Smoldering Desire (4 page)

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Authors: Desiree Day

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #New Adult & College

BOOK: Smoldering Desire
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Devin sat down and pulled Shepherd to him, she settled on his lap and she immediately felt his hard cock.  She rubbed her bottom against it.  Devin wrapped his arms around her, he nuzzled her neck.  “You feel good.”

Suddenly a horn blared, signaling that it was time to board the schooner and be taken back to the cruise ship. 

Devin groaned.  “Really?  Now?  Come on, time to go.”

“As beautiful as this beach is, I don’t want to be left behind.”  They walked hand-in-hand to the schooner. 


By the time they got back to the ship, Devin didn’t want to let her go.  He stroked her cheek.  “Come on to my room,” he said softly.  Shepherd only hesitated for a second before she nodded.  Devin grabbed her hand and they hurried to his cabin.

“Where’s your roommate?” Shepherd asked as soon as they stepped in the room.

“Don’t have one.”

“All this is yours?”  she asked, shocked by the size of the room and the sumptuousness of it.  The room was huge, she didn’t know that suites this size existed on a cruise ship.  He had a queen size bed, a sofa for him to relax on, two wing backed chairs with a small table between them, a flat screen TV and dressers.

“Yep.  I was never a roommate type dude; it nearly killed me in college when I had them in our freshman and sophomore years.” 

“I agree it’s not for everybody.  I have some horror stories.”  She looked uncertainly around the room.

“Come on, let’s sit down.” He guided her toward the sofa.  They sat down and he draped an arm over her shoulder; a jolt of heat shot through Shepherd.  “Did you have a good time today?”

“I did.”

He leaned closer and began nibbling on her ear.  “What did you like about it?”

“Um—the—water,” she stuttered.

Devin gently outlined her ear with his tongue, and Shepherd gasped.  “What else?”


“Me too.”  He softly inserted his tongue in her ear; Shepherd groaned.

“Oh my God!” she murmured.

“What else?”

“Seeing your body,” Shepherd admitted.  Devin removed his arm from her shoulders then cradled her face with his hands.  He gazed in her eyes and heat engulfed Shepherd at seeing the desire burning in his.

“I loved seeing yours too.”  He pressed his mouth against hers and Shepherd’s lips melted.  He traced her lips with his tongue.

“Your tongue is lethal,” she muttered, and felt Devin’s smile.

“Oh, you just don’t know…but you will.”

“I remember, there were times when you had my knees shaking.”

Devin pulled back just enough to look in her eyes.  “Just for the record, you had mine shaking too.”  He stood up and held out his hand.  “Let’s go to bed.”

Shepherd pulled her cover up over her head and reached for her bikini top at the same time she glanced at Devin.  Her hand froze when his trunks dropped and pooled around his feet; his cock sprang out thick and ready.  Her knees nearly buckled.  “Were you always that big?”

Devin feigned indignation.  “You forgot?”

Shepherd didn’t respond, she didn’t want to tell him that for years after they had broken up, she had compared every lover she had to him and none of them measured up.

“Not at all,” she said and Devin chuckled.

“Don’t worry about it.”  He reached behind her back for the clasp of her bikini top.  “Let me get this for you.”  They locked gazes while he unfastened it and it fell to the floor; her breasts spilled out.  Devin licked his lips, before cupping them.  “I certainly didn’t forget these.”  He had always loved her breasts; while Shepherd was petite her breasts were anything but.  Her oversize globes spilled over his hands.  Shepherd moaned when Devin squeezed them, he brought them to his mouth, where he swiped his tongue over her pebble size nipples. 

Devin kissed his way down her stomach, tasting sweat, some sand and her.  He stopped long enough to pull off her bikini bottom, she kicked it away.  He knelt in front of her and nestled his face between her legs.  Devin’s tongue grazed her clit and Shepherd inhaled sharply then dropped onto the bed.  She splayed her legs open, exposing her wetness.  Devin took one look at her glistening folds and he crawled over to her, grabbed her thighs and placed his mouth between her legs.

