Sleeping Beauty (Faerie Tale Collection) (8 page)

Read Sleeping Beauty (Faerie Tale Collection) Online

Authors: Jenni James

Tags: #YA, #fairy tale, #clean fiction, #Young Adult

BOOK: Sleeping Beauty (Faerie Tale Collection)
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And what if they failed?

What then?

Already so much had gone wrong. Villeria recognized the child’s strength almost from the moment she was born. She became marked, even then, as a threat—though Ezralon had not breathed a word of it to any mortal. Yet still, Villeria knew and wanted to claim her as her own.

Taking a deep breath, he allowed the girl to ease into a soothing sleep, to calm her mind and help her into happiness again. This time he placed a continuous calming spell upon her. Something that would always relapse her thoughts back to peace. It meant she would keep forgetting fragments of what he counseled her on, but it would ensure that she stayed asleep. Villeria must not realize the girl was wakening.

She was not ready for this all. It was too fast, too harmful.

But how did she grow, accept who she was, and train herself without allowing the revulsion of her past to reign supreme in her thoughts and mind? He would have to find a way. Mayhap the prince was the answer… hopefully this spell would help ease her mind as she remembered in his presence, but for now, she needed rest.

Healing, perfected rest.


ALEYNA AWOKE IN HER bed and marveled at the glorious sunshine cascading through the cracks of her velvet curtains. Her bare feet tiptoed over to the window and pulling the shades allowed the sparkling morning to bathe the room in an enchanted glow. What a wonderful day!

She smiled at the birds dancing about and took a deep breath of fresh, vibrant air—the smell of flowers and earth embraced her and filled her with happiness, much like the prince’s embraces were the day before.

The prince!

Aleyna twirled around and took in the room before her. How long had she been asleep? Surely he did not place her in bed? She glanced down at her nightgown and flushed. No, no, he would never be so forward, not when she had a full staff at her beck and call. What had happened?

All she could remember was feeling distraught by some strange occurrence, and then he held her. Oh, how she loved his arms holding her tight. Running his hands up and down her back and soothing her. He was surely the most sweetest, handsomest and adorable man that ever was. To hold her on the ground no less! Surely, the Fates could not have brought her a more desirable man in all the world.

She quickly changed her attire—something blue to bring out the color of her eyes, not even ringing the bell to wait for the maid. Aleyna giggled as she slipped on her slippers and gracefully flew down the steps to the breakfast parlor, hoping to find the prince and company already eating a marvelous feast.

They were not there yet, but Margie had certainly outdone herself this morning. The table literally groaned it was so heavy laden with a meal best suited for hungry men. She quickly made her way into the kitchens.

“The table looks marvelous,” she said with a smile as soon as she walked in and saw the older woman rolling out a couple of loaves of bread. And then all it once it dawned on her. “Oh, goodness! I was not here for their meal. Did you take care of everything? Were they upset I was not in attendance? I cannot believe I was such an awful host! What must they think of me?”

“Hush, my Queen. It was fine. Ezralon came and took care of everything for you.”

Aleyna perked up. “Ezralon is here? Truly? He has finally come home!”

“Yes, yes, he’s here, my dear. But he is still abed. He and the young prince were up half the night chattering away in the parlor. I finally sent all but the footmen to bed, so long were we waiting for them. But he kept our company entertained and caught them up to speed on his adventures, I am sure.”

“Oh, I cannot believe I missed him.”

Margie shook her head and placed the loaves on the wooden slat. “He is planning to stay for some time, so do not overly fuss about it. He understood you were indisposed last evening and was more than willing to wait until morning to see you again.” She walked over to the brick oven and slipped the loaves inside.

Aleyna shyly cleared her throat and asked, “So, do you know if the maid helped me to bed last night?”

The cook gave her an incredulous look and said, “Of course, dear. Who else?”

She flushed for the second time that morning, waving her hand. “Oh, no one. I just did not remember going up to my chamber and so wanted to be sure all was well and I didn’t put anyone out.”

Margie chuckled and shook her head, but did not say anything as she began to clean the counter off and prepare to make the desserts that would be required throughout the day.

