Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1)
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“Absolutely,” I answer, trying to hold back tears.

“We can hang out for as long as you want, and then, after, we can head to the park if you want. I know how much you like to be pushed on those swings.”

“I do love those swings, and the higher you push me, the better.”

“It’s a plan, Sam.”

As soon as we arrive at Anthony Myers’ house—one of Keegan’s friends from the baseball team—everyone is in full swing. I don’t think anyone is
He lives a little farther out of town, and they have a huge plot of land, so everyone is scattered.

Keegan says hi to Anthony, and they talk about baseball as usual. Then we start to walk away when Kim Stuart, Keegan’s ex, approaches us, running her fingernail down his arm and whispering in his ear. When he laughs and smiles at her, she tells him to find her later.

I hate Kim. She’s always mean to me when Keegan isn’t around, like a total bitch. All the guys give her tons of attention, and it’s apparent she puts out on a regular basis. I’m pretty sure Keegan knows all about it, too.

I’m a little hurt, thinking she is going to monopolize even a minute of the time he’s promised to me. He’s my best friend, and we have spent just about every day together since we were six years old. She doesn’t even acknowledge my presence, so I’m elated when Keegan doesn’t watch her walk away.

That’s Keegan’s thing—if he’s really interested in someone, he makes a point to watch them walk away. I have seen him do it a ton, and although he’s not your typical, horny teenager, he is a guy.

We spend time with a bunch of our friends and have a little too much to drink, so we decide to just stay at the party and sober up before leaving. Keegan eventually grabs me by the arm and leads me away from everyone.

“Let’s go over here and talk. I have something for you,” he says.

“I hope you’re not going to take me all the way over there just to scare me, Keegan.”

“Of course not. I don’t like scaring innocent drunks.”

“I am not drunk. I am going to remember every minute of this night for as long as I live.”

“Whatever you say, Aimee.”

Reaching a small clearing with a beautiful, wooden bench, we sit down next to one another and stare at the stars. Keegan and I love looking at the twinkling stars and always point out our favorite constellations. Keegan’s favorite is Orion, one of the first ones I see. Mine is the tried and true Big Dipper. We are quite a nerdy pair sometimes.



“Do me a favor and close your eyes.”

“Umm … okay.”

The next thing I feel is my long hair being pushed to the side. I experience a numb, tingling sensation where he touches my skin while moving my hair. Then I feel the cool chain of a necklace around my neck before he clasps the necklace and places my hair back. Goose bumps immediately break out over my entire body. This is all new and strange, but I like the way he makes me feel.

“Open your eyes, Aimee.”

“Keegan, what is this?”

Hanging around my neck is the most exquisite star pendent encrusted with tiny diamonds. It looks beautiful in the moonlight.

I start to cry. This is a good-bye gift, and I don’t want to say good-bye.

“Oh, Aimee, don’t cry. I just wanted to give you something to remind you of me when I’m not here.”

“Keegan James, you are a part of me. I don’t need reminding, and you shouldn’t have spent your money on me.”

“How come I knew you were going to say that, Brennan? Oh, because I know you. And you’re keeping the necklace. When you wear it, you can think of us, right now, looking at the stars.”

I place my head on his shoulder. “It’s the most beautiful thing anyone has ever given me, Keegan. I love it. Really, thank you. It means a lot.”

As we both stare at each other, I don’t know if it’s the alcohol running through me, but I lean forward in that moment and press my lips to his. I begin to kiss him while he stays frighteningly still. After a moment, he kisses me back, and it is the most perfect moment ever. Everything around us disappears.

Closing my eyes, I no longer hear the crickets chirping, but the sound of my heavily beating heart. The warm breeze blows through my hair, and the scent of honeysuckle surrounds us. The taste of beer on his tongue makes me suddenly need to deepen the kiss, so I grab his head pulling him closer.

“Aimee, why?” he asks.

“You didn’t like it?” I have only kissed a few guys, so I could be a bad kisser. Still, I haven’t had any complaints. I’ve dreamed about this for so long. In this moment, I don’t regret it. I didn’t want him to leave without knowing what our kiss would feel like.

“No, it was fine, better than fine, but this—we … It’s just, this isn’t why I brought you out here,” he tries to explain.

“I know that.”

It hits me like a ton of bricks. What the hell did I just do?

He looks at me with pain on his face. “It’s okay, Aimee. We can forget this happened, and I’ll drop you off at home. I still need to finish packing since we’re leaving early in the morning.”

“Okay,” I say. “Keegan, I’m sorry, so, so sorry.”

His rejection is unexpected. I never predicted a declaration of love, but the pain in his eyes is enough to break my heart. I care for him so much, and seeing that I have caused him this despair makes me feel awful.

The sounds of the party still in full swing take me out of my thoughts as he rubs my back then stands. “Don’t be sorry. There is nothing to be sorry about.”

“Keegan, can you stop by my house before you leave? I want to say good-bye sober.”

“Sure,” he answers in a low whisper.

That was the last time I saw Keegan until today. He never said good-bye and never returned. His parents soon moved away, and then I left for college the following summer. A childhood friendship shattered in a moment just because of one kiss. That will forever stay with me.

