Smugglers 1: Nikki (26 page)

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Authors: Gerald McCallum

BOOK: Smugglers 1: Nikki
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Chuck put his hand under her chin and kissed her again and this time it was a very hot kiss. When she came up for air, she asked, “What if Isabelle walks in?”

“That’s easy; she can join us.”

“Do you think she would?”

“I know so,” he said.

“Oh, the very thought of her in a threesome with us makes me very hot and wet,” replied Nikki.

This called for more kissing from Chuck and as he kissed her, he put his hand under her blouse and caressed her breasts as she had no bra on, just her tank top and a pair of shorts. She moved closer to him and let him raise her top above her breasts.

As he pulled her top completely off and unbuttoned his shirt he said to her in almost a whisper, “God, what beautiful breasts you have; I want to see more of you and eat you. Let’s go to my state room.”

Just as they stood up Isabelle appeared at the door and saw them there, drinks in hand, Nikki with no top on and Chuck with his shorts undone. “Well,” said Isabelle, “in another minute I’d have missed you.”

“You can join us,” Chuck said. “We were going to my stateroom and you can make the twosome a threesome.”

“I would love to, but I have to be at work in twenty minutes,” she replied.

“Forget about work,” Chuck said, “I will give you any money you lose.”

“Believe me,” she said, “Nothing turns me on more than the thought of being in bed with you two, but we’re two girls down tonight, so it isn’t the money. I have to go NOW before I change my mind. If you’re still here when I get off tonight I’ll stop by and we’ll all get off.” As she left she said, “Hope to see you both later.”

Chuck grabbed Nikki by the hand and led her to his stateroom.

She went home about one or so and fell asleep in two seconds. The alarm clock woke her up at seven, so she must have slept straight through the night. She took a shower while the coffee brewed and a smile came on her face as she thought of what had happened last night. Chuck was very good with women and bigger than most, and the mere thought of Isabelle joining them started her again as she lathered up. She closed her eyes as she washed herself and took great care to see to the cleanliness of each and every part. She took her coffee and went out to Don’s boat.

Chuck was already there with four other men, and when she sat down he acted as if nothing had taken place between them. It wasn’t that he was standoffish or anything, but he never let on to the others that they had spent most of the night making love on his boat.

As the talk turned to boating and boat related things and as they all took their turns putting their two cents in, the next hour flew by.

During the day Nikki had the occasion to run into Chuck and thank him for the wonderful time they had. “Did you see Isabelle later that night?”

“No, last night I never saw her. At least I never saw her by four or so because that’s when I fell asleep.”

“I fell asleep the second I hit my bed because I was worn out from your bed.”

“It was lots of fun,” he said.

“It would have been even more fun had Isabelle joined us,” Nikki admitted. He agreed.

“I'm going to get more coffee at my place; do you want a refill?” she asked.

“Sure,” he said as he gave her his cup.

As she came out of her office she ran into Isabelle who just getting home from the night’s activities. “Oh, there you are!” said Nikki. “You missed a great time last night.”

“No, you missed a great time; don’t tell Chuck but I went to a hotel room with two guys who gave me a thousand dollars, and we had a threesome that lasted all night. I was with an older white guy and one young black ‘Mr. Ed,’ if you know what I mean,” replied Isabelle.

“I do and it sounds like we both had fun. Are you going to come down?” asked Nikki.

“No. I’ve got to sleep for a few hours first,” Isabelle replied, as she waved to Chuck. “Just tell him I went to a party. I must go in and wash my face.”

“Do yourself a favor and take a shower. I can smell cock from here.”

When Nikki reached Chuck he asked, “What happened to her last night?”

“She went to a party or that’s what she wants me to tell you, but I’ll tell you what she really did last night but only if you promise not to say a word to anybody, especially her. She said she had a threesome last night but not with us, with two men, one white and one black for a thousand bucks. She said they partied all night and that is why she blew us off. Don’t forget now, don’t tell a soul.”