Shepherd placed her hands on his head, silently begging him not to move, he didn’t.  He gingerly moved his tongue in her moist creases; Shepherd moaned and moved her hips to keep up with his leisurely strokes.  It had been a long time since someone had kissed her there and his tongue electrified her body.  She whimpered when his tongue expertly flicked over her clit.

“Stay right there,” she pleaded and his tongue whispered over her bud, creating havoc to her senses.  Devin paused for a minute and before Shepherd could protest, she felt one finger sliding into her then two and his tongue skittered through her folds, sending her over the top.  Shepherd let out a strangled cry and waves of pleasure washed over her.  Satiated, she grinned at Devin.

He stood up, his cock thick and hard, pointed straight out.  “That’s a good look for you,” he said.  With her glowing skin, swollen lips and heavy lidded eyes, Devin thought she was the sexiest lady on earth. 

“Thanks,” Shepherd murmured.

“Hold on.”  Devin hurried over to his suitcase.  Shepherd caught her breath while Devin rummaged through his clothing for protection.  “I’m sorry I didn’t have these handy.  I didn’t know this was going to happen.”  After a few more shuffles of clothes, he triumphantly held up the box of condoms.  “Here we go!”  He ripped open the foil package and Shepherd hungrily watched as he slid it on.

“Oh my!” His cock looked even bigger sheathed with the rubber.  Devin stood over her.  “How do you want me?”

“Get on your back and spread ‘em.  I don’t want anything fancy.  We’ll have plenty of time for that.”

Shepherd eagerly got into position.  Devin slid between her legs and Shepherd shivered with anticipation.  He bracketed his arms around her, and she stroked his rippling muscles.  She cried out when he entered her, her tightness almost strangled his cock.  Devin eased in, pausing every few inches.  They both let out a sigh when he was finally in.  Devin looked down at her with lust-filled eyes while he slowly thrust in her.  He leaned down and passionately kissed her.  Shepherd wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss, his chest pressed against her breasts and she groaned at the skin-on-skin contact. 

Devin gradually increased his speed, while he continued to savor Shepherd.  She moved her hips to match his pace.  Shepherd felt the change coming and she was ready for it.  Devin stopped, flipped them both over so that he was on his back and she was on top of him.  He gripped her waist and began moving her up and down.

“What happened to taking it nice and slow?” she asked between gasps.

“I lied,” Devin drawled as he repeatedly thrust into her causing Shepherd to cry out.  In the back of her mind she thought of the people in the stateroom next to them, but as soon as Devin plunged into her any thought of the neighbors evaporated.

Shepherd could feel her second orgasm coming and she threw her head back in ecstasy while passion radiated through her.  Devin felt her ripples caressing his cock and that gave him permission to let go.  He focused on his own pleasure, through half closed eyes he looked up at her breasts bouncing enticingly in front of him; and he reached up and grabbed one.  “Man I love these,” he said, then thrust into her and exploded.  He shuddered then stilled.  Shepherd glanced down at him and he returned her gaze, something flickered in his eyes, her stomach roiled and she immediately looked away. 


Shepherd snuggled against Devin; he kissed her shoulder then the top of her head. 

“I guess, I better get going, I don’t want Mack to worry about me.”

“She’s not worried.   She knows you’re with me.”

“But she still might be worried.”  Shepherd jumped out of bed and began picking up her clothes.  “I got to go.” She quickly put on her bikini.

“You running out of here like you’re on your way to work,” Devin joked. 

“Ha ha.  No, I don’t want my friend worrying about me.”  She slipped on her cover up.

“At least let me walk you back to your room.”

“That’s okay, see you.”  And before Devin could pull on a pair of pants, Shepherd bolted out of the room.




Shepherd buried her face in her pillow, ignoring Devin’s knocks.  She held her breath as though he could hear her breathing through the thin door.

“I know you’re in there, I saw Mack, she told me you were in the room,” Devin called from the corridor.

Shepherd silently cursed her friend, but still didn’t answer.

