Sliding Into Second (8 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade

BOOK: Sliding Into Second
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“I can leave right now if what I’m asking is too much.”

“You’re not going anywhere.” He pushed her onto the pillows, resting on top of her. “I’m in New York for two weeks. I want to spend as much of it with you as I can. Starting with right now.” His erection poked her stomach. “Is that something you’ll consider?”

“I have to attend a dinner tonight.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“You can’t.” She adjusted her body so his dick aligned with her center.

“Why not?”

She hiked her leg over his hip, pressing his tip to her slit. “It’s with my parents,” she said. “Jason is coming with me.”

“How long are your parents going to be here?”

“For a few days. My father has a medical convention, and since Rosalie is here too, we’re having dinner. I can’t get out of it.”

She didn’t want to get out of it; she missed her parents. Jason was looking forward to seeing them too. Nic would have to understand that her life couldn’t just stop because he was in town.

“You’ll come here after and spend the night with me.”

“There’s that demanding side again.”

“You’re the one who wants this to be about sex.” He gripped his cock and ran it along her entrance, coating the head in her morning arousal. “That means we have to have it as often as we can.”

“So you’re agreeing to my terms?”

“Only because in the next two weeks I’m going to prove you wrong.”

“Don’t count on it.” She pushed up, cupping the back of his head and kissing him hard.

“I never back down from a challenge, love. You know that.” He sat up on his knees, pulling her into his lap and reaching for the strip of packets on the nightstand.

“So, game on?”

“It’s on, sweetheart.” He tangled his fingers in her hair and attacked her lips with a possessive force. “I hope you can handle it.”

She liked him unrestrained and wild. This could work. She could have him without any expectations. Her heart would remain intact this time. She’d make sure of that.

* * * *

Nic fidgeted with his tie. He hated playing dress up, but sometimes it was necessary. He waited in the bar area for Rosalie. There was no way that, after spending all day in bed with Sage, he was going to let her have dinner with Jason and her parents. Not without him.

“Hey.” Rosalie came up from behind him and tapped his shoulder. “Sorry I’m late.”

“It’s cool.” He turned and hugged her. “I owe you.”

“You can just hook me up with one of your hot teammates. I’ve got my eye on your pitcher.”

“Pax?” He smiled. “You’re a little late. He’s in love with a lovely Greek goddess named Sophia.”

“That sucks.” She crinkled her nose. “How come she wasn’t in the stands when he was pitching in Chicago?”

“That’s between them. I was a little too busy trying to win a game to pay attention to his love life.”

“Well, who would you suggest then?”

“None of them. They’re all dogs and not worthy of my Rosie girl.” He took her hand. “I’d kill any one of them.”

“Well, that’s what I want in exchange for helping you.” She giggled as she bumped his side with her hip. “I want a baseball player of my own.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” He cringed at the thought of any of his teammates dating Rosalie. Even though she had grown into a stunning beauty, he still saw her as the kid with braces and glasses. His kid sister. “So, is Sage going to freak when she sees me?”

“Probably.” She led him down the hall to a private dining room. “You spent the night together, huh?”

“She told you that?”

“She didn’t have to,” she said. “I’m staying with her over the break. She texted me last night and told me she wouldn’t be home. When she got in this afternoon, she was exhausted.” She smirked. “Lucky girl.”

“Rosalie?” He cleared his throat. “We’re not going there.”

“You know she’s here with Jason, right?”

“What’s the deal with the two of them?” He couldn’t get a clear picture of their relationship.

“He’s her safe haven.” Rosalie stopped when they got to a small waiting area. “It’s how she protects herself. There’s no commitment between the two of them, so she can’t get hurt.”

“There’s no one else in her life?”

“Are you kidding? She has serious abandonment issues.” She looked up at him with sincerity in her eyes. “Sorry.”

“I deserve it.”

“You do realize she’s trying to protect herself from you too, right? She’s not going to let you hurt her.”

“I wouldn’t hurt her.” That was why Sage didn’t want their feelings to get in the way. She proposed a physical relationship because she was afraid he’d leave again. The only reason he was playing along was to get her to drop the wall and see that they could have something more than what they had before.

“You have a lot to prove to her.”