She could see that he had a reaction to the news. As they finished their coffee he asked, “Want to do it again about two o'clock?”

“Sure,” she replied. They went on to their respective work.

Nikki filled the day with work on the dock. At about one thirty she began prepping for her afternoon tryst with Chuck. She took a long shower then put on her sexiest panties, shorts, and tank top all over a well-oiled body and no socks with her tennis shoes. She made a drink and walked down to his boat. When Chuck opened the door she could tell that she looked good by his reaction, very good. She must have looked so good that Chuck was on her before they even sat down.

He started to kiss her and pull at her top, trying to take it off as they stood by the bar. She made it easy for him, dropping her top to the floor, letting her ample breasts free from the little restriction that the top had.

When he came up for air he said, “Let’s go to my room, I have a surprise for you.” When they got to his room there was an open stone ash tray turned over with an eight ball, razor blade and a straw on top. Chuck immediately made four big lines and handed Nikki the straw and took her drink. Then he kissed and caressed her breasts as he dropped his pants.

Isabelle had just gotten out of bed and made coffee. She had to be at work in two hours. She walked to her picture window and looked out on the dock but didn’t see any movement, so she took her coffee and went over to Nikki’s apartment. She knocked to no avail and looked down toward Chuck’s boat. She decided not to go there and instead she went in, showered and got ready for work. She was too hung over and worn out to even talk to anyone.

About five thirty she came out of her apartment, drink in hand and looking more beautiful and sexier than probably eighty percent of the women in Florida. She looked even taller with her heels on. She had blue shorts on and a white shirt tied at her waist, and appeared to be all legs that disappeared into her shoes. She proceeded to walk down to Chuck’s boat. The master stateroom was at the stern of the boat which was where she stood. At the door she heard Nikki groaning and repeating the obligatory “Oh God, Oh God,” so she continued on to work.

Later, Nikki and Chuck were on the back deck of his boat drinking and were totally unaware that Isabelle had come to the boat before heading off. Chuck had asked Nikki if she would like some dinner and off they went to eat, returning about one am. Both of them were tired from the day’s activities so they kissed and parted company. About three a.m. Nikki was awakened by the sound of high heels on the dock.

When she got up and looked up out the window, she saw Isabelle going into Chuck’s boat. He let her in and all the lights were on, even the outside lights. Nikki went back to bed to get some sleep but spent the rest of the night thinking about Chuck and Isabelle and the wicked alliance they would be forming over drinks and sex.

Nikki rose at the usual time and did a few things on the dock, then went to town to do her banking. When she got back to the dock it was almost three. After putting away her supplies she went outside just in time to see Chuck kiss Isabelle goodbye at the door of his boat. When the two girls met on the dock Nikki said, “I wondered what happened to you; so here you are and you look a little rough.”

“I should,” Isabelle replied, “I didn’t get any sleep; he has the stamina of a fifteen year old; by all rights he should be dead! I must go to my apartment and take a shower and change for work."

“Are we ever going to get together, just the two of us at first, then all three of us?”

“Of course, but not tonight because I have to get some sleep, but we will later this week.”







Nikki walked on the dock when Cynthia came up and said, “Tim and I will be down about seven, okay?”

“Fine,” Nikki said. “Have him bring his clothes and of course, his uh…”

Cynthia interrupted her. “Of course I’ll have him bring it, you see he never goes without it!”

Later that night Nikki was getting dressed when Cynthia arrived with Tim in tow.

“Tim you will be using this room, so you can put your stuff away in here,” Nikki said, pointing him in the right direction. She gave Cynthia a knowing smile. When Tim was finished Nikki made them both a drink and sat down on the sofa next to Cynthia, but across from Tim. The CD was low so they could talk.

“I have no place to put my clothes in that room,” Tim said. “The closet is full and every drawer in the dresser is full.”

