Read Slow Burn Online

Authors: Nicole Christie

Tags: #Young Adult, #Romance, #Contemporary

Slow Burn (50 page)

BOOK: Slow Burn
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“Before we met.”  Johnny runs a bruised hand through his messy hair.  “Me and Dean, we were hanging out—I forget where—and we were talking about girls.  He’d just turned down this really hot chick, and I was ragging on him for being so damn picky, and never wanting to date.  Then—then you walk by, and Dean nods at you, and goes, ‘I’m waiting for her.  She’s the perfect one.’”

I suddenly feel as though I’ve been punched in the chest
.  “What?!” I say, even more incredulously this time.

“So I ask him why he’s
not making a move on you, then—and he said he’s waiting for the right time.  Then he wouldn’t say anything else about it—didn’t even try to get your name or number—nothing.  He never mentioned that he knew you from before.”  Johnny looks over at me. “A couple days later, you nearly ran me over with your car.  I recognized you right away.”

“Is that why you asked
me out?” I whisper, meeting his one good eye.

He visibly winces.  “Dean and I—we had a little competition going on back then
.  We were always trying to one-up each other.  I don’t know…I wanted to mess with him a little.  I thought you were really cute, and—and I thought, how shocked would he be if I showed up with you at the house?”

“I had good intentions in the beginning, I swear.  After I
pissed him off a little, I was going to hook you two up.  I didn’t…I never expected to like you so much.”

Something inside of me just shrivels up and dies.  “So, the only reason you asked me out in the first place was to mess with Dean?” I ask shakily.

“Yeah,” he admits in a low voice.  “I mean, I probably would have asked you out, anyway, because you’re so pretty and sweet.  But at the time…yeah, it was because of Dean.”

lower my head, because I can’t look at him anymore.  My hands tremble with the need for violence, so I ruthlessly ball them into fists.  “And that night you guys were fighting, when you said he promised not to go after me?”

“I had to swear I’d never hurt you.”  Johnn
y’s voice is profound with shame.

Oh, my god.  I lean my forehead against the side of the bed.  All this time…
why didn’t Dean say something?  And the way I treated him in the beginning!  And now—god, I’ve been such a bitch!  No wonder he—

“Say something, Teeny.”

I stand up abruptly, glaring so ferociously at Johnny that he recoils a little.  “I’m going to go right now,” I announce.  “But I
be coming back, and we’re going to figure out how to straighten up the freaking mess you’ve made of your life so far—and it’s probably going to involve something that starts and ends with the letter ‘A.’  So you’d better be prepared to just nod and smile when I bring you the brochures!  Also, when you’re feeling better, we’re going to have a long talk about what you’ve just told me—but that’s going to wait until you’re healed enough that I don’t feel bad about kicking you in the junk.”

Johnny watches me,
a ghost of a smile on his battered face.  “Understood.  Where are you going now?” he asks as I start stomping toward the door.

I whirl around.  “I’m going to find Dean, and kiss his brains out.  Do you have a problem with that?” I ask sweetly.

He flinches.  “No,” he finally mutters.

“Good.  Feel better.” 

I’m about to leave, when a particularly beautiful flower arrangement catches my eye.  Curious despite myself, I check the card sticking out of a little plastic stake.

y’re all from Nick,” Johnny informs me.  His tone is full of grumpy bewilderment.  “I don’t know what’s with him lately.  I’m starting to think he has a crush on me.”

Oh, my…

I’m gonna go.





Chapter 41



I find him in his garage, working under the hood of his Pontiac.  He’s leaning forward, his taut muscles straining against the fabric of his t-shirt, and the gap between the waistband of his jeans and the deep furrow of his spine reveals a tantalizing glimpse of his dark boxers.  A longing so intense it’s painful roars through my chest and lower stomach.

I don’t make a sound, but he somehow senses my presence.  He straightens abruptly, and glances over his shoulder.  When he sees me standing there,
he shuts the hood, and reaches for the hand towel lying on a nearby tool chest. 

