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Authors: Colleen Coble

Tags: #ebook, #book

Smitten (47 page)

BOOK: Smitten
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As it always did, her heart raced at the thought of revealing her secret. Her mouth dried, and adrenaline raced through her veins like she was about to parachute from a plane instead of just admit her feelings.

Natalie brushed Reese’s hair over her shoulder. “If he’s leaving anyway, what does it matter? Even if it makes things awkward, you won’t have to face him every day.”

That was true. Still, there were the phone calls. Could she stand to hear the pity in his voice? To hear how bad he felt that he couldn’t return her feelings? Not to mention the loss of his friendship. Things would never be the same.

“Remember when Julia was sure Zak didn’t return her feelings, and we encouraged her to tell him? It worked out, didn’t it? I know you don’t like stepping off into the great unknown, but, honey, sometimes you have to step out in faith and trust God to work it out. Like we did with the town. It wasn’t easy for any of us. But we laid it all on the line and left the results up to God. He’s come through pretty well, hasn’t he?”

Reese nodded. “You’re right. I just can’t seem to make myself do it. I’ve tried—I have. The words just get all crammed in my throat.”

“Well, if he’s leaving tomorrow, it’s now or never.” Natalie smiled sympathetically. “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”

The wedding words took on a whole new meaning, and Reese gave a wry grin. Natalie was right, but how would she find the courage?

Natalie gathered Reese’s hand in hers and bowed her head.

“Jesus, you’ve done amazing things. Right before our eyes, you’ve transformed our little town, saved it. We thank you for that. You’re faithful and good, and you bless us with far more than we deserve. I pray for my friend right now. Give her the courage to follow your leading, whatever direction that may take her. Wrap your arms around her and comfort her.” Natalie gave her a squeeze.

“Amen. Thanks, Nat.”

Her friend rubbed her bare shoulders, warming them. “You do look beautiful tonight, honey. I saw the way Griffen looked at you when you were coming down those stairs.”

Reese breathed a laugh. “He was shocked to see me without a ponytail and sneakers.” Still, at the memory of that look, her flesh tingled.

“Maybe . . .”

The music grew louder, and they both turned to see Griffen exiting the building.

“There you are,” he said.

Natalie gave Reese a sympathetic smile. “I’m heading back inside.”

Reese turned a pleading look on her friend, who nevertheless sprang off the bench and passed Griffen.

“Carson’s looking for you,” he said.

“Thanks, Griffen.” And then she was gone.

Reese stood, all nerves, her legs wobbling on these stupid heels Natalie had talked her into.

Griffen pulled off his jacket and held it open for her.

She slipped her arms into the sleeves and pulled the jacket tight. “Thanks.” It smelled of Griffen, and before she could stop herself, she drew a deep whiff.

“You okay?”

She shrugged. “Sure.”

He looked at her, those blue eyes plumbing the depths. “I can take you home if you want.”

She looked away before he saw too much. “I told Natalie I’d stay and help with the coffee equipment.”

He tucked his hands into his trouser pockets. “Go back inside?”

She needed time to process what Natalie had said. A little time to weigh the pros and cons one last time before she broke down a wall she could never rebuild.

“You go on. I’m fine—just need a few minutes.”

He tilted his head, looking at her intently. Blue eyes had never looked so warm. She couldn’t look away. They were pulling her like a magnet. She didn’t
to look away. Who knew when they would look at her that way again?

He opened his arms. “Dance?”

That was unexpected. She had an immediate image of herself curled in his arms, her head against his chest, his arms circling her waist. Sheer torture.

“Out here?” She cleared the squeak from her voice.

He shrugged. “Why not?”

Torture, yes. But perhaps her last chance.
Oh, why not?

She stepped into his arms. He set his hands at her waist. She placed hers on his shoulders. So it wasn’t like she’d pictured it. She could still feel his body heat beneath her palms. Still feel his breath on her temples.

“You did real good tonight,” he whispered. “I know it was hard.”

He had no idea. The hardest part of her night had just begun. Pros and cons. Pros and cons. She couldn’t think with him so close. Could only think of him leaving tomorrow. Of days and weeks and months without seeing him again.

Sure, she’d done it before. But that was before she’d fallen totally and completely in love with him. Everything was different now.

Different for her. Him, not so much.

Her eyes began to burn, and tears followed too quickly to stop them.

Griffen leaned back, frowning. “Hey, now.”

His thumb caught the tear that spilled over, but another followed, and another. She couldn’t seem to stop the flow once it began.

“Don’t cry, Reese Cup. It’ll be okay. You’ll see.” He pulled her into his arms, cradling her. His heart beat strong and steady against her temple, and she felt his deep sigh.

Her tears dampened his shirt. He’d said it would be okay, but it wouldn’t. He didn’t even understand her tears—thought they were for someone else.

Natalie’s words rang in her ears. “
Sometimes you have to step out in faith and trust God to work it out

Her heart pummeled her ribs, and her mouth went dry. It was now or never.
Speak now or forever hold your peace
. She sucked in a breath. Breathed a prayer.

Reese pulled away. They were barely swaying now. She clenched her fists against his shoulders and looked into his eyes.

Words. She needed words. A few of them, strung together coherently, preferably.

Creases appeared between his brows. “You need me to stay longer? I can stick around until next week.”

“Yes.” She needed him. A few extra days. More time, another chance to get his attention without having to put it all on the line.

What was she doing? Chickening out again? She shook her head. “No. No, you don’t have to stay.”

He frowned, those blue eyes questioning.

No wonder. She was as changeable as the wind. She closed her eyes, unable to think with him looking at her that way. She opened them again, focused on the tight knot of the black tie at his throat.

