Somebody Killed His Editor: Holmes & Moriarity, Book 1 (30 page)

Read Somebody Killed His Editor: Holmes & Moriarity, Book 1 Online

Authors: Josh Lanyon

Tags: #Gay-Lesbian Romance, #Romantic Suspense

BOOK: Somebody Killed His Editor: Holmes & Moriarity, Book 1
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Danny gripped Trey’s shoulders and shoved him back into the wall, long lean frame pressing against him, grinding hard.

They shouldn’t. Trey shouldn’t. But Danny had always pulled Trey in like iron to true north. That pull wouldn’t let up until the fucking world stopped spinning. Saying no to Danny was about as easy as saying no to oxygen. Mouth opening wider, Danny ground his hips in harder, the rough urgency as familiar as the strength of the body pinning him was new.

Trey tilted his hips, the growl in his throat trapped by the force of Danny’s tongue licking deep into his mouth. Damn, Trey needed skin. One hand on Danny’s spine to keep him close, Trey slid his other hand between them, working first on his fly and then on Danny’s. His hips eased back enough to let Trey shove their jeans down, then Danny’s hot dick slapped right into Trey’s hand.

Trey grinned at Danny’s gasp. “You always walk around so ready, Danny?”

Danny tipped his head to look at Trey’s face. “Busy chasing bad guys. No time for underwear.” He lifted the elastic waistband over Trey’s heavy cock and then circled Trey’s wrist with his fingers.

Danny used his grip to move Trey’s captured hand, a few quick strokes on Danny’s dick, and then he pulled Trey’s hand up, pinned it to the wall over their heads so their cocks rubbed together. Skin. Hot silky skin, and God, just a bit of slick.

And that’s why he’d always known. Even as a teenager. Cock to cock with Danny, no way to pretend it was anything but another guy. No matter what else he tried, he couldn’t forget how good it felt like this.

Now he knew a whole lot more than just a quick grind in the dark. And he wanted everything he couldn’t let them have back then. Wanted it

Danny arched, making their cocks drag together. His sweater clung to the soft cotton of Trey’s faded Henley shirt, dragging it up until their bellies touched. Trey jerked his hand free of Danny’s grip and yanked the sweater up over Danny’s head, running a hand down his pecs, thumb rubbing hard across a flat brown nipple until Danny groaned and jerked his hips, sweet friction on their dicks.

Danny shoved Trey’s shirt up, pulling hard enough to rip the thin cotton when the buttons stuck on Trey’s head. A button pinged off the metal desk and then their chests came together, the dusting of hair on Danny’s scraping against Trey’s nipples, muscles and skin hot in the chill of the basement.

Trey moved his hands down the tight muscles in Danny’s back until he cupped the even tighter muscles of his ass, lifting him, sealing their bodies together. Danny’s weight drove him back against the wall and everything was hot and rough and still damned close to perfect. Hard wet kisses as their dicks dragged against each other with enough friction to push Trey close to an embarrassingly quick orgasm.

He shifted his grip on Danny’s ass until he could slide a finger along the crease. Danny groaned and pressed impossibly closer, like he could somehow fit them inside each other with force alone. Trey rubbed his dry finger around Danny’s hole, pushing just enough to dip the tip inside.

Music. Sex. Fame. What’s missing? Surely not the “L” word…


© 2009 Ally Blue

Adder has a plan for his life: play his music for millions of adoring fans, who will reward him with money, fame and as much sex as he can handle. It’s a goal he’s been working toward since his teens and is on the cusp of achieving. The idea of a relationship never entered his mind—until a new drummer joins his band. One taste of Kalil, and all he wants is more.

For Kalil, playing drums for Adder is a dream come true, the creative connection he’s always wanted.

What he never reckoned on is the deeper connection he finds with Adder. Kalil would rather avoid sexual involvement with a bandmate, but Adder seems just as determined to break through his resistance.

Attraction aside, music and sex are about the only things the hedonistic Adder and the increasingly jealous Kalil can agree on. Still, before they know it they’re on the brink of something deeper, something lasting.

And it scares the hell out of both of them.

This book contains adult language, hot gay sex, weird bands, colorful prophylactics and
unforgivable fashion crimes.

Enjoy the following excerpt for

For almost a month, Kalil had promised himself he wouldn’t do this. Every morning when he woke up, every day when he tried not to stare at Adder during practice, every night when he jerked off to the hazy half-memory of Adder inside him, he’d sworn over and over that he was
going to give in to temptation. If he and Adder became lovers for real, it would fuck up everything. He couldn’t risk it.

