Snow Bound: The Complete Story (6 page)

Read Snow Bound: The Complete Story Online

Authors: Julia P. Lynde

Tags: #Romance, #BDSM, #2013

BOOK: Snow Bound: The Complete Story
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"I'm trying to be good," she said.

I kissed her ear. "I know you are. Try harder." I caressed her soothingly for a while. "Do you like this?"

"Yes," she said quietly.

"I am going to tie your ankles next. Would you like that?"


I took another kiss from her, then caressed her face and stood up. I walked to the end of the bed, grabbing a bathrobe pelt, and grabbed her left ankle. I tied the belt around her ankle, then bent her knee before pulling her ankle towards the foot of the bed, tying it off. I crawled across her to tie her right leg. When I was done, her legs were spread wide but with her knees bent and in the air.

I stood watching her. I could see her sex clearly. I imagined she felt exceedingly exposed and vulnerable.

"I am looking at you," I told her. "Can you imagine what I see?"

"Yes," she said.

"How do you feel knowing I could go get my camera right now and photograph you like this?"

"Oh god, Sarah."



I smiled. "If it's any consolation, I don't do porn covers."

She laughed nervously.

"Do you think you could free yourself?"

"No," she said.

"I could photograph you and leave. When would someone find you?"


I paused.

"You don't look nervous about it," I told her.

I watched her smile. "You're trying to play mind games with me."

"I could step them up," I said. "The mind games." I didn't wait for her to respond. I walked into the other room and returned with my camera.

"Do you think I'm bluffing?" I asked her.

"I don't know," she said.

I turned the camera on, walking around the bed. I knelt down near the foot of the bed, facing her in profile, and took a photo.

"Oh god, Sarah!"

I took two more photos. She turned away from me after the second one.

"No!" I told her. "Put your head back where it was RIGHT NOW."

Meekly and slowly she complied. I moved around her, taking several more photos. She was trembling, but not once did she ask me to stop.

So far every photo I'd taken had been tasteful.

I moved to the other side of the bed and focused on her face. I took a photo.

"Oh god, Sarah," she said.

"Are you going to stop me?"


"You know what I'm going to do with these."


I moved down so that I was looking up her body. "Raise your head, Sarah," I ordered. She did. I took a photo, capturing an in focus belly button in the foreground, everything past that out of focus.



"Why are you letting me do this?"

I didn't wait for an answer. I took a photo of a bended knee.

"I don't know," she said. "Sarah, I don't know."

"Are you an exhibitionist?" I asked her. I photographed her foot and ankle with the restraint holding her securely.

"I don't know," she said.

I took one of the other ankle. "Maybe you don't think I'm really taking photographs of you. I promise you, I am."

"I know," she said.

I took two more photographs. Every photograph I'd taken had been tasteful.

I moved back to her head and cradled it on my shoulder.

"I've been good!" she said. "I've behaved!"

"I know you have," I told her. I slowly pulled the blindfold from her eyes.

"Are you untying me?" she asked sadly.

"No," I told her. "I'm only showing you the photographs." Then I held the camera up and went into preview mode, showing her the photographs. "You may tell me to slow down or go back," I told her. "I won't punish you."

"That one!" she said. I stopped scanning through them. It was the one I'd taken of her belly button. She turned her head to look at me, then back at the photos. She stared at the camera. I held it steady for her. Finally she said, "May I have a copy of that one?"

"They're all yours," I told her. I set my camera aside and immediately began kissing her. She opened her mouth obediently, and I invaded as far as I could. We both were squirming and moaning by the time I was done with the kiss.

I smiled at her and she smiled back. Without asking her, I replaced the blindfold and kissed her again.

"Allison," I told her. "If you try to take control again, I'm going to post these pictures on the internet."

"Oh god. Sarah."

I leaned over her and took a nipple into my mouth. She immediately squirmed and moaned, but she didn't try to push into me. I was getting impatient, and my hand snaked its way down between her legs. I began tapping my fingers against her labia. She squirmed again. I parted her labia and began to tease her clit.

