S&M III, Vol. II (34 page)

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Authors: Vera Roberts

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Now Scott wasn’t sure if he even wanted to be in the same room with Mariana at the moment. He didn’t hate her, but he wasn’t sure how much longer he would be able to stand her attitude.

She potentially could have cost McCormick & Sheppard millions of dollars in revenue by her simple mistake. It would start with Guess, but word would get around. Next thing he knew, more corporations would refuse to work with them, people would get laid off due to lack of work, and Scott once again would be driving a beat-up Lexus.

He was exaggerating everything in his mind, of course. But the real life implications were there. It was his reputation at stake, and he tried so hard, so very hard, over the past several years to repair it. He was not going to let any woman destroy it again, no matter how well she sucked his dick.

Once he calmed his nerves with a sip of bourbon, Scott placed a call to Mariana. He got her voicemail. He thought about leaving a message but decided against it. He was going to see her in a couple of days. He would talk to her then.

His hotel phone rang, and he rushed over to it, hoping it was Mariana calling him. “Hello?”

“Hello, Mr. Reed,” Caprina said over the line.

Scott let out a defeated sigh. She was the last person he wanted to speak with. “Yes, Ms. Waters. How can I help you?

“I was wondering if you want to meet for dinner. I figured we both had a long day and I could certainly use some company.”

Scott looked at his Cartier. “Sure, I can do that. Did you have a restaurant in mind?”

“Actually, I was hoping we could meet in my hotel room?” Caprina asked.

Scott felt the hair on back of his neck stand up. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“It’ll just be a friendly dinner. No hanky panky, no advances. Just two old friends getting together and chatting.”

The fact Caprina suggested their renewed union was a friendship told Scott everything he needed to know about her mental state. “Ms. Waters, I really…”

“Please, Scotty? I don’t want to be alone tonight, and you’re the only friend I know here.”

“Fine,” Scott didn’t feel like arguing. “Just dinner and then I’ll leave.”

“You won’t regret it, Scotty!” Caprina promised.

“Uh-huh.” Scott hung up and took another sip of his bourbon. “I already do.”


Dinner between the exes was very friendly. They talked politics, pop culture, and the latest news stories. Even though Scott didn’t want to admit it, he actually enjoyed Caprina’s company. When she wasn’t being her usual manipulative self, Scott found Caprina was quite pleasant to be around.

“So let me get down to it, Scotty,” Caprina took a sip of her wine. “Why do you hate me?”

“Why do I what?” Scott repeated.

“Hate me,” Caprina frowned. “You hate me, Scotty.”

“Why do I hate thee?” Scott smiled and his eyes sparkled. “Let me count the ways.”

“I’m serious,” Caprina pouted. “I don’t understand.”

“Really?” Scott sipped his wine. “Wow. It’s deep how you can be so shallow.”

“Go ahead and keep insulting me if it makes you feel better,” she frowned. “But I really don’t know.”

“Caprina, I don’t hate you,” Scott revealed as he walked to a nearby sofa and sat on it. “I don’t have one feeling of emotion towards you. None. Nada. Nothing.”

Caprina sat next to Scott on the sofa. “Remember all the good times we’ve had?”

“Yes.” Scott thought about the various red carpet events he attended with Caprina. He didn’t mind her showboating him. They would just pack up and go somewhere and return in a few days. Scott found himself smiling at the memories.

His good memories turned to their wedding day.

“What’s going on, man?” Scott asked. He had a big smile on his face. “Is everything okay?”

Jeff glanced down at the phone. “I need you to read this.”

“What? What is it?” Scott was becoming nervous. “Why can’t you read it for me?”

“Because you won’t believe me,” Jeff didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news. “It’s Caprina.”

Scott got up from the bed and snatched the cell phone from Jeff’s hands. “What is going on…” He looked at the text message. He wasn’t reading it right. What he was reading was impossible, wasn’t it? There was no way for it to be true.

I’m leaving you, Scotty. We’re not getting married. Today or ever. Oh and btw, Elliott says hi.

Scott looked up at Jeff. “Is this some sort of sick fucking joke? Is this funny to you?”

“Man, I wish it was,” Jeff pleaded with his friend. “Bro, she’s not coming.”

