Smugglers 3 Accidental Kingpin (8 page)

BOOK: Smugglers 3 Accidental Kingpin
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After several days at the marina a worker there caught my eye as he always had two dogs with him, two giant Schnauzers that stood by his side all day every day. I went over to talk to him and he told me about his amazing dogs.

What’s with the dogs?” my son asked a few days later.

hey’re brother and sister;” I said. :The black male was born blind and the grey female had been taking care of it since birth. That’s why they always touch as they walk side by side. The female is like a seeing eye dog for her brother, the blind black male. She’ll never leave his side even to have puppies.”

“Do you think if I’d have been born blind that my sister would do that for me?” he asked.

“Your sister would do anything for you, son,” I said, glad that my kids were close. They were one another’s protectors, playmates, schoolmates, they meant everything to one another, and for that I was grateful.

Bob finally said he had finished outfitting our boat for another long trip, and l
ater that night, about two in the morning, we pulled out. We were full to the brim with food and fuel and had a range of three thousand miles. We headed to Honolulu, which was about twelve hundred miles away. It was the one place I thought the Cartel would never think to find me.









Chapter  10


When we arrived in Hawaii, I looked for a place that would be easy to defend. Eventually, I found three acres on the ocean to build, and it took three months and fifty million to close.

Hawaii hs
d strict rules for building on ocean front. I got an architect to design and submit the drawings, and I worked with an attorney who set up the bank account with enough money for the project in order to get the building permit for ocean land.

We built an eight thousand square foot house with a five car garage. The entire property was fenced in
with an electric gate and a remote camera system to control who came in or went out.

We soon had
nine full time employees, five outside including Captain Bob and Karen, and four in the house, with an accountant who wrote the checks to pay bills and the other help. We had four cars at the estate, two Bentleys for me and my wife and two BMW SUV’s for the kids. My son was by now eighteen years old and my daughter seventeen. Both of them had several credit cards and bank cards, and I never put a limit on what they could spend or how they spent it. I wanted to give them everything I could, a substitute for the normal life they deserved but didn’t have, I guess.

By this time, my wife and I were doing our own things and were not intimate anymore. Lucia had taken up with a personal trainer, focusing on tennis or working out at our home gym. I played golf and fished.

I now had my own dock right on the property where I anchored my yacht, and soon I got a sixty-five foot sport fisher and a forty-foot one as well. Captain Bob stayed busy keeping all vessels in tip top condition.

One night I was out partying with a group of guys from the country club I’d joined. I got up from the table and headed to the men’s room which was around the corner and down a hallway. I wasn’t watching where I was going and bumped into a beautiful
Hawaiian girl. At first I was stunned and didn’t say a word because she looked so much like my Rihanna. My heart ached at the thought of her.

“Are you okay?”
the girl asked, her large brown eyes opening wide.

“Oh, uh, yeah, I’m fine. It’s just that you look so much like someone I used to know. And that’s not a pick-up line, it’s the truth. I’m sorry.” I stepped out of her way

“I believe you,” she said, reaching out to touch me on the arm. I thought I’d been
struck by lightning.

She must have felt the spark, too, because she stepped closer. “You are really shaken up! Can I get you a drink, some water maybe?”

“Well, yes, that would be good,” I agreed and followed her to a table in a private alcove.

We talked and talked and soon it was after two in the morning. My country club friends were long gone, but I felt like a million bucks.  The girl wasn’t a girl, she was all woman with lovely breasts and hips just the perfect size. Her name was Tamara, and I wanted to get up close and personal. Apparently so did she.

“Come to my place,” she offered. “I haven’t enjoyed myself like this in years. I don’t want this night to end.”

Who was I to argue?

It was the start of a beautiful friendship which quickly turned into a love affair. We couldn’t get enough of each other. That first night, I didn’t go home. We had sex so many times, I could no longer count.

Her breasts were luscious and firm, heavy but still up
-tilted with nipples that tasted like a fine wine. I sucked them hard until she came before I even had time to enter her.

