Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right (40 page)

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Authors: Ann Coulter

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44. Phil McCombs (whom Limbaugh ridiculed in 1994) “Review of
Saturday Night Live
writer Al Franken’s book
Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations,” Washington Post,
January 19 Style section, December 16,1996.

45. Gerald W. Bracey, “The Sixth Bracey Report on the Condition of Public Education,”
Phi Delta Kappan,
October 1996.

46. Raymond Edel, “Imus Is Dropping Old Routine,”
Bergen County Record,
May 30, 1997.

47. Editorial by Lewis H. Lapham, “Hide-and-Go-Seek: The Shame of the Bill Clinton Scandal and the Kenneth Starr Investigation,”
Harper’s Magazine,
November 1998, p. 11; Lewis H. Lapham, “Notebook: Punch and Judy; Fact and Fiction in the News Media,”
Harper’s Magazine,
September 1998, p. 11; Lewis H. Lapham, “Notebook: Painted Fire; Satire;”
Harper’s Magazine,
November 1996, p. 11; Gerald W. Bracey, “The Sixth Bracey Report on the Condition of Public Education,”
Phi Delta Kappan,
October 1996, p. 127; Editorial by Lewis H. Lapham, “Joint Venture.
Harper’s Magazine’s
Relationship with Its Readers,”
Harper’s Magazine,
June 1996, p. 8; Lewis H. Lapham, “Notebook: Old-Time Religion; Paralysis in Government and the U.S. Constitution,
Harper’s Magazine,
March 1996, p. 8; Lewis H. Lapham, “The Frozen Republic: How the Constitution Is Paralyzing Democracy,”

pp. 42-46

Harper’s Magazine,
March 1996, p. 8; Lewis H. Lapham, “Seen but Not Heard: The Message of the Oklahoma Bombing,”
Harper’s Magazine,
July 1995, p. 29; Lewis H. Lapham, “Notebook: Jefferson on Toast; Mock Movie Concept,”
Harper’s Magazine,
June 1995, p. 7; Lewis H. Lapham, “Reactionary Chic: How the Nineties Right Recycles the Bombast of the Sixties Left,”
Harper’s Magazine,
March 1995, p. 31; Editorial by Lewis H. Lapham, “Thunder on the Right; Republican Party Wins Control of Congress,”
Harper’s Magazine,
January 1995, p. 6; Editorial by Lewis H. Lapham, “Gospel Singing; Politics and Morality,”
Harper’s Magazine,
November 1994, p. 8; Editorial by Lewis H. Lapham, “Trial by Klieg Light; Whitewater Inquisition,”
Harper’s Magazine,
June 1994, p. 9; Editorial by Lewis H. Lapham, “Answering the Call; Crisis of Leadership m U.S.,”
Harper’s Magazine,
May 1994, p. 10; Editorial by Lewis H. Lapham, “Spring List; List of Accepted Ideas,”
Harper’s Magazine,
March 1994, p. 11; Editorial by Lewis H. Lapham, “Music Man; Ross Perot,”
Harper’s Magazine,
July 1993, p. 4; Editorial by Lewis H. Lapham, “Tower of Babel; Expansion of Cable Television Capacity,”
Harper’s Magazine,
March 1993, p. 9.

48. See Jim Rutenberg, “KoppePs ‘Nightline’ Caught in Cross-Fire,”
New York Times,
March 4, 2002; “Business Digest,”
New York Times,
March 4, 2002.

49. David E. Sanger, “The 2000 Campaign: World Views,”
New York Times,
October 30, 2000. (“But beyond those trips Mr. Bush, now 54, has left America’s shores only three times in his adult life.”)

50. Jonathan Alter, “The Lessons of Oprahland ‘Between The Lines,’ “
October 2,2000.

51. Matt Lauer and Katie Couric “Jonathan Alter of Newsweek Magazine Gives His Final Thoughts on the Upcoming Presidential Debate,”
show, October 11,2000.

52. Lester Holt and Jonathan Alter, “Effects of Mideast Violence on U.S. Presidential Campaigns,”
Saturday Today,
October 14, 2000.

53. Jonathan Alter, “What Presidents Are,”
October 23, 2000.

54. “A Yank at Oxford,” Sunday
(London), October 25, 1992.

55. “A Low Blow on Clinton’s Russia Trip
ABC News, October 8,1992. See also Andrew Rosenthal, “The 1992 Campaign: The Republicans; Bush Escalates Attack on Clinton for His Ami-Vietnam War Protests,”
New York Times,
October 9,1992; Douglas Jehl, “Bush Raises Issue of Foe’s Patriotism,”
Los Angeles Times,
October 8, 1992; Ron Fournier, “Clinton: Bush Statements on War Protest ‘Sad, Desperate’,” Associated Press, October 8,1992; Ann Devroy, “Bush Camp Apparently Planned Attack; Aides, Rep. Dornan and 3 Others Urged President to Push Antiwar Issue,”
Washington Post,
October 9,1992.