“Bullshit,” Scott dialed Caprina’s phone number. “Bullshit. She’s on her way here now.” Caprina picked up the phone. “Caprina? Where are you? How come you’re not here yet?”

Caprina scoffed. “My text wasn’t clear?”

Scott felt his heart sink into his Ferragamos. Everything began to move in slow motion. He felt the phone fall out of his hands. His knees bent so he could sit down on the bed. He heard his heart beating, loudly and rapidly. Caprina had never planned to come.

Scott carefully chose the next words that came out of his mouth. “Cancel everything.”

Scott tightly closed his eyes as the memory faded away. He took a bigger gulp of wine to steady his nerves and quiet his rising anger. He never felt so humiliated in his life. “I also remember all the awful ones, too,” Scott said quietly.

“Scott, that was eight years ago!” Caprina pleaded. “You’re still mad at me for what happened eight years ago?”

“You never apologized. Not once,” Scott took another sip of wine. “You knew what you did, and you purposely ruined my reputation throughout the entire world, Caprina. The whole
fucking world
was laughing at me. Do you have any clue what you did to me? To my family? You never cared.”

“Scott, I tried to get in touch with you. I tried to call you…”

Scott took out his cell phone and slightly shook it. “My number? It never changed.”

“That was the past, Scotty.”

“If everything is in the past, why are you in my present trying to disrupt my future?” Scott shot back.

Caprina looked down. “Scotty, I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry for all the hurt and pain I caused you. I really am.”

“Thank you,” Scott replied, “thank you for telling me that.”  His head was starting to feel woozy. “I’m going back to my room now. I’m getting sleepy.”

“Okay,” Caprina stood up and Scott stood with her. He soon fell back onto the sofa and laughed. “Something the matter,

Scott kept laughing. “You put something in my drink,” he smiled.

Caprina climbed on top of Scott and straddled his body. “It’s the only way I could get you to spend the night with me, Scotty.” She kissed his lips and Scott didn’t fight it. Their tongues twirled and Caprina’s hands wandered over his body. His taut abs felt wonderful underneath her hands and his erection was pressing into her thigh. His lips devoured hers, wanting to feel more. He played with Caprina’s tongue, and she softly moaned, her heat becoming wetter.

Scott reached underneath Caprina’s dress and caressed her ass. It felt so soft and smooth and cupped perfectly into his hands. His tongue moved from her lips and trailed her neck, placing small kisses along the way. His hands slowly began to remove her dress, pulling it down over her breasts and they popped out in front of him. Her nipples were hard, and Scott couldn’t wait to suck on them.

He grabbed both breasts and marveled at how soft they felt in his hands. He immediately dived in and began sucking, alternating between them. The sweet buds rolled around his tongue and grew harder by the second as her heat transferred to him. Caprina ground against Scott’s growing erection, eager to feel him inside her.

“Shh…wait a minute,” Caprina got off Scott and slipped the dress down her body. She got down on her knees and quickly unbuckled Scott’s belt. She unzipped his pants and pulled his hard cock out. “I’ve wanted to do this for a very long time…” She smiled before she opened her mouth.

There was a knocking on Caprina’s door and she snapped her head back to look at it. Who
to interrupt her now?

Caprina got up and rushed over to the door, looking inside the peephole. She recognized Nate and Robert, the interns. She hastily cracked her door open, not letting the young men see what was behind her. “Yes?” She snapped at them.

“We were looking for Mr. Reed. Have you seen him?” Nate asked.

“No, I haven’t. Good-night,” Caprina began to close the door.

Robert blocked the door with his hand. “If you see him, can you let us know as soon as possible? It’s urgent we find him. His sister is in the hospital.”

Caprina let out an exasperated sigh and opened the door a bit more to let the men in. “He’s on the couch,” she nodded towards Scott’s direction.

Nate and Robert rushed in and found a giggly Scott on the sofa. His cock was still out. “Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey,” Scott smiled as he stroked himself. “Are you here for the gang bang, too?”

“Put your dick away, man,” Robert said, and Scott frowned, but then complied.

“Come on, man,” Nate grabbed one arm and Robert grabbed the other. “It’s time you go visit your sissy.”

“Thank you, Ms. Waters,” Robert nodded to her as him and Nate carried Scott out the door.

