Slash (Novella I) (19 page)

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Authors: Kevin Anthony

BOOK: Slash (Novella I)
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I will take the responsibility of eliminating you from my sister’s life. House attack!”

The floorboards below Levi’s feet split opened and he dropped in. Sidnee quickly rushed over and grabbed onto his hand. Sidnee peered into the hole below Levi only to see darkness. She could not let him fall, but she was starting to lose her grip. Sidnee glanced up at her brother who remained at the top of the stairs, his eyes intensely focused at their struggle and smirking.

House,” Sidnee shouted out. “It’s time for you to make a decision. You either side with my brother who is such a loser that no woman will ever marry him or carry his children or you can side with me. Unlike my brother, I can truly make sure this place becomes a family home. If you choose me house, you also have to save the man who will help make that all possible, my fiancé, Levi.”

What,” Levi shouted. “Your what?”

Sidnee stared him into his eyes. “Will you marry me and become my family?”

A struggling Levi caught onto the idea. “Yes!”

The floorboards started to return, Levi instantly crawling from the hole.

No,” Evan shouted. He kicked the staircase wall. “House, you’re on my side!”

The stairs converted into a slide of wooden panels and Evan glided down, stopping at his pile of clothes before the door. Evan quivered as he struggled to his feet and started gathering his clothes into his arms. Once, he collected everything, he stood upright staring back at his sister who held onto Levi, snarling.

Evan shook his head in shame. “I can’t believe you’re marrying that. I don’t think you’re that stupid.”

Sidnee formed a wide smile at Evan. “I love you brother, but get the fuck out of my house.”

The door came opened and a floorboard slapped Evan on the rear that prompted him to run from the home. As the door closed, Sidnee and Levi made their way into the living room and crashed onto the couch. They remained in each other’s arm and House powered on the television for them and lowered the lights.

We won and it happened,” Sidnee said. “I fell for you.”

I’m going to be honest, but I fell for you the moment I met you.”

Sidnee elbowed. “You jerk. You could have said something.”

I’m still a teenager for the next few months, my emotions aren’t as developed.”

Your underdeveloped emotions almost caused you to be eaten by my house.”

Levi stole a quick kiss. “Shh, movie.”

Sidnee curled her lips. “Horrible job at changing the subject…fiancé.”

His eyes widened. “Are we really getting married?”

I suppose, if I want the house to behave. Plus, I think you’re the perfect person to be engaged to.”

My grandmother is going to flip. Are we having a wedding and shit?”

She shrugged. “How about we focus on that another day…let’s make this a very long engagement?”

Deal, this movie is awesome by the way.”

A woman was on the television using a sword to behead ninjas.

Why is she fighting them?”

Levi pointed at the television. “Just pay attention.”

Sidnee hugged her arms tighter around him. The speaker and Sidnee enjoyed a movie, in the family home.

Chapter 2
4 – Mad

Tonight, Ford would confront Jace but first he had a dinner party to attend. He stood in Harriet’s bathroom tugging at the red tie he wore. The slasher took a few deep breaths, slapped on a phony smile and returned to the party. Harriet was in the kitchen enjoying some finger sandwiches and chatting with friends and Valarie sat chatting with some friends she met in rehab or that traveled to see her from Las Vales.

Ford made his way over to Sidnee who stood sipping wine by the radio. “I feel like a dork in this suit.”

I think you look nice.”

Did you talk to Bravo?”

Sidnee nodded. “Yeah, he’s still buried in bed. He really wanted things to work out with that guy.”

What happened between them again?”

He didn’t say much, but you can see in his face that he’s an emotional wreck.”

Well, one of us managed to find love though, you and the speaker.”

Sidnee’s face lit up with a smile. “It feels so unreal. I’m engaged.”

When’s the wedding?”

First, we’re really going to test the waters and see if we are indeed in love. The entire engagement is top secret at the moment, I’ve only told you and Bravo. I don’t know how Levi’s grandmother is going to react. She chased the car down when he came to work for me, I can’t imagine what she does when she finds out he’ll being staying with me permanently and that we’re engaged.”

Ford laughed. “She chased the car?”

Luckily Levi is cute because if he wasn’t I was going to pull my car over and kick him out.”

I’m glad your life is going great.”

Yours isn’t?”

Ford rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve been going through some stuff.”

Your moms? That’s all over now though.”

Ford shook his head. “Not just dealing with my moms, but more.”

More? What haven’t you been telling me? Why haven’t you been telling me anything? Does Bravo know?”

Nobody knows Sidnee.” Ford lowered his voice. “It’s slasher related.”

What’s wrong?”

One of our own has been killing us off, including my friend Lu.”

Sidnee gasped. “I remember you telling me about her. I’ve been too busy with my problems to watch the news.”

We’ve lost her and a lot of others but tonight it’s all going to end. I know who this serial-slasher is and tonight I will confront him. It’s something that I have to do to clear my own name and also to restore order. We slashers have been pointing fingers and losing our lives one by one but after tonight that’ll be no more.”

It sounds like you’re stepping up as the leader. Are you sure you want that responsibility?”

I guess. Plus as their leader I can help them change their ways. I’m going clean. No more slashing.”

I wish you all the luck in the world.”

