S&M III, Vol. II (14 page)

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Authors: Vera Roberts

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“Yes, Master,” Mariana whispered back.

“Good girl,” Scott took an ice cube from the bucket and traced Mariana’s nipple with it. The cold sensation made Mariana twist her body slightly. “Be still, My pet.” Scott murmured.

Mariana silently nodded and bit her lip. The ice cube was a sensation she wasn’t expecting and it was much colder than she’d thought. Her Master’s free hand was twisting her other nipple between His fingers and squeezing her breast. She remained still, despite the urge to escape from the coldness of the ice.

Her Master stopped tracing her nipple with the ice and Mariana felt slighted. She wanted to ask if He was going to give her other nipple the same treatment but before she could mutter the words, she felt Scott’s hot breath envelope her ice-cold nipple. Her back arched off the bed and her fingers tightly clinched the panties wrapped around her wrists. The sensation of the ice in contrast of Scott’s breath was too much to bear.

“Does My pet like that?” Scott asked.

“Yes, Master,” Mariana breathed.

“Good,” Scott took another sip of the hot water. He repeated the same treatment on Mariana’s other nipple and she thought she was going to break the bedposts. She sucked in her breath and whimpered. She prepared herself for what was to come. Scott hadn’t even used the toy on her yet.

Scott got up from the bed and retrieved Mariana’s toy. He spread her thighs and lay in front of her heat, admiring the cinnamon folds. He slightly spread them; she was still wet.
He trailed His tongue from her hole to her clit, swirling the small pearl around His tongue. Mariana cooed and moaned; it always aroused Scott to hear the pleasure He was giving her.

He licked her for a few seconds more, just enough to get her more aroused and wet. He turned on the toy and watched Mariana’s face. “Tell me when it hurts, My pet,” Scott instructed.

“Yes, Master,” Mariana nodded.

Scott inserted the vibrator a little inside Mariana and her body clinched upon the invasion. “Shh…relax, My pet,” Scott cooed. He carefully moved it inside her, watching her.

Mariana gasped and licked her lips, trying to get a bearing on her senses. So many feelings and emotions were assaulting her body at once and she didn’t know what to feel from one moment to another.

Scott continued to move the vibrator inside Mariana as He licked her sweet pearl again. His eyes focused on her reaction, studying it carefully. He loved how her head snapped back, how her lips pursed together, how she squirmed and writhed beneath Him. He especially loved the fact He was making her feel that way.

“Master…” Mariana moaned. “I’m about to cum…”

“Cum, My sweet pet,” Scott encouraged.

Mariana moaned and fell back into the bed. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she breathed hard. She felt her thighs move again and Scott lay in between them. He slid His cock inside her and lifted her thighs against His chest. He leaned down towards Mariana’s body and grunted in her face. He didn’t start off slow; He immediately fucked Mariana fast and hard.

“Is this My pussy?” He challenged.

“Yes, Master!” Mariana moaned.

“Is it?”

“Fuck, yes!”


Next door, Caprina woke up from her sleep with the sounds of a headboard knocking and soft moaning. She looked over at the time; it was eleven
. She rolled her eyes and covered her head with the pillow.
The things I have to suffer through to get what I want.
The moans gradually became louder along with the headboard. Whoever the man was, he was driving his female lover insane.
That bitch is totally faking it.


Caprina got up out of the bed and grabbed a glass. She pressed the glass against the wall to listen. She heard Scott’s moans along with Mariana’s. “Oh Scott!” Mariana moaned. “Fuck me!”

Although she knew the likelihood of booking a room next to Scott was next to nothing, coincidence—no,
—placed her right next to her ex and his new girlfriend. And now he was giving it to her.

“Yes, Scott,” Caprina’s fingers crept down to her wet heat and she began fingering herself as she listened in on the lovers. “Fuck your little girlfriend because I’m about to fuck you both



This is just bullshit. No one should ever feel this miserable.

Sarah hunched over the toilet again. She didn’t have a cold or the flu; she was stocked up on vitamins she took regularly. She knew exactly what she had. It was stress. Maybe a little guilt mixed in. She had sold out her best friend to the highest bidder.  There was no way around it.

