Sno Ho (4 page)

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Authors: Ethan Day

BOOK: Sno Ho
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No one had ever quite had this effect on me before. I felt...damaged.
He broke me!
Hell to the yeah! That stupid man-pig and his club-cock must have jarred something loose last night! "I hate that man!"

I sank into my seat a bit as the driver and two other passengers turned to gawk at me, startled by my outburst. I saw the roof of the lodge above the tree tops and couldn't wait to get back to my room so I could get out of these clothes. I was roasting to the point that as I jumped out of the tram I seriously considered stripping down to my briefs and rolling around in the snow.

I was marching along like a little soldier on a mission listening to the crunch of the snow under my feet. My arms started to shake a bit, a reaction to getting so angry, I assumed. I felt my fists beginning to clench again and shook my hands to loosen them up. Rounding the corner of the building, I noticed the same couple I'd passed earlier heading back toward lodge. They were still all cute and cuddly. This time as I passed them I screamed, "Harbinger of love-death!"


Sn Ho

by Ethan Day

They each looked at me like I was a crazy person as I laughed a little maniacally. I scoffed at their ignorance and spun about, continuing on a bee line path to my cabin.

* * * *

I'd already begun removing my parka before entering the small cozy cabin which was a nice blend of five star luxury and rustic charm. The plush area rugs, overstuffed furniture and tiny gourmet kitchenette mixed remarkably well with the rough lumber beams and walls, the small stone fireplace, and knotty pine plank floors.

I flung my parka across the room as I paced back and forth across the small living room. I heard a thump as it knocked the small basket of muffins off the side table and into the wall.

"Stupid muffins!" I screamed as one rolled across the floor stopping somewhere under the coffee table. I yanked the sweater and t-shirt from under the waist band of my pants and twisted and writhed my body as I pulled them off, shaking my wrist until they fell to the floor.

I stood there for a few moments, taking in deep breaths, the cool air of the room tickling my bare moist skin. It felt incredible and I finally began to calm down a bit. I walked to the sofa and plopped down on the arm so I could bend over and unbuckle the ski boots. I yanked one off and dropped it, which made a loud thump as it hit the floor.

I stopped for a moment and took another deep breath. The hair around my face was moist and sticking to my skin. I reached up and ran my fingers through my hair, sucking 31

Sn Ho

by Ethan Day

another deep gulp of air into my lungs. I exhaled slowly and reached down removing the second boot, this time setting it onto the floor. I had never in all my life been so blatantly insulted. I wasn't sure if it was the embarrassment of running into the man with whom I'd had the sex-I-don't-remember, or the fact that he'd called me a lousy lay that had me so pissed, but I was livid.

Never, had
ever called me a bad lover. It just hadn't happened! I was a damn good lay!! Usually guys were asking for a third and fourth helping of Boone.

"Christ!" I stood up and turned hearing a knock at the door. "Now I'm sitting here alone and talking about myself in the third person."
Stupid freak

I headed to the door, cursing when I stepped my socked foot into a cold puddle of melted snow on the floor. I was shaking my leg like a dog, as I grabbed the handle and yanked the door open. A slow smile spread over Wade's face as he looked me up and down while I stood there on one foot, mouth slightly agape. The bitter cold air hit my skin and I felt my nipples go rock hard.

"You forgot these," he said, eyes plastered to my pecs as he stood on the porch holding up the skis.

I have a face, dude, I thought.

I suddenly reached out with both hands and snatched up wads of his parka in my fists. His eyes bugged out as I yanked him into my cabin with some type of new found gorilla strength. The skis and poles made an awful racket as they caught on the door jam, snapping loose from Wade's hand and scattering across the floor of the small covered porch.


Sn Ho

by Ethan Day

I shoved Wade into the room, releasing him from my grip, which caused him to stumble back several feet in what seemed like an attempt to prevent himself from falling backward. I kicked the door shut with my foot and the walls vibrated from the force. He was looking at me like he was unsure if I was going to kiss him or kill him. I wasn't sure either as I stomped across the room, slamming my body into his. Our mouths locked together like two magnets. I felt his hands on my hips as I shoved my tongue into his mouth. My hands were yanking at his bright red parka and Wade took over, sliding it off his shoulders and shimmying out of it as my hands fell to the buckle on his pants. I was furiously pulling up on his shirts as Wade slid his hands up my sides and across my back.

