Slim To None (Cedar Tree #1) (12 page)

BOOK: Slim To None (Cedar Tree #1)
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"You are fucking amazing, you know that?"

A blush creeping up from her neck, Emma glanced around, before turning her eyes back on him.

"I was just thinking logically, that's all." She almost whispered. "Everyone is staring, Gus"

"Don't care." And he planted one on her right in front of the team and the entire diner. Fuck! For a middle-aged guy, his hormones were feeling all kinds of jumpy around this woman; horny all the damn time.

Looking up, he checked the faces around the table. Dana looked back with a pleased smile, Neil was trying to look everywhere else, Caleb was wearing a shit-eating grin and Katie - dammit, Katie had a smile plastered on, but it's it was as fake as tits on a bull. Fuck.

Could've handled that a shitload better.

Over dinner, details for that night and plans for the next day were hashed out. Gus would stay with Emma in her house. Caleb would take first shift outside, Katie second. Neil and Dana were going to work on the codes at the motel. Tomorrow morning, Joe was gonna meet up at the house for a briefing. Things had better start moving soon.


mma was quiet on the way home. Tired and wondering what the sleeping arrangements were going to be tonight, but too chicken to start up a conversation about it, she let her mind wander back over dinner instead. That was a bit awkward, and not just a little intimidating. Dana and Neil she could handle, Dana felt like a contemporary, even though she was probably ten or fifteen years older. Neil was young enough to be her child, so no threat there. But Caleb was an imposing figure with dark penetrating eyes and a stern chiseled face, almost without expression, and she couldn't get a read from him. And then, of course, there had been the infamous Katie. She was tall, and very athletic... and probably a good ten years younger than she was. Not to mention being beautiful. Of course she had to be beautiful. Her frustrated groans had Gus turning around in his seat.

"Everything alright?"

"Just tired. The day is catching up to me now, I guess." Emma smiled at him and he reached over the console, put his big hand on her leg and gently squeezed.

"We'll be home soon. You can put something comfy on and put up your feet. I'll make some tea or something if you like. Catch a movie? Just forget about everything for tonight. Sound okay?"

Emma leaned her head back and closed her eyes. "Mmmmm, sounds perfect, actually."

With her eyes still closed, she could feel the heat from his hand leave her leg, before the backs of his fingers slowly stroked down her cheek and she sensed his eyes on her.  Perfectly content for now to hide behind her eyelids, she stayed where she was, not wanting to give away how much his care was starting to affect her. Why did her life have to be so complicated? Well, it wasn't for her, she was used to it, but why would someone who doesn't have to deal with all of her issues voluntarily stick around? She really didn't have that much to offer. Nothing really, when you thought about it. Sure, she baked a good pie, and she wasn't exactly horrendous to look at, but in terms of offering someone the possibility of a future? She couldn't do that. Not when she might well end up being a burden.

Peeking from the corner of her eye, she could tell Gus's focus was back on the road and they were almost at her turn off. If only she could fast forward for a minute, just one minute, to maybe six months from now, to have a peek at what they had turned into.... If anything, just so she could shut up her overactive brain. She was making herself nuts, and she had vowed a year ago when she started making plans to move to Cedar Tree, that it would be the start of a new attitude. She would let no opportunity go by the wayside; take everything at face value and grab at happiness with both hands - So, here she was, beginning to break every damn rule she had made herself.

"Mighty loud thinking goin' on over there, Peach." Gus rumbled in her ear as he leaned in to undo her seatbelt. She hadn't even noticed they had pulled up to her house and he had gotten out already.

"Are you planning on sharing what you've been chewing on? Or is that not for public consumption?"

Looking at his warm dark eyes, set in that ruggedly handsome face staring down at her, she made a decision right there. "I'll be happy to share, but later. Get me inside, big guy. I feel like some tea and a cuddle." She smiled at him. Raising his eyebrows a bit, Gus didn't hesitate; he threw her walker back in the truck bed, put an arm around her back and one under her knees, and lifted her off the ground, making her laugh.

"At your service, darlin'."

Chapter 11


eet curled up under her on her nice big sectional, comfortable in her favorite grey yoga pants and a long sleeved shirt, Emma was enjoying the sounds of someone puttering around in her house.