For twenty-seven days, he’d managed to stay strong. And now here he was, with his tongue in Adder’s mouth and Adder’s hands up the back of his shirt.

“Fuck you,” Kalil breathed when Adder broke the kiss to bite his neck. “I can’t believe—
, God, do that again—can’t
you did this to me.”

“My dearest K, you are the one who attacked
.” Adder’s tongue darted into Kalil’s ear. He squeaked and yanked Adder’s head back by the hair. Adder grinned. “Perhaps I should let Ms. Rivers coax me into bed. I think I like what jealousy does to you.”

Kalil scowled. “I’m not jealous, asshole.”

The grin widened, Adder’s hazel eyes blazing with a combination of humor and lust which Kalil wished he didn’t find so damn hot. “Of course not, darling.” Dipping his head, Adder tongued the pulse point on Kalil’s throat.

” Kalil arched his neck and pressed Adder’s mouth harder against his skin. “Can you shut up about your enormous ego long enough to fuck me?”

Shaking his head, Adder slid both hands down the back of Kalil’s jeans. “I’m on the bottom.”

“I don’t top.”

“I don’t either.”

Unbelieving, Kalil grabbed Adder’s arms and pushed him away, holding him at arm’s length. “You do too, you fucking liar. You topped
unless you lied about that.”

“You were far too drunk to top. I was forced to.”

“Yeah, well. I’ve seen you top other guys.”

He got an arched brow in answer. “Oh? Do tell.”

Kalil ground his teeth. “I caught you. Remember? When we shared a room in Greenville just before the Tabernacle gig and you brought that ridiculous little queen back with you? I walked in on you, you were pounding his ass so hard the headboard knocked a hole in the wall.”

Adder’s brows drew together in the stubborn expression Kalil had come to know and dread. “That was a girl.”

“Well, ‘she’ had a pretty big dick for a girl.”

“The sex change was still in process, you cretin.”

Kalil sighed, wondering how weird it was to be this turned on right now. “Okay. Fine. So explain to me why you don’t top.”

“Why don’t

“I asked you first.”

Adder flashed his unhinged grin, sending Kalil’s hormones into overdrive and temporarily blotting out his irritation with the crazy green-haired bastard. “If I want to fuck someone, I’ll go find a female.

Which is, of course, the beauty of being bisexual. Honestly, what’s the point in being with a man if you can’t get a cock up your ass?”

Kalil thought about pointing out that
wasn’t going to get a cock up
ass tonight, but let it drop.

Adder would just point out that Kalil was gay and therefore was not sexually attracted to women, so his only opportunity of sticking his cock in anyone lay with the male of the species. Specifically, one particular male who was currently offering his own rear passage for Kalil’s enjoyment.

Fucking shit, I’m thinking like him now. This cannot possibly be good.

Irritated and so turned on he couldn’t see straight, Kalil grabbed Adder by his stupid orange and green paisley tie, pulled him across the room and shoved him onto the sofa. “Fine. Get your fucking clothes off.”

To his relief, Adder seemed to have temporarily run out of teasing smiles and droll one-liners. He loosened the knot on the hideous tie, pulled it over his head and threw it on the floor. They both attacked Adder’s black shirt at the same time. Kalil was pretty sure a couple of the buttons got torn off in the process

of removing the shirt. He was also pretty sure he didn’t give a shit. Hands clasping Adder’s rib cage, he bent and dug his teeth into one pink nipple.

Adder’s pained groan almost made up for Kalil’s twenty-seven days of suffering all by itself. Long fingers wove into Kalil’s hair. “Oooooh, gods. I could fall in love with your tongue.”

Kalil, who had been working Adder’s pants open, shoved a hand inside and pinched his hip to make him shut up. Adder hissed, but stopped talking, for which Kalil was grateful. The unexpected mention of falling in love—even though it was just with his tongue—made his stomach turn backflips.

It took a while to get Adder’s pants off, partly because the satin stuck to his sweaty skin and partly because he was trying to take Kalil’s shirt off at the same time. Eventually, though, Adder lay naked against the cushions, one leg thrown over the back of the sofa and both hands working to remove Kalil’s jeans. Between the two of them, they managed to get Kalil’s pants partway down. Kicking off his shoes, he squirmed out of the snug denim and pressed his body between Adder’s spread thighs.