“No kidding.”

“Hello, Ms. Millan,” the hostess said as she made her way to the U-shaped check-in area. “Your family is waiting for you.” The pretty brunette’s eyes connected with Nic’s. “And your guest.”

“He’s a hot baseball player,” Rosalie said, but the hostess didn’t take her gaze away from his. “Just won the World Series too.”

“I know who you are.” The woman flaunted a flirty smile. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” When he winked, her face turned red.

“Let me show you to your table.” She walked into the main dining area and over to a secluded area in the back. “Your party is through here.”

“Player,” Rosalie whispered as they followed the girl.

“I have no idea what you’re referring to.”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about, and that’s what makes you so charming.”

Rosalie walked into the quaint room first. The area where they would be dining had an old stone fireplace in the corner with several pillar candles adorning the mantle. In the center was a round table with two empty chairs. Nic spotted Sage first, sitting with her back to him, laughing at something Jason had just whispered into her ear. He clenched his fists at his sides when Jason rubbed her bare back. Her lavender strapless dress didn’t cover much of anything. And there was no way she had a bra on. Not that she needed one. She had no trouble holding her own. All he wanted to do was take those perfect mounds in his hands and kiss them, maybe slide his...
Stop it!
He tried to push the image of Sage’s breasts out of his head and calm down the commotion going on in his pants.
Think sweaty, stinky locker room.

“They’re very good friends,” Rosalie reminded him. “Nothing for you to worry about.”

“With benefits?” He’d found Sage’s relationship with Jason amusing the other night when she had brought him to make him jealous, but now, he found it irritating. He didn’t want anyone touching her.

“I think that was true a few months ago, but she wouldn’t do that, not after being with you last night.” She squeezed his hand. “That’s not her style.”

“Rosalie,” Dr. Millan said. “We’ve been—” He stopped when he realized who his youngest daughter was with. “Nic, we didn’t expect you.”

Sage turned around and glared at him when her father said his name. She didn’t look happy to see him, but there was no way he could stay away.

He winked at her, but didn’t acknowledge her by name before returning his attention to her father. “Hello, Dr. and Mrs. Millan. It’s so good to see you both.” He walked over to the table. “I hope you don’t mind that Rosalie invited me.”

“Of course not,” Mrs. Millan said as she stood. “It’s wonderful to see you.” She hugged him, and he felt the sincerity in her embrace. Sage’s mother had always liked him. “I’ve missed you,” she said before pulling away.

“Me too.” He smiled at her. “I’ve missed so many things through the years. You always treated me like part of your family.”

“You were part of the family, and we’re very proud of your accomplishments.”

“Thank you.”

“How is your mom?” Mrs. Millan asked. “I miss her now that she’s moved out of the neighborhood.”

“She’s doing well. My parents moved to Rhode Island to be closer to me.”

“That’s fantastic.” She turned and looked at Sage. “Did you know Nic was here in town?”

“I did,” Sage said. “I just didn’t realize he’d be here tonight.”

Game on, princess.

“It’s good to see you, Nicolas.” Dr. Millan rose from his seat and shook Nic’s hand. “Congratulations on your recent win.”

“Thank you.” Nic pulled a chair out for Rosalie and motioned for her to have a seat. “Hey, Jason, it’s nice to see you again.”

“You too.” Jason nodded, but still had his hand on Sage’s back. “I’m going to contact you on Monday to set up that interview while you’re still in town. I’d like to have you come in and do a segment on my Friday spot.”

“You would?” Sage asked. “You didn’t tell me that.”

“I just cleared it with the higher-ups. They think it’s a great idea.” Jason sipped his wine. “Have a seat. I’m glad you could join us.”

“Me too.” Nic took the empty chair directly across from Sage, grinning at her as he sat. “You look beautiful tonight.”

“Thank you.” She softened her posture. “Rosalie didn’t mention she was bringing you.”

“It was kind of last minute,” Rosalie spoke up. “He’s persistent.”

“Hmm.” Sage poured herself another glass of wine.

“Sage knows how persistent I can be.” Nic smiled when he thought about all the ways he persuaded her while she was in his bed.

