Snow Wolf (10 page)

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Authors: K.S. Martin

BOOK: Snow Wolf
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“No. I am not trying to get laid. I
can get laid anywhere. I am trying to convince my mate to spend the rest of her
life with me. To be
. That’s what I want and if you never want to
have sex again, I’ll deal with that, but I want you and these pups with me.”
She came to him and he wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly until
she relaxed. “But please don’t say no sex ever again because I really like the
sounds that you make when I please you.” He whispered against her hair. Amy
started to shake then he realized that she was laughing into his shirt. “Okay?”
He pulled her back to look down at her.

.” She sighed. “Of
course, I’m


“You brought something other than
those nasty ration bars didn’t you babe?”

“Mmm hmm, I brought candy bars,
strawberries, wine, and MRE’s.” Amy scrunched her nose at the last one. Ready
to eat meals left plenty to be desired. “Careful, that crevasse is right around
here somewhere.”

“I see it. Did you bring the rope
and grappling hook?”

“Absolutely but I still don’t
understand why you are so hell bent on getting that pack back.”

“I told you that I had a book in
there and I hadn’t finished it yet.”

“Really Amy? Couldn’t you just buy
another?” Liam smirked at her but unloaded his pack a few feet away from the
crevasse then helped her with hers. Liam fastened the hook and rope together
then went to edge after tying himself off so that he didn’t fall in. “It’s
covered in snow, I hope I can find it.” He tossed the hook down into the hole
and dragged it through the snow. He repeated the process until it caught on
something, and then there it was. Her red backpack came up out of the snow. Amy
bounced and clapped. When it was close enough, she grabbed it and held it
tight. Liam wrapped an arm around her shoulder and picked up the other two packs.
“Okay sweetheart, let’s get on with our experiment.” Her eyes widened and she
chewed on her bottom lip. “That’s mine, don’t wear it out.” Liam leaned down to
kiss the top of her hat-covered head.

When they rounded the corner, his
small yellow tent still stood there. “No.” Amy said looking at the sad little
scrap of canvas. It was weather beaten, covered in snow and had a few holes
from the wind. The conditions up here were brutal at times. The tent that Liam
brought this time had two rooms, one for sleeping, and one for a privy. Amy had
insisted that if they were going to do this, she did not want to squat behind a
boulder. Liam set up the tent and Amy looked inside the one that was left
behind on the last expedition. No one had been here. The lantern was still in
there sticking up out of the snow that found its way inside.

“Amy?” She turned. He had the tent
up and put their gear inside. She came toward him and handed him her red pack
then crawled in with him behind her. Amy took the pack from him and dug through
it. She pulled out the book and flipped through the pages. Two pictures  of her
mother and step father fell out with a crocheted cross. Liam watched.

“You should’ve told me sweetheart,
I would’ve come back for it. They’re your only pictures of her aren’t they?”
Amy looked up at him with tears in her eyes and nodded. He took the cross
gently. “She made this?” Amy nodded again.

“It was the last thing she made.
She finished it just before she died. Krista still has hers. Thank you for
getting them.” Amy tucked them back in the book and put it in her pack then
crawled toward him. He gave her a wolfish grin. “Now about that hypothesis of
yours, you know that you will never be able prove this conclusively without a
larger test group and at least three sites to test from.” Amy settled in his

“My brother is coming up next week.
When Sue heard that this was how Olivia was conceived she wanted to try it. She
has five boys and has been trying for a girl since Mikey, so they are going to
try once more.” Amy kissed the underside of his chin. “I hope they are

“Shush. I don’t want to hear about
Kiernan and Sue having sex.” Amy was working her hands under his shirt now.
Liam crushed his mouth to hers and laid her down on the bare bottom of the tent.
“We should unroll the bags first.” Amy panted. He groaned.

“Get a guy all hot and bothered
then complain about the accommodations.” He turned to find the sleeping bags and
handed her one. “We’ll zip them together. Do you want the strawberries and Champagne
first or after?” Liam held the bottle up.

“The berries are probably frozen by
now.” She tried to see in his insulted bag. He shook his head. “After.” Liam
put the bottle outside of the flap in the snow and put the berries away.

“What was your mother’s name?” Liam
asked quietly.

“Alison, why?” He smiled and leaned
toward her and kissed her.

“I just want to know what my next
she-wolf’s name will be, that’s all.” Liam pushed her back onto the sleeping
bag and covered her body with his own. “I love you sweetheart.”

“Amy.” Liam chuckled against her

“Tell me why again.” He looked down
into her face with those beautiful gray eyes. “Why can’t I call you

“Because any woman can be
sweetheart, I am Sweet Amy.” She giggled. They’d been having this same
conversation since their love began. Now he just did it to make her giggle. He
nuzzled his face into her neck and she sighed. “We should keep the experiment
the same as last time.” Amy rolled to her side and wiggled her snow pants down.

“I wasn’t done with the steps
leading to the experiment yet. You can’t skip those steps they’re important.”
Liam’s hand worked its way under her clothes and she squirmed panting.

