Read Socially Unacceptable Online

Authors: Kelsey Charisma

Tags: #sex, #pi, #incest, #daddy, #daughter, #brother, #sister, #dominate, #fuck, #alpha male

Socially Unacceptable (20 page)

BOOK: Socially Unacceptable
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“I fucking love my baby girl!”

His round end noisily worked the delicate,
red ring around her opening, pulling and pushing the sensitive skin
with remarkable pleasure. To make the tug more rigorous, she
slipped him completely out only to make him penetrate her all over


“Don’t worry, baby, daddy’s big cock can
loosen you’re tight, little, virgin pussy!”

JD gripped high on the back of the chair with
his elbows out to the sides. He looked sexy as hell, and he watched
her tits shake while he hammered his dick into her tender hole. “I
FUCKING LOVE THIS!” He slammed into her harder, and with such speed
she had to keep her core aloft. He continually filled her, knocking
her depth with his rigid instrument. She screamed when she couldn’t
hold it back anymore. “IT HURTS!”

“Come on, baby. Give daddy those amazing

When she started to bounce he moved against
her strokes. She crashed down, slapped him in the face with her
heavy breasts, and whimpered when his rough skin chafed her
nipples. With a few astounding scrapes to her tips, she felt all
her pleasure begin to mount. She was going to cream all over her
daddy’s dick, and the thrill of finally fucking each other to a
finish made her wildly excited. In lust, she longed for him to pump
her full of cum the moment she peaked.

In desperation, she quickly flung her hips in
forward circles, and sprung upward to squeeze his juice out.
“That’s right, baby! Ride daddy’s big cock!”

With desperate fast strokes, she worked his
pre-cum to his tip. The wetter their sex became the closer she felt
to a climax. She rubbed her tits all over his face, and finally he
stole her hands, pinned them under his palms above his head, and he
vigorously stroked her with his entire length.


“You can cream, baby! You can take this!”

He hammered into her from underneath,
violently jostling her as he rammed her hard. He used her pussy to
tug his cock from base to tip, and they both let out a long cry of


With a glance over at Rory, she watched her
brother spank his girth to the rhythm they fucked. She couldn’t
believe what she was doing with her men, or how amazing it all
felt. But her daddy was thick and mastered drilling into her with
incredible speed.


He thrust up into her, making the chair quake
as he hurled himself up into her with all his might. “AMAZING!”

“That’s right, baby, daddy knows how to fuck
his baby girl best!”

With added force he punched in faster. She
convulsed, and fell onto his chest. She clawed into the chair, and
continued to writhe. “YOUR COCK IS SO FUCKING AMAZING!”

“Tell daddy how much you love this!”

He was driven into her with lust he never
satisfied until that moment; he fucked hard and with fury. “Is this
what you want baby? You want cock just like daddy’s?”


He rammed his girth into her, and with
impossible speed he delivered blow after powerful blow, providing
constant bliss. Finally she let out a long cry, and shook as her
daddy pounded the pleasurable moans out of her.


“I am, baby.”

Jewel couldn’t spread her legs open wide
enough. She wanted more and more. And as she lay over him,
trembling violently while he knocked into her with equal cruelty,
she knew she never wanted to stop.

At that exact moment a powerful climax ripped
through her. Her daddy held onto her hands, helping her endure the
raging orgasm he gave her. “DADDY!” He gave her exactly what she
needed, fucking her hard from underneath without changing a thing.
She screamed through her entire peak, and shook when it became too

“I want to make you scream louder than you do
with Rory.” JD growled loudly, giving it his all as if he needed to
show Jewel he could bang her better then Rory. Or maybe he got a
glimpse of him earlier and wanted to show Rory he could fuck her
better. Either way, he got what he wanted. After days of going
without, she whimpered and convulsed on his dick until she begged
him slow down.