Caprina closed the door behind them and leaned against it. “No fucking problem.”


“You know who you look like?” A giggly Scott slurred to Nate. “You look like that intern at my jahb.” He emphasized the b.

“Yeah, man, she fucked you up.” Nate shook his head.

Nate and Robert managed to get an emotional and affectionate Scott back to his room. They took off his shoes and laid him on the bed. Robert took out his cell phone and dialed a number. “We got him.” A few minutes later, the door clicked open and someone came in.

“Good work, fellas,” Sanora smiled as She stared at Scott, who was already passed out. “I’ll take over for now. I’m going to watch him throughout the night to make sure he’s breathing and there’s no interference from a certain somebody. Eduardo, pay the young men.” The sub took out several hundred bills and paid the interns. “You have done excellent work. We’ll be in touch soon.”

“Sweet!” Robert stared at the five crisp hundred dollar bills in his hand, with Nate having the same amount. They were both talking about stripper plans as they left Scott’s room.

“What now, Mistress?” Eduardo asked.

Sanora looked over at a sleeping Scott. He was snoring. “I’m going to watch him throughout the night to make sure he doesn’t make a lovely visit to the ER.”

“And the story about his sister?”

Sanora kicked off her heels and joined Scott on the bed. “She’ll call him in the morning to let her know the story. It seems she might have fallen down and went to the hospital but everything checked out.” Sanora smiled.

Eduardo and Jay smiled. “It was a fake story, Mistress?” Jay asked.

“As fake as that sorry-ass apology Caprina just gave him.”



Christine was sitting at home on the new porch Hassan had built for her. It was so relaxing. She could sip lemonade and curl up with a good book. It was her alone time with the baby and she relished every moment she could. She wouldn’t have that freedom very longer. Her daughter was coming soon, and Christine needed to enjoy all the alone time she could get. The pregnancy experts called it the ‘nesting’ period. Christine called it ‘sitting on my fat ass and enjoying being waited hand and foot.’

She remembered the other day when she was on the porch, relaxing. She turned the pages on the fantasy book she was reading when an unfamiliar car pulled up. A tall brunette man stepped out of the car and walked up to her.

“May I help you?” Christine asked.

“Christine Reed Alhamadan?” The man asked. It was Dominic.

“Yes?” Christine questioned.

“An envelope for you and your husband. You are to carefully follow the instructions with no questions asked.”

Christine remembered the words. It was the same mysterious person from eight years ago who paid her very handsomely to not reveal anything to the press about the real story behind her brother’s relationship with Caprina. Now that mysterious person was back. “Sure thing. Thank you.”

“Not a problem,” the man bowed before heading back to his car and drove off.

Christine looked around to see if anyone spotted the man. She rushed into the house and locked the door behind her. She closed all the blinds so no one would peep in and see what she was doing.

She sat at the dining room table and opened the envelope. It was a cashier’s check in the amount of ten thousand dollars accompanied with a note.
Tomorrow, you will call your brother and let him know you’re fine. You fell down and went to the hospital, but you’re okay now and resting.

Christine smiled at the memory. Whoever that mysterious person was, she truly appreciated their help. The first time, they paid for her home. This time, they had just made a generous donation to her daughter’s college education.

Christine rubbed her tummy. “The Lord works in mysterious ways.”



“I was so close…so fucking close….”

Caprina replayed the prior evening’s events back in her mind and kept rewinding. She had him. She had Scott within her grasp. She had him underneath her. She felt his cock against her heat. She had his cock in her hands and felt how hard and soft it was, a beautiful contradiction. He had wanted her.

She remembered how hungry his lips were on hers and how his hands and fingers explored her body. His tongue and teeth nibbled on her nipples, and Caprina had to cross her legs just thinking about the hot memory.

The memory disappeared the moment the interns showed up.
Poor KKK-Chrissy had to go to the hospital. I hope that fucking racist bitch dies.

Caprina paced back and forth in her hotel room. She was heading back to Los Angeles that day, and she was going have to try harder to get Scott within her grasp. She had to get him. She knew he wanted her still. The Rohypnol might have loosened Scott up, but Caprina knew he would’ve reacted the same if she hadn’t sprinkle a little in his wine glass. It was time to get serious. The only thing standing between her and Scott was a minor detail.

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