Read Slice of Pi 2 Online

Authors: Elia Winters

Slice of Pi 2 (17 page)

BOOK: Slice of Pi 2
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Although he was looking at the road, he saw Iris glance over at him out of his peripheral vision. “Once or twice. It was my go-to for bachelorette party gifts.”

“But nothing for you?” He stopped at a red light and glanced over at her, gratified to see her flush pink.

“I own a couple of things. Nothing too fancy. Nothing that we can both have fun with.” She smiled mischievously. “I got some ideas reading online last night, though.”

The thought that she was still reading up on things made him feel warm inside and cautiously optimistic. Maybe he wasn't the only one enjoying this game. Obviously she was enjoying the orgasms, but if she was also enjoying the role play, maybe there was a future of sorts in this.

No. He shouldn't think that way. She didn't want anything more than sex, so he needed to keep his own feelings in check or he was going to end up getting hurt.

He hadn't driven past the sex shop in a while, but at least it was nicer than he remembered. No seedy blacked-out windows or parking in the rear for this place, which is what he'd been expecting. Instead, the windows had tasteful lingerie and tamer items, clothing and products that were suitable for viewing from the street. Everything else was probably in the back of the store, where anyone just walking by on the sidewalk couldn't see.

“This place is run by a nice woman and her partner, I think, so it's not shitty like other stores my sorority sisters used to drag me to.” Iris looked up at the building before exiting the car and stepping up to the door. “Come on,” she called back to Owen over her shoulder.

Owen followed her in, curious about what he would see. Inside, he saw a brightly lit, colorful, well-decorated shop with tastefully appointed products displayed everywhere. They had been taken out of their boxes and arrayed on cushions or tables or desks, grouped by type from the looks of things, and the other people browsing seemed like average customers. No one even gave them a glance when they entered.

The woman working the counter was young with more than five facial piercings, and she smiled in a welcoming way when they crossed the threshold. “Welcome to Green Light Intimacies. Let me know if I can help you two find anything.” She went back to the large computer resting on the countertop, glancing up every so often to make sure the rest of the customers were getting on okay.

“So what did you have in mind?” Owen wanted to look at everything, but first he wanted to know what had caught Iris's eye in her research and what she wanted to try.

“I thought, um . . . maybe a harness?” She bit her lip again. She was so cute when she was nervous. During a scene, she was all Domme, but they were still feeling out their respective roles. She was figuring out what he would like.

A harness was intriguing. He wasn't averse to the idea, since he loved his plug and wouldn't mind taking that situation a step further. Ever since she'd brought it up during their last play session, he had a feeling she was interested, and he'd been thinking about it a fair amount as well. “That sounds fun. Something you'd like to try?” He traced his fingertips down her spine and was rewarded by her shiver.

She looked up at him, smiling. “Yeah, I think so. If you're game.”

The thought of being put on his knees and fucked was hot, and even if he hadn't been denied an orgasm all week, he was definitely game. He bent down to whisper into Iris's ear. “You want to peg me, Miss Parker?”

Iris flushed crimson, but her smile broadened. She reached over and squeezed his ass through his jeans. “Damn right. This ass is mine.”

Owen let out a low chuckle. Iris wasn't just fun to play with sexually; she was fun in general. He wanted to spend more time with her. For now, though, that had to wait. They had a purpose for this visit, and it probably ended with him bent over her mattress later.

Iris kept her arm wrapped around his waist as they wove toward the back of the shop, and Owen draped his arm over her shoulders. Having her pressed against him like this felt comfortable and natural, as if she was meant to be here. He liked it. This section of the store displayed all sorts of lingerie and harnesses. They both stood staring at the intimidating rack for a minute before another clerk appeared out of the curtained back room to their right, materializing like a ghost in tight black jeans and a crew cut with a name badge that said “Robin” and identified his pronouns as “he, him, his.” Robin smiled at both of them, his expression warm and open. “Can I answer any questions for you two?”

“Um, yes.” Iris straightened to her full height, all five feet four inches. Owen dropped his arm as she stepped away. “I'm looking for a harness.”

“To fit you, him, or for a gift?” The clerk didn't seem to think any of those three options were strange.

“For me.” Iris reached out to touch one of the harnesses, then drew back.