“I’ve never known a man like you,” she breathed into my m
outh, then thrust her tongue inside in a parody of what she wanted me to do to her.

I reverently
explored and caressed the length of her body until I came to the secret place between her legs. She had a bikini wax, giving me clear access to her private heat. My tongue caressed her clit until she came again, her screams so sexy that I was compelled to enter her time and time again, my world spinning away until the only things that existed were the two of us.

After a month of bliss, I suggested I get her a larger apartment, and of course, I would pay for it. She agreed and rewarded me with a blow job to end all blow jobs.  After another round of kissing and coupling, we came to a simultaneous climax with me pumping hard into her until I lay spent beside her on her bed.

Tamara was even more beautiful when she was satisfied, her golden brown skin slick with perspiration, her straight black hair cascading across silk sheets. Her lips were swollen from my ferocious kisses. I would never tire of her.

I found her a condo with an ocean view and secluded parking so I could come and go undetected. I ordered a king size bed which we christened the moment the delivery guys were gone.

That bed could tell some tales.


At about three one morning I was awakened by my private phone ringing. I groped for the receiver.


“This is Deputy Kinimaka. We’ve picked you son up at a shooting gallery. We’re holding him down here at the station, but I suggest you get down here right away, sir. He’s full of heroin.”

I bailed Teo out of jail. Apparently he’d been on heroin for quite some time, possibly years. I was so fucking mad at him.

“No son of mine is gonna take drugs!” I yelled at him when we got home. I helped him upstairs to his bedroom where he collapsed.

By eight that morning, the phones started to ring. “It’s the press,” Karen said. She’d been acting as head housekeeper and secretary since we got to Hawaii. “Somebody tipped them off that Teo is your son.”

I had a reputation of being generous to our new community, despite keeping a low profile.

“Get Lucia up,” I told Karen. “And Teo, too. That boy has some explaining to do.”

I waited in the dining room for them, and ate a breakfast of fresh tropical fruit with my Kona coffee.

Teo dragged himself to the dining room where Lucia fixed him a strong cup of coffee.

“How could you do this, Teo?” Lucia asked. “I always told you to say no to drugs.”

“What did you take?” I demanded. “And where did you get it?”

“I’ve been us
ing heroin since junior high. There, are you satisfied now? Everybody does it, all my friends and probably half the school.” Teo went to a private school where all the students had every luxury a kid could dream of.

I’ve never seen you high,” Lucia said.

“No shit. You’re never here.
And neither are you, Dad. Some weeks you don’t even bother to come home! And when you are here, you’re too busy on the phone to even talk to me or my sister.”

“Is she on heroin
, too?” I demanded. The thought of my little girl on drugs churned the coffee in my stomach.

Teo shrugged his too thin shoulders.
“Ask her. I don’t know.” He shoved his coffee aside and pushed away from the table.

“I’m going back to bed.”

“Where’s Mariposa?” I asked Lucia. I had reverted to calling her my little butterfly when we got to Hawaii but Vicente insisted on staying Teo.

“She’s up in her room sound asleep,” Lucia said. “I just can’t imagine her taking drugs. She doesn’t even like the vitamins I try her to take. So what are we going to do about Teo?”

“We’ve got to get the drugs out of his system,” I said. “I’ll find a safe place for him to dry out.”

“I want him to have the best,” Lucia said.

“I’ll call my attorney, he’ll know what to do.”

The next day we took our son to a center that specializes in heroin addiction which is real prevalent on the islands.

When we got home, we went to find Mariposa who was in her room on her computer.

“What?” she asked as I knocked on her door.

“Can we come in?”

“Oh, great. Teo gets in trouble
, and I’m the one to get a lecture!”

“We’re not going to lecture you,” I said.

“We just want to know if you had any knowledge of Teo doing drugs?” Lucia asked.

Mariposa glared at us. “Now you want to know what we’re up to! Why couldn’t you ask us what’s going on with us sooner?

“Are you taking drugs?” I demanded.