Everybody please listen,” Harriet said as she tapped her wine glass with a fork. “Valarie has something to say.”

Harriet and Valarie met in the center of the home.

Valarie waved. “I’m sure you all know me and what I’ve been going through. After leaving Las Vales I lost my career and also my husband. I still managed to keep a good relationship with Harriet but as for my career on stage I couldn’t regain the spotlight. At this point I started drinking and doing drugs. In my drunken or high sates, it was much easier to imagine myself being back on stage. Today, I’m sober and drug free and no longer have to imagine being on stage. Over the next couple of months I will battle cancer and work alongside Harriet to write and produce a musical.”

It’s called Flesh Dance and Bones. A gruesome love story,” Harriet said.

Thank you all for being here tonight,” Valarie finished. “And I look forward to seeing you on opening night.”

Ford clapped and was joined by Sidnee and the other guests.

Harriet and Valarie approached Ford.

We’re back in business,” Harriet said.

Ford pointed at his right ear. “Yeah, I heard.”

I’m just looking forward to working and singing again on stage,” Valarie said.

All that is great mom, but don’t forget you’re sick. You need to eat right and stay in shape.”

Valarie stuck her tongue out at him. “Whatever you say Doctor Ford.”

Harriet checked her empty wine glass. “I’m going to go get a refill.”

And I’m going to go finish entertain my guests,” Valarie said as she walked away with Harriet.

Sidnee yawned. “And I have my last book signing of the year in the morning before I start book two.”

Ford opened the house door for Sidnee. “I’m going to sneak out right behind you.”

Before stepping out after Sidnee, Ford took a look at his mothers. They were smiling and laughing. He formed a smirk and left the party knowing they would be fine no matter what would happen after his encounter with Jace. He gave Sidnee a hug and held on a bit long. Once his friend got in her car and pulled away, Ford headed over to his vehicle.

Ford started his car, drove to Jace’s neighborhood and parked a block away from his home. Gaining entry to a target’s house usually required planning, but a simple knock would gain Ford access to Jace’s home. Ford exited his car and slipped his weapon into the back of his slacks. His heart raced and the sights and sounds of the suburban neighborhood around him faded from his thoughts. Ford knocked on the house door and a sweaty, panting Jace answered.

He used the back of his hand to wipe sweat from his forehead. “Hey man, what’s up?”

You’re always working out,” Ford said.

I care about my health and how I look.”

Important, but I’m here because I need to talk to you about something.”

Sure, come in.” Jace stepped aside. “Is everything okay?”

I’m having difficulty understanding something.”

Jace closed his door and took a seat on his leather-padded weight-bench. “And what is that?”

Ford stood before him. “Why did you decide to end your relationship with Lu?”

I told you, she was making me a dangerous person. I’ve trumped my slasher ways and she was enjoying hers.”

How did you overcome your urge to slash? It seems nearly impossible since I‘ve started trying.”

I channel at that energy into other activities. Sports, cooking, my health and I smoke pot when the urge gets bad.”

Ford kept his calm as he accepted each lie. “I have another question.”

Jace narrowed his eyes, observing Ford‘s tensed facial expression. “Are you okay Ford?”

I’m fine. I just need you to answer one more question.”

I’m listening.”

The serial-slasher, what’s his motivation? Why would he target his own kind?”

I don’t know, maybe you should find and ask him.”

Ford removed his knife. “I am talking to him.”

Jace motioned at himself and let of a soft laugh. “I’m not him.”

I have proof, visual proof.”

Then that proof is flawed. I haven’t slashed in years.”

No more lies. It’s done.” Ford raised his knife. “You won’t harm another slasher.”

Jace stood, sneering at Ford. “I’m going to ask you once to leave my home.”

I’ll leave once you’re dead.”

I’m not the serial-slasher,” Jace shouted. He calmed himself. “But I’m willing to slash to save my own life.”

The same moral that has brought me here, slash or be slashed.”

Jace roared as he charged forward, snatched Ford by his shirt and smashed him against the wall. His hours of weightlifting came into use as he easily lifted Ford from his feet and repeatedly smashed him against the wall, a dent sinking deeper after impact. Ford used his knife to slice at Jace’s face.

The serial-slasher lost his grip on Ford as he caressed his face and stumbled backward. A bloody gash now ran diagonally across Jace’s face. He quivered in rage as he gawked at Ford, the viciousness in his eyes striking fear into Ford’s heart. Ford kept a brave stance, his lower back numb and his heart starting to race from fear.

Jace charged forward once more and delivered vicious punches to Ford’s torso. The act of breathing became difficult and Ford barely could focus on a proper counter attack. Jace delivered a punch to his face, drawing blood and causing Ford to blackout for a second. Ford kneed the serial-slasher in the groin and shoved him backward.

Jace stumbled, landed on his weight-bench and smacked the back of his head on the metal gripping area of his dumbbell bar. He laid spread eagle on his weight-bench, unconscious. His chance of a victory slim in this battle, Ford took the opportunity to rush over and drive the blade of his knife into Jace’s heart.

He rested his head against the serial-slasher’s still warm body, panting and forming a half smirk. He avenged those who felt the tip of the serial-slasher’s blade in their heart. A sore Ford yanked the knife from Jace’s chest. After Ford was sure no eyes were on the house, Ford departed

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