“Don’t worry you, won’t be wearing any clothes while you are here,” replied Nikki. Both girls broke into laughter and toasted.

“That’s okay by me,” and they all toasted this time.

They partied and carried on until Cynthia said she was going home and gave Tim and Nikki a kiss, and said “I will see you in a week.”

“Aren’t you going to stay and party with Tim like last time?” Nikki asked.

“Oh, please!” she exclaimed, as she went out the door.

Nikki looked at Tim and said, “I'm going to get the toot.”

“I don’t need any toot with you here.”

Nikki turned to face him and said, “It’s not for you!” She came back and made four big lines and turned up the CD. Tim grabbed her and kissed her and during the race for each other’s clothes, Nikki let out a gasp when she saw his manhood at full attention – what, again?

In the morning when Nikki hit the dock she felt weak in the knees, either from Tim or lack of sleep, or drinking or toot. Either way she felt like shit. At noon when Nikki saw Cynthia, Cynthia asked, “Well, how did it go last night, or should I ask, how did he do last night?”

“Believe me, he’s everything you said, and I'm still amazed at how big he is!”

“See, see, I told you, but did he ever stop talking? God, after listening to his constant rambling, I could kill myself! I thought about paying someone to kidnap him and have his vocal cords cut, you know like a barking dog.”

Nikki asked her if she went home or went to Chuck’s boat. Cynthia replied, “Oh, believe me, I went home, made a drink and went to sleep. The quiet was so nice, I didn’t want to disturb it with anything. So, tell me more about your first night with Tim.”

They sat on her dock box and talked about the previous night’s exploits for the next hour. Soon they were joined by Chuck who was having his coffee. “May I join you girls, or would you like to join me in my stateroom?”

“Big talker,” Nikki said, “after yesterday with Isabelle you are lucky you can make it from the boat to here.”

“God,” Chuck exclaimed, “she is so hot and as hot as I had thought she would be, she was even better.”

“Well,” Cynthia said, “Do you think we should take him up on the threesome deal after hearing all that talk about Isabelle or not?”

“He probably couldn’t get it up anyhow, you know as old as he is!” Nikki added.

“Don’t worry,” he said, “I can perform right now or anytime.”

“Sure,” they replied, “sure you can!”

Chuck said, “I'm going to make some more coffee, do you two want some?”

“I’ll take one more,” said Nikki. Cynthia declined.

When Chuck came back, they asked what he had planned for the day. He was taking Isabelle out in the go fast again because she had to work. “We are going to the Sand Bar to have lunch, drink beer and kiss a lot.” After a few more minutes of conversing they departed for their respective destinations.

About one o’clock Nikki ran into Isabelle. She had just gotten up and was on her first cup of coffee. “Well, how are you after yesterday? You look good anyway.”

Isabelle replied, “I worked until two, then went to a party until five, not to mention my ordeal with Chuck.”

“Do you work tonight?” Nikki asked.

“Yes,” Isabelle replied, “but I promise you we will get together alone next week. I got to get more coffee.”

When Isabelle returned, Nikki asked her about her plans for the dock and Chuck. Isabelle replied that she could not see beyond spending some time together alone. Nikki was pleased to no end with her answer, but at the same time she knew Isabelle was lying to cover her tracks. Isabelle told Nikki exactly what she needed to hear all the time. Isabelle said she was going to see if Chuck was up and walked down the dock toward his boat.

Later that afternoon Chuck came down and because Isabelle was at work, they sat in Nikki’s apartment and had a drink. After some small talk about boats, docks and sex, Nikki told Chuck that she knows he likes being with Isabelle. “But you should be careful because Isabelle is out for herself.”

“I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time, and don’t need advice about women.”

“Well, I'm sure you know what you are doing, but forewarned is forearmed, so don’t make me say I told you so.”

“Don’t worry about me,” Chuck said again.