"Oh god!"

"If you invoke the name of God again, Allison, I will punish you. I am the only one here with you right now."


"Better." I gave her an especially nice flick on her clitoris.

"Oh Sarah!" she was squirming terribly, which got me even more excited. I stole her mouth with mine, my fingers continuing to tease her clit.

I whispered into her ear how lovely she was, how delicious it was to watch her squirm. My fingers continued to tease her clitoris. They slipped into her vagina for a moment, pressing against her G-spot, but then I went back to her engorged clitoris, whispering quietly the entire time how much I wanted her.

I pulled her lips to mine, kissing her. Her squirms were indicating a level of desperation. I broke the kiss.

"May I come?" she begged. "Please, Sarah, may I come?"

"Yes, Allison. Come! Now, come, Allison!"

"Sarah. Sarah. Sarah!" The last cry of my name was drown out, almost a howl. She arched her back as she came, the shudders driving through her. I forgave her this time as the shudders wracked her body.

She collapsed to the bed, whimpering my name.

I withdrew my hand and knelt down to cradle her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you," she said quietly. "Oh Sarah."

I watched as another shudder burst through her followed immediately by two more.

The whole scene was giving me a huge power rush, knowing what she was letting me do to her, knowing she'd let me do it all again, knowing she was hoping I wasn't done with her.

I gave her my hand and told her to suck. She latched on obediently. I watched her as I slowly unbuttoned the borrowed blouse. I slipped one shoulder out of it, then pulled my fingers from her mouth and finished removing the blouse.

"My prisoner," I told her.

"Yes," she said.

"Do you want to be freed?"


I smiled. "Good. It wasn't an offer, of course."

She giggled nervously. "What are you going to do to me?"

I immediately slipped back under her, her head back on my shoulder. "You don't get to ask questions like that, Sarah. Forty-five seconds."

I didn't wait. I immediately covered her mouth and pinched her nose. She struggled briefly, then relaxed, surrendering to me.

"Good girl," I told her. "Surrender, Allison, surrender feels so good." I let her breath for a three-count, then clasped her mouth again. She relaxed into it immediately. Twice more I let her breath and clasped her again.

When I released her, she gasped, then quietly whispered my name.

"Yes, Allison?"

"I'm sorry."

I kissed her cheek. "Could you tell what is different?"

"You took off your blouse."

I shifted out from under her, then turned her head and shifted until she could take a breast into her mouth. I pulled her to me as her tongue began flicking against the nipple.

"Oh yes, Allison," I told her. "Good girl."

Her mouth felt wonderful. She nipped me a few times, very gently, sending shivers through me.

I pulled away from her. "It's my turn, Allison," I told her. I stood up and shed the rest of my clothes impatiently. I walked around the bed and pulled her by her hips until she was fully on the bed, then climbed my way up between her legs. She smelled so wonderful I gave her clit a little attention on the way. I slipped my tongue into her, tasting her. She was positively dripping, and her musk filled me with lust, as if I wasn't already full.

I climbed the rest of the way to her and kissed her, thrusting my tongue into her mouth. She could taste herself on my mouth now. She sucked greedily at me. Then, slowly and carefully, I climbed the rest of the way, positioning my sex over her mouth. "You will give me an orgasm, Allison, with that pretty mouth of yours. I wonder how clever your tongue is."

She lifted her head to me and blindly searched for me with her lips. She found my labia. I reached down and spread myself for her, then lowered myself a little further. Her lips found my clitoris, sending my first tingles through me.

"Oh yes, Allison," I said. "That's good."

I kept my weight off her, letting her breath when she needed to. I wanted her thinking about pleasing me, not worried about being able to breath.

She nipped me very gently and I gasped.

"Oh, naughty girl!" I told her. "If you do that again, I'll be spanking you later."

She immediately did it again and I gasped. Then her lips massaged my now engorged clit. I squirmed and resisted the urge to press myself into her.

I rode the wave of what she was doing to me, moaning and squirming over her mouth. Her tongue slipped deeply inside me and I gasped in pleasure and shuddered for an instant.

