Smugglers 1: Nikki (15 page)

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Authors: Gerald McCallum

BOOK: Smugglers 1: Nikki
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Nikki greeted them as the surveyed the empty slip next to Mark’s boat. She went back to the Bluewater and made arrangements for the dock master to bring it over at six o’clock  that evening. Back on her dock, she told everyone to have drinks about five thirty, and that the Bluewater was coming over at six.

At her office, Brett was finally up, but she had to have a beer. “You know, the hair of the dog,” she said and laid down for two or three hours. They had been up all night doing coke and making love. She felt like shit.

It was five thirty and most of the people were on the dock having drinks. Nikki showered and dressed, and then she and Brett went out to join everybody. Today they were only drinking beer. Mark was there, too.

At around six, the Bluewater pulled in, so Nikki enlisted Brett and Brian to secure her. Moments later in front of everyone, Nikki told Mark that he had better check the tie downs, because, “It’s your new boat.”

Mark just looked at Nikki, and said, “You’re shitting me!”

“Go aboard and look it over. It’s yours free and clear.” She handed him the paid-for bill of sale. Mark still couldn’t believe it. Everyone went on board to look it over and kept drinking and giving Mark kudos about his new Bluewater. Nikki told Mark he could leave the old boat there in the slip for thirty days while she got it ready for sale or sunk it! They all laughed.

Brett and Nikki left early because they were hung over. When morning arrived they were still in bed so they kissed a lot and made love. Then they went back to sleep. When they awoke again, Nikki got up and went to work on the dock. Cynthia came down and asked that both she and Brett join Brian and her for cocktails at six o’clock. Nikki said that she and Brett would be there.

Brett and Nikki got to Cynthia’s boat with drinks in hand that night. Brian was on board with Cynthia, and they had drinks as well. Brett and Nikki sat down with the two of them. Cynthia had already broken out some hors d'oeuvres.

Cynthia started to talk and said, “I don’t know how you two feel about this, but next weekend is the Regatta.  Let’s take my boat and go there for the weekend; I’ll have the captain get a cook or his girl. He is fifty or so, and she is about twenty-five, both lots of fun. They drink, smoke, do drugs, and have sex. His name is Bruce and hers is Lucinda. So, knowing that there are three to five thousand boats rafted together and lots of drugs and lots of sex, group and otherwise, but always in the open, do you two want to go? I will buy everything to celebrate my trial.”

Both Brett and Nikki looked at each other and Nikki said, “Are you sure there’s lots of drugs and sex?”

Cynthia laughed and said, “Yes.”

Nikki said, “Let’s leave now!”

“I would say yes, too, but I have a problem with this whole deal. Are you sure there are drugs,” Brett asked. They all broke out into laughter again.

“We leave on Wednesday at around eight in the morning. We start drinking at 8:02 a.m.,” Cynthia said. They laughed again.

They had a lot of fun that night and met Bruce and Lucinda. Brett and Nikki went home around midnight because they had a big day tomorrow. Tuesday came and was filled with things to take care of on the dock







On Wednesday morning Brett and Nikki took their small bags to the one hundred foot Broward. They only needed swim suits and shorts. Half the time they would be wearing nothing. Nikki made one last trip to see Mark, and then she went back to the 100 footer.

They were all on board so the Captain pulled out and headed toward Miami on the inside because it was flat.

Nikki whispered to Cynthia, “We brought an eight ball, where should we hide it?”

“They don’t stop one hundred footers” Cynthia replied. She was going inside, so she asked if anyone needed anything.

“I’ll take another beer, if you can, Cindy,” Brett asked.

With that Cynthia turned around and said to all, “I would prefer Cynthia,” and walked off.

All three laughed, and said, “Cindy, noooo.  Cynthia.”

“No,” said Brian. “From now on, it’s Cindy.”

When she came and handed Brett his beer, he said, “Thank you, Cindy.” They laughed and she gave Brett a seriously mean, hard look in response, and there was more laughter.

They spent the day drinking, talking, and laughing. As they pulled into the flats where the Regatta took place there were about twenty or thirty boats there already, but none like Cynthia’s big Broward.

They found a good spot and dropped the anchor. Brett checked out the boat and went into the engine room. The Broward was like the boat in the movie “Fools Gold,” grand and plush.

Bruce got a beer and sat down with everyone. Lucinda was already there and having a drink before she made dinner. About seven o’clock Lucinda went into the galley to start dinner. They ate and drank and had a lot of fun until one or two, then they retired to their own rooms.

The real party started on Friday and went on for twenty-four hours a day for four days. They got up around ten and started with coffee.