“All right.” Robin stared pointedly at Iris's hips, sizing her up, and then reached up to take two harnesses off the rack. “I think either of these would fit well. Why don't you step into the fitting room and take a look? You can try it on right over your underwear.” He started unlocking the door to a fitting room.

Iris looked from the harnesses up to Owen, her wide-eyed expression asking for support, and he nodded encouragingly. “Go ahead. I'll be right out here.”

Once Iris was in the fitting room, Robin turned his attention to Owen. “Now, while she tries those on, can I help you find something to fit in that harness?”

“Sure.” Owen nodded. He didn't mind taking advice from someone whose job it was to match people to toys.

Robin led Owen over to a rack of dildos that was more than slightly overwhelming. Jesus Christ, that one was an entire forearm, complete with fist. No thank you. Ignoring the massive rectum-destroying options, Robin began pointing out the merits of the various toys on the rack. “We don't carry any jelly rubber toys or toys with phthalates, so any toy here is going to be durable and body safe. You'll want something in silicone, because it's more durable and easier to sterilize, and you'll need to make sure you're purchasing water-based lube instead of silicone-based lube for any silicone toys. They seem like they'd go together, silicone lube and silicone toys, but they just don't.” He shook his head for emphasis. “Any toy less than two inches in diameter with a flared base will fit into either of those harnesses that she's trying on. If you're new to this, I recommend anything on the left half of these first two shelves.” He gestured to the side of the display case farther away from the mammoth arm dildo. “Now, I'm going to just go check on your friend and see how she's doing.” He vanished toward the back of the room where Iris had gone into the changing room.

Owen chose a couple dildos from the shelf, feeling the odd sensation of firm silicone in his hands, trying not to think about the fact that he was basically handling replica dicks. He was still choosing between the two toys when Iris arrived at his side, holding a goddamn shopping basket and wearing a shit-eating grin. Apparently, she'd overcome her nerves.

“Found one.” She held up the basket proudly, in which she'd already deposited the black leather harness. “Ooh, those look good.” She took one out of Owen's hand and hefted it in her palm, checking out the size and weight. “I like this one. The purple's pretty.”

Owen resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Like the color mattered in this situation. “Okay, let's go for that one,” he said, and Iris nodded excitedly and tossed it into the basket.

If she was going to use a shopping basket, he was going to help fill it. He led her over to the more explicitly BDSM section, and soon four leather cuffs and a blindfold went into the basket. What the hell, he was already here, so he added a ball gag into the mix. Iris saw, smiled, and grabbed a leather cock ring off the shelf. It was one of the ones that locked all the way behind the balls. Fuck, that looked incredible. He almost got hard looking at it. But then she moved on to impact toys. She fingered the handle of a flogger that was hanging from the display case, and Robin materialized again. The guy had to have a sixth sense for people who needed help. Surely there were other people in this store who needed some assistance, right? It couldn't just be them. But Robin was zoned in.

“You can give them a try on your arm or your partner's arm to see how they feel.” He pointed to the ones at the far right. “These have more falls, so the sensation will be more diffused and thuddy as opposed to stingy. They're all locally made, too.”

“Thanks.” Iris picked up one of the floggers toward the right, not all the way over where the most expensive ones were, but not the cheap ones on the left, and took a few swings against her arm. The sight of her wielding that flogger made Owen's dick stir in his pants. Not that it took very much effort. Iris looked at her forearm, then at Owen. “Can I try your arm?”

“Sure.” Owen held out his arm, and Iris whacked it lightly with the flogger. “No, you've got to do it harder than that,” he said, shaking his head. “Really get a feel for it.”

Iris hesitated, then gave him a much harder thwap. A few people nearby turned to look, then went back to their shopping. Owen felt the burn all over his arm, and it felt fantastic.

“Yes, that one.” He nodded, taking it right out of her hand and dropping it into the basket. The handle protruded out one side. Iris smiled, her face alight.

“Anything else you want?” She scanned the room. “There's so much stuff.”

Owen's gaze fell on collars.

Iris followed his gaze. “These are gorgeous.” She walked up to the rack and picked up a navy-blue suede collar. The silver O-ring jingled as she hefted it and ran it through her hands. When she looked up at him, her expression was pure eagerness.

Owen swallowed and shook his head. Iris's face fell in disappointment, and he moved in closer to explain himself.