She unclenched her fists and laid her hands flat against his shoulders. She took a deep breath and forced herself to say the words.

“Thing is, Griffen . . . I’m, uh, not in love with Sawyer.” Heat crept up her neck and into her cheeks. Her legs trembled with the surge of adrenaline.

The pause stretched out, practically begged for a peek at his face. But she couldn’t. Not if she was going to get through this.

“I don’t understand,” he said.

Well, he would in a minute. For better or worse. She swallowed hard. “I know. It’s—it’s all my fault. I led you to believe it, or I let you believe it, really, that day when Josh walked in and canceled our date. But the truth is, the
truth, is that—”

Be brave, Reese. You can do this. Deep breaths

She forced her eyes to his. “See, somewhere along the way, Griff, I—I fell in love with you. I’m sorry, I know this must be a big shock, and I didn’t even want to tell you because I was so afraid of losing you as a friend. But then you assumed I wanted to win Sawyer back, and I thought if we just spent time together, your feelings might change too, and then tonight, I thought seeing me this way might make you see me as not just your little buddy but as a woman, but then you said you were leaving, and—”

His lips parted, stretched, and then he was laughing.


The response was a kick, hard and low. She shivered, but it wasn’t from the cold. She didn’t know what she’d expected, but it wasn’t this. Angry tears burned her eyes.

She glared, shoved her palms into his shoulders, and stepped from his embrace. “You’re laughing at me?”

As quickly as the laugh surfaced, it was gone. Griffen held his hands up. “No, honey, I’m not laughing at you.”

“Well, it sure sounds like it.”

He looked away, forked his fingers through his hair, leaving it all tousled and boyishly charming, drat him. Then he looked back at her, disbelief in every line on his forehead, looking at her as if he’d never seen her before.

This was humiliating enough without the sheer shock. Without the cruel laughter. She hugged her body against the cold. Yeah, that was it. The cold.

He put his hands on his hips. “You don’t love Sawyer.”


“You weren’t trying to break up the wedding, get him back, all that.”


“You—you love

She felt her lip wobble. “You need it in blood? And if you start laughing again, Griffen Parker, I’m going to slug you so hard—”

He pulled her close until she was a breath away. When he took her chin and tilted her face, she saw a new look in his eyes.

“I’ve waited three years for this, lady,” he whispered.

He brushed her lips with his own. His kiss was gentle and strong all at once. The anger and hurt drained away, and she melted into his arms. She palmed his freshly shaven face, gave back everything he was giving. Soaked in the familiar smell of him, the familiar feel of him that was both old and new.

He deepened the kiss, and her legs nearly buckled. How had she missed this all these years? He was right there all along. Something he said before rushed to her mind. Three years.

She pulled back, already missing his kiss. But just looking at him was pretty good too. “You said three years.”

“I did, didn’t I?”

“Before you left?”

He gave a little smile. “You were engaged, Reese. I couldn’t watch the love of my life find her happily-ever-after with someone else.”

His words struck her speechless. How could she not have known? If she had . . . Well, she didn’t know what would’ve happened. Maybe her eyes would’ve been opened. But maybe not.

You knew, though, didn’t you, God? You had this planned all along

“I’m so sorry,” she said. “I didn’t feel this way until you came back—that day on the basketball court.”

His eyes narrowed. “When I knocked you down?”

“Bowled me over, more like.”

He looked at her with wonder in his eyes, joy in the curve of his lips, then he framed her face in his palms. “This is the best Valentine’s Day present I ever got, by far.”

She smiled. “Better than the I-Heart-You chocolate Miranda Willoughby gave you in ninth grade?”

“Way better.”

“Better than the teddy bear from Laurel Perkins?”

“You couldn’t dig up a better Valentine’s Day present if you searched the world over.” His eyes flickered over her. “And look, it’s even wrapped in pink.”

Her smile widened. “You noticed.”

“Oh, I noticed all right.” And then he kissed her again, making her knees go weak in two seconds flat.

Her fingers found the curls at the nape of his neck and threaded their way through. Joy bubbled deep inside her heart.

Some things were destined to happen, she supposed. Unlikely matches, unexpected beginnings, unforeseeable love. She might not have believed it a year ago, maybe not even a week ago, but now . . . well, anything was possible when you were smitten.


ever has a book been more of a labor of love than
! The four of us have had the best time writing this book together.

But we couldn’t have done it without lots of help. We are so blessed to have been able to do this project with Thomas Nelson. They caught the vision right from the start and entered into a partnership with us with great enthusiasm. A big hug and thanks to publisher Allen Arnold who was quick to tell us he wanted this project. And a big thank-you to our editor, Ami McConnell, who knows each one of us intimately and was able to make suggestions to bring our characters to life. Our team has worked hard on the project all along so we will be showing our gratitude with hugs and DeBrand truffles to Marketing Director Eric Mullett, Publicity Manager Katie Bond, cover designer Kristen Vasgaard, Marketing Specialist Ashley Schneider, Publicist Ruthie Harper, and editors Becky Monds, Jodi Hughes, Natalie Hanemann, and Amanda Bostic. Our terrific sales team is already hard at work too and we couldn’t do much without them! Love you all! And our agents, Karen Solem and Lee Hough, have been a huge help as we put together this very different story. Thanks, friends!

A special thanks to Rick Acker for spending precious conference time sitting and brainstorming with us last year. He helped us flesh out our plot with some great suggestions. And our editor, L.B. Norton, was phenomenal on this project. She caught the inconsistencies that no one else could. And our families are always our backbones as we juggle life and career.

BOOK: Smitten
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