But Sarah was convinced it was going to be worth it in the end. Scott would be hers. They would travel the world, and she would be his date to fancy dinners. And then when they came home, he would tie her up and spank her.

It was perfect. All Sarah had to do was to get rid of her boyfriend, and that would be it.

“Are you sure you’re not pregnant?” Eric asked once again.

Sarah wiped her mouth with a damp cloth. “I’m pretty damn sure, Eric.”

Eric wasn’t convinced. Sarah had been sick for the past week,and her bedtime was earlier than usual. “Can you humor me and take a pregnancy test?”

Sarah pressed the cloth against her forehead and looked over to him. “No.”

“Okay, why?”

“I’m not pregnant,” Sarah replied. “If I was pregnant, then yes, I’ll take a test. But I’m not pregnant.”

“Sarah, we haven’t been exactly using protection. I mean, I haven’t been using condoms, you haven’t been on anything…” Eric’s voice trailed off.

Sarah shook her head. “I think the pull out and pray method has worked just fine.”

“I don’t believe you,” Eric placed a box containing a home pregnancy test, “take the test, please?”

Sarah glared at the test. “What is that?”

“Guaranteed child support for the next eighteen years if you want to look at it half-full.”

A few minutes later, Sarah and Eric were staring at the test results. “So what does this mean?” Sarah asked.

“I’ll take care of you and our little one, I promise,” Eric rubbed Sarah’s stomach.

“You’re not mad?” Sarah asked.

“Why would I be? You’re having my baby!” Eric beamed. “We’re gonna get married, we’re going to live in a mansion. I’m going to teach our baby how to play basketball!” Eric walked away while thinking out loud. “It’s gonna be great! It’s gonna be great!”

Sarah stared at the test results. She should’ve been happy. Eric was a good man and would be a great father, but she was deeply disappointed.

One of Sarah’s all-time fantasies she wanted to see turn into a reality: Scott impregnating her with His seed. She wanted Him to poke holes through His condoms or switch her birth control with placebos. And when she finally did become pregnant, He would have complete control of her body and she would be subjected to His will.

Scott should’ve been her baby’s father, not Eric.    



Caprina groggily woke up. She glanced over at the alarm clock. It was already noon. She struggled to sit up but after a short while, she fell back into the bed. She had hardly gotten any sleep the night before. Scott and Mariana kept her up all night.

She could’ve called the management on them, but she didn’t think it was necessary. They were two lovers enjoying themselves—Lord knows she’d probably had a few complaints over the years.

Something in their sessions did pique Caprina’s interest. She overheard Mariana refer to Scott as something followed by what sounded like slapping.
BDSM? Maybe…

Scott turned out his new little girlfriend.
He’s doing to her what I did to him,
Caprina smiled. She had influenced Scott more than she realized. “I knew you won’t ever be able to forget about me, Scotty,” Caprina stretched out on the bed, “I knew you weren’t able to.”

She thought about her day. The couple was probably out with Scott’s friends and family. She would have to wait until they arrived back at the hotel and plan. Good. It gave Caprina enough time to see her friends and take care of other matters.

“This is going to be a fantastic vacation,” she smiled.


Downstairs, the concierge took a call. “She’s here. I placed her right next to them, even though I could’ve given her another room,” he spoke into the phone.

“Good. I’m sure the
enjoyed hearing her ex-fiancée fuck his girlfriend all night long,” Sanora crossed her legs.

“What now, Mistress?”

“Just watch her and let me know what happens. I have another set of eyes watching her when she leaves the hotel. I’m sure she’ll be following them throughout the city. Good work, lover. We’ll be in touch soon.” Sanora hung up. She spun her chair around and faced the young men in front of her. “I’m going to need your help.”

Nate, Alex, and Robert looked at each other and then back at Sanora. “How can we help you?” Nate asked.

Sanora’s lips turned upward. “Ooh, that’s a loaded question, baby,” She purred.



“So are there any secrets I need to know before I meet your dad?” Mariana asked. “He’s not Bill O’Reilly or Glenn Beck, is he?”

Scott smiled as he drove to the restaurant to meet his father. Several days had passed since the dramatic dinner at his mother’s home. For his sanity’s sake, Scott had decided to keep his distance until he felt able to deal with his mother and sister. At the current moment, he wasn’t sure when that would be.  “I promise you he’s not. My dad’s more laid back than my mother.  He’s very laid back.”