“It's not that I don't want one.” He lifted the collar out of her hands and examined it, the suede buttery soft beneath his touch. “I'd love to wear your collar. But I want a collar to mean something. Lots of people use them just for play, and that's fine, but I always thought if I was going to be collared, it needed to be for something more serious.” He hesitated, then put the collar back on the shelf. “And you don't want something more serious,” he said more softly.

Iris watched him replace the collar, and he couldn't decipher the expression on her face. Eventually, she nodded. “Okay. That makes sense.” She patted him on the arm. “Let's check out.”

When they got to the register, he started to unload their selections, but Iris pulled a few items out of the basket to keep aside. In response to his raised eyebrow, she shrugged. “I should pay for a few of these things. It's an equal share.” She chose the cuffs, ball gag, blindfold, and harness to purchase herself, leaving him with the dildo, cock ring, and flogger. Fair enough. He approached the counter first.

It was easy to tell when you were spending a lot of money at a nice sex shop because they threw in free stuff. Becky, the woman at the register with all the facial piercings, tossed in a small bottle of water-based lubricant and a disposable vibrating cock ring, which Owen thought might be murderous if he wasn't allowed to come. His plain black bag was full and his wallet was lighter when he stepped aside for Iris to pay for her items. Becky threw in a small simple vibrator with Iris's order, too, and even Iris's smaller purchases were almost as much as Owen's. Shit, this was an investment. He was committed now.

The thought made him grin.

When they got back into Owen's car, Iris looked down at the bag she was holding and then back up with an eager expression on her face. “So, is it too much to ask that we come back to my place and try some of this stuff out?”

Owen exhaled. “Thank god. I thought you'd never ask.” He pulled out of the parking spot and headed for her apartment. In his opinion, they couldn't get back to Iris's place fast enough.


For the whole drive
back to her apartment, Iris resisted the urge to dig around in the bag and pull out all the new toys, worried that doing so might make Owen drive off the road. She wanted to use all of it. Trying on those harnesses in the dressing room, she'd stared at herself in the mirror and imagined Owen's noises when she pegged him, and she couldn't deny that the thought alone was enough to make her soaking wet. Acting calm and collected was difficult when she felt heady with excitement.

Come to think of it, she'd been excited a lot lately, not all of the sexual kind. After Jen had left, she'd put the finishing touches on one of her drawings for her digital portfolio, which was nearly complete. The thought of freelancing as an artist with PI Games made her excited, too. Even just doing something different from her normal routine was exciting and made her think her life wasn't doomed to boredom. This time with Owen was icing on the cake. At least, that's what she was telling herself. A niggling voice in her mind told her he was more of the cake, less of the icing, but she wasn't ready to accept that. She couldn't be having feelings for the guy so quickly, and even if maybe she was, they were probably just hormonal.

They'd bought a lot of toys. Owen wasn't the kind of guy who half-assed stuff like this. She admired that about him. He was open-minded. He was curious. And he was pretty damn kinky. She wanted to keep delving into that well of kinkiness and see where it ended up. She had been struck in the store by how much she wanted to see him in a collar, and couldn't help feeling disappointed that he said no. Of course, his explanation made sense. He wasn't willing to be collared by someone if it wasn't serious, and she'd told him she didn't want to be serious.

More and more often, lately, that little voice in her head had been asking her what the harm was in getting serious. She tried to remind that voice that she didn't need a relationship, and she had too much stacked against her to make one work anyway. The combination of her unbearably high standards for a partner and her own screwed-up parents as role models did not spell relationship bliss. Even so, she kept imagining wrapping a collar around Owen's neck, a symbol of something more permanent between them, and the image was both unbearably arousing and unexpectedly emotional.

They were silent on the elevator ride up to Iris's apartment, both lost in their own thoughts, carrying the plain black bags filled with hundreds of dollars' worth of top-of-the-line sex toys. Iris hadn't expected to spend so much money, but it wasn't like she didn't indulge every now and then. This sort of situation was exactly why she kept an emergency fund: not for the usual emergency fund items, like car repairs and hospital visits, but for frivolous purchases.

Owen always smelled like fresh bread. She noticed when she was close enough to him to inhale, which she tried to do surreptitiously, since smelling people was weird. It wasn't an unpleasant ingredient smell, like yeast or eggs, but wholesome and good enough to eat. She couldn't wait to get her hands on him again. Just the thought of him yielding to her had her dripping wet and they hadn't even made it off the elevator. Reaching over, she brushed her fingertips across the front of his jeans. Sure enough, he was rock-hard under the denim, and he jumped in surprise.