I pulled my mouth away and he tried to force his back onto mine, but I pushed him, backing him up to the corner of the sofa. I shoved his shirts up exposing his torso, and pulled him into me, covering his nipple with my mouth.

Wade let out a long moan as he placed his hand on the back of my head, pressing my face into his chest. I dug my teeth into the hard nipple, pulling on it.

"Fuck!" Wade said, grabbing me by the hair and pulling my head back.

He let go and I took a few steps back. We were looking one another over while each trying to catch our breath. I moved in again as he pulled off his own t-shirt and the top half of his thermal underwear, tossing them to the floor. Our mouths met again, this time my tongue was now vying for control as Wade fought back with his. He turned us around, 33

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by Ethan Day

shoving me back into the sofa while we kissed. I felt and heard the sofa scrape across the floor as Wade's hands went to my ass. His long, thick fingers were digging into me through my pants while I ground my erection into his.

I let out a deep groan as his hands and fingers massaged into me. I shoved him away and smiled when he let out a very disappointed grumble.

"Take off your pants," I said as I pushed past him and went back into the bedroom. "I'll make you think wet noodle."

I listened to the rustling of clothes and a grunt from Wade in the other room as I opened the drawer to the bedside table, pulling out lube and a condom. I slammed it shut and made my way back into the cozy living room. Wade was buck-naked and standing there smiling from ear to ear as I started to unbuckle and unzip my pants.

My eyes widened a bit getting an eyeful of what had to be at least a thick nine inches. I tried not to grin hearing that tiny voice in the back of my head scream,
Run, it's Godzilla!!

"Let's get something straight."

"But I'm gay," Wade said, licking his lips as I was now close enough for his hands to make contact with my skin.

"Shut up!" I shoved his hand off, and he looked down at me as if I was a petulant child he'd decided to indulge momentarily. I slammed the condom and lube down onto the table behind the sofa. "The fact that I'm about to fuck you senseless means nothing. I'm not going to become your little snow ho or anything."

Wade bit his lip trying not to smile.

"If you laugh, so help me, you're out of here."


Sn Ho

by Ethan Day

Wade held his hands up as I reached over and grabbed the head of his cock. His eyelids fluttered a bit as I squeezed, twisting the head and smearing the pre-cum that was now leaking out. "By no means does this mean I

Wade let out a low moan. "I'm good with that."

"I'm serious. I think you're like the biggest asshole I've ever met!"

"Are you going to talk like this the whole time?"

"Fucker," I said, shaking my head at him while running my hand down his long shaft causing his knees to buckle a bit.

Wade fell to his knees in front of me and ran his tongue over my abs before kissing my belly button. He reached up, wrapping his fingers around the waistband of my pants and briefs. He roughly yanked them down around my ankles with one swift pull, catching my erection in his mouth without losing a beat. Within seconds he had me at the back of his throat, and his fingers were pressing into my ass.

"Jesus," I moaned, spreading my legs as far as they'd go with my pants still around my ankles. I was not a small guy, but next to Wade's massive body, I felt tiny. His fingertip was trying to force its way in. My hand went to his shoulders for balance as I bent over slightly for him. It stung, his dry digit pressing into me. I dug my fingers into his shoulder to let him know it hurt. He pressed a bit further as his tongue worked over my cock. I let out a loud moan as I began thrusting into his mouth, feeling the pressure take me over as I unloaded into his mouth. My arms were shaking from the intensity. He pushed his finger inside me a bit more, causing me to cry out a bit.