"I'm close, Allison. Make me come!"

She brushed her teeth over my clit, then thrust her tongue inside me again. The actions sent another quite wave of pleasure through me.

"Yes, Allison, again!"

Obediently she did it again, and I moaned. "Oh so close, Allison."

She pressed her mouth against my tightly, thrusting her tongue deeply inside me, her nose pressing against my clit and I immediately began coming. She was gasping underneath me, fighting for air, but still she buried her face inside me.

"Oh Allison!" I screamed. "Yes!"

The shudders slammed into me. I reached down for her head and shoved her back against the bed before grinding my sex into her mouth. She thrust her tongue back inside me, giving me another wave of pleasure.

It went on and on until I finally I collapsed off of her.

We both lay there panting for several minutes before I could fully untangle myself. I untied her closest hand. She had been pulling on the scarf, tightening the knots, and it took some time to release her.

"Release yourself," I told her. I collapsed against the bed, still panting.

It took her a few minutes, but she extricated herself from the knots. When she crawled up the bed to cuddle against me, she was still wearing the scarf over her eyes.

Predatory Sarah was satisfied. She had retreated. Possessive Sarah was trying to assert herself, but that would have been a mistake. I gathered Allison into my arms and cradled her as we lay together, spent. For now.

"I'm proud of you," I told her when we could both talk.

She snuggled closer. "Was I blushing?"

"You were already flushed," I said. "If you blushed further, I couldn't tell."

"What will you do with the photos?" Then she clasped a hand over her mouth. I pulled it away and pulled her back to me.

"They're yours. If you have a computer here, we can load them there. Or I can delete them from the camera directly."

"You don't want them?"

"I don't want you to ever worry a client will someday ask you, 'Is that you?' If I keep any, you will always wonder." I paused. "Some of them are very good. I'd be tempted to use them" I smiled. "Or just look at them. So, remove temptation."

She didn't say anything to that.

"Kiss me," I told her.

She did. She tasted like me. I pulled her mouth to me firmly, then released her. She settled back in next to me, her head on my shoulder.

"I owe you a spanking," I told her.


"I'm not sure I believe you," I said.

"About what?" she asked. "I haven't lied to you."

"You're too greedy for what I've been doing. Too accepting."

"Just because no one has ever done any of this to me before," she explained, "doesn't mean I haven't wanted someone to."

I laughed. "No, I suppose it doesn't."

I pushed her away a little and pulled off the scarf. "Look at me."

She lifted her eyes to me. She was amazingly beautiful. The look of trust in her eyes made me want her again. "You will remain submissive."

"Yes, Sarah."

"I mean it."

"I know you do." She laid her head back down on my shoulder.

"I am sleeping in here with you," I told her. "And I am going to do anything I want to you."

She looked up at me and smiled.

"Do you have any ice cream?" I asked her.

"Yes. Several flavors."


"Boring," she said. "Yes."

"Find our undies," I told her.

She slipped off the bed. She found hers first and pulled them on, then found mine and handed them to me.

"Kneel," I told her. She immediately dropped to her knees at the side of the bed. I smiled at her and slowly pulled the undies on. She watched me the entire time. I stood up and stretched languorously then walked around her, looking at her as she knelt on the floor.

I stepped up behind her and whispered into her ear, "How does it make you feel, kneeling for me?"


I caressed her neck.

"Octopus," I said.

She turned around and looked at me.

"Where am I allowed to mark you?" I asked her.

She frowned for a moment. I let her think about it. "I can wear a turtleneck if I need to."

I grabbed her and leaned her head backwards as I leaned over and moved my mouth to her neck. She struggled feebly as I left a mouth mark on her neck, taking my time. Finally I pulled away and admired the mark. We smiled at each other.

"The last time I had one of those, I was still a teenager," she said.

I laughed. "Get up." I helped her to her feet. "Ice cream."

She led the way to the kitchen, both of us wearing nothing but our undies.

"It's a little old," she said. "Leftover from this summer. It might be freezer burnt."

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