“I’m going to sit out here until you open the door,” he threatened.  Shepherd didn’t budge from the bed.  “Okay, I’m sitting down.”  She heard a soft thump against her door.  “I’m making myself comfortable.”

Shepherd closed her eyes, fortunately they didn’t have any ports of call today, they had two days at sea until they return to Fort Lauderdale.  She knew that she could avoid him until the ship docked.  If she used room service she wouldn’t have to leave the room.  Shepherd stared longingly at the door.  “I want to talk to him but I’m not ready,” she muttered to herself.  After five minutes of silence, Shepherd tiptoed to the door and pressed her ear to it.  As soon as she heard a muffled cough, she scampered back to the bed where she debated whether to open the door.  In the middle of her solo dispute, she drifted off to sleep only to be shaken away by Mackenzie a few hours later.

“How did you get past my guard dog?” Shepherd asked her voice groggy.

“What are you talking about?”

“Wasn’t Devin by the door?”


“Well damn, he gave up pretty fast.  He said that he was going to sit outside my door until I opened it.”

“Oh yeah?  How long ago was that?”

Shepherd glanced at the clock.  “About three hours.”

“So why are you hiding from him?”

Shepherd pushed a handful of her curly hair out of her face.  “Because I don’t want anything serious with him,” she answered and Mackenzie cocked her head to the side.  Shepherd pushed away all the lies and excuses and told the truth.  “Because I don’t want to get hurt again,” she admitted softly.

“Why do you think he’d hurt you again?”

“Because he did it before and I caught him kissing that lady.”

“I believe what he told you Shepherd.  Some women are thirsty like that; they fuck first and ask questions later.  And you said it yourself that he was trying to fight her off.”

“I don’t know if I can trust him again.  I’ve forgiven but I haven’t forgotten.”

“I can’t tell you what to do, but if it was me, I’d give him a second chance.  And if it doesn’t work this time, at least you can say you gave him a fair chance.  You don’t want to spend your life wondering ‘what if’.”

“That’s true.”  She pushed herself off the bed.  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.  I usually don’t run away from things.  I’m feeling better.  Wanna go play some ping pong?” 



A half hour later Shepherd and Mackenzie were enjoying a game of ping pong.  Although they played for over an hour, went to eat, then enjoyed a show, Shepherd didn’t run into Devin. 




Devin was sitting on the Lido Deck enjoying his breakfast when Shepherd stopped at his table.  He hadn’t seen her since they had made love. She was avoiding him like she did ten years ago and he didn’t like it.

“Come with me,” she demanded.

Devin swallowed a piece of his bagel.  “Would you give me a minute?”  He wasn’t about to drop everything just because she finally decided to make an appearance.

“Nope.  Come on.  The food will be here when we get back.”

“You’re not going to let me eat in peace are you?”

“Nope.  You might as well come.”

Devin tossed down his napkin, and dumped his uneaten food in the garbage.  “I hate being so wasteful,” he mumbled.

“I know I’m sorry, but this will be worth it.”  She led him across the deck to the elevator. 

“So where are we going?”

“I’m gonna kick your ass.”

The elevator arrived and Devin hesitated, after hearing what Shepherd had said, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to follow her.  But a group of people stepped behind them, giving him no choice but to get into the elevator.

“Excuse me?”

“I want to make you pay for breaking my heart ten years ago.  It took me a while to come up with this, that’s why I’ve been MIA.”

“And what exactly is

They stepped off the elevator and Devin let Shepherd lead the way.  They stopped at the gym.  “Here we are,” she announced.

“The gym?”


“I’m not dressed.”  Devin gestured to his outfit:  a polo shirt, shorts and a pair of athletic shoes.

“You’re fine.  They have my equipment in the office.”

They stopped by the egg carton size room where Shepherd picked up one head guard and one pair of boxing gloves. 

“We’re gonna box?”

“Nope, I am, you’re gonna be my punching bag.”

“But that’s why they have punching bags!” Devin protested.  “That’s what you should be hitting.”  They strolled to a quiet corner.

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