“Well?” Aleyna could not contain her excitement anymore.

“Well what?”

She let out a slight girlish giggle. “Well, what do you think of our company?”

A smile played on the corner of Margie’s mouth, but she attempted to hide it. “What about them, dear?”

Exasperated, Aleyna put her hands on her hips and sighed. “You know quite well what I am referring to and yet you still tease me.”

Margie brought over a basket of fresh apples and set them on the counter. “But, you are incredibly fun to tease.”

Shaking her head, Aleyna walked to the hook and removed her apron, sliding it over her dress, she washed her hands in the bucket and took an apple from Margie’s basket and began to slice it before the cook could say one word in protest. “Now tell me honestly, what did you think of them? Did you get to see them all? I am most particularly interested in your thoughts of the prince, if you have any.”

She chuckled. “You know my first glimpse of them altogether was last night. I had seen bits and pieces of them, especially the prince when he came into the kitchen yesterday, but they all seemed very well mannered, handsome young men.”

“And the prince?” she asked, peeling the slices she had just made.

“He is by far the most handsome of the lot.”

“Is he not?” She plopped a peel into her mouth as she placed the slice into a bowl at Margie’s elbow.

The cook set a handful of peeled quarters in the bowl as well. “He is. He is.”

“You are the one who was admitting a few weeks back that we needed men in the castle. What say you now? Are you well pleased?”

Margie laughed. “I am well pleased. It is about time—we have all been waiting quite long enough.”

Aha! The truth finally comes. “Waiting for what?” she asked.

Margie began to quarter another apple. “For a prince to come, dearie.”

“What for?” she asked, trying to make her voice sound unconcerned.

“So you could—so you could—uh, could you fetch me some more sugar? We are going to need quite a bit more for these pies.”

Aleyna walked over to the shelf and pulled the sugar crock down. “You are purposely trying to distract me from the subject again, are you not?”


“But why?”

“Because it is for your own good that you do not know every single thing your heart wishes to know the exact moment you wish to know it.”

She rolled her eyes and chuckled as she placed the crock on Margie’s other side. “I do not always wish to know every single thing.”

“Oh-ho! Yes, you do, my dear, and it is quite fine that you do. It is endearing at times, but other times you need to see it is not always the best to know it all. Sometimes it is better to grasp bits and pieces each day until the full picture begins to present itself.”

Aleyna groaned a bit before mumbling very un-queen-like, “There is a mystery here, one I wish you would clear up for me.” She dropped a few more quartered apples in the bowl. “However, I will do as you say and try to not let it plague me and be happy with what I do know. And most importantly I should be pleased you like the prince as much as you do.”

“Aye, I do. He is a handsome boy and very polite as well.”

“Oh, he is so kind and sweet and generous too!”

Margie’s eyebrows rose as she attempted to hide another smile. “And generous too? Who would have thought?”


Aleyna jumped as the prince peeked his head around the corner. “You startled me!”

“Did I?” he grinned as he walked more fully in the room. “You are very fetching when you’re startled, I should mayhap think of doing it more often.”

She looked away and quickly slipped off her apron, hanging it back on the nail. “Is there something I can help you with?”

“No. I just came to see how you were doing, to make sure you are well this morning.”

Flustered, she took a deep breath to steady the warm glow that settled over her at his words. “I am quite well, thank you. And did you sleep well, my Prince?”

He had told himself he would not touch her today, at any cost. But he could not stay away when she looked as adorable and enticing—even translucent—as she did now. Against his better judgment he walked closer and took her hand, kissing it. “I slept like a king.”


ALEYNA TRANSFORMED IN FRONT of him again—she was so beautiful. So alive. Her eyes sparkling, her pretty dress seemed to be made for her, the shy mischievous smile—it was all there for Darién to absorb. How he wished he could see her like this always.

She tilted her head and looked down under the gaze of his scrutiny. There was something so magical in the way he looked at her when they touched, as if he was actually seeing deep inside her soul. She loved the way his eyes lit and the admiration she saw hidden within their depths. Aleyna glanced back up and stared into his deep green eyes. They were the perfect foil for his dark hair, so very handsome, so very strong and intelligent.