“Hey,” he says warily
, wiping his hands on the towel.  There’s a streak of grease across one cheekbone that he doesn’t seem to realize is there.  He leans against the car, and watches me approach.

I f
eel like I’m floating toward him.  There are so many things I want to say, but I’m suddenly filled with a sense of awe of this gorgeous unapproachable boy who’s become the one person in my life who’s never let me down.

hen we are inches apart, I touch a trembling hand to his cheek, and wipe the spot of grease away with my fingers.  His jaw clenches under my touch, his expression cautious.

Oh, screw it.  I grab fistfuls of his shirt and  pull him down toward me.  Our lips meet
, and everything else spins away into fiery pinwheels of light.  At first, Dean seems stunned, frozen.  Then his hands come up and plunge into my hair, and he’s kissing me back with a ferocity that steals my breath.

He spins us
around so that my back is against the car, removing my hands from his shirt, and placing them around his neck so that our bodies are right up against each other.  The contact has me crazed with need.  When he lifts me onto the hood of the Pontiac, I wrap my legs around his hips, and pull him closer.  My god, I want him

I yank and tug on his shirt, trying to get it off of him without disconnecting our mouths—and laughing, breathless, he pulls back enough to
get it off the rest of the way.  Then he returns the favor, lifting my shirt off like he’s performing a magic trick.  It makes me giggle, until his lips find my neck, and the giggles turns into something else.

How far am I gonna
let this go?  Right now, I’m more than willing to let Dean do anything he wants to me—and the thought both excites and scares me back to reality.  My ex boyfriend’s in the hospital, and I’m in a garage, half-lying on a car, with my bra unhooked and one hand clenched on the waistband of his stepbrother’s jeans.

immediately senses my unease, and draws back to search my face.  “You okay?” he asks, his tone pitched low and husky.

I sit up a little, clutching my bra to my chest.  “I…sorry, yeah.  It’s just—too much.  I feel like I’m going to explode.”

His grin is brief and wicked.  “I know the feeling.”

I laugh breathlessly.  “Sorry.”

“Don’t be—you’re right.  Not like this.”  He backs off a little, giving me some space.  “I’ve waited a long time to be with you.  I can wait until it’s perfect.”

“We’re not waiting
long,” I say sharply.

“No, not too long,” he agrees, watching me trying to re-hook my bra without my boobs spilling out.

“Hm, well, I’d better go,” I say awkwardly.  Damn tiny ass hook!

It takes about a minute of earnest struggling until Dean finally decides to help.  He reaches around me and easily
gets it back on.  Then he slowly moves his hands up my shoulders, fixing the drooping straps back into place.  The parts of my skin he touches are on fire. 
did I stop him again?

“Don’t go,” he says, after planting the sweetest softest kiss on my shoulder.  “Come upstairs with me while I grab a quick shower.  Then I’ll take you somewhere to eat.”

“You talked me into it.”

Chuckling, he bends down to grab our shirts.  He tosses me mine, and throws his over his shoulder.
  When I’m decent again, he grabs my hand, and pulls me into the house.  At first, I drag my feet, worried I’ll run into his parents—until he assures me they’re not home. 

“Johnny’s mom is still at the hospital, and I don’t know where my dad is, but he’s not here.”

“I saw your dad there this morning,” I say as we trudge upstairs.

Dean looks back at me over his shoulder, one eyebrow raised.  “And?”

“He looks like somebody who would send his only son of to military school.”

He smirks at that, and continues to lead the way to his room.  I continue to s
tare at his butt and naked back, wanting to feel them under my hands again.  Man, this is so embarrassing!  For some reason, I picture my grandmother standing at the top of the stairs and shaking her head at me.  Not Grandma Somers—she’d totally get it.  She just recently broke up with her thirty-three-years-younger-than-her boyfriend.  Grandpa was still alive at the time.  Actually, he’s still alive.