“Hey!” He smiled, but his eyes were wary.

Iris felt herself snap into Domme mode, a change she'd begun to pay attention to, and noticed the way her back straightened as she did so. Owen's smile slipped and his pupils dilated.

“Is this or is this not my property to do with as I see fit?” She raised one eyebrow, and Owen melted, his mouth going slack.

“Yes, Miss.” His eyes were filled with hunger. Even though he submitted, his choice in the matter was obvious. If he wanted to resist, she didn't stand a chance. Having him choose to give in was pretty much the hottest thing ever.

Once in the apartment, her directions were clear. In the shop, she'd given some thought to what she was going to do, and now she was actually going to enact those plans. “Take off your clothes and lie down on the bed on your back.”

Owen obeyed her with no dalliance. Her apartment wasn't very big, so he didn't have to go far to get into her bedroom, but he was stripped and naked before she reached him. What's more, he'd folded his clothes neatly and stacked them on a chair by her desk. His organized tidiness was endearing. He got on her bed and lay down, his dick flat against his belly, the head already shiny and wet.

She fished around in her bag until she came up with what she was looking for: the blindfold, which she handed to him. “Put this on and wait for me. I'll be right back.” She took both of their bags with her. In the dining room, she removed everything from its packaging and cleaned the dildo and ball gag, getting all the items ready for use. They wouldn't use all of them, surely, but she wanted to be prepared.

Owen was stretched out on the bed when she returned. He was wearing the blindfold, and with the rise and fall of his chest, she could see he was excited. That, and his rock-hard dick that showed no signs of flagging. When he heard the sound of the bag rustle, he jumped. Apparently he hadn't heard her return to the room. She took the cuffs out of their bag and started to work on him.

She didn't have that many good anchor points on her bed, but the headboard was sufficient for what she was going to do. She attached his wrists to either side, and he let her, his shallow breath the only sound aside from the metallic jingle of the rings on the cuffs. These were nice cuffs, much better than shitty metal handcuffs with the little plastic escape tab. She'd always thought those looked uncomfortable. These were black leather, lined with soft, blue fake fur, and fit snugly around his wrists. He tugged, and he couldn't move his arms. Excellent.

She didn't have a footboard to which to attach his feet, so she settled on cuffing them together. His toes curled as she did so, which was adorable. When he was restrained as well as she could achieve, she stripped naked, then climbed back on the bed holding a condom packet and straddled his thighs. He twitched when he felt her weight, her body close to his cock, but not actually on it.

“Tell me what you're thinking right now and what you're feeling.”

Owen's breath left him in a huff, and he smiled. “I'm excited and I'm really turned on. I don't know what you're going to want me to do. And I keep thinking of everything we bought today.”

Iris nodded. Silly, because he couldn't see her. “Tell me what you're hoping for.”

Owen swallowed. “I'm hoping to come. But . . .” He paused, and his face flushed. When he started speaking again, his voice was quieter. “I like not knowing, too.”

Iris smiled, because this was absolutely incredible. She felt a surge of dizzying power. Setting the condom on the bed next to them, she grasped his cock with both hands. Owen made a strangled noise and arched up, tugging at his restraints, but he couldn't get free. Iris had made sure of that.

“Tell me ‘red' if it's too much for you,” she told him. “I'm going to ignore your begging.”

He nodded. “Yes, Miss, thank you.”

“Good.” She started stroking him. “You're making such a mess, I don't even need to use lube.”

The sound he made was a strained whimper more than any kind of actual word. Iris continued. Owen's hips shifted on the bed, just enough that he was fucking into her hands, and she liked the sense that he was this desperate. Of course, the poor man hadn't come in a week and had spent the last few days edging. How desperate could she make him, though?

At the tearing noise of the condom packet, Owen lifted his head, even though he probably couldn't see anything from under the blindfold. Iris smoothed the condom down over his shaft, making sure to take her time and rub him in the process. Owen's mouth hung open and he panted with each stroke she gave him. When he was fully protected, she scooted forward, straddled him, and lowered herself inch by inch onto his cock. When she was fully seated, they both groaned. Then she started to ride him.