"Do you have an actual teapot somewhere?" Gus called from the kitchen, "I thought I'd just make a whole pot, save us from getting up, if you don't mind."

But before she even had a chance to answer, he followed up with; "Never mind. Found it!"

Go figure, a domesticated man. One who actually looked and found. Lucky girl - she was thinking, chuckling to herself.

"And what, pray tell, are you chuckling about alone in here?" Gus asked, walking into the room with teapot, mugs, sugar, milk and a pie on a tray.

"Where did you get that pie?" She wanted to know.

"From the diner. I had to bribe Arlene to get Seb to defrost one in the oven. I had it in the truck bed and brought it in when you were changing." He looked so sheepish, it made Emma laugh.

"Are you so hard up for pie? You could've told me. I would've baked you a fresh one."

"No baking for at least another couple of days yet. Then you can go nuts on me. And yes, I'm that 'hard' up for pie. Your kind of pie." Gus said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh lord, you need new material Mister." She said, rolling her eyes. "That was pretty sad."

Flopping down on the couch beside her, Gus picked up the entire pie plate and two forks. He sat back, handed a fork to Emma, pulled her snug to him and told her; "Dig in woman, before it gets completely cold."

"The whole pie?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Uhmm, we just had dinner..."

"Dinner. Yes, but this is dessert, they're different parts of the meal. Besides, we're sharing, right?" Turning a suggestive look to her with a cheeky grin on his face. "Come on, it's my favorite; peach pie!"

Giving up the argument and completely disarmed by his playful charm, Emma settled into Gus' side and dug in with her fork.

"So, are you going to let me in on what you were thinking on so hard back there?" Gus mumbled through a mouth full of pie.

Damn. Should've figured she wouldn't get out of that one easy. "I was just a little...overwhelmed." She put down her fork and picked up her mug of tea for something to keep her hands occupied. Gus mimicked her moves, but slipped one arm around her and drew her in close.

"How? At dinner?"

"Yeah. A bit intimidated by Caleb and - well - Katie, to be honest. It was a bit awkward to say the least. I felt out of place. Maybe I should say I felt confused...about my place, that is."

"Hmmmm" A slight squeeze on her shoulder encouraged her to go on.

"I used to be active and outgoing, athletic even, but since my physical issues started limiting my mobility I withdrew.  I allowed people to slowly disappear from my life. I had no family left, other than Kara and she was angry with me because I was withdrawing from the outside world. Then I met Arlene online, and found out she was still living a full life while dealing with her own issues, and it shook me awake. I got mad and realized I wasn't ready to go through life as a 'sick person'. I really felt too young to label myself like that. About a year ago I decided I would grab every opportunity thrown at me, taking chances, opening myself up. The new me has been here with you the last few days, living in the moment. Unfortunately, the old me showed up at dinner. Still insecure I guess. All these beautiful, capable people with so much to offer and I couldn't help but start to compare. I don't have a hell of a lot to offer, but pie." She nodded toward the half eaten plate on the table, before turning to face Gus, who remained silent. He was looking at her with a near scowl on his face.

"Are you done?" He asked.

"Well - other than to say that I managed to shake myself out of my funk most of the way before we got home. I was about to withdraw from ...whatever it was we had going on here, because I was scared. Then reminded myself I had made a promise not to be that person anymore. So here I am."

"And thank God for that."

Lifting her so she was sprawled half over his lap and leaning against the armrest of the couch, he planted his hand beside her hip and leaned in close. "I've said this before, and I don't mind saying it again. I don't know where this is going. I didn't plan for any of it, but I like what I see. I also like what I feel when I'm around you, Emma, and I want more of that. Fucking thrilled that you decided by yourself not to start running, cause I would've given chase, but I'd much rather be doing this." And before she could respond he had her mouth covered with his.

Firm delicious pressure, the taste of peaches and hot tea lingering on his tongue as it slid into her mouth, seeking out hers. God, he tasted so good. The combination of his flavor and scent, a mix of sweetness with a citrus musk leftover from his morning shower and a smell all his own. Her hands skimmed over the flexing muscles in his back as he struggled to keep most of his weight off her. Her hands searching for purchase, somewhere, anywhere, while she was drowning in the sensations of his kiss. Finally finding a handhold in his hair as his lips left her mouth and trailed along her cheek and jaw to her neck. She couldn't help but move her head out of the way to give him full access, wanting to feel his wet mouth on as much of her skin as possible.