He couldn’t help his sharp gasp when his erection aligned with Adder’s. Grinning like the demon he was, Adder hooked a leg around Kalil’s waist and thrust up. Kalil let out an embarrassing whine. “Jesus fucking Christ. Uh.”

“Mmmm.” Rearing up, Adder fastened his mouth to Kalil’s neck and sucked so hard Kalil figured he’d see a blood blister there next time he looked in a mirror. “Fuck me, Special K.”

Kalil shook loose of Adder’s grip and sat back on his knees. He was about to shove a finger up Adder’s butt when a thought struck him. “Goddammit.”

“What?” Adder curled his fingers around his prick, not stroking, just holding on as if he was afraid it would fall off if he didn’t.

“No rubbers. Hell, no lube either.” Frustrated, Kalil raked a hand through his hair. “Shit.”

“Use saliva, it works well enough.”

“Yeah, for lube. But not for protection.”

Adder quirked an eyebrow at him. “You wouldn’t fuck me bare, darling?”

“Are you crazy? As much as you screw around? I don’t think so.”

If Adder was offended by that, he didn’t let on. The tip of his tongue came out to tease the corner of his mouth. “As it happens, I have a few condoms and packets of K-Y in my bag.”

Torn between relief and annoyance, Kalil gave Adder’s thigh a resounding smack. “Why the fuck didn’t you say so before?”

“I would have told you eventually. I simply wanted to see when you would notice the lack of proper supplies.” Adder let go of his cock, leaned sideways and rummaged through the yellow and teal flowered satchel beside the sofa. He emerged with a condom and a packet of lube, which he held out to Kalil. “Here you are, darling.”

Kalil shook his head. The condom was
Who used orange condoms?

He took it anyway. He’d cope with having a Day-Glo dick if it meant getting said appendage inside Adder sometime in the next two minutes.

Ripping the packet open, Kalil rolled the slick latex down over his cock. He snatched the lube from Adder’s palm and tore it open. Adder helpfully drew his legs up and apart to expose his rosy little hole. His hand shaking with eagerness and lust, Kalil squeezed some of the K-Y onto his fingers and slid two into Adder’s ass.

Adder moaned, eyelids fluttering and mouth falling open. “K. Yes.”

Gnawing his lower lip, Kalil pushed his fingers deeper and twisted, searching for Adder’s gland. His fingertip nudged a firm spot. Adder keened and clawed at the sofa. “Oh gods, oh. Oh. Please.”

Kalil swallowed a whimper. “You ready?” He left the “please be ready or I’m gonna come without ever getting inside you” unvoiced. What Adder didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him

Adder nodded, breathing hard. “More than ready.”

Resisting the urge to shout “hallelujah”, Kalil spread the rest of the lube on his disturbingly colorful prick, scooted forward on his knees and poised the head of his cock at Adder’s hole. He grabbed hold of Adder’s hips and pushed. There was a second’s resistance, then his cock slid into Adder’s body.

They both groaned. Kalil shut his eyes and held still for a second, trying to gather the scattered shards of his control so he wouldn’t come right away and embarrass himself.
Adder was tight, tighter than Kalil had expected, and so hot inside Kalil feared the condom might melt to his skin in permanent citrus-colored patches.

A hand caressed Kalil’s jaw. His eyes flew open. Adder was watching him with a sweet, solemn expression that made him feel like someone was tugging on his heart with a fishhook. He turned into the touch before he could give it too much thought, rubbing his cheek against Adder’s palm.

“My darling Kalil,” Adder purred. “If you don’t start moving
, I’ll be forced to leave you for my dildo.”

In this town, danger moves to a steamy Latin beat.

Mexican Heat

© 2009 Laura Baumbach and Josh Lanyon

Crimes & Cocktails, Book 1

SFPD detective Gabriel Sandalini might as well have put a gun to his own head. One red-hot sexual encounter in a bar’s back room has put two years of deep undercover work in jeopardy—two years of danger and deception as he worked his way into crime boss Ricco Botelli’s inner circle. Gabriel can’t afford emotional entanglements. Hell, he can’t afford emotions. But that was before he had a name to pin on that anonymous one-off—Miguel Ortega.

Miguel Ortega doesn’t trust anyone, but tough, street-smart Gabriel brings out the conquistador in his Spanish blood. But distractions are nothing short of deadly right now, not with his boss’s impending marriage to Botelli’s sister, which will ensure peace—and massive drug profits—for both families.

On a trip to Mexico to set up drug supply lines, a violent confrontation proves they’ve got each other’s backs—to a degree.

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