Her instincts wanted her to take care of his needs, to make sure this position gave him stimulation, to take time to stroke and touch him. But he didn't want that, and once she pushed past the guilt, the sensation was remarkably freeing. Instead, she focused only on her own pleasure. She rode at a pace that felt good to her, up and down, letting him be nothing more than a source of stimulation. After only a few minutes of this treatment, he started whimpering with each stroke. She'd never heard him sound so needy. It wasn't enough for her yet. Her sadistic streak surprised her, even disturbed her, but he wasn't begging yet. When she began rubbing her clit, it didn't take her long to reach the precipice.

Her orgasm came swift and fierce, leaving her breathless as she felt her muscles clench all around Owen's cock with brutal intensity. From the noises Owen made, no longer whimpers but now outright moans, she wasn't the only one affected. He kept thrusting up into her, desperate for more, but she slowed her motion and pressed her hands on his hips to make him stop. Then she climbed off and removed the condom from his dick, her knees still wobbly.

Owen's hips still thrust upward, searching for her body, but she wasn't there anymore. He twitched and groaned, unintelligible, tugging at the bonds that held him fast.

“Do you want more?” She ran her fingertip up his wet shaft.

“Yes, please, Miss.” He tugged harder, twisting, unable to get loose.

“Do you like this?”

He paused for a moment, and Iris's doubt crystallized, her fears that he was only putting up with this and she'd pushed him too far. Then, though, he shuddered. “I

Iris felt relief wash through her and she grinned. She took hold of his cock in both hands and started to stroke. Owen let out a low, desperate groan and began fucking up into her fist.

” Rather than sounding like a curse, Owen's words came out like a prayer. Those words became whimpers and moans and then panting with no additional sound at all as she kept stroking him. Before long, he was reduced to begging. “Please, Miss. Oh . . . oh.” He was breathless for a moment before continuing. “Please, Miss, may I come?”

Iris knew what she was going to do, and it was definitely harsher than anything she'd ever done, but the very thought made her wet all over again. “Of course you may. Come for me.”

Just as she felt him shudder, she stopped touching him. Owen cried out with the loss, too far gone to pull back, but denied the full intensity of an orgasm at the last minute. His cock twitched twice on its own and then spilled, dribbling rather than spurting, his climax ruined in such a way that he had release with no pleasure at all.

“Oh my god. Oh my god.” He was babbling, his voice high and desperate, hands clenching on thin air. His cock began to soften, and Iris got a cloth to clean him up.

When he was soft and still panting and desperate, Iris unhooked his cuffs and gently removed his blindfold. Owen's stare was needy.

“Holy fuck.” He blinked up at her. “What did you do to me?”

“I ruined your orgasm.” She smiled. Still in Domme mode, she enjoyed his wild-eyed expression, the furthest she'd seen from his normal in-control, calm demeanor. “What was it like?”

“Horrible.” He shook his head. “That was the worst thing ever. I'd rather have not come at all.” Iris's smile faltered, but then Owen's expression turned to one of bliss. “But fuck, that was so hot. Thank you for controlling me, Miss.”

She felt a tremor run through her at the tenor of those words. He liked this. He actually liked this. And with that, she wasn't done with him.

“Get up.” She gestured off the bed, and Owen scrambled, the cuffs still attached to his wrists even though they weren't fastened. She liked the look on him. When he was standing, she lay back on the bed where he'd just been. “Watching you beg has made me all horny again. Be a dear and take care of me? If you do a nice job, maybe you'll get a real orgasm.”

“Holy shit.” Owen closed his eyes, clenching his jaw like he was overwhelmed, and then bent to his task. He ate her pussy with a fervency she hadn't seen before, a single-minded determination and passion, his tongue fairly dancing over her clit. He made soft groaning noises as he pleasured her. What must it be like, to have one's pleasure torn away at the last moment? Then he started sucking on her clit, and Iris didn't think of anything else as she ratcheted up to what would soon be an incredible orgasm. She'd gone from seldom coming during oral sex to multiorgasmic in no time flat. Within minutes, she was coming all over him.

“Mmmm.” When Iris could move easily again, she sat up, handing him a clean hand towel. “That was lovely, pet.” He wiped his face off, and Iris saw that his dick was still soft. “Do you think you can get hard for me again?”

BOOK: Slice of Pi 2
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