I still have the necklace he gave me, but it was too hard wearing it after that night. I guess, after he never showed to say good-bye, it was his way of breaking our friendship off. If I could only rewind and leave the party then go to the park, instead, things would have been very different.

“Aimee, are you okay?” Reese asks.

“Yes, I’m good. It’s just a lot. It’s been eight years, and it’s almost like nothing has changed.”

“I get it, Aimee. If I was in your shoes, I would probably be a mess, too, but just maybe, this is all meant to be. Whatever pulled you apart years ago could’ve all happened for a reason. You were just a teenager then and had no idea what you wanted.”

I have always known what I wanted. I have no doubt about that.

“I know why he didn’t call me,” I whisper.

I haven’t told her, but I decide, since we are talking about this, I might as well get it off my chest.

I let out an exasperated breath. “It was my fault. I did something stupid.”

“I don’t think there was anything you could’ve possibly done for your best friend to abandon you.” Reese sighs. “Aimee, you are one of the kindest and most selfless people I know.”

I let out another breath, forcing the tears away. “The night before he left for college, I got a little drunk—well, we both did—and I kissed him. Everything was perfect until then. He totally freaked out on me and wanted to forget the entire moment. I was embarrassed and hurt. To top it all off, my best friend and the boy I had spent every single day with since I was six years old cut me off without a good-bye when he left me. It was the worst time of my life next to losing my mom, but you know what? If it wasn’t for meeting him during that time, I’m not sure I could’ve ever gotten through it.”

“Let me ask you one question.” Reese stares at me.


“Did he kiss you back?”

I nod. It was the best kiss I’d ever had, and there hasn’t been one since that has compared. It was the most magical and perfect kiss ever. He kissed me back, and it felt right. For a moment, as crazy as it sounds, it felt like he felt the same way, too.

“Like I said, it was my fault. He didn’t feel the same way, and he probably never will.”

“I don’t believe that. He kissed you back, and from what I saw today, I’m sure he liked it as much as you did.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean his body language and the way he looked at you. I could feel it, and I was only in the room with you for a few moments,” she tells me.

“It just seems too good to be true. I have no idea who he is anymore. His favorite movie used to be
The Godfather
. I have no clue what it is now. I don’t know anything about him except what is published.”

“What’s your favorite movie, Aimee?”

The Notebook
,” I respond, even though she already knows. I mean, what best friend doesn’t?

“How long has it been your favorite?”

“Since I cried like a baby in the movie theatre.”

“So maybe
The Godfather
is still his. Like they say, the more things change, the more they stay the same.”

“Thank you, doctor. What do I owe you?”

“As usual, it’s free to you, but chocolate ice cream is always good as payment,” she retorts.

I smile. I could really go for a carton of double chocolate.

“We should totally watch
The Notebook
tonight, by the way, and pig out on ice cream,” she states excitedly.

That is exactly why I love Reese. She’s knows me, and although I lost Keegan all those years ago, I gained her in the process. I hope and pray it’s always like this: fun and easy.

“Ryan Gosling, coming up,” I say.

“I’ll get the ice cream and tissues.”

I feel so much better now. I couldn’t be more excited about our evening with my favorite movie and ice cream with my favorite girl. I will worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. I’m me, and Keegan is who he is. There is nothing for me to do except what I did years before—just move on.

Reese and I watch
The Notebook
twice then move on to her favorite movie,
How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days
, that coincidently hasn’t changed since the first time she watched it.

There is something to be said about the power of a good girls’ night in, because I’m starting to feel better about everything.


It’s early Saturday morning, and I’m lying in bed, staring at the ceiling when a ding alerts me to a text. I grab my phone from my nightstand and look to see a text from none other than Kaleb. I’m a little disappointed that it’s not from Keegan, but who am I kidding? He’s not that guy. He’s a busy man who runs a company.

Hey, home fry, you awake?

I laugh at his text, replying,
Home Fry? Really, Kaleb? You haven’t changed one bit.

Sure I have, and you will find out tonight.

I shake my head as I type back,
Looking forward to it.

Do you know where Paragon is?

Yes, why SOHO? Aren’t you slumming it?

Keegan wanted to go somewhere close by you so you don’t have a long drive. That guy’s still looking out for you.

I don’t remember telling either one of them my address.

Have you boys taken on stalking in your spare time? How do you know where I live?

I wait for his response, curious at what his answer will be.

I can tell you, but I may have to kill you. Let’s just say we pay people a hefty price to find things out.

Of course they do. I’m suddenly irritated by this. If they have had these people at their disposal, why couldn’t Keegan reach out to me earlier?

Kaleb sends another message, taking me out of my thoughts.

7 sound good? And don’t forget to bring that sweet looking photographer.

As if Reese would let me go without her.

I think she’s washing her hair tonight…lol

Same old Aimee. See you then.

Kaleb is one of the sweetest and funniest guys I have ever met, and I’m excited to see if Reese thinks so, too. It almost feels like a double date—well, except none of us are dating.

I start to think about what I am going to wear. I think I need to go shopping.

Heading into our small kitchen, I find Reese sitting at our tiny table with a cup of coffee and a smile on her face.

“So shopping?” she says, reading me perfectly.

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