During the night a lot of boats had pulled in and dropped anchor or rafted up to other boats. There must have been over five hundred boats by now. The jet skis and surf bikes were out of the garage on the Broward, and after coffee and breakfast, they started on the Mimosas.

Brett and Nikki took the surf bikes for a spin and stopped at most boats to have a drink or do lines and party. While they were out, about five hundred more boats came in, including several from sixty to eighty-five feet. They saw Brian and Cynthia on a jet ski and Bruce and Lucinda on another one.

They met everyone back at the Broward for something to eat and more drinks. By this time Lucinda had her top off, and once on board, the others followed suit.

Lucinda was young, tan, tall, and ready. She made a great lunch of tuna sandwiches, chips, and coleslaw. No one had much of an appetite. They drank and watched more boats pull in and took in the goings on at the Regatta.

By night fall there must have been two thousand boats there. But tomorrow, Friday, was the big day with parties everywhere all night long with nude people in the water everywhere. Most of the boats came in at night.

The six of them partied on the Broward, and soon it was ten or twelve people and three boats were rafted off of theirs. By the time midnight rolled around they were all nude and dancing to the music that filled the air from boats everywhere.

Lucinda got up to make more drinks and Brett’s eyes followed her across the boat.

Nikki watched Brett, and said, “It’s obvious that you want her, and that’s okay. I’ll take Bruce, but remember, Brett, we’re all made up of seventy-two percent water, just with different packaging.”

“It’s not the water that I want,” Brett answered.

After that, Bruce, Lucinda, Brett, and Nikki went down to Nikki and Brett’s stateroom, leaving six or eight people on deck drinking, snorting and talking.

When the four of them got into the stateroom, Lucinda gave Nikki a kiss and said, “You are really hot, and I like women, too.”

“Me, too,” Nikki said and kissed her back.

Then they got on the bed and were joined by Bruce and Brett. Nikki was on the bottom followed by Lucinda in a dog position going down on Nikki, followed by Bruce and Brett taking turns screwing and eating Lucinda. They made love all night long because of the excitement and drugs.

When they left the bed, it was daylight again. Brett and Lucinda started up again, but Bruce and Nikki went topside for mimosas. Cynthia or Cindy as they all called her now and Brian were having drinks with another couple.

Nikki saw that hundreds of boats had pulled in overnight, but only three or four were one hundred foot or better. It would be noon before the daytime party got into full swing. They were drinking for about an hour when things really got going. They all took more E to make the day.

Lucinda and Brett finally materialized.

Cindy said, “I’m surprised you two still have the energy or liquid for sex.”

Brett kissed Nikki and sat down next to her.

The day ran on and the music from all of the boats got louder and louder. Around one o’clock or so, Nikki and Brett took the jet skis out. The ride was very slow, because of all the boats in the water including all the cops in different uniforms, saving people from themselves, the really stupid people, or giving out tickets for speeding or being too drunk or just to keep your DNA from going forward.

They approached a one hundred fifty footer. There must have been seventy people on the top deck, all in various stages of undress dancing to the music that was coming from the boat. The music seemed to get louder toward the middle.

Then they came to a boat tail Choi Li, a seventy-five footer with a fighting chair mounted on the swim platform.

“Look, look at the back of the Choi Li! Can you believe that a girl is sitting in the fighting chair giving head to somebody with two guys standing by and drinking,” Brett asked Nikki.

“Are they watching or waiting their turn?” Nikki responded. “By the way Brett, she was totally nude, or didn’t you notice?”

They kept going very slowly and very carefully so that they would not run over anyone in the water. It was getting fuller by the minute. They stopped at several boats and refilled their drinks. They went by the 150 footer on their way back. Now there must be at least a hundred people dancing on the weather decks, some clothed and some not. Some were dancing with other women and some with men.

Brett turned and went back to their boat. By now there must have been six boats rafted off of theirs and close to twenty-five people in the water by the swim platform. Brett tied off the jet ski, took the keys, and went upstairs with Nikki.

Cindy and Brian were gone. Brett asked Bruce if they were on surf bikes.

Bruce said, “They took Lucinda and went downstairs to the stateroom. They’ve only been gone for thirty minutes or so. If you hurry, you can get in on the action. You will probably catch them and be able to join in,” he said, fondling the nude girl that was on his lap.

Brett and Nikki went down to their stateroom and to their surprise they found a couple passed out in their messed up bed. Not only was the bed messed up, the room was littered with empty champagne bottles and glasses all over the place with mirrors on the night stands and cigarette butts everywhere.

Brett got mad and shook them awake. “How did you two assholes get into our stateroom and in our bed,” he demanded. Before they had a chance to answer, he said, “Get up and get the hell out of here, NOW!”

They got up, started to pick up their clothes, and then made the mistake of telling Brett to calm down.

