Snowbound (Arctic Station Bears Book 1)

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Authors: Maeve Morrick,Amelie Hunt

BOOK: Snowbound (Arctic Station Bears Book 1)
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Arctic Station Bears, Book One

Maeve Morrick
Amelie Hunt

Author’s Copyright

An Excerpt

Amelie Hunt Presents Series Listing

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Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Ready For More?

All The Amelie Hunt Presents Series

About Maeve Morrick

About Amelie Hunt

Amelie Hunt Presents

© Maeve Morrick, 2015

May not be replicated or reproduced in any manner without express and written permission from the author. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to author and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

An Excerpt

e flashed his most charming grin. “I thought it might be nice. You know, have a few drinks, catch up a little. Bury the hatchet, maybe?”

“Before I bury one in you, you mean?”

“The thought
crossed my mind. I’d just like us to be friends. Truly. I’ve missed you, Allie. I’m glad you’re here.”

I took a sip from the cup. It burned all the way down my throat in the best possible way. I did have a thing for vaguely toxic beverages. Ollie was talking, but I wasn’t listening to a single thing he was saying. I just kept sipping from my cup and eye fucking him. Admittedly, it had been awhile, I was on edge, I really needed to blow off some steam, and if there was ever a man on Earth worthy of scorn-fucking, it was Oliver.

“…I was hoping to spend some time working on myself and —”

“Oliver. Shut up and show me where my room is.” I think even after all this time, I might have actually surprised him.

He grinned. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Amelie Hunt Presents
Ophelia Bell’s Black Mountain Bears
Vivian Wood’s Winter Pass Wolves
Sennah Tate’s Sunset Glade Panthers
Maeve Morrick’s Arctic Station Bears
Cass Reynolds’ Emerald Isle Tigers
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Moonlight caresses your skin. Your bare feet crush leaves and grass as you run. Your heart hammers in your chest and your breath burns, but you can't stop. He's so close now.

A flash in the corner of your vision! The chase is drawing to a close. For a moment, you feel a prickle of fear. But the feeling is fleeting. After all, you're not the prey.

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This book is for Chris

It'll always be you and me vs. the world.

Chapter One - Alanna

y cell phone rang in the middle of the night, which was odd for two reasons. One, among the people I trust enough to have my cell phone number, they’d have to be on fire or giving birth to call me so late.

And two, the ringtone was

I still hadn’t worked up the nerve to change it, or better yet, take him out of my phone altogether, even though we broke up ten months ago. Grogginess and curiosity made me stupid, so of course I answered it. I didn’t even say hello.

“Allie? It’s Oliver.” His voice was like a bucket of ice water tossed right into my face.

I wrestled with my comforter trying to sit up in bed. “Do you know what time it is?” I asked.

He chuckled. “It’s nice to hear your voice too,” he said. “Listen, Allie—”

,” I said. “Or Dr. MacCready. We’re not friends.”

“I think you might change your mind when you hear what I have to tell you.”

“Stranger things have happened. What is it?”

He was quiet for a moment. “Hello?” I said, trying my damnedest to sound as bitchy as possible.

“We found something, Alanna,” he said. “In the ice.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know that I’ve been doing virological research in the Arctic?”

“I’d heard you were doing research up north. Didn’t realize you meant
far north.”

“I’m at Arctic Station.”

I was still blinking sleep out of my eyes, but I remembered that Arctic Station was basically a giant floating research base. It’s a joint venture for several nations and run by a corporation. I’d only heard of it at all because it was staffed entirely with shifters. The research happening there was very hush-hush. I was impressed, but fuck if I was going to let him know.

“Okay, so? What does any of this have to do with me?”

“We found a virus in the ice that looks like it might be the progenitor of the Therianthrope virus.”

My mouth went dry and I swallowed hard. “You’re fucking kidding.”

“Not kidding,” he said. “But it’s much different than the virus that shifters are born with today. It’s more — I don’t know — pure? I mean, it still has the ability to rewrite human DNA, but without the mutations that we typically see.”

He took a deep breath. “This could mean a cure. And that’s not all. There’s something else, but this you really need to see with your own eyes. Will you come?”

I was quiet for a long time. “All right,” I said, and hung up. I couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night. What was waiting for me? What was it going to be like to see Oliver again?


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