“I bet you love to listen to us!” she said,
smiling, and panted against his chest. She was completely
satisfied, and dreamed about what it would be like to nightly have
Rory turn her on and have his way with her only to get her dad
afterward. She imagined it was a perfect ending to a beautiful
story. They were a taboo triangle that didn’t mean to happen, but

JD suddenly gripped her wrists, and held them
to his chest. While he pumped into her with gentle but deep trusts,
he made her look in his eyes. “I’ve stroked to your moans, Jewel.”
She shivered in another mounting climax that took her by surprise.
Her trembling only got stronger as he tapped into her harder the
more intimately he confessed: “I’ve pictured me fucking you in your
bed like Rory gets to.” She whimpered and shivered as she peaked,
but all the while he shifted and moved her so her gaze stayed on
him. “I’ve fantasized about me showering with you instead.” Her
toes curled when he finally shoved upward with a crashing blow. He
ground his head into her as he ejaculated into her womb. “And now
I’m going to cum all over your pussy, inside and out.”

They both creamed as they watch each other
finish. They were doing it. They were coupling to the fullest. And
when they sat still, as if they both needed to keep the evidence
inside them, he whispered, “Kiss me, Jewel. For me.”

The sex was over. That was all Rory gave her
permission to do, but after a soft whisper by the other man she
loved, she couldn’t refuse him. She pressed her mouth to his and
shared a long lick of their tongues—not for show, but because they
genuinely love one another. They remained locked at the lips as he
sucked and caressed her tongue, until he was squeezing her so tight
she couldn’t breathe.

Then he kissed close to her ear, and spoke so
quiet only she could hear him say, “And I don’t want this to be our
last time, Jewel.”

She pushed herself up, and exhaled all the
air in her lungs. She was brokenhearted for JD and herself. “Don’t
say that,” she begged, and because she knew it was time, she got up
off his lap and put distance between them before she knew she
wouldn’t be able to. “This can only happen once, and you know

“Rory,” he said with an understanding nod.
“Sorry…I thought he wanted this.”

“I do,” Rory spoke up, and came around from
the back of the chair. JD wasn’t surprised at all to see him. She
was right to think he noticed him standing behind them. “Actually,
that is exactly what I want. I see the way you look at each other.
I’m not jealous anymore. I clearly cum a lot more than you, and for
much longer. You don’t have anything I don’t. In fact I love
watching the woman I love being pleasured by another man.” Turning
his attention to Jewel, Rory smiled at her. “You were so
unbelievably sexy, Jewel. Watching you move and buck your hips—it’s
erotic. I swear I like this, baby. So, I’ll let you two have each
other, but you have to let me watch. I get to claim you back,
Jewel. I get a chance to show you I can fuck you just as hot if not

“Better?” JD interjected, and she swore he
was about to ask, “Did you just hear her scream?” But the two
exchanged a long stiff-faced stare, and during that time neither
said anything.

Finally Rory cocked his head to the side, and
asserted, “Yeah—better! You’re cock is a quarter inch longer than
mine—that’s it. You act like you’re the top dog because of it. But
Jewel is
girlfriend. If you listen to her at night, you
hear her screaming how big
cock is, too. I’m not any less
skilled, and I’d be happy to show you if you feel the need for me
to prove it. My girlfriend likes how wet our sex is, and believe
me, I make her soaked!”

“What’s your fucking problem, Rory? I’ve
never gone for your girl. I know women. I could have taken Jewel
from you if I was a big enough asshole to steal my son’s girl. You
just fucking goad me, and push too hard, until I’m determined.
We’re not fucking different. But you went too far, and this time
I’m not backing down. I’m not fucking stopping now because she’s

“You don’t back down! I win, and I’ll win
again! She’s mine, and you belong to her! You’re her play thing.
That is how this is going to work, so don’t even fucking try to
take her away from me!”

“Will you two stop?” Jewel interjected.

“No, baby, we’re fine,” Rory said, and took
her by the hand. “I told you we needed to make boundaries. Men say
what they need to, and fucking move on. Right, JD?”

The two stared at each other again. Then JD
glanced at Jewel, before finally giving Rory a nod. “I guess if
this was ever going to happen, that’s the only way Jewel would have
me—with your permission and under your rules. Is this what
want, Jewel? Do you want both of us?”

She looked at Rory, and he nodded. “You can
have him if you want. I’m okay.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Then there is only one thing to do.” Rory
pointed to the floor. “You have to watch me take her back.” His
demand was forceful, clearly because Rory had something to prove.
From his tone, Jewel knew he wanted to show she’d follow his every
command, and she did exactly as he said when telling her to lie on
the floor.