She moved over and kissed him, and then asked if he would like to christen her room. “Of course,” Chuck said and started to kiss and caress her as he opened her blouse to expose her breasts to his hands and mouth.

As things heated up, Nikki got up and took Chuck by the hand and led him to her bedroom. As he walked backwards and undressed her at the same time, she removed his shorts to get her hands on him and then pushed him back on her bed. She loved to have men or women as well on the edge of her bed with their legs hanging down or sitting nude in the overstuffed chair in the living room. She loved having people experience sex with her in that way until they were fulfilled and completely exhausted and under her control. She was very oral with both men and women and never stopped until they cried out in ecstasy.

At the end, after a drink Chuck asked, “What makes you think Isabelle is out for herself and dangerous?”

“Just what I know of her past and what Rita had told me over the past few months. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Isabelle killed both Rita and Dave.”

“You are kidding!” Chuck said. “What gives you that thought?”

“Just what I heard from others and the footsteps I heard on the dock that night.”

“What does that mean, what footsteps?"

“Well,” Nikki explained, “you are the only one I’ve told, but about two o'clock in the morning I heard somebody come to the dock in high heels and go into Rita’s apartment. I think it was Isabelle.”

“No shit,” said Chuck, “but maybe it wasn’t her!”

Nikki just stared at him. Finally he said, “I better go and get ready to go to Texas for a couple of days. I’ll be back Monday or Tuesday.” Chuck then left for his boat.

Nikki sat on her sofa with a smile on her face, knowing she had hit the ball out of the park, and that Chuck believed everything she had told him about Isabelle. Soon Chuck would be gone and she could take care of Isabelle.

Later that day when Tim got up he was dancing around her apartment nude and listening to a loud CD. He was good at night or on the water or partying, but not all day long in her house.

“Tim, are you all right? You aren’t, are you? God, no wonder you are nude, you have been having a party here all day long by yourself. Tim, I just got home from work, so put some clothes on while I make myself a drink and I’ll clean up this mess later. Jesus, if it wasn’t for your Johnson, I’d throw you out, too.”

Nikki saw that Isabelle was on the dock and was walking down to see Chuck. Nikki made a drink and sat down on the sofa. Soon Tim came out and sat beside her, and she started to kiss and grope him. Apparently she wasn’t as tired as she thought. He took off her top, followed by the rest of her clothes and kissed her from head to toe. Soon they were nude and making love, first on the carpet in front of the sofa, then in her room on the floor and then on the bed.

A few hours passed and Nikki lit a cigarette, went outside and sat at the table in front of her office. Isabelle came by.

“I’m going to work and Chuck is going to Texas for two or three days,” Isabelle said. “Maybe I could be with you tonight?”

“I’ll be here waiting for you.”

Isabelle leaned over, kissed Nikki and then walked off.  “I’ll see you about 2 a.m.”

Nikki got busy getting Tim out of her house in preparation for the night. First she went down to see Cynthia and bring her up to speed with her plans for tonight and to give Tim back to her. She knew it wasn’t yet a week that he had been with her, but she had plans for tonight. “I understand why you had enough of him and his ‘Mr. Ed’ sized Johnson,” Nikki said.

Cynthia was upset. “The deal was a week, not two or three days. Are you sure you can’t keep him a few more days? It was so nice and quiet on the boat without him.” She then said, “Okay, okay, send him down or get a shovel and a bag of lime. You must admit though, he is the biggest your eyes have ever seen.”

“Yes, you are right about that, he is a real ‘Mr. Ed’!”

“What’s a ‘Mr. Ed’?”

“You’ve never heard that before? ‘Mr. Ed’ means he’s hung like a horse. It was a TV show, and the horse was the star!”

“That’s rich,” Cynthia said, laughing. “From now on I’m going to call Tim, ‘Mr. Ed’, since he is hung like a horse.” They both had a good laugh. Nikki left to get Tim ready for the move.

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