"Gus..." She breathed out, "So good..."

Without warning he pulled away, standing up, gingerly adjusting what had to be an uncomfortable erection by the looks of it, and reached for her. "Not here, Peach. Not the couch."

Grabbing his hand, she allowed him to pull her up and help her into the bedroom. He sat her down on the edge of the bed and kneeled before her with his hands on her thighs. "I almost forgot you were hurt. We should stop." He said regretfully.

"No. I don't want to stop." Emma draped her arms around his neck and pulled him toward her. "I want this. I want you. I'm fine, I promise."

Groaning, Gus leaned his head on her chest. "I promised myself I would give you at least twenty-four hours, darlin'. It hasn't been that. You have a concussion and you're bruised all over. I'm gonna hurt you."

"Please, Gus. I want to feel you. I want to touch your skin."

Not saying anything, Gus stood, stripped his t-shirt off in one swift move and was down to his boxer briefs in no time flat. Finally she could study his gorgeously fit body and the beautifully tattooed designs gracing it. Her eyes traced over the dusting of hair covering the hard planes of his chest and abdomen, leading to the band of his boxer briefs. Leaning forward, her face now at the level of his stomach, she put her open mouth on his stomach, pressing her tongue against his skin. His flavor burst over her taste buds. Feeling a slight shiver run through him, she wrapped her arms around him; pulled him between her legs and pressed herself against his prominent erection. Sliding her hands down the small of his back, she cupped the swell of his firm ass before pulling down his briefs. With her chin she nudged his waistband down as far as it would go in the front, trailing her tongue down from his navel. Gus' breathing turn erratic, as the fabric of his briefs was caught tight around the head of his cock. Pulling back and looking up, she could see him looking back at her with dark heavy-lidded eyes and parted lips still wet from their kisses. His chest fell and rose fast and shallow. Holding his eyes, she edged forward and very purposely swiped her wet tongue along the rim of the head of his cock through the fabric, causing him to draw back his lips with a quick intake of breath. Again she licked him around the rim, this time following with a slight scrape of her teeth along the same path. A soft growl rumbled from his chest - his fists clenched at his side. Craving the feeling of his length filling her mouth, she relieved his cock from its fabric confinement, barely able to wrap her hand around the base. Then in one big slide, moved her mouth and lips down to engulf him tightly, until he was seated as deep as he could go.

"FUCK! Emma..." Gus who had been so controlled just a moment earlier, suddenly grabbed her by the hair. Holding her head firmly, he started fucking her mouth. Emma clutched his ass, trying to find purchase while revelling in the power of having made this beautiful man come undone. The trembling of his muscles under her hands evidence of his fight to keep his plunges into her mouth from going too deep. Not usually one to give over control, Emma couldn't believe how satisfying it was to offer yourself up so completely to someone else's pleasure. Right in that moment, with her head immobile, she was more turned on - felt more alive than she could recall ever being. Her eyes conveying the passion and new-found strength, she looked at the powerful man above her who was taking what he needed, wanted and desired - from her.

"Stop. I don't want to come yet, Peach. Not yet." Gus barely managed to get out, as he gently pulled himself away from her mouth. Looking down, he was momentarily shaken. Emma made a stunning picture sitting there, even still dressed. Her hair was a wild riot of curls where his hands had tangled, cheeks flushed, her lips wet and swollen from being stretched around his cock. So giving and the fucking sexiest thing he'd ever seen. And her eyes... her eyes were like deep pools of a timeless ocean, shiny and full of knowledge, hidden depths, endless promise and soft warm comfort. He was losing himself in her.

"Too many clothes, baby... Let me take care of you."

Without waiting for a response, he grabbed her shirt by the hem and pulled it up and over her head. Having foregone a bra when she changed earlier, she was left bare-chested. Pulling her up, he leaned down to take one nipple in his mouth, lightly tugged on it, released and kissed it, before repeating it on her other breast.

BOOK: Slim To None (Cedar Tree #1)
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