“Get your shit, be on your way, and lose fifty pounds while you’re at it,” was Brett’s response.

The stranger turned to face Brett and said something derogatory to him. Brett, who was already mad, didn’t like the guy’s statement, and as usual, ran to the roar, instantly hitting him and knocking him out cold. He landed with one leg twisted under him.

Nikki jumped in front of Brett to keep him from beating the fat man to death. With Brett it was always, “Fight, run, or go for your gun.”

Unfortunately the fat guy mistook Brett for someone else because he stopped and started to give Brett lip, a mistake, which could be a fatal mistake for him and his girlfriend if they were on Brett’s boat.

Brett dragged the man out into the hall and returned to the stateroom with Nikki, locking the door. Before getting into bed, Nikki asked Brett if he was going to make sure that the guy was okay.

Brett looked at her for a minute, seemed to consider it, then said, “Nah, screw him; he was given a warning, so let God take care of him! And I’ll take care of you,” and he started kissing Nikki from head to toe.

With that, she made low animal sounds from deep inside her. Brett pushed Nikki back on the bed and fell to his knees in front of her.

They were in the room for hours, making love partly because of the drinks, partly because of the “E” and coke, and partly because of the circumstance and fight, but mostly because of who they were, two violent and sexual people.







When they were spent from enjoying each other, they dressed and went upstairs to join everyone else. Brian and Cindy were there with Bruce and Lucinda, but not the fat man and his girl.

Brett and Nikki told them they had found the couple in their bed passed out and Nikki described how Brett had knocked the guy out in the hallway.

There must have been thirty people on the boat by then, and it was only seven. The drinks, the “E”, the cocaine were like water, and there was never a moment where someone didn’t have a joint to pass or roll ready. It was good stuff, not the street kind, but the private stash that is so good that you can’t bring yourself to sell it even though the rent is due.

The cops continued to be on the water by the boats trying to save assholes from themselves. Bruce kept good control of the boat no matter what he had to drink or who he had on his mind.

Lucinda always had the tables full of food to snack on and they were superb. They partied until twelve or so and finally had to quit because most the people had been up for two days straight by now due to drugs, the excitement, or whatever.

By midnight things started to quiet down there, except for the big boats with hundreds of people who were dancing and partying, and carrying on.

Bruce, Lucinda, Brian, and Cindy went downstairs to a stateroom, but Brett and Nikki stayed up until two, and then they crashed in their stateroom, too. They locked the door so they wouldn’t be disturbed by anyone and went to sleep.

Nikki remarked to Brett that she could still get a scent of the fat couple in the bed. “I’m too tired to find some fresh sheets now, unless you can’t stand it,” stated Brett.

“Okay, I need to go to sleep for around a week,” Nikki said. They kissed each other and went to sleep.

Around two o’clock on Sunday they woke up in each other’s arms, kissed and made love before they said a word. They got dressed to go upstairs, stopped in the kitchen for coffee, and went out to the table. There were just four others, Bruce, Lucinda, Brian, and Cindy. About fifty percent of the boaters were gone. Most of the fifty footers and under were gone, but the three or four big boats were still there. The sailboats that needed room to tack were still there as well.

Everyone at the table was having either coffee or mimosas. Lucinda had put out a big bowl of fresh cut fruit and several bowls and spoons, which they all needed.

Lucinda said she would make waffles for everyone later if they wanted and went inside.

Bruce told everyone at the table, “Oh, to be thirty again! You can be up for two or three days, doing drugs and drinking or whatever, and still feel good and make breakfast for six on the third morning without cutting your hand off.”

“Isn’t that the truth!” they agreed.

After some small talk about the parties and what they saw, Cindy said, “This is up to you, but I want to take a leisurely cruise home, and leave today, if it’s okay with all of you. We can swim and stop here and there, have dinner, and whatever we feel like.”

Brett said he wanted whatever we feel like.

“If you feel like leaving today,” Bruce said, “I need to know to put shit away and not to drink, so if you could let me know by one or two.”

Brett looked at Nikki and said, “Let’s go!”

They all chimed in, “Let’s go!”

Bruce yelled for Lucinda. When she came to the table, Bruce told her about their plans and told her to make everyone waffles. Lucinda took the order and left.

Bruce said, “I’m going to lock up the jet skis and surf bike,” and both Brett and Brian said they’d help. After putting the jet skis and surf bikes in the garage, they checked out the fifteen hundred horsepower cats in the engine room.

By the time they finished, the waffles and fruit were ready. Bruce said that by around two o’clock there would be enough room for them to get out and go home on the inside because it was flat.

About halfway back, they dropped anchor for the night, eating and drinking before going to sleep. It was early, around seven in the morning, when Bruce pulled out to head for the marina.

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