She reclined onto the floor. With her knees
together but bent, Rory knelt before her and opened her legs.
Looking right at JD he said, “Watch and learn, JD. I know her well
enough after two years I make Jewel squirt hard and fast.”

Laying into her with no warning, Rory
hammered into her in just the right place. He immediately found her
g-spot and concentrated his thrusts to hit it. His plump tip poked
and prodded her erogenous zone, crashing into it with constant
pleasurable strokes. They really did have amazing sex.

She sharply inhaled, trying to hold back the
moment she let her juice release. The longer she clinched down
around his cock and let him build up the burn the more she’d

PUSSY RIGHT!” She buzzed her finger on her clit when she needed to

“Yes, baby, give it to your brother,” Rory
praised as she leaked onto his cock with a loud whine. She
whimpered as her pussy squirt in spurts. He pounded her hard until
she peaked with explosive pleasure. He watched her come down from
her immediate height, and then he smiled a smug grin, because he
wasn’t outdone.

“You were really fast, baby. You must really
love fucking both of us together.” He kissed the side of her mouth,
and then got to his feet. Being competitive, with Jewel as the
prize, he spoke in flippant rivalry: “Let’s see if you can keep up.
That’s the second time I’ve fucked her in front of you.” Obviously
there was truth behind Rory’s taunts, because he added when he
stood shoulder to shoulder: “But so it’s clear, I’m in control
here. I call the shots. I’m the alpha. I’ve always been the one who
came out up top. This isn’t different. Got it?”

They stared at each other for over a minute.
Neither were the type to back down and Jewel knew if she stepped in
now that would only make a problem. Eventually JD nodded. “You’re
pushing again. I get it. She’s yours. I won’t, and would never
have, taken her behind your back, son. But thank you for letting me
have a chance to be with her.”

“Then we’re cool.” Rory smiled, and after
hearing what he apparently needed to. He held out a gentlemen’s
hand and vowed. He sounded truly relieved JD wouldn’t steal her.
“You’ll have lots of chances with her. This is all about making
Jewel happy, and I’ll never tell her it’s over between you two.
It’s all up to her.”

JD looked at Jewel. She smiled at him, and
let her legs relax out to the sides. Her dad quickly put his hand
in Rory’s and they came to an understanding.

“I hope you’ll want to claim her back often,
because I have a healthy appetite for sex.”

“No worries, dad. My libido is out of

Suddenly Jewel liked the healthy competition
between them because it was just like them to continually see who
fucked her best, and keep going at it until one day someone came
out on top. In this case, though, Jewel would be the winner.


Wet Kisses (A Dumb Daughter Novelette)

Over the summer, Hartman and Jill planned to
stay in a brand-new, quaint camper for two so they could watch the
construction of their dream home. Sharing a bed as stepdad and
daughter wasn’t a problem for either of them. In such close
quarters, they’d get to snuggle all the time. Since she turned
eighteen, they did that more and more, and they talked about
looking forward to lots of contact. So it surprised her he was
quiet as they drove their new trailer home.

“Daddy, what’s wrong?” she begged, while they
sat on their deck chairs where their recent purchase on four wheels
blocked the view. “Tell me.”

“I don’t know, baby.” He gave her a sidelong
glance like he wanted her to pry it out of him. Unfortunately, she
didn’t know how to do that other than pepper him with questions.
She asked again and again, until she had a brilliant idea. Growing
up, Jill sometimes saw a school counselor and got to sculpt
Play-Doh while talking about her mom’s passing.

“Maybe you need something to play with so you
can talk about it?” she offered.

“That’s a great idea. What do you have in
mind?” He reached out and rubbed her nipple as she thought about

“Um,” she hummed as she stared at his shirt
and tried to find a solution. Her daddy scratched her tip till
erect, and the pleasure clouded her thoughts. For some time, her
only response was soft moans. They really did have a close,
affectionate relationship that she never wanted to lose, which was
why she still hadn’t left home. She loved her daddy more than
anything in the world, except maybe how he made her feel. His
gentle caresses gave her a deliciously, wonderful idea. “You like
playing with my tits. You can fondle them if you want.”

BOOK: Socially Unacceptable
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