“How laid back is he?”

Scott had trouble finding words to describe Andrew and his girlfriend. They were laid back, but they were beyond the New-Age-hippie laid back. They often reminded him of Gaylord’s parents in
Meet the Fockers
. “He’s so laid back he might fall backwards.”

“Oh,” Mariana was curious. “That’s a drastic change from your mother and sister.”

Scott pulled up to the restaurant. “That’s one way of looking at it.” He and Mariana got out of the vehicle and approached the restaurant, hand in hand. “Guess if you can spot them.”

Mariana didn’t have to search too far. In front of her eyes was a tall older gentleman wearing a dashiki, jeans and flip-flops. He was a carbon copy of Scott with salt and pepper hair and green eyes. His Black companion was wearing mudmee pants and a black tank top. She had long tiny braids flowing down her back and her face was oval-shaped without a blemish in sight. Her arms were covered in henna.

“Oh my…” Mariana muttered.

“Yeah, my dad’s a hippie,” Scott smiled.

“Scott!” Andrew shuffled over to his son and gave him a warm embrace. “How are you doing, son?”

“Pretty good, Dad,” Scott hugged his father back, “Dad, I like you to meet someone very special to me. This is my girlfriend, Mariana.”

“Ah, as beautiful as the name,” Andrew bowed down and kissed Mariana’s hand. “It is an absolute honor to be in your presence.”

Mariana blushed.
The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree…
“Pleasure to meet you, Andrew.”

“Mariana, this is my girlfriend, Jasmine.”  Andrew introduced the ladies.

Jasmine approached Mariana and gave her a warm embrace. “Namaste, Mariana.”

Mariana was taken aback by Jasmine’s openness. She automatically hugged back. “Nice to meet you, Jasmine.”

“Come on, let’s eat! The food here is great!” Andrew smiled.


Mariana had always been fascinated by tofu, especially by how incredibly weird and tasteless it was. It looked like someone cooked a sponge and decided to serve it to people who never had food—or flavoring, for that matter.

Yet Scott, Andrew, and Jasmine were eating it up like it was about to go out of style.

They were at a vegan Thai food restaurant, and Mariana was trying very hard to master chopsticks. The flat egg noodles were difficult to manage with the wooden sticks, though everyone else seemed to be eating just fine with them. After a short while, Mariana gave up and started eating with a fork. No need to master a fork.

“So Mariana, Scott has told me so much about you,” Andrew began. His voice was deep and gruff in contrast with his Zen-like demeanor. “It’s great to finally see the enchanting beauty who has put a hold on my son.”

With Deborah’s Southern charm, Andrew’s hippie vibe, and Scott’s Wall Street look, Mariana was convinced Christine
to be adopted. “Thank you, Andrew. It’s great to meet you as well.”

“So what is it about my son you don’t like?”

Mariana nervously laughed. What is it a trick question? “What?”

“I know why you love him; he’s a great guy. What is it about him you don’t like?” Andrew asked.

Where do I start
? “I hate that he steals my blankets at night,” Mariana looked over at Scott.

“I don’t steal them,” Scott took a bite of his noodles, “you give them to me.”

“And you sometimes snore,” Mariana smiled.

“No, I don’t,” Scott shook his head.

“And how would you know?” Mariana asked.

Scott shrugged. “I just know.”

“Oh, and I have another one!” Mariana remembered.

“Of course you do,” Scott smiled.

“You jack the pillow from underneath my head at night.”

“That was an accident, Mari,” Scott pleaded.

“The first time, yes. The fifth time, not so much.” She shook her head.

Andrew and Jasmine laughed. “You two sound like an old married couple already. Speaking of which, are you two going to get married anytime soon?”

Mariana decided she was going to tackle the chopsticks again. She didn’t want to be disappointed by what Scott said despite what she learned before their trip. She managed to take a bite of food.

Mariana reacted too soon. “Well, it’s pretty much up to Mari at this point,” Scott lovingly smiled at her.

Mariana started choking on her food and quickly downed a glass of water. She turned to Scott. “What?”

“It’s up to you at this point.” Scott smiled. “Just whenever you’re ready, I’ll set the plan in motion to see it happen.”

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