Through dinner, Nic answered questions about the team and his career. He felt like he was at a press conference. Everyone wanted to know what he had been up to through the years. Where he had traveled, who his close teammates were, what it was like to play in different stadiums and visit new cities. He did his best to answer the questions, but he never took his focus away from Sage. He noted she was quiet and didn’t engage in the conversation. Instead, she must have finished a bottle of wine herself. He hadn’t remembered her to be that much of a drinker.

After dessert, Jason glanced at his watch. “I’m afraid I have to go. The eleven o’clock producer’s wife had a baby last night, so I’m filling in.”

“Sorry you have to leave.” Mrs. Millan smiled. “It was such a fun evening.”

“We should be getting back to the hotel too,” Dr. Millan said. “We have an early breakfast with some colleagues tomorrow.”

“I’ll share a cab with you,” Rosalie suggested. “Your hotel is on the way to Sage’s apartment.”

“What about Sage?” Dr. Millan asked. “She came with Jason.”

“I can make sure she gets home safely,” Nic offered as he stood and walked around the table to say goodbye. “I’m only in town for two weeks so I’d like to spend some time with her.”

Dr. Millan didn’t say anything, but Nic recognized the displeasure on his face. It was the same disapproving look he’d experienced when he was eighteen.

Too bad, old man. This time I’m here to stay.

“If that works for you, Sage?” Jason asked.

“Oh, my goodness. Do you people realize that I live in the city? I’m a big girl and I’m perfectly capable of hailing a cab and finding my way home.”

“She’s right,” her mother said. “I raised two strong, independent women. They know how to handle themselves.” Mrs. Millan looked to Jason and then to Nic. “I hope.”

“Okay, Mom.” Sage stood too quickly and stumbled back, but Nic’s reflexes were fast and he had her by the arm before she could fall. No one else even realized her fumble. She glanced back at him for a moment before removing her arm from his hold and continuing to speak to her mom. “Have a good night. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

She kissed her parents and her sister. Rosalie whispered something into Sage’s ear.

“Good night.” Dr. Millan nodded as Mrs. Millan hugged Nic goodbye.

“I hope to see you soon,” she whispered. “You were always my favorite.”

“I’m sure we’ll see one another again.” He kissed her cheek. “It was a pleasure joining you tonight.”

The three of them left the private dining area, but Jason lingered behind. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yes.” Sage sighed. “What is the big deal?”

“You drank a little more than you normally do.” Jason arched a brow at her. “Don’t you agree?”

“I’m fine.” She took his hand, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. “Go to work, Jas. You’re going to be late.”

“I can drop you home on my way.” He looked at Nic. “I don’t mind.”

“I’ll make sure she gets home,” Nic assured him, wishing Jason would leave already. “I look forward to setting up that interview.”

“I’ll be in touch tomorrow.” Jason leaned in and kissed Sage’s cheek. “Call me.”

Do they have to keep kissing?

“I will.” She sat back down, picking up her wine glass to finish what was left. “Should we order another bottle?” she asked as Jason left the restaurant.

“I don’t think so.” He turned the chair next to her and sat so he was facing her. “You’ve had enough.”

“Since when do you get to tell me how much I can drink?”

“You’re going to be difficult tonight, aren’t you?”

“You really know how to clear out a room.” She laughed, ignoring his question. “The look on my father’s face was priceless when you walked in with his other daughter. He never saw that coming.”

If you only knew.
“He didn’t seem pleased.” Nic rested his hand on her bare thigh, resisting the urge to slip it under her dress.

“He was never your biggest fan.” She shrugged. “That’s history though.”

“You look amazing tonight.” He leaned into her face. “But there isn’t much to this dress at all. It leaves little to the imagination.”

“You don’t have to imagine.” She gently touched his lips with her fingers. “You know what’s underneath it.”

“Does everyone else have to?” He pressed her fingers to his lips, kissing them as he stared into her eyes.


“Possessive,” he growled. “I’m not ashamed to admit it.”

“Please.” She toyed with his bottom lip. “After the way that hostess has been flirting with you all night? You have no right to be possessive.”

“I hadn’t noticed.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“I don’t care if you believe me.” He pulled her chair closer to him. “The only woman I noticed tonight was you.”

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