifted off the seat as he matched her in and out movements. Continuing to suck, she glanced up at him. It had to be a trick of the dim light surrounding them, but she could have sworn his eyes were glowing mutedly before he closed them completely.

His cock grew harder, and his groans of pleasure came more frequently. “Braelyn,” he panted. “I’m close, so close.” When she sucked harder and took him almost to the back of her throat, he said harshly, “Ah, fuck, I can’t hold back. Feels too good.”

Skylar cried out—the sound almost sounding like a wolf’s howl—as his cock pulsed while he came. Braelyn took everything and didn’t stop pleasuring him until he had no more to give. Once it was over, to her surprise, Skylar stayed hard as if he’d never come.

Releasing her hold on the base of his cock, she met his gaze. “You came, yet you’re still—”

He cut her off by sitting up and taking her mouth in a kiss that had her toes curling. Once he pulled away, he said, “I’m fine. It was more than nice.”

She watched him stuff his still hard cock back inside his jeans and zip it up. Braelyn gave him a dubious look. “Are you sure? It looks as if that will be painful if it doesn’t go down soon.”

Skylar chuckled and cupped the back of her head while he kissed her again. “Stop worrying. Let’s call my not losing an erection a little talent of mine, all right? And when I take you to bed, I’ll show you just how long I can keep it.”

Braelyn’s mouth went dry. If Skylar could stay hard, even after coming, sex would never be the same for her again. What woman wouldn’t want a man who could keep it up, and then make her come over and over again? She sure as hell wanted that experience.

With one last brush of his lips across hers, Skylar released her. “It’s getting late, and I have to go to work soon. I want to see you tomorrow.”

She settled back into her seat and put her seatbelt on. “I don’t have anything else planned. What time are you thinking about?”

He put on his seatbelt and turned to her with a smile. “If I had my way, I’d be knocking on your door very early in the morning, but I doubt your parents will like that. How about around lunch time? We can go grab something to eat, then decide after that what to do next. So long as it doesn’t involve torturing me at a lingerie store, I’m open to anything.”

Braelyn laughed. “I promise I’ll spare you that, but if you’re working all night, don’t you have to sleep most of the day?”

“I get to sleep where I work.”

As Skylar started the car and drove around the school, she asked, “What exactly do you do if you can work and sleep at the same time?”

“I guess the best way to describe it is bodyguard. Actually, it’s kind of the family business.”

The unsettling fan letter she’d received that day rose to the forefront of Braelyn’s mind. If Skylar was a bodyguard, and if the letters increased in number, it would be good to have a boyfriend in his line of work. It also had her seriously considering showing him the letter. She’d have to play it by ear.

“Sounds like an interesting job. Have you been doing it for very long?”

“Sometimes it feels like forever, but I’d never give it up. It’s something I vowed to do.”

Vowed to do
? That statement made it sound as if Skylar’s job were very serious indeed. “Once in a while I feel the same way about modeling, as if I’ve done it forever. I enjoy it, but I know I won’t be able to do it until I’m old and grey.”

“I imagine the competition can get pretty stiff.”

“It can, but now that I’ve made it, it isn’t as hard as when I was trying to break into the business.”

They arrived at her parents’ house, and Skylar pulled over to the curb. Braelyn glanced toward the driveway and saw her dad’s older model Ford Taurus parked behind her BMW.

Turning to Skylar, she said, “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow around lunch time.” She took off her seatbelt and reached across to pull Skylar toward her. She then proceeded to kiss him until she was out of breath. Braelyn pulled away and smiled. “Something to make you dream about me tonight.”

Skylar ran the back of his fingers caressingly across her cheek. “Don’t worry, I will, guaranteed.”

Giving him one last look, Braelyn opened the car door and got out. She waited until Skylar drove away to wave before she walked to the house. A smile spread across her face as she thought about how the night had gone.

Just before she reached the front door, she suddenly had the overwhelming feeling someone watched her. She stopped in the middle of the front lawn and turned in a circle, but didn’t see anyone. Thinking it could be one of the neighbors being nosy, Braelyn shrugged to herself and went inside.

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