Sn Ho

by Ethan Day

Wade pulled away from my dick. I looked down at his face covered in tiny beads of sweat. He helped me out of my pants the rest of the way, before standing back up and pulling me into him. Wade kissed me—shoving his tongue in deep before switching gears by gently pulling at my bottom lip with his teeth. My head was still dizzy from the orgasm, and the assault he was making on my mouth was already revving me back up. His body was nothing shy of amazing. I loved running my hands up and down his abs and over his thick hard chest. He was built solid, as if he'd been carved right out of the mountainside itself.

Another moan escaped from between my lips, and I lost my legs when he sank his teeth into my neck. It was pretty much the most sensitive part of my body. Feeling him suck and bite into me had me ready to shoot another load.

I shoved him back over the arm of the sofa and he fell backwards, legs dangling over the arm. I looked down over him as I grabbed the condom and lube off the table. Wade scooted his body across the sofa a bit more as I crawled on top of him. His hand went straight to my dick, stroking as I squirted lube into my hand, dropping the bottle on the floor. I used my teeth to pull open the condom wrapper, spitting it out once I had what I needed from it. I smiled down at him, loving the reaction on his face as I squeezed the head of his dick. I rolled on the condom and lubed him up.

"Damn it, Boone," he moaned as I positioned myself over him and sat, holding my breath momentarily as his cock pressed into me. He wadded up a couch cushion in one hand and grabbed a hold of the edge of the coffee table with the 36

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by Ethan Day

other as I slowly took him all the way in. Despite the discomfort, my ass still feeling a bit sore from the night before, I enjoyed the sensation of him invading me.

Wade's hand relinquished the coffee table and moved to my hip as I began to work my body up and down. His other hand had relocated to my stomach, his finger tips pressing into my abs, and I smiled a little as he began thrusting slightly, becoming lost in the pleasure, yet still conscience of not wanting to hurt me. My hard-on was now fully erect, bouncing freely in the air as if trying to get someone's attention.

I leaned back as far as I could and began to seriously gyrate, using my legs and arms to work my way up and down his long shaft. His head was rolling around as he arched his back.

"Son of a..." Wade trailed off, his entire body tensing.

His large hands latched onto my hips, fingers digging into my skin. I knew he was getting close and could feel my own orgasm beginning to build. Wade started to become more vocal, loud moaning and whimpering as he thrust himself into me, matching my rhythm. Wade grabbed my cock and began slowly twisting the head. His loud groaning quickly sent me over the edge. He slammed into me as I shot over his stomach. The sounds of my orgasm, which came gurgling up out of my chest, seemed to do the same for Wade, and he thrust three more times, holding me down onto him as he squirmed violently underneath me.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Sn Ho

by Ethan Day

Chapter Three

"Christ that was..." Wade fell to the floor next to me, rolling onto his back while trying to catch his breath.

I was in a similar state, on my back covered in both of our cum. We were both sweating, and I felt a chill as the cool air began to mix with my sweat-soaked body. Goose pimples ran amuck as I leaned up on my elbows and looked over my chest and stomach. " was. I can't even imagine how much cum you blew the first time. You could've drowned me with this shit."

Wade let out a deep laugh. "Remind me to sexually insult you

I lay back down, and smacked him in the side as I spied a muffin on the floor just out of reach. I was instantly starving and reached out for it, my middle finger grazing it.

"Please tell me you aren't seriously going to eat that?"

Wade asked. "It's been on the floor!"

I was just about to curse him and his buckets of sperm which I was trying to keep from running off of me and onto the floor as my finger caught the edge of the muffin top, rolling it close enough for me to snatch it. "Five second rule, dude!" I tossed one of my legs over his and nudged him with it to keep quiet.

Wade stretched his arm out, allowing me to prop my head up on it as I tore off a chunk of the muffin.

Wade shook his head at me. "That's been there longer than five seconds."


Sn Ho

by Ethan Day

I smiled and laughed a little as I popped it into my mouth.

"Five seconds to me, I just noticed it." I tore off another chunk and held it up to see if he wanted some.

"No thanks," he pushed my arm away. "I don't do white flour."

"Oh Jesus, please tell me you aren't one of those food Nazis!"

"That shit
kill you."

I fake cried, letting my body go into full faux racking sobs.

"Why God...

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