“It wasn’t like this last time
Liam. We had just woken up and I remember that I was hot. It was hot in the
sleeping bag.” She turned her head around to look into his eyes. “And I was a
virgin.” His brows knitted.

“I can’t duplicate that can I?” Amy
burst out laughing and he kissed her again. “We’ll just do this experiment
every which way possible and hope the glacier gives us a girl.” His hand
smoothed over her bare backside.

“We should keep it the same.” She

“Then you’ll have to wait until
morning. Do you want to wait?” He pulled his hand away and started to move away
from her.

“Oh no you don’t.” Amy rolled over
to look at him and saw that he was teasing her. “That’s not nice Liam, don’t
tease. You know that I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks.” He grunted
and pounced on her. “I love you.” She breathed.

“I love you too.” He kissed her
mouth dragging her bottom lip through his teeth and growling.

“Even though I’m not a stick with
boobs?” She rolled her eyes playfully.

“Because you’re not an empty headed
stick with boobs, it has always been about what’s in here.” He tapped her
temple, “And in here.” He put his palm over her heart. “Now that didn’t happen
last time either. You’ve ruined the experiment. We are going to have to scrap
this whole thing and do it again in a month or two.” Amy buried her hands in
his hair and pulled his face down to hers.

“Anytime.” She whispered and kissed



Months Later

“Push Amy.” The doctor looked up at
her from between her thighs. Liam growled softly. He didn’t like anyone in that
position with his mate, it didn’t matter that it was a doctor delivering his

“Female doctor next time.” He
whispered in her ear when she smacked him for growling for the third time.

“One more good one…push, push,
push, push…Ah there you are!” The doctor helped the baby from the canal. Liam
kissed her forehead and looked down into her eyes.

“How are you?” She nodded.

“A girl!” The doctor said. Liam
looked down into the baby’s face when once they’d wiped her down and brought
her to Amy.

“Happy birthday Alison.” Liam
cooed, touching his finger to her cheek. “I told you the glacier worked.

“The experiment isn’t over, Sue
hasn’t delivered yet.” She chided him quietly.

“It works.” He pulled out his phone
and sent out a mass text to the family. “She-wolf!”

He could imagine the celebration.
Females were so rare in his family that everyone wanted to use his tent and go
up on the mountain to try for one. Some of them were using it as an excuse for
a vacation or second honeymoon.

It didn’t matter, they were all
very blessed, himself most of all. Liam leaned down and kissed both of his
girls. After a century of wandering miserably, he’d finally found his
happiness. Liam leaned down and hugged them both. “I love you sweet Amy.”

“Even though I’ll never be a stick
with boobs?” She asked smiling.

“Especially that.” He nuzzled her
neck making her giggle. The baby cooed and both parents were lost in the small
round perfect face. Liam pulled out his phone and started tapping away.

“Recording you findings professor?”
She grinned.

“Nope, reserving a hotel room for
the next phase of the experiment.” She scoffed and he laughed then showed her
the screen.

“Put that away Liam or I will shut
your experiment down. I haven’t even diapered the results  yet.” Liam shoved it
in his pocket but tucked the thought away for later to record his findings and
make a reservation when she wasn’t looking. He smiled down at her. “Let me
catch my breath first.”

“I’ll always wait for you
sweetheart, sorry Sweet Amy.” Liam kissed her mouth again then growled against
her neck.


Amy giggled. She’d never imagined
when she’d been sent to the glacier with the mimbo, that it would change her
life forever. She thought that she and Krista would grow old together moving
around the country from contract to contract.

Now, they had a huge home with Liam
and it was permanent. He’d owned it since before she was born and the roots
that they’d planted with the kids were deep. Olivia and Brandon who’d just
started walking were happier than most kids with their immediate and extended
families. Her life couldn’t have turned out any better if she’d written it out
like a procedure. She looked forward to a long, happy life with her snow wolf.

He smiled at her from across the
room while the nurses buzzed around her getting her and the baby settled. Liam
pulled out his phone and her eyes narrowed to slits until she saw that he was
going to take their picture. She smiled brightly holding the baby up next to
her face. It flashed and Alison whimpered.

“That’s just your silly daddy
sweetie, don’t mind him.” Amy kissed Alison’s cheek and cuddled her close.
“You’ve made him very happy.”

“You make me very happy.” He was
back at her side again. “Now if I can keep you in one place for awhile.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Amy
sighed when he kissed her again. “Not ever again.”

“Except back to the glacier, you
have a contract.” Amy giggled.

“So I do.” She sighed. She was
finally settled and happy. Something she’d never thought she would have.


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About the Author



Martin lives in the southeastern part of the US with her family and dog. She
loves to write but doesn't always have the time to spend that she would like in
the world of romance, werewolves, and Alphas. However, when she finds the time
she loves to let her imagination run wild. We hope that you love reading the
books as much as she enjoys writing them!

K. S. Martin on Facebook.



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