“I should pull away from you,” he whispered, as he scanned her face, settling on her perfect lips. Ezralon had informed him under no circumstances was he to taste those lips until she was ready. Touching her was meant to be extremely limited, every second they connected was a second too many for her mind to process.

Her smile dropped. “But why? Please do not leave just yet.”

His heart skipped a beat at her adorable confusion. “I will never leave you, now that I have found you, my dear.”

She took in a deep, shaky breath processing the conviction in his voice—her heart beating a wild tattoo. “How is it you say the most perfect things to me when I need them most?”

He could not help himself. Taking a step forward, he placed his hand on her shining hair and trailed it through his fingers. “I have told you before—I know you. I am yours. I do not understand how, but I am yours, as I have always been yours.”

Her lashes fluttered down and she nestled her cheek into his hand.

Leaning forward, Darién kissed the delicate spot at the top of her nose, right between those glorious eyes, his lips remaining there, not quite ready to leave.

“Hmm…” she mumbled into his jaw, her sweet breath electrifying the skin on his neck, “When you say it so gently and with such sincerity, I begin to believe anything is possible.”

He inhaled sharply as she leaned up on tiptoe, just a slight bit, and kissed the underside of his jaw. “My Queen, I must pull away. But you are making it so very hard to do so.”

“Then do not.” She kissed his jaw again, and smiled when his breathing went ragged, still he did not move away. “It is good to know I am not alone in this.”


“The way you make me feel whenever you are near.”

“You mean like this?” He skimmed his nose down her cheek to capture her jaw with his mouth.

Grasping his shirt, she nearly lost her balance as her knees went weak.

He instantly pulled back and held her waist, supporting her. “Are you well? Did that harm you?”

“I—I, uh…” Aleyna’s lashes would not stop fluttering with her breathing so erratic as it was.

“Aleyna, is it happening again?” he asked quickly.

“I—what? Is what happening?”

“Are you seeing the visions?”

Her eyes swam before him, her jaw tingled so much it felt as though her nerve endings were humming. “I—no. I am just feeling you.”



Confused, he paused a second until he understood what she was saying. “Oh my dear girl, if this is how delightful you become now, what will it be like when my lips finally touch yours?”

Her eyes focused in on his, as she whispered, “Magical.”

A deep voice in the doorway interrupted them. “It is true. You two are connected in a way no other beings on earth can be.”

They turned to see Ezralon, his hooves clopping softly into the kitchen.

“I suggest you remove yourself from her now, boy. This morning has been good for her, she needed this—her soul needed to feel this—but it is time to step back. Soon she will be yours always.”

“No…” she protested as Darién stepped away, his hands following the path of her hair, until dropping the union completely and watching her become transparent and unrecognizable again.

“My Queen, do not be too forward in your readiness to show this man your love for him. It is not assuming for one of your royal rank to react this way. And you,” he turned to Darién, “you, son, are playing with fire—and yet, you know it. Why? Why allow your emotions control what you know to be best?”

The prince’s eyes caressed the queen’s features. “Because I am drawn to her—because, even though it may be wrong and I may be the worst thing for her, I cannot help yearning to want to change that. To find a way to be what she needs without harming her soul. Because I am not truly alive unless we are together, she does something to me no other woman has ever before.”

“Prince Darién, enough,” Ezralon replied gruffly. “You must withstand this—both of you—” he looked toward Aleyna. “You, my dear, do not understand all of the emotions racing through your heart right now, but as I mentioned to the boy here yesterday, you will still have each other. This supernatural bond—this incessant tugging—pulling you two together—it is real. It is there—and it will always be there. Now that you have touched, it will be forever. You, Darién and Aleyna, are destined for more than you know. But we will go into that much later this afternoon. For now, enjoy. See. Feel your hearts pounding and getting to know one another again, but do not touch.” His voice firm at the end.

“But why?” Aleyna asked, stepping forward. “I sense as though I have waited ages for him to come and now—now I cannot even hold his hand?”

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