“How dare you ask that!”  She grabbed her purse and ran out the door. The sound of her car roaring down the driveway filled the silence of our home.

We just looked at each other. Then I said, “She knows or she used to use.”

That night she never came home and we were up worrying that she was set upon by foul play or a car jacker or something.

Neither we, the school or the cops heard from her all week. Thanksgiving was coming up, so we made arrangements for Teo to be home for dinner that day.

By Thanksgiving we still hadn’t heard from her.
We picked Teo up and brought him home. He didn’t seem interested in helping find Mariposa.

After much kissing and hellos
to Bob and Karen, Teo said he wanted to take a shower and change clothes.

“Go ahead, son. Dinner won’t be ready for another
two or three hours anyhow.”

I didn’t worry about him going to his room because it was clean.
The people at the rehab clinic had us search his room top to bottom and throw out anything that would remind him of his life on drugs, and believe me we found plenty.

Come five o’clock it was almost time to eat
, so we let the house help go home. “Just go up and tell Teo tht dinner is ready before you go,” I asked the last maid.

I was refilling my drink when I heard the maid’s shriek.

Lucia and I ran upstairs to where the maid was cryin at the entrance to Teo’s room. She
was on her knees crying and crossing herself.

When I got to the doorway, I saw
my boy hanging from his bathroom door, dead with a three by five card pinned to his shirt saying “Happy Thanksgiving.”

He had taken several hangers, the kind that shirts come on from the cleaners, the bare wire kind and put the first one on the inside doorknob and twisted it so it wouldn’t come off, then attached a second one to it and then a third and then put it over the door and closed it. The hanger at the top had a loop big enough for his head to fit through.

After standing on a chair and putting his head through the loop to his neck he spun around to tighten the loop to his neck and then he simply kicked the chair away and hung himself. He was only nineteen years old.

I took him down and held him in my arms, kissing his face
until it turned cold. Minute by minute my anger grew.

It was also more important than ever to find Mariposa.  I didn’t want to bury Teo without her.

I hired two private eye agencies and told them that the first one to bring her to me gets a twenty five thousand dollar bonus.

forty-eight hours she was standing in my living room, unkempt and dirty, she had a tooth missing, a split lip and what was left of a black eye.

“Who did this?” I asked pointing at her tooth and eye.

“I fell down.”she said.

The man from the agency said, “The guy she is living with. He’s from the mainland. A black heroin dealer. He has her SUV now. He tells everyone it’s his.”

“Is this true?”

She shrugged. “I don’t care.”

“Maybe you’ll care when I tell you Teo is dead.” It came out hard and cruel and at that point, it was I who didn’t care.

“Is that true, Mom?” Mariposa turned to Lucia, who looked like hell.

Lucia nodded and Mariposa ran into her arms. The two of them cried until there weren’t any tears left.

I could tell that both Lucia and Mariposa were on the verge of hysterics, so
I sent for a doctor and set up twenty four hour nursing care.

Later that day when meeting with
Captain Bob and sent him to get my SUV back and take that guy fishing, with me going along.

The next day
Bob called and said he was ready to go fishing, adding casually that he had the bait. My anger had been growing for days now, and I was ready to take it out on someone who deserved it.

When we were
on our way with Bob at the wheel, I looked at the bait, hands and feet trussed up in one of the staterooms. He was a punk, and the thought of him even touching my little girl made me even more angry at the world.

When we got to
deep water, I hauled the man onto the weather deck at the back of the boat.

“So you like to beat
women, do you?” I asked, prodding at him with the toe of my deck shoe. “You think you’re a gangster… a bad ass because of it. Well, asshole, I’m going to show you what a real bad ass gangster is.” He leered up at me, his dark face shining with sweat in the sun. “I’m going to cut your feet off and toss them over the side. Then I’m going to cut your hands loose and toss you over the side. Your blood will attract the tiger sharks that will finish off the rest of you for hurting my little girl. And finally I’m going to burn down your house and erase all traces of you. If your seed is in my little girl, she will have an abortion. I’ll make sure that no trace of you will be left on this earth.”

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