56. Mike Allen, “Fund-Raising in N.Y. Sets Record Pace,”
Washington Post,
March 31, 2000.


three. how to go from being a “jut-jawed maverick” to a “clueless neanderthal” in one easy step


1. “The Packwood Case; Excerpts from Senator Packwood’s Diaries and Depositions by Accusers,”
New York Times,
September 8,1995.

2. See, e.g., interview by Vicki Kemper, “The Reporter Who Knew Too Much; How Florence George Graves Developed the Packwood Story,”
Common Cause Magazine,
Fall 1995.

3. Evan Thomas and Thomas Rosenstiel with Michael Isikoff, “Decline and Fall,”
September 18,1995.

4. See, e.g., Mark Shields and Robert Novak, “The Expulsion and Resignation of Senator Packwood,” CNN’s
The Capital Gang,
September 9,1995.

kate o’beirne: I just want to say one thing— mark shields: Yes?

kate o’beirne: —about the feminist treatment of Bob Packwood and disagree with you a bit. I submit a lot of this would have been public years ago if Bob

pp. 46-53

Packwood -weren’t “good on women’s issues” and I think there -was probably pressure to have people who experienced these things with Bob Packwood say, “Oh but he’s so good on our issues.”

robert novak: You mean [crosstalk]

mark shields: Kate O’Beirne is absolutely right. In 1992 when he was running against Les AuCoin, the Democratic Congressman who had been a pro-choice leader in the House, NARAL, the National Abortion Rights Action League, publicly, in spite of all the stories about Bob Packwood, endorsed and backed Pack-wood.

robert novak: Right.

mark shields: Which may have been the difference in a very, very close race.

5. Special to the
New York Times,
“Man in the News; Iconoclastic G.O.P. Senator,”
New York Times,
March 15,1982.

6. Ibid.

7. Martin Tolchin, “Packwood Apologizes to Reagan for Saying He Is Harming G.O.P.,”
New York Times,
March 3,1982.

8. Special to the
New York Times,
“Man in the News.”

9. Steven V. Roberts, “Packwood Loses Party Job in Senate,”
New York Times,
December 3, 1982.

10. Donald M. Rothberg, “Packwood Says GOP Losing Support Among Women, Minorities,” Associated Press, March 2,1982.

11. Special to the
New York Times,
“Man in the News.”

12. See, e.g., interview by Vicki Kemper, “The Reporter Who Knew Too Much.”

13. Florence Graves and Charles E. Shepard, “Packwood Accused of Sexual Advances; Alleged Behavior Pattern Counters Image,”
Washington Post,
November 22, 1992.

14. Ibid.

15. Jean Marbella, “The Senator Who Mistook His Errands for History,”
Baltimore Sun,
September 25,1995.

16. Special to the
New York Times,
“Man in the News.”

17. Evan Thomas and Thomas Rosenstiel with Michael Isikoff, “Decline and Fall.”

18. Special to the
New York Times,
“Man in the News.”

19. Evan Thomas and Thomas Rosenstiel with Michael Isikoff, “Decline and Fall.”

20. Judy Bachrach, “Sen. Bob Packwood Is the Republican Gadfly Who Keeps Stinging the President,”
March 22,1982.

21. Evan Thomas and Thomas Rosenstiel with Michael Isikoff, “Decline and Fall.”

22. Judy Bachrach, “Sen. Bob Packwood Is the Republican Gadfly Who Keeps Stinging the President.”

23. Evan Thomas and Thomas Rosenstiel with Michael Isikoff, “Decline and Fall.”

24. Judy Bachrach, “Sen. Bob Packwood Is the Republican Gadfly Who Keeps Stinging the President.”

25. Jean Marbella, “The Senator Who Mistook His Errands for History.”

26. Francis X. Clines, “Got It; The Senate, Embarrassed and Proud of It,”
New York Times,
September 10,1995.

27. Helen Dewar, “Senate Urged to Weigh Packwood’s Expulsion; Buchanan at Odds with Presidential Rivals,”
Washington Post,
August 11,1995.

28. Editorial, “ ‘Senator No’ Says Goodbye,”
New York Times,
August 23,2001, p. 18.

29. Lizette Alvarez, “Man in the News—James Merrill Jeffords; A Longtime Maverick,”
New York Times,
May 25,2001.

30. “Topics of the Times; Profiles m Opportunism,”
New York Times,
November 11, 1994.