Once we’re in Dean’s room, I relax a little.  I drift over to the aquarium and tap lightly on the glass.  “Did you feed them today?”

He reappears from the bathroom, where I hear the sounds of the shower running.  “Yeah, before I went down to the garage.  I’m thinking of adding a couple more fish.”

“Can I come with you when you get them?” I ask excitedly. 

“Sure, you can even pick them out for me.”

I smile happily at him.  Wafts of steam drift out from the bathroom
, and float around his head.  He looks like something out of my dirtiest fantasies—didn’t I imagine him in the shower more than a few times?  I lose my smile.

Of course, Dean notices.  He braces one arm against the door jamb and squints at me.  “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.  Just having a perv moment imagining you in the shower,” I confess, blushing bright red when he chuckles, low and sexy.

“So come find out,” he invites, a dark challenge gleaming in his odd-colored eyes.

“You want me to watch you?” I squeak in a scandalized tone.

“No, I want you in there with me.”

I gulp.  “Uh, I don’t think I’m up for that just yet,” I hedge.

To my relief, Dean shrugs and
smiles.  “The door’s open if you change your mind,” he says. 

He disappears into the bathroom, but doesn’t shut the door. 
I catch a glimpse of him unzipping his jeans, then there’s a flash of smooth tanned skin, and the sound of the shower door opening and shutting.

I stand there, listening to my heart pound in my chest.  I have every intention of practicing restraint, and waiting outside like a decent hormone-infused girl
—but I’m sick with need.  Those hormones keep reminding my body what happened in the garage—and how amazing, overwhelming, and hot as hell it was.  My brain keeps telling them to shut up.

The hormones win.  The open door and the comforting sounds of the shower running mock me.  I start walking to the bathroom like I’m being pulled by a rope.  Much too soon, I’m standing in front of the shower, staring at the blurred outline of Dean behind the
steamy glass-enclosed shower.  He’s definitely naked.

Of course he’s naked, dummy!
  Turn back, turn back!

My pulse is thudding thickly everywhere, making it
impossible to concentrate.  What am I doing in here?  This isn’t the time for—should I knock?  Should I announce my presence with a loud ahem?

My hand reaches out of its accord, and opens the
shower door.  I inhale sharply.  There’s Dean, his hands braced against the tiles, head ducked under the spray of the shower…wet, sleek, so masculine and beautiful…the pure lines of his body, the curves of those gorgeous muscles.  He is perfect…everywhere.  I am just blown away.

Dean finally notices
I’m there.  His head comes up and we stare at each other, both of stunned into silence.  Then he’s reaching for me.  “Come here,” he says in a smoky voice.

I almost walk right in—but stop abruptly.  Clothes, Juliet.  I nervously shimmy out of my jeans, kicking free of them after a brief struggle.  But then…I’m at a loss.  Feeling desperately shy, I just stand there.  I give Dean a helpless look—making sure I keep my eyes focused strictly on his face.

Understanding dawns on his face.  Then before I can make up my mind what I want to do next, he’s moving forward, picking me up and lifting me into the shower with him.

“Oh, god, it’s freezing!” I shriek when the spray of water hits my skin.

He chuckles, bending down to adjust some knobs.  “Sorry, I needed to cool off.”

The water instantly warms, turning into the perfect temperature in seconds.  Dean has me trapped against the wall, with the water raining down on both of us.
  I imagine steam coming off my skin at the contact.

“Hi,” he says softly, caging me
in with his arms.

“Hi,” I squeak
.  I search his face nervously.  “Um…no sex, okay?  Not yet.”

“No sex,”
Dean agrees.  He lets out a strained laugh.  “Thanks for changing your mind about joining me.”

“Don’t thank me yet,” I whisper, gliding m
y hands over his strong shoulders.

BOOK: Slow Burn
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