31. CNN Live Event/Special, February 10, 1999.

32. Iver Peterson, “The 1994 Campaign: Whitman; Move Over, Rockefeller, G.O.P/s Got a New Idol,”
New York Times,
October 4,1994.

pp. 53-59

33. David M. Halbfinger, “A Telling Silence Greets Whitman Frisking Photo,”
New York Times,
July 16, 2000.

34. Among other genius rulings, the Whitman court overturned a law requiring parents to be notified before a doctor can perform an abortion on their teenage daughters—though parental consent and notification laws have been upheld in thirty-two other states and by the U.S. Supreme Court
(Planned Parenthood v. Farmer,
2000); held that when you are accused of a hate crime, the judge can -withdraw the issue of hate motivation from the jury and enhance your sentence himself, even if the jury would not find you guilty of bigotry
(State v. Apprendi,
1999, rev’d by U.S. S. Ct.
Apprendi v. New Jersey,
2000); ruled that the Boy Scouts are a “public accommodation,” like a hotel, and therefore could be required to take openly gay men as scout leaders
(Dale v. Boy Scouts,
1999, rev’d by U.S. S. Ct.
Boy Scouts v. Dale,
2001); found that a single joking use of the phrase “jungle bunny” creates a hostile environment
(Taylor v. Met-zger,
1998); ruled that shopping malls must be forced to accommodate any protester who wishes to demonstrate, free of charge, and to waive any insurance requirement to insulate itself against fights caused by the protester’s provocative speech
(New Jersey Coalition Against War in the Middle East et al. v. JMB Realty Corp.,
1994). Before Whitman left her own unmistakable imprint on the court, it had made the rather stunning ruling that consent does not constitute a defense to a charge of rape (In the Interest of M.T.S., 129 N.J. 422,1992). Whitman later signed into law a rule of evidence that expressly approved the “consent is no defense” rape rule in legislative findings.

35. Cokie Roberts, Sam Donaldson, George Will, “The Senate Trial, Sen. Robert Byrd,”
ABC News, This Week,
February 7,1999.


four. creating the psychological climate


1. Roper poll. Another study conducted by Stanley Rothman and S. Robert Lichter in 1979 through 1980 surveyed the views of journalists from the
Washington Post,
New York Times,
Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report,
the three commercial television networks and public television (PBS), among others. The study concluded that journalists were skeptical of “traditional American institutions” and “well to the left of business elites.”

2. Howard Kurtz, “Buchanan’s Supporters Bristle with Ire for News Media,”
Washington Post,
February 26,1996.

3. “Rush Limbaugh” (television show), May 7,1996.

4. Ibid.

5. Bruce Nussbaum, “The Myth of the Liberal Media,”
Business Week,
November 11, 1996, p. 34.

6. Joseph P. Kahn, “Talk Radio’s Mr. Right; Limbaugh Rules the Airwaves—But His Local Fans Aren’t Flocking to Restaurant ‘Rush Rooms,’ “
Boston Globe,
April 14,1993, p. 65.

7. Dan Radmacher, “Media’s Liberal Bias Real, but Conservative Bias Much More Blatant,”
Charleston Gazette,
November 17, 2000.

Larry King Live,
May 15, 2001. •

9. “Media Bias: The 2001 Awards,”
New York Post,
December 31, 2001 (quoting an exchange on CNN’s
Inside Politics).

10. “Pundit 101 with Lawrence O’Donnell,”
Shuttle Sheet,
June 2001.

11. “Dan Rather Talks About His New Book,”
The O ‘Reilly Factor,
May 18,2001, Transcript #051805cb.256. See also Dan Rather and Paula Zahn, “Is the Media Biased?”
Fox the Edge with Paula Zahn,
May 22, 2001. Transcript #052203cb.260. (“There’s also a blood sport on the other side of, you know, accusing you of being a tool of corporate America and therefore a reactionary.”)

12. “Rush Limbaugh,” May 7,1996.

13. Quoted in John Carmody, “The TV Column,”
Washington Post,
February 19,1997.

14. Howard Kurtz, “Colleague Punches CBS in the Eye; Correspondent’s Essay Riles Network Newsroom,”
Washington Post,
February 15,1996, p. Cl.

pp. 59-64

15. Bernard Goldberg writing in the
Wall Street Journal,
quoted in Greg Pierce, “Bad Day for Contrarians,”
“Washington Times,
May 25, 2001.

16. C-SPAN’s
Washington Journal,
May 24, 2001.

17. Ibid.

18. Tom Shales, “Ex-Newsman’s Case Full of Holes,” Electronic Media Online,

19. Chuck Raasch, “Revolving Door Blurs Line Between Journalism,” Gannett News Service, March 9, 1994.

20. William Safire, “The Voting Trigger,”
New York Times,
October 29,1992. (“Mr. Clinton’s reluctance to stand foursquare against unnecessary secrecy is troubling, but Mr. Bush’s embrace yesterday of a document that may figure in a criminal conspiracy is far worse: his encouragement of Barr’s stonewalling places the Iraqgate scandal in the Oval Office.

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